š‘šˆš’š„ | sasuke uchiha

By shisuistan

247K 11.5K 6.6K

ā†’ š€š”āœØ what he did was despicable, but he's been given the chance to try and put things right one more time... More

not an update (spoilers; don't read if currently reading)


3K 151 202
By shisuistan

"[Name]-sama? Sasuke-sama?"

As sunlight trickled into the slumbering couple's bedroom through the panels above their shoji doors, [Name] slowly began to wake from her sleep, unsure of what time it was.

"... Sakura?"

[Name]'s voice was a mere mumble as she came to her senses; one of the first things she picked up on was the sore sensation between her legs.

"What..." As she rubbed her eyes, [Name] realised that she was looking directly at Sasuke's bare chest, and gasped loudly when she remembered the events from last night.

Oh my god, she thought to herself, heart beginning to race once more at the realisation that she was cradled comfortably in the sleeping Uchiha's embrace. Oh my god.

"... okay. I'll leave you be."

Listening to Sakura disappear down the corridor once more, [Name] blinked as she estimated what time it would be based on the amount of sunlight pouring into their room.

"Sasuke?" [Name] wiggled her way out of her husband's arms, lightly tapping him on the shoulder in an attempt to wake him up. He scowled as he began to respond to [Name]'s touch, opening one eye to acknowledge her.

"Good morning." Smiling at his warm greeting, [Name] instinctively covered her face, shying away from the Uchiha.

"We slept in," she said in a small voice, having pulled her own blanket over herself. "I don't know what time it is."

"It doesn't matter. Come here."

Gently pulling [Name]'s blanket off of her, Sasuke was unflinching as he gazed upon her face once more, impervious at the sight of her bare chest being shown.

"Relax," assured the raven, chuckling at the wary look on [Name]'s face. "I know your body just as well as my own. There's no need to be shy."

"That's... great," smiled [Name] weakly, still feeling odd at being able to expose her body freely before Sasuke. "But..."

[Name] gasped as she remembered that she had had a class to teach that morning and sat up straight, hands clasped over her face.

"Oh no!"

Looking between Sasuke, who was still gazing at her, and her blanket, [Name] made to stand up with her sheets covering her, but found that she was weak at the knees and grimaced in annoyance.

"[Name], just give up," chuckled the Uchiha, watching as his wife straggled to her feet. "Take it easy. I was... pretty rough last night. I should have been more gentle. And slower. I'm sorry."

"It was fine," protested [Name], giving up and falling back onto her futon with a sigh. "For the most p- oh!"

As she threw her blanket around her shoulders, she smelled a scent unlike anything she'd ever perceived before, and scrunched her nose up on instinct.

"Is today laundry day, then?" joked Sasuke, noticing how [Name] carefully handled her blanket.

"I suppose so."

"[Name], come here."

Without a word, [Name] threw off her blanket and crawled towards Sasuke, allowing him the pleasure of feasting his eyes on her bare figure.

"Don't tempt me," he said teasingly, putting out an arm for [Name] to lie on. "You're still recovering, aren't you?"

"I was not trying to seduce you!" exclaimed [Name] hotly, lying down next to the Uchiha and facing him in their original position. Sasuke smirked as he leaned down and kissed the side of her neck, obviously still drunken on the mesmerising experience that had been last night.

Now that they had gotten intimate, there was no doubt in Sasuke's mind that [Name] really and truly was his own.

"You don't even have to try," murmured the Uchiha into [Name]'s ear, rolling on top of her and leaning on his forearms so that he wasn't crushing her under his weight.

"Okay, we had a good time, but you really should be getting up!" said [Name] hurriedly, gently prying Sasuke's lips off of her skin. "You can't be late to your meeting with Madara-sama! Sakura! Sakura, what time is it?!"

Sasuke silenced his protesting wife by placing a finger over her lips, hushing her immediately.

"How does it feel down there?" he asked, reaching down and placing a hand on her lower abdomen.

