My Heart Beats For You // Ali...

By kiraalicex

293K 9.6K 1.8K

*COMPLETED FOR NOW* Bailey Rowe, 16 years old; A little bit of an outcast, distrusted by her family. She fi... More

Act ONE - Before
1. The Mysterious
2. The Project
4. The Blonde
5. The Yelling
6. The Fancy Store
7. The Dance
8. The Big Disaster
9. The Reveal
10. The Summer Love
11. The Holidays
Act TWO - Twilight/New Moon
12. The Arrival
13. The Suspense
14. The Icy Encounter
15. The Whole Truth
16. The Hunt Begins
17. The Falling Apart
18. The Big Charade
19. The New Moon
20. The Loss
Act THREE - Broken Dawn
21. The Drama Returns - 3rd Person POV
22. The Homecoming
23. The One Where...
24. The Talk Of A Lifetime
25. The Roses
26. The Expectation
27. The Bridge
28. The Proposal
29. The Split Second Decision
30. The Big Reveal
31. The Absence Of A Heart
32. The Sequence Of Events
33. The Official MRS And MRS Cullen
Act FOUR - Ever More
34. The Now
35. The Reunion Of Sorts
36. The Yelling Take 2
37. The Official Reunion
38. The Family
39. The Threat
40. The Jane Effect
41. The One With A New Lover
42. The Oopsie
43. The Facts
44. The Brother
45. The Start Of The End
46. The Missing Piece
47. The Witch Of The South
48. The First Of A Kind
Act FIVE - A Turn Of Events
49. The Face Of Pain
50. The Revealed Lie
51. The New Era
52. The Final Goodbye
53. The Emotional Encounter
AN// News...
54. The Dust Settles

3. The Sick

9.3K 304 106
By kiraalicex

This morning has been a disaster in comparison to the week I've had, but I guess it's balanced. This week has been so easy while working with Alice. Everyday we stay after school, sometimes till gone 7 when the library is meant to close. But today I wake up at 3am and rush to the bathroom to throw up, only to find mom in there already with Reggie.

She moves Reggie aside as I throw up into the toilet, washing my mouth out after. Her hand moves to my forehead. "You too baby." She mutters.

"God dammit." I mutter as I sit down wiping my mouth; I lean my head on her shoulder as Reg shivers against mom. "Emmy couldn't keep this one to herself?"

Mom laughs gently. "It's going round town baby, dad's had it too, so has Ronnie."

"Why haven't you?"

"I'm supermom, I don't get sick." She kisses my head. "Take Regina to your room, keep her nice and cool even if she shivers. I'm gonna get you both some water and a sick bucket each."

I nod tiredly before grabbing Reg gently, carrying her to my bed with me. She cuddles into me despite having half a queen size bed to herself and I kiss her head, leaning back. I feel mom kiss our heads, whispering that the buckets and water are beside me. I know she has work so I mumble that I got this.

I end up sleeping through, only waking up when Reggie throws up. In the morning I have to get up as usual to sort Emerald and Ronnie, and make sure dad packs their lunches properly.

He kisses my head. "Sorry you have to get up baby, I'll call in school for you. You gonna be okay with Reg on your own?"

I nod as I hold my tummy leaning against the cold metal of the fridge. "Mm, we'll have a couch day." I whisper smiling tiredly.

He nods and goes to the livingroom to check on her; she's fast asleep curled under her blanket, snoring obnoxiously as she always has. I curl up beside her as dad drives away with the other two, heading to drop them off before he goes to the courthouse in Port Angeles. A lawyer and a nurse married, how cliche.

I put a movie on as Reggie cuddles into me, her hot body making me sweat even more. I sit in just my sports bra and leggings, trying to keep cool while she curls under the blanket adding yet more heat to us. I try not to disturb her as I throw up, my phone ringing at the same time.

I groan slightly and quickly answer it. "Hello?" I croak.

"Bailey, is everything okay? You're not in school." Alice says, her voice worried.

"I'm sorry, I should have text." I whisper as I close my eyes and lean my head back on the couch. "I'm super sick, so is my baby sister so I have to stay home."

"Do you need anything?" Alice asks with a sympathetic sigh.

