When the Clouds Fell

By Pineberrymelon

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"When did the clouds fall?" "The day the sun was blown out of their sky." Karen and Vince always thought they... More

Copyright Information
Chapter 1: In Which There is a Boy Who Cries Tears of Darkness
Chapter 2: In Which Vince Uses an Unholy Combination of Words
Chapter 3: In Which Karen Thinks Hayden is a Stud
Chapter 4: In Which Karen and Vince Use Their Powers
Chapter 5: In Which the Kids Flip a Boat
Chapter 6: In Which Noah Comes Home
Chapter 7: In Which Marie Makes a Promise
Chapter 8.1: In Which Three People Are Fatally Injured
Chapter 8.2: In Which Three People Are Fatally Injured
Chapter 9: In Which En Throws a Punch
Chapter 10: In Which an Epiphany is Met
Chapter 11: In Which the Monster Speaks
Chapter 12: In Which Hayden Throws a Hissy-Fit
Chapter 13: In Which They Cannot Catch a Break
Chapter 14: In Which Two Old Friends Meet
Chapter 16: In Which Their Utopia Shatters ~Act 2~
Chapter 17: In Which Their Utopia Shatters ~Act 3~
Chapter 18: In Which Their Utopia Shatters ~Act 4~
Chapter 19: In Which Their Utopia Shatters ~Finale~
Chapter 20: In Which Hayden Gives Up
Chapter 21: In Which Darkness Meets the Boy
Chapter 22: In Which Things Start to Feel Better
Chapter 23: In Which the Child of Hurricanes Dreams
Chapter 24: In Which People Wake Up

Chapter 15: In Which Their Utopia Shatters ~Act 1~

41 6 20
By Pineberrymelon

The bed should have felt warm with all three of them crowded on it. But, Vince was shivering because Hayden's skin was cold, and Karen's hair kept sprouting vines that brushed against his neck. He lost count of how many times she tore them out, wincing as she tossed them away. The three of them lay with bandage wrappers scattered around them, freshly tidied up wounds still aching.

They were back in the cells of the warehouse. This time, though, they were put in one big cell. The area around them lay in absolute ruins; the ceiling fans hanging off their wires, the ground slowly flooding because of burst pipes, and peculiar plants growing from cracks in the roof. It seemed almost like a scene from a dystopian novel.

After their little scuffle with Maddy, a man had come to meet them. It was the fishing man from Wheat Lake. He introduced himself as Bernard Levesque and informed them that they would notice some changes in their powers. He said that he was just "observing" and not "taking any action" yet. Then, he promptly left, with only Hayden's profanities to escort him out.

Vince did not know how much time passed since then. This cell had no clocks, leaving them with only a dissociative feeling that the hours or minutes or seconds were ticking by.

Karen was the first to break their quiet. "Hayden, who's Maddy?"

"Maddy?" Hayden repeated, his finger that was prodding Vince's pockmarks went still. "She's...Derek's friend from when we used to go to school. I didn't hang out with her all that much, to be honest. She's weird."

'Weird' put it lightly, Vince supposed. The girl had known a bit too much about them for comfort. Who even knew anyone's middle name?

"How come you guys aren't in school right now?" he asked. The question had bothered him a lot, since he and Karen were missing school too, but when it came to the McLeods, some things were better found out rather than asked.

"Why are you both suddenly so curious?" Hayden chuckled. He resumed counting the marks on Vince's face, leaving a cold prickle in his wake. "We stopped going when I was in Grade Nine, so...a year and a half ago? Yeah. It was because Noah...he—"

He cut himself off when sound of footsteps reverberated in the hall. A shadow appeared on the wall across their cell. "Hey, what's up, brats?" Yasha smiled at them. A key ring clinked in his hands as he unlocked their door.

Hayden immediately shot up, dropping his hands down the side of the bed. The water on the floor surged forward and froze into jagged spikes right at Yasha's neck. "Whatever you want to say, say it from there," he practically snarled.

"Okay, chill." Yasha held his hands up. "You're being let out. Kind of."

"What's the catch?" Vince's eyes narrowed.

Yasha's grin widened. "You get to go to a carnival."

"Yippee~!" Karen said dryly.


The carnival grounds were empty when En and Derek arrived. The sun had dropped far into the western horizon, pushed aside by a growing twilight. Some of the attractions were still lit, casting jittering shadows around them. A thick, choking quiet hung in the air as they walked deeper in.

"Why is it closing so early? Don't carnivals usually go on longer?" Derek shivered, zipping his sweater shut.

En shrugged. "Hell, if I know." A mix of fear and frustration bubbled within her. Frustration because she did not know what to expect; was Mr. Hemingway pulling a prank or was he serious? And fear because there was no way to know which one was worse. There was also the added guilt of getting into a fight with Hayden in the first place. They were older now, had they not gotten over their friction?

They passed a collapsing structure labelled 'Hall of Mirrors', a rusted merry-go-round, and a haunted house. The giant Ferris wheel rose before them, its lights glittering in the darkening night.

Each step En took caused the dread in her heart to increase tenfold. The pebbles on the path bounced along next to them, spurred by her terror. She held it in until she could feel the anxiety beating in her chest. It sat like a rock inside her, heavy and hard.

