Elena's Fantasy Diaries

By mandzipop

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Elena's fantasy diaries are mostly regarding her illicit dreams about Damon throughout the show, & appear in... More

Friday Night Insights
One Good Man
Miss Mystic Feels
Hot Blooded Brother
The Monster Returns
Bad Man Rising
Bed of Roses
The Seduction
Damon Issues
The Last Dalliance
As I Lay Dreaming
The Big Day
The Kindling
Smells Like Teen Seduction
An Ordinary Couple
I'm Coming
Our Time
All My Insecurities
In The Heat of Darkness
Knowing Pains
The Memory
The Stripper
The Two
We All Fall Madly In Love Sometimes
My ex Lover's Brother
Ravish Me
I Remember That One Night
Passion and Adventure Without the Danger
Hello Lover

Smells Like Vampire Seduction

4.8K 37 13
By mandzipop

Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to The Vampire Diaries, TV show or books. However I decided to have a little play around with the characters (I would definitely like to play with Damon).

Dear Diary

What the hell? I've just had two dreams about Damon in the same night. My hormones must be going crazy. I woke up very hot and bothered from both dreams. I don't need to update my diary on what happened over the last few days because I did it in my last entry.

The first dream I had was about what happened at Ric's place. This one was about what happened after the 'Back to school party.'

What I don't get is why I'm having dreams about sex now. I never used to have these dreams before I met Damon. And although they are sexual dreams, regardless of how erotic they are, they always represent so much more.

I DO NOT LOVE DAMON! I can't love Damon. Everyone thinks he's not a good person. My friends hate him, they'd hate me if they thought I was in love with him. So it can't be love. I don't even truly know what love means anymore. I know I love Stefan, but am I in love with Stefan?

Damon's problem is that he's done too many terrible things, although admittedly deep down I know there is a good person in there. He's hurt too many people that I care about and they'd hate me for being with someone like him.

Elena, be sensible. He's a good looking guy, he's as hot as hot can get. Whatever I'm feeling must be lust. Nothing more, nothing less! It can't be, I mean what kind of person would that make me if my feelings for Damon were more than just lust? We've also very close friends and sometimes these lines get confused. Also I haven't had sex since April and it's now September. Sexual frustration must be creeping in.

That's it, it has to be a combination of lust and sexual frustration. Although 2 dreams in one night is a lot even for me. They're attaching themselves to someone who I care about as a friend, but I wouldn't take it any further.

So why am I dreaming about being in love with him? I care about him, but it would never work. I guess I'm just confused, lonely and sexually frustrated.

Wow reading this back makes no sense. Maybe if I read it in a few years from now I'll be able to laugh at it or understand it better.

I wonder when the next one will be, they don't seem to be stopping. Maybe I need to actually make out with Damon, get it out of my system. No, that's a bad idea. Oh well, at least nobody knows about this diary.


...the second dream of the night.

Elena was sat on the vanity unit in Damon's bathroom. She'd just survived Ric's car setting on fire and blowing up, however Stefan had managed to help them escape. Elena had escaped with a small burn mark on her face. Damon had offered her his blood to heal, which she'd refused. So instead Damon was applying first aid, which was why she was sat like she was.

"Give it to me. I can do it." Elena demanded.

"No, let me." Damon replied, holding the cotton swab and cream out of Elena's reach.

"Damon, come on." Elena pleaded.

"Elena, you almost got barbecued. The least I can do is apply first aid." Damon insisted as he began to apply the cream on her wound with a swab.

Realizing this was a battle she wasn't going to win, Elena decided to change the topic of conversation. "You played your part of the plan really well tonight." she said casually. Elena wanted to find out if Damon had the hots for Rebekah, it had certainly looked that way from where she had been stood. She just hoped he was a good actor, because Elena wasn't sure if she could deal with Damon being with Rebekah, or any other woman to be fair.

"Oh, yeah?" Damon simply said, not giving any hint as to whether it had been a show or not.

Elena decided to investigate further. "You had Rebekah drooling all over you and your marshmallows." she told him, managing to sound unimpressed.

"Yeah, before she skewered me."Damon frowned, before looking up at her thoughtfully. "I thought you were too drunk to notice."

"I was faking most of it." Elena admitted.

"So was I." Damon whispered back.

Elena's heart beat wildly as he put to rest her fears. Not that she hated Rebekah, she just didn't like Damon being around other women. For some inexplicable reason, Elena felt Damon was hers and would be hers until the day she drew her final breath, maybe even beyond considering the company she kept. Seeing him flirt with Rebekah had made her feel sick in a way she'd never experienced before. The closest to it was when Andie had been talking to Damon, and although he'd said he was steering clear of women at the time, Andie had ended up in Damon's bed. Elena decided there was no chance she was going to let that happen with Damon and Rebekah, even if he did say he was faking most of it.

