Just Friends (A Princeton Lov...

By weeknd_

10.1K 310 43

Rachel and Jacob have always been bestfriends, always been there for eachother no matter what....but what hap... More

Just Friends (A Princeton Love Story)
// Chapter 1
// Chapter 2
// Chapter 3
// Chapter 4
// Chapter 5
// Chapter 6
// Chapter 7
// Chapter 8
// Chapter 9
// Chapter 10
// Chapter 11
// Chapter 12
// Chapter 13
// Chapter 14
// Chaper 16
Read (:

// Chapter 15

288 13 6
By weeknd_

Heads up: I'm writing 3 more chapters after this then the book is going to end ):



"Finally we are here !" Ray said

We had just landed in New York and I was excited wasn't still stuck on that plane with Roc and Rays annoying asses. Don't get me wrong they were my brothers and I loved them but like all brothers they can be annoying.

"I'm just glad I don't have to be stuck on that plane anymore with y'all annoying asses" I said grabbing my suitcases

"Whatever man" Roc said sucking his teeth

We all gathered our luggage and walked outside to the limo that was waiting for us. The driver opened the door for us and we were surprised to see Walter sitting in the limo.

The driver closed the door and put our luggage in the trunk.

"Walter whats-" Ray started

"Don't. Boys I need you to listen to me, and listen to me good" Walter said pointing to each one of us.

"Okay" We all said in unison

"This tour is going to be one of your biggest out of you guys career, and I need you guys to be on your best behavior and I mean it. No playing around like you guys did last year, I'm mainly talking to you Ray" Walter said looking at Ray

"What ! " Ray said "Why just me ?!"

"Because I can count on Prince and Roc to get to practice on time when I said get to practice. That means on time, not an hour later, you understand ?" Walter said

"Yea Yea" Ray said clearly ignoring Walter

"I'm serious guys, this tour is very important to you guys career, I can't stress that enough. If this tour is amazing like how I expect it to be then you will be lined up for interviews left and right!"

Walter said

We really needed this, We seemed to be loosing a lot of fans, and if Walter's plan goes exactly as planed we  would make tons of money and have people talking about how great we were, its a win for all of us.

"So can I count on you guys ?" Walter asked

"Yup!" Roc and I responded

We looked at Ray, who's attention was focused on his phone. When he didn't answer and Roc punched him in the arm.

"Shit what was that for !" He said pulling his attention away from his phone.

"Are you going to be serious this time !?" I said

"I said yea damn!" He said mean mugging me then returning his attention to whatever was on his phone

"Don't worry Walter, you got me and Prince, we got you" Roc said



"Rachel !" I heard someone yell

I looked up from my phone and saw Elsie standing in front of me with her hands on her hips. I locked my phone and looked up at her.

"Oh I'm sorry, I was just waiting on Jacob to text me back" I said

"Oh my goodness, Rachel honey, he is on tour probably having more fun than you right now. While your staring at your phone waiting for a text back he's probably in New York having the time of his life" Elsie said

"Wow nice way of cheering me up Elsie" I said rolling my eyes.

"Look the point I'm trying to make" Elise said "Is you need to go have some fun ! Go to a party, drink a little, live a little-"

"Where is this going?" I asked annoyed

"You need to get out of this house !!" Elise Said "Its been 3 days since Jacob left and your still here laying around doing nothing ! Tonight Skylar and I are going out and-"

"Stop there.. I'm not going with y'all, thanks for trying but I wanna go Walmart, pick up some Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream and lay in my bed and watch Love and Hip Hop Reruns" I said

"Fine, But tommrow I'm getting you out of this house to go have some fun, even if I have to drag you out of here" Elise said

"Good luck with that" I said waving her off

"Skylar let's go!" Elise said

Elise and Skylar left and I felt bad because my friends were trying to get me to do something fun and cheer me up, but all I wanted to do was stay home. It felt weird without Jacob being here but I should have been use to it, but I wasn't.

I grabbed my phone and car keys. I slipped on my Bunny house shoes, a big sweatshirt and some black leggings. I didn't care how I looked because I wasn't trying to impress anyone, I was just going to go pick up some Ben and Jerry's and come back home.

When I arrived at Walmart the parking lot was pretty empty so it was easy for me to find a parking space. I mean it was 11 at night and people were probably at home sleep or out having fun, not at Walmart.

I walked into the store and grabbed a basket. I walked all around the store picking up things that I know I didn't need, but I did this every time I came here. I mean I wasn't in a rush to get home.

I finally arrived to the aisle where the ice cream was, the main item that I came to get. I walked down the aisle and found Ben and Jerry's, my two favs, and picked up my favorite, Cherry Garcia. I threw it in my basket and made my way to the check out.

"Is that Rachel I see? I heard someone say

I looked in the direction I heard the voice come from and saw him...my old friend, we dated a while back when me and Jacob broke up , but after Jacob and I got together we decided to be friends.

"Stephen??" I said "What are you doing here?"

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