sweet recovery- J.jk

By yoon-tea

79.8K 3.3K 401

She had been abused by her ex boyfriend. She was broken. Jungkook had been in a fatal car crash that left hi... More

yours ?
hurry up
Fake love
non update : books
friends ?
non update : books
non update : books
sleep ?
non update : books
a note


2.1K 120 10
By yoon-tea


Out of place.

looking around yourself now, with the boys interacting and laughing and having fun with each other, you realized truly how out of place you were with them, and that coming tonight was a terrible idea. It was nice enough for them to try and initiate conversation with you and to add yourself to their games, but soon enough they learnt that no matter who kindly they asked you nor how enthusiastically they waited for your response, the answer was no. No, you would not respond to their questions and no, you certainly would not join in their games. It wasn't their fault, it was just that you didn't have the energy nor will to partake in such useless wasting of time. Again, you were brought up short when you realized you couldn't remember the last time you had played and actually enjoyed a game.

Oh well, at least Jungkook was there.

Yet when looking around, you sighed in defeat to see the form of a very free spirited, very drunk, Jungkook happily re-enacting a scene from titanic with one of his friends who, from memory of introductions, was named hoseok.

"Hyung, save meeeeee," Jungkook slurred as he swayed in his wheelchair (while still being held in the arms of his friend) who, as you observed, was also extremely drunk. You watched with timid interest as your acquaintance lent so far back out of his chair and onto the other male that they both lost balance and tumbled to the ground. At this, you couldn't help but let out a giggle.

Such little boys they were. Definitely not the well developed men their bodies presented them as.

At the sound of your amusement, Jungkooks head snapped up from where he was lying on the ground. A few broken words managed to leave his mouth, and you were able to discern them between the hiccups and slurs.

"y/n..... laugh....... bed....... tired...." Confused, you watched in shock as all of a sudden the boy slumped further to the ground, eyes closed and body limp as if for all the world he had just fell unconscious. Unsure of whether to act, you glanced around the room to seek help from any of the other party goers, yet instead found yourself staring at a whole heap of slumped bodies, just like that of Jungkook's before you. Startled, you looked over to the clock on the wall, thinking it must have been pretty late for them all to to hit the hay so har-

The clock read 10 pm.

10 pm.

Lightweights, you sighed to yourself.

Turning back to Jungkook, you internally winced as you saw his figure stir and move slightly, re positioning itself into what could only be the most uncomfortable position to sleep in ever. Especially for a guy. EEk

Feeling a tiny spark of sympathy stir down in your stomach, you debated whether or not to help him, or leave the party wholly as it was.

It was only when you went to leave, and heard the fateful groan of pain emit from the form behind you, did you turn around and begrudgingly decide to help.tugging and pulling, you tried all possible ways of moving the man on the floor beside you, yet with no luck did you get him to move. 

You stupid buff ball of muscle. 


After many more impossible maneuvers and admittedly halfhearted tries, you finally gave up on the idea of being able to move this man-boy-mountain all by yourself. But if not by yourself, then with who? 

An idea sparking in your mind, you quickly tied you hair up behind your ears before pulling up your sleeves and squatting down even closer to the Jung-lump. Getting right close to his ear, you lightly snapped your fingers in hope of waking the boy up. It didn't work. You tried again, this time with a little more force and a little bit louder. Still no reaction. Frustrated, you tried one last go at waking him by clapping right in his ear. Expecting no reaction, you were relieved when you heard a small groan come from his mouth, before the eye closes to you cracked open.

Gesturing behind you, you tried to signify your message as clearly to him as you could possibly think.

Its time to go to bed.

Jungkook only stared at you, and only after at least 30 seconds did he respond with an eye roll. Yet instead of resisting as you thought he would have, the boy in on the ground slowly struggled his way into a sitting position. You could just see the waves of nausea roll through his eyes and stomach. Once, long ago, you had known how that had felt. You had had that feeling many times a week, even a day.

But that was a long time ago, and you had to focus on now.

Looping one arm under Jungkooks, you silently counted to three in your head before straining up. The sheer wait of the semi-conscious boy took you by so much surprise that you almost dropped him then and there. Gritting your teeth, you managed to pull him up and into wheelchair, which had previously been cast aside. Looking him once over, you began to step forward towards the nearest room's door, which you could only hope was a bedroom. Struggling to push the chair due to male beside you's refusal, you finally managed to slowly and tediously make your way to the door. You thanked Jungkook in your head when he finally gave up on trying to stop your movement.

Reaching the wooden door, you left Jungkook slumped in his seat as you reached to turn the knob. Pushing it open, you resumed your place with a hand on Jungkook's side as you stumbled in. 

Your luck seemed to be in tack tonight, because in front of you was none other than a large  four post bed. Taking the last few steps to its edge, you tilted  your friend off the chair as he slumped to the bed. You had been expecting him to be half conscious yet again by now. You didn't expect him to reach out as he fell, grabbing onto your wrist and bringing you down with him. Furthermore, you really didn't expect it when he seemed to lose all drowsiness, and managing to flip you over while he hoisted himself on top of you. You stared in shock as he lowered himself onto you, the only distance between your two bodies being not even a hands length apart. 

The next words he whispered sultrily sent shivers through your spine.

"I want you y/n. Spend the night with me."

"Sleep with me."



this hoe is back and (not) better than ever!

Thank you for your understanding of me not updating.

i have had a long rest and i think i may almost be back to normal.


Sorry if this chap is bad lol its too late for me to function and i haven't re read it or edited it so oops ha



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