"Did she hurt you?" Elena asked, her face full of worry.

"Nah, it was just a scratch." Damon rolled his eyes. "Ruined my shirt though." he complained.

"Let me look." Elena demanded as she lent down to grab his shirt.

"You don't need to worry about me, I'm fine." Damon insisted.

"Well maybe you do need someone to worry about you." Elena told him haughtily "Keep you in check so you don't do something stupid like getting yourself killed. Maybe let someone take care of you for a change." she added.

Damon gently grabbed Elena's wrists. "Elena, I've been taking care of myself for the last hundred and seventy something odd years. I'm not dead yet." he smiled.

"Be careful brother." Damon and Elena to looked to the entrance of Damon's bathroom as Stefan appeared wearing a smirk on his face. "She's trying to get into your pants." he folded his arms. "You should've seen her when you talking to Rebekah. If looks could kill, all you need to do is flirt with the enemy and she'd be the deadliest creature on the planet. You seem to bring out the jealous side of her. Even I couldn't do that as her boyfriend." he added, the knowing grin on his face was getting wider. "I do warn you brother, she might be a little bit..." Stefan looked up and down at Elena before turning to Damon. "...bland for your particular tastes, if you know what I mean." he winked.

Elena couldn't believe what she was hearing from Stefan's mouth. He was right about her feelings for Damon, but she wasn't sure if she wanted Damon to know about the way she felt about him, not yet anyway, and certainly not from no humanity Stefan. The accusation of her being bland in what she assumed he meant the bedroom, was just downright humiliating. Seeing red with anger, she jumped down from Damon's vanity unit, her intention was to punch Stefan, but she wasn't fast enough, Damon had already vamp-sped over to Stefan and hit him.

By the time Elena made it to Damon's bedroom, the brother's were fighting, and for a change Stefan was getting the upper hand. Without his humanity on and now benefiting from a superior diet of feeding from the vein, Stefan wasn't holding back from hurting Damon. Meanwhile Damon had only been feeding from blood-bags and was clearly restraining himself, meaning the fight was uneven and swaying in Stefan's favor. Elena knew she needed to wait for the right moment. Getting between two fighting vampires was extremely dangerous, however she trusted Damon to care enough to stop and Stefan not to hurt her due to his compulsion.

Moments later her chance came. Stefan hit Damon hard, causing him to go sliding across the bedroom floor and crashing into the wall next to the bathroom. Damon managed to drag himself to his feet, his face covered in blood. Stefan walked over to him as if he was stalking prey, a true hunter. Just as Stefan was about to get to Damon, Elena stood in front of the elder Salvatore.

"Don't you dare touch him." Elena hissed at Stefan, her eyes blazing with fury as she took another step towards her ex boyfriend so that they were just inches apart.

"Ooh touching." Stefan taunted as he looked up from Elena to Damon. "You've got human girls fighting your battles now for you, huh brother?" he laughed. "I've got to admit though, she's very protective of you. Almost like a lioness protecting her cubs. Except this is no Kat." he mocked as Elena realized he was referring to Katherine. "And she definitely doesn't have the claws to..." Stefan stopped as Elena punched him in the stomach. He winced with pain and looked down as he saw two wooden stakes sticking out from his abdomen courtesy of the wrist strap Ric had been training her to use.

"Fuck you!" Elena spat at Stefan as she ripped off the weapon and threw it on top of Damon's chest of drawers. "I don't need claws like that bitch!"

"You were saying brother?" Damon chuckled as Elena turned around and saw his battered and bloody face grinning with a raised eyebrow before looking back at Stefan.

Stefan nodded. "Ha-ha. You got me." he shrugged as he removed the stakes from his body.

"Get out!" Elena shouted, pointing to the door.

"Gladly." Stefan said, righting himself. "I'll take Ric home and leave you two...alone for the night. Anyway, I need to feed." he told Elena before looking over to Damon. "I'm trusting you to protect her tonight. Although, maybe it should be the other way round." he smirked. "However Damon, I'm sure you'll take good...care...of her." he winked as he turned and left the room leaving Damon and Elena alone in silence for a moment, trying to digest the impact of Stefan's actions and words.

Deciding she needed to quickly gain the upper hand before the situation escalated, Elena turned around to face Damon. "Look at you." she said, eyes blazing as she made her way back to the bathroom. "You're a mess. Get in here, let me clean you up." she demanded as she gathered up a towel and a face cloth, and began to fill the sink with warm water. She perched herself on the vanity unit next to the sink and beckoned Damon over with her finger. "Get over here." she commanded him.