"... tender, but not bad."

"That's good."

"How is th-"

[Name] was cut off as Sasuke forcibly placed his lips on hers, ravenous and wanting more from the Kouhage. When he did break away from her minutes later, he spoke swiftly and succinctly.

"I'm addicted to you," he explained hoarsely as he went down on [Name] once more, thoroughly enjoying every single taste that [Name]'s body had to offer. "... I love you."


"My, my, my. Sasuke, you certainly appear to be in good spirits."

As Sasuke entered the room where he would be meeting Madara and the others, Itachi was the first to notice the arrogant smirk on his little brother's face. He was seated next to Shisui, a man his age with wavy, unkempt hair, and dark eyes, with an empty seat for Sasuke on his other side.

"It would seem that Sasuke was in a rather celebratory mood after Madara-sama delivered the good news to him last night," chuckled Shisui, earning a scowl from the incoming Uchiha.

"What I get up to is none of your business, Shisui."

"Now, now children, let's be nice here," interrupted Madara as Sasuke took his seat beside Itachi, facing their soon to be newly appointed leader. "I've called all three of you here today because you are no longer children who need to be spoken to with their parents present, namely so, your fathers. I had originally intended Izuna to be here, but due to issues that arose last minute, he could not attend.

"As you already know, council members and their families are entitled to receive allowances of food and other supplies from the quotas that our protectorate clans provide for the clan in return for our protection. As such, once you have all been formally elected into the council, you will each be granted a special token that will allow you to receive the benefits of joining by presenting it to whoever is in charge of distributing the allowances. Since there are really only eight of us in total, the storeholders should be familiar with our faces anyway, but it doesn't hurt to have some form of confirmation as well.

"Another thing I'd like to bring to everyone's attention is what I have in mind for when I come into power."

The three younger Uchiha straightened up in their seats as Madara's voice adopted a serious tone, bringing them all to their full attention.

"As you all know, the peace we have had recently with the Senju cannot last for long," he said bitterly. "As their allies increase, so too does the amount of people who want to see us wiped off the face of the earth. And while the Senju have shown so far that they do not wish to see any further conflict with us, we can't trust that their allies will show the same complacency. As a result, one of my main points upon coming into power is increasing our fighting numbers. Since the age requirement has been set, it means that all those under the age of ten must be trained to the best degree in order to secure their chances of success on the battlefield in the future.

"Sasuke, I see that [Name] has been doing a very good job ever since she began training the seven to fourteen year olds, and you too have been doing equally as well with the older children in making sure they meet the clan's requirements to become fully fledged shinobi. However, in light of Itachi's news regarding Izumi, in a couple of months I will be adding Izumi's former students under [Name]'s tutelage."

"What news?" asked Sasuke curiously, looking over at his older brother for an explanation. Itachi sighed and crossed his arms in response.

"Izumi is pregnant," announced Itachi loudly, eliciting a gasp from Shisui.

"Congratulations! How many months is she?"

"As of now, three months pregnant."

"That's great news, Itachi!" exclaimed Shisui, genuinely happy for his friend.

"Congratulations aside," butt in Madara, ending the pair's conversation, "this means that the way [Name] operates and divides her classes will need to change. How was her class this morning? Is she coping well and receiving adequate help from Naka and Obito?"

"She was feeling unwell, so I forbade her from going," explained the younger Uchiha, earning him a suspicious look from the elder. "Besides, I'm sure those two were perfectly capable of handling those children by themselves. [Name] will be back by tomorrow, I'm sure of it."

"How... controlling of you, Sasuke," noted Madara, unsure what to make of his nephew's explanation. "But... very well. It can't be helped."

As Sasuke made eye contact with Madara, he narrowed his eyes.

The friction between the two did not go unnoticed; even Itachi and Shisui could sense the feeling of animosity between the pair.

"Sasuke, just what was [Name]'s ailment?" Madara finally asked after several moments of returning Sasuke's cold glare.

