Voltron: The Next Generation

By DearestZero

18.9K 523 383

It has been six years since the paladins first found the blue lion, one year since the end of Zarkon's reign... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter tweleve
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen

Chapter thirteen

864 33 49
By DearestZero

It has been four peaceful months of routine patrols for team Voltron. Despite this relatively calm streak Lance pouts as he walks down the hall, his boots scuffing the nice white castle floor.

"What's wrong with you." Keith asks him as he follows close behind.

"It's nothing." Lance says, but continues his pouting strut.

Keith rolls his eyes but doesn't question further, he knows from past experience that Lance is terrible at holding anything back, especially when it comes to his personal feelings.

"It's just that, Pidge has been super grumpy lately." He moans, throwing his head back and spinning on his heels to face Keith.

The red paladin can't help but smirk as his predictions of how Lance would act played out perfectly in front of him. "I know, but it can't be easy growing a tiny human inside your belly. We have to respect her space and wait till she's feeling better." He tells his boyfriend who is staring intently at him soaking in his every word.

Lance visibly relaxes, its funny how just a few not even particularly comforting words from Keith could calm him down. "Pregnant Pidge was fun to be around for a while, but now I just want the old Pidge back." He says softly, almost under his breath.

Pidge is now 8 months pregnant, she has a huge belly and a very short temper to go with her uncomfortably large size. This combo made it a little hard for the other paladins to be around her. The team would try to appease the green paladin, but all they managed to do was aggravate her further. The only things that seem to do the trick this late in her pregnancy were Hunk's and Lance's milkshakes, and sometimes Shiro's snuggles. However, both of those things could only help her so much.

Because of this the rest of team Voltron has come to an unsaid agreement. The majority of the team are to to do their best to leave Pidge alone, leaving her to be masterfully and carefully managed by Shiro and sometimes Allura. While they all willingly agreed to this it's been hard staying away from the green paladin, especially on the people who have known her the longest.

Keith closes the distance between him and Lance, brining him into a hug. "We can't focus on the bad, we have to be strong for her sake."

Lance nods, but when he pulls back he still looks troubled. "I wish I could help Pidge more, like Allura does." He says looking down at his feet.

The princess has taken it upon herself to be Pidge's handmaid when it comes time to give birth. She has been doing things like showing Pidge the birthing AI that will assist her with the labor and delivery when it's time. While also using her Altean magic to check on the babies welfare by looking at the connection between mother and child.

"You do help Lance." Keith tells him placing a hand on his shoulder. Lance looks up with a small smile, hope in his eyes. "You get the milk from Kaltenecker for Pidge's milkshakes." Keith finishes, quickly ducking as Lance's hand flies toward his face. Laughing Keith takes off down the hall with Lance chasing after him, his worries gone.


Pidge gets into the bathroom and steps into the shower, letting the cold water sooth her burning skin. For some reason for the past weeks or so she just couldn't cool down. So one of the remedies she found that helped was to take cold showers.

Pidge will be the first the admit that she is not the best pregnant women. She's snappy with people who are just trying to help, she's sweaty and gross, overall just not cute and honestly she was ready to not be pregnant anymore. But she also has to admit she that although the past week or so has been hell, it has been fun going through the little milestones that have scattered themselves throughout her pregnancy.

Leaning against the wall she lets the water hit her as she thinks of her favorite moments. Of course there was the time where she first started showing and Lance wouldn't let her out of his sight for even a second. Or when she got a craving for chocolate chip cookies and Hunk spent the whole day trying to get the Altean food to resemble the taste of an earth cookie, which he did of course and now keeps a large supply of them in the kitchen for all paladins to snack on. There was also all the times where Coran would give her random facts about Altean pregnancies and stories from when Allura's mom was pregnant. Or the time when she was doing a check up with Allura and they were able to see the gender of the baby, to which Pidge and Shiro denied. They wanted it to be a surprise for everyone, she would get so excited just thinking about knowing the gender but she and Shiro were determined to wait.

She blinked as water trickled into her eyes rubbing them she thought of her favorite milestone throughout her pregnancy, the time she felt her baby move for the first time.


Shiro and Keith talked softly below the Black lion, letting Pidge walk in unnoticed by the two men. She casually made her way over to them, but before she could get to far the Black Lion sprung upright at an alarming speed.

Tilting it's head back it let out a deep booming roar, Pidge jumped a mile high with her heart racing, and blood pounding in her ears. She shook her head in hopes of regaining her hearing. Just as she had composed herself from the jump scare of a life time another feeling had her blood run cold.

Hardly daring to move Pidge held her breath and waited for the feeling to come again. Ever so gently, a jerky almost stretchy feeling came from her belly. The lion had finished its call and settled back down on the floor bending its head, fixing its intense gaze on the green paladin and letting out a steady rumble.

Shiro and Keith came out from under Black with matching faces of confusion. When they saw Pidge, they both take off running toward her, she had tears running down her face by the time they reached her.

"Pidge what's wrong?" Shiro asked, getting to her first and pulling her close.

"The baby," She tries to explain waving her hands over her belly. "I can feel the baby."

Shiro pulls back and looks down at her trying to understand. "The baby?"

"The baby is moving." Pidge says looking up to Shiro with watery eyes. She reaches for Shiro's human hand and lays it on her belly, almost immediately the baby kicks again. Shiro gasps and presses a little more firmly on her stomach, again and again the baby kicks and punches giving its parents a show. Shiro and Pidge take turns placing their hands on different places, and each time the baby follows their touch. The couple stay like this for a while, fully entranced with their unborn baby.


Pidge laughs out loud at the memory and places her hand once more on her belly, sure enough the baby kicks at its mothers touch.

Smiling to herself, Pidge gets out of the shower. She dries herself off and dresses in one of Lances stretchy shorts and Shiro's sleeping shirt, which is pretty much all that fit her.

"Just a little while longer little lion, then I get to meet you." She says, using a recently picked up nickname she and Shiro came up with. "Until then be nice to mommy, and mommy will try not to kill anyone." She adds with a signature Katie Holt smirk.


Hi guys!
I know it's been awhile but I have been enjoying a well needed summer break! I hope y'all are having as much fun as I am and I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. I tried to make it a little longer than normal but I suck at making long chapters and I wanted to get something up for y'all to read asap.
As always please leave a comment and vote cuz they help me get chapters out faster (;
Also do y'all think it's gonna be a BOY or GIRL??? Leave a comment with your guess!

Love y'all!

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