Damon sighed. "I'm healing." he told her.

"Healing powers or not, you are still covered in blood. Let me clean you up." she insisted as Damon stood in front of her scowling while Elena wet the cloth and leaned over to wipe the blood from Damon's now fully healed beautiful face. Damon folded his arms as Elena had to bend forward to reach his face causing water to drip from the wet cloth onto her jeans. Realizing he was too far away, Elena opened her legs. "Stand here!" she told him pointing to the spot between her thighs.

Damon hesitated for a moment before unfurling his arms and standing between Elena's legs. Only then did Elena realize why Damon hadn't moved immediately. The position was very intimate, only highlighted as she felt his hips accidentally graze the inside of her thighs. Elena's breath hitched as she tried to concentrate on cleaning Damon's face, but it was becoming increasingly difficult.

Elena had already seen Damon naked on her eighteenth birthday, and as much as she'd tried to forget, she couldn't. Without clothes he was perfect, his manhood was magnificent. The thought of him being so near to the most intimate part of her body with the area of his which she knew damned well would give her so much pleasure nearly took her breath away. Desire coursed through her veins sending heat straight to the depths of her pussy, her panties suddenly becoming damp it even the mere notion of the possibilities of their predicament. The thought of them both being in this position, completely naked with him buried deep inside her was almost too much for her to take. She wanted to look down and see if Damon was as affected by their closeness as she was, but what was left of the logic in her brain told her not to. Elena's task was to clean Damon's face up, nothing more. She'd have to relieve her arousal herself once she got home, at least there she could use her imagination as to what she wished could have happened instead of what she expected to happen after she'd finished cleaning Damon up.

"You okay Elena?" Damon asked frowning, bringing Elena back to the task at hand.

"Um, uh...yes." Elena shook her head, trying to calm herself as she wet the cloth once more. "Just pissed at Stefan." she grimaced as she set to work on cleaning the blood away from Damon's face.

"Remind me not to get on your bad side in future." he said with a smirk. "You're pretty handy with Ric's weapons."

"How do you plan to stay on my good side?" Elena asked, more to keep herself distracted as she had reached Damon's bloodied lip, which for a change she had the perfect excuse to not only stare at, but on this occasion touch, even if there was a cotton barrier.

When Damon didn't answer her, Elena frowned, although she was too busy concentrating on cleaning Damon's lips and mouth. Elena tried her best to not think about kissing them, as even the blood didn't put her off considering it was his blood. Only when she went to rinse the cloth did Elena realize she had closed her thighs slightly, gripping Damon like a vice. His hands were either side of her hips, his knuckles white with restraint.

As soon as Elena realized what she was doing, she relaxed her legs as best she could and decided distract Damon. "You never answered my question." she said quietly as she raised her eyes to his. The expression on his face nearly floored her. His eyes were lidded and dark with lust, even though the light was shining on him. His top teeth were biting his bottom lip, something Elena had never seen him do before, which was lucky as it was easily one of the sexiest things she'd ever seen in her life. Color flooded her cheeks and her heart started to race.

"You had your fingers on my lips, I couldn't speak." Damon finally replied sensually as he closed the gap by a couple of inches, until Elena could feel his breath on her face. "You tell me how to stay on your good side. I'll do anything you want me to Elena, anything you ask." he whispered.

They stared at each other for a moment, drinking each other in as Elena struggled to not look at Damon's lips. Elena's breathing became shallow as she struggled to suppress the primal urge to kiss him. Damon was a predator and using all of his skills to make her his prey. She knew this on a conscious level, however her body and brain seemed to not be getting the message.

"I want you to take your shirt off." Elena told him, her own words stunning her brain back to reality. "So I um..can...um.. So I can clean up the mess Rebekah made." she managed to say, hoping it was enough to convince Damon of her motives.

Damon moved back slightly and removed his gray t-shirt revealing the chest Elena had touched earlier that day. His scent washed over her like a tidal wave, a delicious combination of clean masculine muskiness, spices she couldn't name, mixed with a hint of bourbon. The sight of his glorious chest and his unique scent made her mouth water.

To try and distract herself, she checked the water in the sink, which was already pink from his blood after cleaning his face. Wordlessly Elena emptied the contents and turned on the faucet to fill the sink once more. She avoided looking at Damon's face at all costs, she could almost feel his smirk boring through her skull. She didn't need to see it. Once she was satisfied there was enough to clean the dried blood from his chest, she swallowed hard and dipped the cloth in the sink.