"We're good, Al. Thank you anyway." I smile gently. "I'll do my half-"

"Don't you dare, it's okay. Rest, drink lots of water, okay? I'll text you later." She promises.

"Okay okay. Thanks, Cullen." I whisper yawning.

"You're welcome Rowe." She says gently before I hang up.

I look down at Reggie and see her awake, well sort of. She swivels round and straddles my lap, burying her face in my neck. I smile gently and tie her long hair up in a bun on her head, grabbing the ice pack from the table and setting it on her neck. "I got you, angel." I whisper closing my arms around her. I fall asleep like that, until the door bell rings about midday.

I wake groggily and carefully get up, holding on to Reggie. I rub my eyes as I trudge bare foot to the door, opening it and squinting at the light. "Alice?" I say shocked.

She smiles, stood with a bag. "Hey, I bought soup. My mom's own recipe." She says gently.

I open the door more and hoist Regina up more, closing the door once Alice is in. "Thank you, but you shouldn't have. You'll get sick now."

"I'm okay, why don't you go sit down and I'll get you some soup?" She offers.

I smile gently. "Sure. Regina hasn't eaten yet and she's probably starving."

"That's such a beautiful name." Alice muses before she skips to the kitchen.

I smile gently and sit back on the couch, shaking Reggie gently. "Hey, Reg? You want some yummy soup?" I ask her gently.

She rubs her eyes and nods with a yawn, her back clicking as she stretches big. I pull her nighty down gently and sit her beside me, looking over as Alice comes in; she found things quite easily then. She smiles at Reg. "Hi cutie. You hungry?"

Reg shies into me. "It's okay, bubbles. This is Alice, she's the friend that's been helping me."

She looks up at me before waving at Alice gently. "Hello." She whispers.

Alice smiles and hands her the Minnie Mouse bowl and spoon. "I hope chicken noodle soup is okay?" She says gently.

Reggie smiles and nods, thanking Alice as she takes the bowl. Al hands me a bigger bowl and spoon, sitting in the armchair adjacent to the couch. I taste some and smile gently. "This is amazing."

"Yummy!" Reg says with a little more 'oomph' in her voice.

"I shall tell Esme her famous soup is still enjoyed." Alice giggles. "There's more if you want any."

I nod and eat slowly, seeing how it settles. I watch Alice as she stares adoringly at Reggie. "I have a question." I say gently.

Alice looks to me. "Go ahead."

"It's sort of personal..." I say; Alice just watches me expectantly, waiting for me to ask. "What... what do you know about your birth family? When did Carlisle adopt you?"

Alice is silent for a moment and I begin to worry I offended her; I look to the rugrats movie on the screen that always entertains Reggie, only looking away when Alice speaks again. "I joined Carlisle when I was very young. He took me in, he already had Edward and Emmett and they had just got the twins, Jasper and Rosalie. They raised me as their own, filling my life with positive memories. All I know about my birth family... is that they didn't want me, said I was a freak."

I frown. "But you were so young... they didn't even know you." I say a little angry.

Alice smiles gently. "It doesn't matter to me anyway, I got a better family; things happen for a reason and it means I got to meet you."

I blush and look at my lap for a moment. "True... everyone deserves a me in their life. How does anyone survive without me?" I smile softly.

She laughs gently. "Gosh, I know! Maybe I should clone you and sell you."

"Only if I get half the profits." I tease back. Her laughter and spirit has actually helped me feel better, even if my stomach still does flips - maybe that's because of her, though....

I move over a little and pull Reggie on to my lap, putting our bowls on the coffee table. "Come sit with us." I say to Alice.

She appears to hesitate for a moment before she comes over and sits down; I shyly lean against her, her arm wrapping around me; her cold skin feels amazing on my feverish body and I find myself curling into her more, Reggie practically climbing on her. I go to move her when Alice shakes her head, Reggie laid across her lap, half on both of us.

"She's okay, you both are. Get some more sleep." Alice whispers as her fingers gently run through my hair.

I stare up at her for a while, my eyes slowly growing heavy. I fall asleep with her smile in my mind, filling my dreams with warmth and comfort.


