Retrouvaille [2] Scott McCall


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Retrouvaille (n.) the joy of meeting or finding someone again after a long separation; rediscovery. Luna is... Еще

Chapter 1: Surprises in Mexico
Chapter 2: Reunion
Chapter 3: 117
Chapter 4: Muted
Chapter 5: The Benefactor
Chapter 6: I.E.D.
Chapter 7: Orphaned
Chapter 8: Weaponized
Chapter 9: Time of Death
Chapter Ten: Perishable
Chapter 12: A Promise to the Dead
Chapter 13: Smoke and Mirrors
Chapter 14: Creatures of the Night
Chapter 15: Parasomnia
Chapter 16: Dreamcatchers
Chapter 17: Condition Terminal
Chapter 18: A Novel Approach
Chapter 19: Required Reading
Chapter 20: Strange Frequencies
Chapter 21: Ouroboros
Chapter 22: Lies of Omission
Chapter 23: Status Asthmatics
Chapter 24: The Last Chimera

Chapter 11: Monstrous

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It was pouring hard when two young werewolves were running through the parking lot where the school buses were parked. The girl tripped but was quickly grabbed by Brett and helped up to her feet. "Get up, Lori."

"We can't stop!" he said before pushing her. "Run!" The next moment, an arrow went and lodged itself in his back. "Go!" he screamed as he ran after her.

Brett ducked as another arrow zoomed passed. He got to the front of a bus where he was ambushed by a hunter. The man tried to whack at him with his crossbow down on his head when he was stunned. Brett fell to the floor and looked up to reveal his golden eyes. 

The hunter moved to strike at him again but Brett leapt forward and pushed him into the fence before he took off to catch up with his sister Lori. He found that she was running off for the lacrosse field. 

He called after her to stop, as they would be out and exposed, but she kept running. Brett ran after her and the two of them were now in the center of the open field. One by one, the stands lights started turning on, the light exposing them.

Lori then noticed that there were red dots covering them. "Brett! What's happening?!" she cried. 

Brett knew what this meant. He had hoped that they would be able to get some help but it didn't look like it would be coming. He just sighed in defeat. "Close your eyes." He told her before he followed suit.

Lori pulled on her brother's arm as she closed her eyes and stood behind him. They then heard a hard whistle as an arrow went and flew for Brett's heart but a sword came and batted it away. They looked over and saw Kira.

"Run!" she screamed at them.

Brett and Lori quickly ran just as more arrows flew for them. Kira moved to stand in the way and spun her sword as she intercepted them all.

"Which way?" Brett yelled back.

Suddenly a man jumped out from a hidden spot. That surprised the three of them. "That way!" Kira shouted at them. Brett and Lori ran for the way Kira told them too while Kira stood behind them.

She backed up and twirled her sword as more arrows came flying out for them. She quickly intercepted each one with super fast precision, not letting one through. Brett was tugging on his sister's arm as they ran off the field.

"Where are we going?" Lori called out to Kira behind them. "Just run!" she said as she ducked from one last arrow before they got into cover. 

They came to a stop when a man with a crossbow stumbled backwards from out behind a corner. The siblings stiffened and Kira gave a yelp behind them as the man looked over at them. Kira readied her sword but, a second later, the man just collapsed.

"What?" Brett gasped.

A second later, Luna stepped out from that same corner, partially shifted. She quickly jammed her foot down on the assassin's right ankle, breaking it and making him cry out in pain before she locked her blue eyes on the three of them.

"Luna?" Kira cried out.

"I got your message," Luna said as she breathed heavily and surveyed the area for anymore assassins. "Come on, we have to go. My car is in the parking lot. Go!" she yelled at them.

Immediately, the three took off running. Luna bent down to the moaning men and grabbed his shirt. The man looked up and stared up at her with fear in his eyes. He had heard the stories about Luna and feared for his life in this moment.

Luna raised her hand. The man thought she would slashed him with her claws but just the opposite happened. Luna balled her fist up and punched him in the jaw. The man fell to the ground, unconscious. 