Elena was brought back to reality when she realized she had turned on the wrong faucet, meaning the water was icy cold. Knowing this would get rid of Damon's smirk, she decided to go ahead and wash him with cold water instead. It was probably for the best, things were already getting a little heated between them. Elena didn't wring the cloth out, making sure it was dripping wet as she placed it against the dried blood on Damon's chest.

Damon flinched. "What the hell Elena?" he cried.

"I don't know what you mean." Elena fluttered her eyelashes innocently.

"The water's freezing cold." Damon complained.

"Oh that." Elena feigned an apologetic look. "Sorry, didn't think you'd notice."

Damon momentarily narrowed his eyes at Elena when she suddenly felt icy cold water being splashed into her face. She blinked, shocked at Damon's audacity. Deciding to get her revenge, she turned to move her arm towards the sink, only to find Damon blocking her. He'd strategically placed both arms either side, boxing her in, ensuring she couldn't reach either the wet cloth or the sink. He bent forward slightly, until their bodies were practically touching. Elena leaned back slightly, feeling like prey having just being ensnared by the predator, which to all intents and purposes was an accurate assessment of her current situation.

"What's your next move Elena?" Damon smirked. "Remember, I do bite."

Elena glanced around the bathroom, trying to come up with some escape method, but came up blank. An apology would probably work, but she wasn't in the mood for apologizing. She was still unhappy with how convincing his performance had been when he was flirting with Rebekah, regardless of him telling her he was faking most of it. She'd never questioned the part he hadn't been faking. After careful consideration, Elena decided there was only one way out, distraction, and she only had one weapon at her disposal.

Elena took a deep breath and swallowed before pushing herself up towards Damon. She gently placed her lips on his, her intention to distract him and splash him with more water. Her plans changed the moment their lips met. Elena's body had different ideas to her carefully laid out plans for her watery revenge. Her thighs clamped tightly against his hips, while her legs wrapped around his backside, pulling them closer together.

Damon initially faltered with shock, giving Elena the perfect opportunity to strike with splashing the water back at him. However the moment her lips touched his, all of her best laid plans fell to the wayside. The moment he responded and kissed her back, her body and brain disengaged. Her body wanted to be with Damon intimately, on every level. Elena felt Damon's hands running up her thighs, his thumbs brushing the exposed inside area. The sensation of his touch burned Elena through her jeans and right down to her pussy. Her panties became even damper than before with need, enough to rival the cloth she'd been using to wash Damon.

The greatest factor however was when their lips touched. When they fist met, Damon was clearly taken by surprise, meaning the kiss started out chaste. But before Elena could pull away Damon started to kiss her back. Elena knew this was her downfall. In the beginning his lips were soft and subtle. As she opened her mouth to allow access to his inquisitive, yet tentative tongue, he took it to a whole new level. They explored each other's mouth. Elena could taste mint, bourbon, a sweetness which was probably from the earlier marshmallows, but mostly she could taste Damon. There was a trace of the clean musky taste, almost a replica of the way he smelled when he removed his shirt, which Elena put down to being Damon's own natural scent. The taste of him was as intoxicating as any fine wine.

Elena ran her hands up the hard muscles of Damon's chest, until she found his neck and face. She cupped his cheek with one hand and placed the other around his neck, holding onto fistful's of Damon's hair for purchase. His hands finally made their way from Elena's hips to her back and waist. He pulled her in tightly until their bodies were flush together, separated by the damp cotton of her top.

Damon pulled away from the kiss, allowing Elena to breathe. "You're wet." he smirked.

Elena frowned. "You splashed water all over my top."

"Well then take it off." he growled, giving her shirt a once over and bending over to her ear. "Although that's not exactly what I meant when I said you were wet." he whispered seductively, leaving Elena practically speechless.

Elena felt embarrassed that Damon was already aware she was turned on. She wondered how long he'd known. It had never occurred to Elena that vampire senses could be so in tune with the human body, that they could tell when someone was turned on. It certainly explained some of Damon's earlier assumptions regarding Elena's feelings for him. If he'd known he was getting her hot and bothered, it would have been a small step to thinking how she felt about him might amount to more. Right now however, her feelings for him had changed, as also had the sexual attraction, which just seemed to to be increasing every day. Realizing he'd probably known all of this time angered Elena, so she decided upon revenge.

