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Nikki P.O.V

It's 7:30 am, I'm leaving the hospital, Brie said she would be at the hospital at 10, so I really just need to get away for a little while and escape life. I grab my stuff and the flowers Seth got me and sign myself out. I get in my rental car and decide to drive to Seth's hotel to get my stuff, its raining hard outside, sorta like my emotions. Seth usually isn't at his hotel room this early because he is at the gym with Roman and Dean. I get into the building and I see John at the front desk I Immediately cover my face with my hoodie and get in the elevator. I get in the hotel room and gather all my stuff as i  pick up my shirt from the ground I get a flashback.

F L A S H B A C K 

Nikki: John?!

Seth: John What Do You Want?

Seth says in an ignorant tone, John storms past Seth and rages towards me.

John: How dare you not answer my calls or return any of my messages! I own you, you can't leave me! Not for Seth, not for any other guy, you're with me!

John smacks me across the face causing me to fall,

Seth: Don't Touch Her!!!!

E N D   O F   F L A S H B A C K 

I fall to the ground and begin to cry, I remember that I need to leave before he gets back so I grab the rest of my stuff and leave. When I enter the lobby I see Roman, Dean, and Seth and talking, they look sweaty and out of breath. The out of the corner of my eye I see John watching me. We make a distinct 10-second eye contact before my eyes begin to water remembering all the horrible things he's done to me and the people around me. I let one tear slip as I pick up my suitcase and start to walk away. Just then I hear John yell across the whole lobby catching everyone's attention.


everyone looks at me including Seth. Now more tears are coming from my eyes as I'm frozen in my steps. John begins to walk towards me as I slowly start to walk further away from him still keeping the eye contact. 

John: Nicole! Come Here!

I see Seth, Roman, and Dean as a worried face crosses them.

Nicole: John leave me alone 

I mumbled 

John: Mumbling won't help you, Nicole Speak Up!

Nicole: I said Leave Me Alone!

This time I'm loud enough for the lobby to here. There aren't many people here, only the receptionist, Seth, Roman, Dean, Some Guy, John and I. John is now within arms reach of me and I'm frozen as tears continue flowing from my face. John reaches his hand out and says,

John: Oh Nikki, You don't mean that

I backed up into a wall as fear rushed over my body. 

Nikki: Actually I Do!

I yelled, as I tried to walk past John and he grabs my wrist with a tight grip,

John: don't embarrass me, Nicole.

His grip tightens enough to feel shooting pains shoot through my arm. I let out a quiet yelp as I pushed him hard enough for him to loosen his grip so I could break my hand free, I see Seth run towards us along with Dean and Roman but I ran out of the building as fast as I could into the pouring rain. I began to run to my car, I just had happened to park in the back of the hotel so this run feels like forever. I hear footsteps chase me, I pick up my pace but Louis Vuitton can only go so fast. I pray that I get to my car before John can hurt me again.  I get in my car and lock all the doors, I'm soaking wet from the rain and see nobody chasing me. I let out a sigh as I begin hysterically crying. I wanna drive away but I'm crying so much I can't see anything. I sit in my car and sob.

Nikki: I can't live anymore, I can't do this anymore.

Nikki: You're Stupid! I hate myself so much!

All the sudden I hear a knock on my car window.

Seth P.O.V

I chase after Nicole in the parking lot, Its raining hard outside and she is fast in heels! I see she probably doesn't wanna see me so I stop running and just watch to make sure she makes it alright. She gets in her rental car but instead of driving away she begins to cry. I have never seen Nicole cry like this before. She was so upset she hit the horn on the car a few times. Even tho she was crying she sure looked beautiful. She was wearing a black cropped hoodie and some high waisted tights. After watching her for a few minutes standing in the rain I overheard she scream some scary words to herself. It scared me that she was gonna hurt herself so I decided to engage, I walked up to the car window and knocked on it. 


Oh, Dammmmmmnnnnn!!!!! What do you think will happen? What will Seth and Nikki talk about? Will John Come Find Her??  



More Soon!

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