"She had a headache. It should have passed by now."

"... she seemed perfectly fine last night."

"Well, she wasn't this morning."

Clearing his throat, Shisui slapped his hands onto his knees and looked at Itachi, forcing a smile.

"So..." he said, attempting to defuse the situation before anything unnecessary could happen. However, he went unnoticed, and Sasuke and Madara remained locked in their positions. As the elder regarded his nephew coolly, his eyes widened as he deduced what exactly could have prevented [Name] from failing to take her class. And although it was a long shot, he had to say it.

"Sasuke. Have you and [Name] had sexual contact?"

Shisui's jaw dropped at Madara's question, while Itachi sighed and covered his face in second hand embarrassment.

"Well? Have you?"

Madara's voice was stern as he addressed his nephew, all traces of friendliness immediately gone.

"So what if we have?" replied Sasuke coldly. "As long as she doesn't fall pregnant, I don't see why it would be an issue."

Sensing the hostility between the pair, Itachi finally stepped in himself to end the conversation.

"With all due respect, Madara-sama, but now is not the time to be discussing Sasuke and [Name]'s marital habits. It is rather... unsightly, to be seeing two such highly ranked men clashing over a woman."

Shooting Sasuke one last look of apprehension, Madara sighed and turned back to the other two men present.

"Of course. I was just worried Sasuke had disobeyed a direct order, but as long as [Name] remains... barren, I will let it slide for now," he said softly, more so for his own reassurance than theirs. "Yes, back to the topic at hand..."

As Madara continued talking to the trio, Sasuke zoned out, not caring at all for what he had to say. All that was on his mind was returning home so that he could with [Name] once again- whether in a sexual or non-sexual way, he didn't care. All he knew was that he wanted to be around her- that was the only time he could be sure that Madara wouldn't pose a threat.

Now that they had properly consummated their marriage, Sasuke was confident that he had gotten the upper hand over his uncle. If anything were ever to happen to him, he could die in satisfaction, knowing that he had robbed Madara of the opportunity to take away [Name]'s innocence.

Not that anything will happen, though. If he tries anything...

Sasuke's train of thought trailed off as he tried to calm himself, hearing [Name]'s voice telling him off already.

"... does anyone have any questions?"


"Very well. You're all dismissed. Itachi, look after Izumi. Shisui... well, we'll find you a wife soon. As for you, Sasuke..." Madara's eyes bored into his scowling nephew's own. "Hurry home and tend to [Name]. Surely having one wife ill from pregnancy and the other from a headache must be difficult."

Not needing to be told twice, Sasuke got up and walked out of the room, leaving the three other Uchiha behind.

"Sorry, but, what happened?" asked Shisui, clueless as to why Sasuke seemed so spiteful towards Madara.

"Childishness," sighed Itachi, getting up himself. "I'll be taking my leave now."

Shisui hurriedly followed his friend, and the pair bowed deeply towards Madara before excusing themselves as well.

After staring at the closed door for a while, Madara clenched his hands into fists, feeling himself getting worked up over Sasuke's insolence.

"That fool!" he spat, loathing the arrogant look Sasuke had had on his face throughout the entire meeting. "How dare he!"

You need to calm down. [Name] is his wife, not yours, argued his logical side.

Then why do I feel like this?!

Madara let out a cry of frustration as he reached for the cushion Sasuke had been kneeling on, hurtling it violently at the wall. He thought he had better control than this. He really did.

"Keep it together," he muttered to himself, attempting to push all thoughts of [Name] and Sasuke out of his mind. "You can't let this cloud your judgement. Don't. You're an adult, for crying out loud."

Whether [Name] liked it or not, she had unwittingly become victim to not just one Uchiha's affections, but two. Add in the fact that somewhere out there, Naruto was still waiting for her, believing her to be his one true love sent from the heavens above.

As if it were a curse, just like her previous life, things were going to get messy.

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