Elena leaned back and removed her top, revealing a black lacy bra. Damon's eyes widened at the sight, however it didn't last. Elena dipped her hand in the sink and cupped as much freezing cold water in it as she could and threw it at him, stunning him as she jumped down from the vanity unit and ran into the bedroom laughing. Her laughter was cut short when she felt Damon's icy cold wet hands grabbing her waist from behind. Damon pulled her in tight so her bare back was flush to his naked chest. He held her in almost the same position as he had done at Ric's loft when she was working out and Damon had shown her the way to a vampires heart, except this time they were wearing significantly less clothes.

Damon brushed his temple up against Elena's head causing her to freeze. "You have two choices." he whispered in Elena's ear as his warm breath tickled her neck, sending heat straight to her pussy. "I can take you home and we can go back to the way were and pretend like this never happened." he said, his voice low and seductive.

"And the other option?" Elena asked breathlessly, her heart racing, desire coursing through her veins.

"You could always stay and we can have some fun." he smirked as Elena turned her head to look at him. Her eyes drifted back to Damon's lips as her mind conjured all kinds of images of where he could use them on her body.

"I'll stay." Elena said quietly as Damon began to unfasten her jeans.

"I like your choice." Damon whispered into her ear as he placed his hand just under the elastic of her panties. "But I just want to make sure you are under no illusion as to what kind of games I'm talking about." he added as his cold fingers moved down and began to massage Elena's nub, forcing her to bite her lip at the shock of his touch.

Elena pressed her backside against Damon's jeans and began to move her hips. "I know exactly what type of games you mean Damon." Elena said breathlessly. "And I'm all in." her eyes drifted once more to Damon's lips. Elena desperately wanted to kiss him again, he'd made her feel like a woman and not a girl.

"I cheat at games." Damon warned her.

"So do I." Elena replied, trying to use her brain while Damon was playing with the most sensitive area of her body.

Suddenly Elena felt the loss of Damon's hand in her panties, the world seemed to fly past in a blur and her back was up against the wood of Damon's bedroom wall. Damon's arms were either side of her head, boxing her in. If any other vampire had done this, Elena would have been scared. Damon was showing his predatory side, and could kill her in an instant. She could tell he wanted to devour her, but in a different way, and it was an incredible turn on for her.

"I'm a sore loser and I like to play rough." Damon growled.

"I've never played rough before." Elena admitted, blushing. "I hope you're a good teacher."

Damon smirked and raised his eyebrows. "The best. I'll fuck you so hard, you'll be sore by tomorrow." he whispered as he pressed his body up against hers.

Elena gasped regarding his comment about making her sore, however she started to get an idea why he said what he did when for the first time Elena was able to feel the physical effect she had on him, and she wasn't disappointed. He'd managed to keep the huge bulge in his jeans out of sight, instead he'd been playing with Elena's reactions towards him. Due to his size, she suspected although it might not hurt during the good bits, but there was a good chance she might be a bit uncomfortable afterwards regardless of how rough he was with her. But it would definitely be worth a tiny bit of discomfort. Elena slipped her hand between them and unfastened Damon's jeans and slid her hand inside his underwear. She wrapped her fingers around his dick, which was significantly larger than it was on her previous encounter with it, and already as hard as steel. Elena began to gently stroke the silky skin, taking in the cock and girth, feeling the dampness of the pre-cum on his tip.

"I won't break Elena." Damon smirked, his hands still either side of her head. "But I do bite." he flashed his fangs, a hint of laughter in his eyes as he began to kiss Elena on the neck. He scraped his blunt teeth along her carotid artery, then she felt something sharper. He didn't apply enough pressure to bite, but Elena knew his fangs were elongated. Damon drew his head back and smiled wickedly. All trace of his fangs gone. "I just want you to know I'd never hurt you, so if you want things to be a little more gentle, I don't mind. I have plenty of self control." he whispered seductively.

"Maybe a little bit of both." Elena smiled coyly. "I'll let you lead."

Damon responded with a demanding kiss, almost taking Elena's breath away. His hands, still slightly cold from the water, cupped her bra-clad breasts before moving has hands gently down her waist until he reached her behind. He hooked his hand under one of her thighs and pulled it up, his hips gyrating against hers. Damon's other hand reached behind Elena's back and unclipped her bra as his mouth made it's way down her neck. His hands moved to Elena's shoulders and slid the bra over them, revealing her breasts.

"You're so beautiful." Elena heard Damon moan as his head dipped down further until he took one of her breasts into his mouth.

Elena moaned as she ran her fingers through Damon's hair, while his lips and talented tongue became acquainted with her breasts. He bit gently on her nipple, sending heat pooling into her pussy and causing her to moan with pleasure. Damon swiped his tongue around her areola before moving onto the other breast, working the same magic once more.