"Derek, hold my hand." She closed her eyes, dragging in a breath when she felt no comforting grip. "Derek? That's not funny. I'm actually really scared right now." Her words were met with silence. She turned slowly, winding a lock of hair around her finger.

He was gone.

A sob brought her attention back. Her stone heart fell to the pit of her stomach. A thousand feelings welled up; happiness, relief, hope, sorrow, irritation, and so many more. Finally, they could go back to the way things were.

Marie stood in the pool of light falling under the Ferris wheel. Her slender shoulders hitched along with her breath as she cried. She covered her face with her hands, but tears and snot leaked between her fingers.

En rushed towards her, sisterly instincts overpowering every bit of hesitation. "What's wrong, Marie??"

"En," Marie whimpered, shaking her head violently, "don't come here." She stepped back, hiccupping. "No, no, no, no. Stop. Don't come here."

But, her warnings fell on deaf ears.

En reached for Maire, just a centimetre from touching her when she was thrown into the air. She skidded across the gravel floor, scraping a knee and an elbow. Her already injured body stung with new burns. A ringing reverberated in her ear, or maybe it was Marie screaming?

"Hey." Someone chuckled. "Ready for Round Two?" Bea.

En forced herself up to her knees. Her hands wavered in her vision, the bandages torn off and her fingers matted with fresh blood. She attempted to steady her breathing, clenching her teeth against the pain sweltering in her sides.

"(Screw) off," she spat. The gravel around them shot up, catapulting towards her opponent.

Bea blasted it away and propelled herself towards En. "You think the same trick will work on me?!" Her hands exploded with her words, emitting a blast of heat and pressure.

En dove to the right, rolling to her feet. She kicked at the floor, spraying pebbles high into the air.

Smack. Smack. Smack. They pelted Bea, making her scowl. She grabbed En's jacket, dragging her closer. Her fist fizzed and shook as heat built up in it.

En tried to pry her fingers off, but Bea's grip tightened. Scalding knuckles collided with her cheek, snapping her head back. A bloom of prickling agony shot through one side of her face, coupling with the smell of burnt skin. She tasted blood in her mouth from a bitten tongue.

"Stop it!" Marie's shriek caught their attention. She stood with her hands balled at her sides, silhouetted by the glow of the Ferris wheel. She looked so small and frightened from this far away; just a little girl.

Marie. Marie is here. Marie is here. Marie is here. I'm going to get her back.

En used the distraction. She kneed Bea's stomach, stumbling backwards. She kept Marie behind her, slowly getting closer. Sweat trickled down her neck and back, and her breath came out in heaves. Her legs felt like jelly, her arms protested every movement, and her face hurt, but she did not let herself go still.

Bea clutched her stomach, weirdly quiet for such a chatterbox. She grimaced, shoulders raised in discomfort. Little bruises began to discolour her skin where the rocks had hit. Her face still looked swollen from their previous fight. "Ugh," she muttered, doubling over, "cramps."

"Sorry." An empathetic stab of guilt shot through En.

A grin split Bea's face. "Kidding!" She sprang forward, aiming a kick at En's head.

She dodged, tripping on her weakened feet. Perhaps it would have been smart to stop right then and think.

But, all hell broke loose.

Bea ripped at her like a chainsaw. Her fists continued to combust as they collided with En, pummeling her to the ground. She tried to defend herself, but the stones she raised did not have enough willpower to back them. She was too weak. En could only cover her head as burns accumulated on her body along with cuts and bruises.

"What's wrong??" Bea's voice sounded far, far away. "Where's the fight in you?!"

En's bleary eyes wobbled on a sight. There, in the distance, Bea was dragging Marie away while she kicked and screamed. She raised a hand to them, as if it would do anything. Her hand fell to the dirt, grasping at nothing.

This was so wrong.

She was a failure.

She should not have stayed to fight. She should have taken the first chance to grab Marie and go. It had barely been twenty-four hours since her last fight, of course she would burn out this fast. No pun intended. Why did she not think this through? Why did she forget what was important? Why did she have to be so impulsive?

En knew why. She was alone. No one was here to help her slam the breaks when she should. Hayden had run away with Karen and Vince. Ah, Vince. Derek was somewhere only God knew. Marie was kidnapped. Noah was...(screw) Noah. And (screw) Colton, too.

She hated this side of her; this weak and crumbling side. The one that she tried to suppress every chance she got. The one that sat stubbornly within a small world, too afraid to look up and see the cracks forming on its glass walls.

A year and a half ago, they had built a utopia around themselves to prevent them from falling apart. They had all contributed to it in some way. Noah by running away and making himself vanish. Colton by not caring enough. En and Derek by doing everything to hold their curtain of apathy high. Hayden by feeling obligated to help them. Marie by going along with it and staying silent. Even Vince and Karen had done their part by not asking questions. Look what good it did them. Their utopia was slowly beginning to shatter.

But, despite understanding that, and seeing everything start to fall apart, as she lay in the dirt, En still could not find it in her pathetic self to cry.


Hello, I'm back after 223542 years, haha... Okay, so, you may notice that this chapter is shorter than usual and super crappy. I'm sorry for that. I've hit a super low in writing, but I'm posting this despite that because I owe you guys that much and I want to progress instead of remaining stuck on this. I hope you don't hate it as much as I do lmao.

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