I wake to hear Alice talking with Reggie; I'm curled under a blanket with a pillow under my head while they're sat at the coffee table coloring. "You're so amazing at coloring, Regina." Alice says softly as she tucks a lose piece of hair behind the blushing girls ear.

"Thank oo." Reg giggles softly as she colors the picture.

I sit up and smile gently, stretching with a yawn. "Hey guys." I say softly.

"Bubbles!" Regina jumps up and runs over to me, jumping onto my lap.

I giggle. "Were you nice to Alice?"

Reggie nods, giggles leaving her lips; I'm glad to see she's feeling better, the cheeky devil. Alice smiles. "She has a heart of gold - can't see how she could ever be related to you." She smirks.

I just roll my eyes. "Asshole." I whisper.

"Question." Alice says, watching Reg. "What's with 'bubble's?"

I laugh small. "She has called me bubbles since the moment she could talk; no idea why, mom and dad cannot figure it out, but I think it is adorable. So it just became our things." I shrug. I hear a car pull up outside and I frown, going to the front door; I open it and see Ronnie and Emmy climbing out of Edward's car, with said man smirking.

"Hey germy." He says.

I raise an eyebrow. "Eddie, did you kidnap my siblings?"

"Yes, I formed an elaborate plan to take Ronnie from the school and then lured Emmy with that bag of cola bottles and did it all so I could bring them to their darlin' sister." He grins. "No, idiot, Carlisle offered me to your mom when your dad called - she panicked because your dad has to stay in court late and she doesn't finish shift until gone 6, so she needed a mature, responsible being to come look after the kids because you decided to get sick. So selfish, Bailey."

I laugh and flip him off as I hug Emerald, kissing her head. "Are you better, Bay?" She asks as she pops another candy in her mouth and chews it slowly.

I tuck her hair back and smile. "I feel lots better; Edward's amazing sister came and took care of us and his amazing mom made soup."

She smiles and goes to meet Alice. I look at Ronald to see a bruise forming on his cheek. "Ron..." I say frowning as I grab his chin making him look at me.

He jerks his face away. "Shove off, you nosy bitch." He snaps and storms upstairs.

I sigh and rub my forehead as Alice and Edward come over to me, Alice closing the living room door slightly. We all stand in the small entry way. Edward looks down at me. "I noticed that when I went over to him... He said he just got hit with a puck during gym but I know no classes did hockey."

"Does this happen often..?" Alice says softly, her dainty cold hand rubbing my arm.

I sigh. "A couple times - that's why I always sit in the cafeteria, why I always take the long way to classes or take a break to wander around. Some jock picks on him for having longer hair, for the music he listens to. He and his friends often get jumped on the way back from the skate park but he never admits it. He won't open up to me and it worries me, y'know?"

"I'll keep an eye out for you, ask around to find out who it is." Edward says, his tone implying a darker meaning.

I sigh. "Don't do anytbing stupid, this could backfire on my brother."

"I'll do what's necessary." Edward says simply. His demeanour then changes and he smirks. "Now how about a movie?"

"Sure but it'll have to be age appropriate for a 4 year old and a 9 year old." I smirk.

"It's okay, Edward secretly adores a Disney princess." Alice teases.

I laugh and Edward rolls his eyes; we head into the livingroom and ask the girls what movie they want to watch, both opting for Aladdin, which just happens to be my favourite movie. Edward sits on the armchair, Emerald instantly taking a liking to him - she climbs into his lap but he doesn't seem to mind, smiling softly at her as she dives into explaining what the movie is, even though I'm sure Edward knows.

Alice and I sit on the couch with Reggie who seems to have dipped again; I give her a bottle of water, which yes for a 4 year old may seem ridiculous but when she's sick it's the only way mom or anyone can get her to drink enough. She cuddles into Alice and I, making Alice smile a little as we watch the movie.

As we watch it, I begin to wonder. Where is my life going? Because since I met Alice Cullen, I can't seem to stop the fuzzy feeling in my stomach and the constant urge to be around her. Her entire being makes me happy, it brightens my day, but I'm not even sure if she's a lesbian. I'm not entirely - I hate labels - but if I were to come out as gay, it would 110% be with her. And that, for some reason in the pit of my stomach, frightens me beyond imagination.

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