Once Damon finished with Elena's breasts, he began to kiss her down her stomach, until he came to the waistband on her jeans. For some reason he'd decided to leave her black lace panties on. He looked up at her for permission to take them off, to which Elena nodded in approval. Once he'd taken her jeans off, Damon got on his knees and began kissing Elena's hip bone, his mouth ever moving closer to the where she was becoming hotter by the moment. He ran his fingers up the back of Elena's thighs, sending a shiver down her spine.

Damon place a kiss on the front of her panties as he ran his finger up the inside of Elena's legs, until his hand touched the fabric which was covering her. "You're wet for me Elena." he told her almost dreamily. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to taste you."

With that Damon moved her panties to one side, revealing her to him. He ran a finger along her slit, before parting her folds slightly. He then followed the same path with his tongue.

"Oh god Damon." Elena moaned as she ran her fingers through Damon's raven locks. Neither Matt nor Stefan had ever used their mouths on her, oral sex was something she'd felt uncomfortable doing with either of them. With Damon is was different. He was dangerous and free. Unlike her previous sexual encounters, he genuinely felt like a man and not an awkward teenager. Him wanting to put his mouth on her and even telling her how much he wanted to taste her, had put Elena at ease with the idea. Now she was glad she was okay with it because it was, up until that moment the most amazing sexual sensation she'd ever experienced.

That thought didn't last long as Damon spread her legs even further apart and dipped his tongue inside her while massaging her nub at the same time. Heat like she never though possible ran through her body. His tongue probing her pussy as he fucked her with it. Within seconds Elena thought she was going to burst with pleasure. Nobody had ever made her feel this way before. She just hoped she would be able to stand when the inevitable orgasm took hold of her body.

Just as Elena thought she was about to explode Damon stopped and looked up at her. His eyes full of adoration, love and lust. He was putting her needs first above his own, yet he seemed to be enjoying giving her pleasure almost as much as she did, although him stopping did make her whimper in disappointment. Damon gave her a knowing look, as if that was what he'd hoped her reaction would be to him stopping.

"You taste delicious." he whispered seductively. Elena was shocked at herself because she found Damon talking dirty very erotic.

"Damon, please." she begged.

"You want more?" Damon asked, to which Elena nodded profusely. "Fine. You just relax and enjoy the ride, I know I am." he smirked.

Damon ripped Elena's panties off before lifting her leg over his shoulder and slowly inserted his finger inside her pussy. He slowly began to pumped his hand before adding another finger, stretching her, preparing her for what would come later. Damon placed his mouth on Elena's clit and began to alternate between sucking on the small bundle of nerves, and licking her folds with his highly skilled tongue.

"Oh my god Damon." Elena cried as she grasped hold of Damon's hair, pushing him closer to her pussy, as Damon's hand increased the pace of thrusting with his hand.

Elena knew she was about to fall off the cliff, and it was going to be a long drop. She'd never experienced a build up to an orgasm like this before, it was incredible. The heat building inside her was so hot, she suspected it would give the center of the sun a run for its money. Her moans became louder as the heat inside her built up.

Suddenly it became too much and she felt her pussy begin to spasm. The heat spread all over Elena's body as she pressed her back up against the wall, one hand with her hand clutching Damon's hair, the other trying to find purchase against the wall behind her. She needed something to hold on to, to balance and steady her as the orgasm ripped through her body.

"Oh my god Damon." Elena cried. "Oh yes...oh...oh...yes...fuck!" she screamed as her back arched, pressing her pussy against Damon's mouth. Her body desperate for more of the pleasure he was giving her, yet she wasn't sure her body was going to be able to take much more. Damon however wasn't letting her off the hook easily. He continued his ministrations in earnest until Elena's body momentarily went rigid before beginning to shake as her orgasm finally began to subside.

Damon slowed down his actions as the pulses of pleasure waned and finally stopped. He removed his fingers from her pussy and stood up. He sucked one of his finger, which had been inside her, giving her a look of sheer pleasure, before offering her the other finger. Although Elena had never done anything like this before, she understood it's meaning. Giving each other pleasure should be a shared experience, and this was his way of sharing his moment of intimacy with the most private parts of her body, with her. Elena took the finger in her mouth and mimicked his actions. She could taste herself on his finger, however she could also taste Damon's skin, which turned her on in a way she never expected it to. Damon must have had an idea it would, however her actions were clearly turning him on which only heightened Elena's arousal. It also gave her the desperate need to suck on something else, another thing she'd never done before.

Letting go of Damon's finger Elena took his cock in her hand once more. Damon pushed her up against the wall and began to kiss her, all the while Elena ran her hand up and down his dick. Deciding she wanted to taste him, Elena got down on her knees and began to tug at Damon's jeans and boxer briefs. Her helped her remove them, along with his socks and boots, until he was stood in front of her in all of his glorious nakedness. Elena stopped for a moment to drink him in, he was perfection. Her eyes were drawn to his dick, which was already swollen with desire. The sight of it hard and erect, sent heat pooling to Elena's stomach. She couldn't believe the sight of a naked man could affect her so much. But Damon wasn't just any man, he was sex personified, and Elena was about to find out if he lived up to his reputation. In the meantime, it was her turn to give him pleasure.

Once down on her knees, Elena took Damon's dick and stroked it once more. She'd never given a man oral sex before, it wasn't something that had appealed to her until today. But every inch of Damon's body cried out to be kissed, licked and touched, and Elena was desperate to taste him. However there was no hiding her nerves. Elena looked up at Damon through here eyelashes.

"I've never done this before." she whispered shyly.

"You don't have to do it." Damon told her.

"But I really want to." Elena said. "I want to taste you."

"Well aren't I the lucky one." Damon smirked before his face turned serious. "Just do what you think you should do Elena. You'll know if you're getting it right." he added.

Elena nodded as she wrapped her lips around his dick and swirled her tongue around his tip, tasting the saltiness of his pre-cum. She'd expected it to be unpleasant, but because she was overwhelmed with his scent and the clean taste of Damon himself, she was surprised by how erotic it was, especially when she heard Damon moan with pleasure. Elena looked up at him as she opened her gag reflex to allow her to take more of his huge cock into her mouth. She began to set a rhythm while at the same time using her hand to pump him at the base of his dick. Suddenly Elena felt Damon's fingers running through her hair and small moans emitting from his lips, Damon's way of telling Elena she was doing it right.

This gave Elena a huge confidence boost, therefore she became a little more adventurous. She used her other hand to massage his balls as she upped the pace of her strokes. She used the flat of her tongue on the underside of his cock while she took him in her mouth at different angles. All the time, Elena felt Damon getting harder in her mouth.

"Fuck Elena...you need to stop." Damon panted, pulling away much to Elena's disappointment as she looked up at him. "You're a little too good at it. If you carry on like that, we won't get to the best bit." he growled as he helped Elena to her feet as she realized what he meant.

"Oops." she said shyly, smiling as Damon pressed her back up against the wall and ran his fingers along her folds.

"Hmm, still nice and wet." he grinned as he bent his knees slightly and rubbed his cock over Elena's folds, coating his cock in her juices. He lifted one of her legs around his waist and inserted two fingers inside her. "You ready?" he asked as Elena nodded in excited anticipation.

Damon lined himself up at Elena's entrance and gradually pushed himself inside her. His size nearly took her breath away as he slowly filled her, stretching her as he penetrated deeper. He had one hand on her behind pulling her down on him while the other was around her waist. Elena fed her fingers through Damon's now very messy hair and hung onto his shoulder with the other. Finally Damon began to move his hips, to which Elena synchronized his movements.

"God you're so tight and wet." Damon moaned as he kissed Elena fully on the lips.

As soon as their lips met, Elena became completely absorbed in everything Damon, his taste, his scent, his touch, the way he felt and the sound of his voice as he moaned every time they moved in unison. Damon lifted Elena's other leg and hooked it over his arm, his movements slightly slower. He pulled away from the kiss and repeated the action with the leg which had been previously wrapped around his waist. Her back was flat up against the wall and her thighs, spread apart and up against her chest. Damon was balancing her by holding her ass cheeks. He stood up straight and lowered his forehead to hers and gazed deep into her eyes. Without a word of warning he thrust into her deeply and quickly. The sensations were electrifying. Every time Damon moved he brushed up against her clit, stimulating her, bringing her ever closer to the brink. His pounding left Elena breathless, she'd never experienced anything remotely rough before. Both Matt and Stefan had been tender. But this was incredible, although the position wasn't the most comfortable in the world, the pleasure from the depth of penetration made up for it. She wrapped her arms around Damon's neck for balance.

"Oh my god...Damon." Elena moaned. "That feels good." she tried to move her hips, but Damon was literally pounding in and out of her, leaving her unable to do anything.

"You like me fucking you hard?" Damon whispered into Elena's ear.

"Yes." Elena replied quietly.

"Yes what?" Damon growled.

"Yes Damon, I like it when you fuck me hard." she responded, her tone defiant. For some reason Elena found the dirty talk extremely arousing, fueling the already burning need inside her to almost fever point. "Fuck me harder Damon...fuck me...harder." Elena cried out as Damon responded by speeding up his actions. His thumb made it's way to her nub as he began to massage it.

Just as Elena thought she was about to come, the world seemed to tilt on its axis. One moment she was up against the wall, the next she was lying face down on the bed. She turned her head to the side and felt Damon's weight on top of her.

"You'll like this, I promise." Damon whispered into Elena's ear as he nudged her legs apart and slid his cock inside her pussy. He wrapped his arm around her waist as his fingers made their way down to her nub. "Push yourself up on your forearms and lift your head." he instructed as Elena did as she was told.

Damon began to lick and nip at Elena's neck as he moved himself in and out of her, his talented fingers continuously massaging her nub, sending little heated shocks to her pussy, which was on the verge of exploding.

"So perfect." Damon moaned as he increased the pace of his thrusts.

"Yes...yes...yes...yes..." Elena cried, pleasure was beginning to overwhelm her body, and if Damon allowed her, she was about to burst.

"I want to hear you scream my name." Damon panted.

"Oh my god...Damon...Damon...yes...yes...Damon." Elena cried as he continued to thrust in and out of her, his fingers working their magic as suddenly Elena thought she saw stars. The heat inside her exploded and spasms rocked her from the inside, her back arched as she pushed herself onto Damon's cock, maximizing the penetration. Damon placed his fingers in Elena's mouth, which she promptly bit as her orgasm rocked through her body leaving no nerve unturned.

Once Elena's orgasm slowed, Damon pulled out of her and rolled her over. She could feel he was still hard as steel as his erection pressed up against her stomach. Damon hovered above her as he gently, ghosting his hand down the side of her body before he slid his cock inside her. Still highly sensitive from her orgasm, Elena cried out in pleasure. She pulled her leg up to allow deeper penetration as their hips began to work in unison.

One of Elena's hands roamed down Damon's back and cupped his ass cheek with the other as he thrust in and out of her. All the while Damon stroked her body with his free hand. They kissed frantically, as if molded into one being. This was different to what had come before. That had been pure animalistic sex, this was making love at it's finest. For a moment Elena got a sense of being home for the first time in her life. This was where she belonged, in the arms of this man, and only he would be the one to ever make her feel truly loved. He'd move heaven and earth for her if he could, and he'd certainly made a damned good attempt of it this evening. In response to her thoughts, heat started to burn deeply in her stomach, she realized she was heading for a third orgasm. To make her point clear she began thrusting harder, forcing Damon to up the pace.

"Fuck...Elena...yes...yes...fuck..." Damon moaned.

"More." Elena begged as Damon's hand slid between them and he began to massage Elena's over sensitive clit.

"I'm gonna come." Damon panted.

"Me too." Elena moaned as his words seemed to trigger her own orgasm. Spasms ripped through Elena's body as she cried out in ecstasy. The force of the orgasm forced her to arch her back before her entire body went rigid as the contractions took over her body in waves of pleasure. "Oh yes...yes...yes...oh...yes...oh yes...Damon." Elena cried, tears rolling down her cheeks with the overwhelming sensation of pleasure and belonging.

Elena's own orgasm seemed to throw Damon into his own. "Oh god...yes...fuck...yes...Elena..." he cried, as Elena caught a glimpse of his face, which took on an expression of blissful agony while her contractions continued to milk the seed from his cock. Soon she felt his warm fluids fill her body, giving Elena a sense of deep satisfaction. Much more than she ever thought possible.

Damon bent his head down and tucked a stray hair behind her ear before kissing her. "Was that good for you?" he asked, still sounding a little out of breath.

"Amazing." Elena whispered truthfully. "You?" she asked, slightly nervous considering Stefan's earlier comments.

"The best night of my life." he smiled genuinely before kissing her chastely on the lips and collapsing on top of her.

Damon's head nestled in the crook of Elena's neck as she felt the weight of his body pressing down on her. Not that she minded. The closeness was something she craved and Elena didn't want her body to be separated from his any time soon. Suddenly Elena understood her feelings, this was what it was like to be in love. It was time to admit it to herself, Elena Gilbert was in love with Damon Salvatore!

Elena closed her eyes and sighed in contentment at the realization of coming to terms with her feelings. She also cherished the sensation of him on top of her until she felt his weight shift and he was no longer there. Elena opened her eyes to complain, but when she did she realized she was back in her own bed and it was still night, although there were small slithers of sunlight peering through the curtains. Elena looked at her clock which 04:38. She'd only been back to sleep for just over an hour, yet sexual fantasies about Damon were plaguing her.

Elena reached under her bed and fumbled around until she found her diary and pen. She sat up, turned her lamp on and and began to write. Dear Diary, What the hell?...

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