Luna stood up and quickly took off after the others. The car's doors were already wide open and the engine had been left running. Kira, Brett and Lori rushed inside and closed the doors a second before Luna threw herself into the driver's seat. She yanked the door closed, put the car into drive and sped them the hell out of there.

After a few seconds, she looked over at the mirror where the siblings were sitting in the back. "You two okay?" They nodded as they tried to catch their breath.

"You?" she asked Kira. "Yeah," she nodded. "Good." "Um, where are we heading?" Brett asked Luna.

"A safe place." she answered, leaving him puzzled but he trusted her anyway since she did save him and his sister.


Kira opened the back door and let Satomi and a half dozen others into the clinic. She stepped inside to gaze upon Brett and Lori.

"Are you two okay?" she asked them. They both nodded. "We're okay," Lori mumbled. "Thanks to Kira and Luna," Brett then looked over at Kira.

Satomi shook her head. "Kira." Her tone was soft as she kept her eyes on her. "'re the spitting image of Noshiko." "Satomi. My mom told me a lot about you. It's nice to finally meet you."

Satomi went to speak again but someone else came into the room. It was Luna.

"Okay, I just called Scott and-" She froze as she caught sight of Satomi. It was her. They may have never met, but she recognized her immediately. Back when she was apart of the Alpha pack, her father had mentioned Satomi in hope of finding her but they never could.


That was all she could think to say. Oh if only her father, Deucalion, could see her now.

Satomi looked the girl up and down. "Luna." She kept her gaze on her for a moment before she nodded at him. "Thank you both for saving Brett and Lori." 

Just as Luna was about to speak, the front door's bell rang as it opened.

"Hello!" they all heard.

"That's Scott," Luna said before she and Kira ran off to meet with him.

When Scott and Luna quickly caught sight of each other, the two of them ran and quickly grabbed each other into a hard and passionate kiss. 

Kira awed quietly until she then shifted uncomfortably on her feet when the two of them kept at it for a moment before they slowly broke apart.

"Are you okay?" Scott asked his girlfriend.

Luna nodded. "I'm know, beside the fact that I'm getting hunted by assassins two nights in a row." Scott thought back to last night when he, Luna, Liam and Malia were almost burned alive by assassins.

"I'm just glad you're okay." Scott said to Luna before turning to look over at Kira. He walked over to her and brought her into a hug. "How's your mom?" "She's okay," she told him. The two broke from the hug.

"Did you two find him? Did you find Brett?" Scott asked the two. Luna and Kira glanced at each other before looking back over at Scott.

"Actually, I think Kira found all of them," Luna answered as she moved out of the way to show Scott what she meant. Scott moved over to see that it wasn't just Brett and his sister but also Satomi and over a half a dozen other people.

"Satomi, this is who I was talking about," Kira told her. But Satomi nodded. "I know who Scott McCall is." 

"Are we safe here?" asked Lori.

"We're going to need help. A lot of help." Scott told her.


Chris took the plant he acquired and locked it away in his safe. As he closed it, he found fresh footprints at the side. He carefully grabbed his gun and moved to silently follow them.

He then saw a silhouette behind a curtain. He pointed his gun at it and moved closer when a blade shot through it and struck him. It only nicked him at the shoulder and made him drop his weapon. He used his other hand to grab his handgun hidden at his back and pulled it just in time to come face to face with a shifted Brett.

"Wait!" Scott said as he came running out. "Wait, Brett! This is his place. It's his!" Brett was still growling but he pulled back and moved to stand over with his sister and pack. 

Chris took in the number of people, undoubtedly werewolves, that were crowding in his place. "Scott, if you're bringing guests, you could've called." "I didn't have anywhere else to take them," he tried to explain. 

From the pack, Satomi stepped forward. "I know this man. He might not remember but we've met before." From her tone, it was clear that the meeting wasn't a good one.

"You can trust him," said Scott sincerely before he looked back at him. "I trust him." "How do we know it's because he's not like the others?" "What others?" Argent asked.

"Last night, there was a whole team after them." Kira then brought out an arrow. "And they used crossbows." Argent took the arrowhead and inspected it. He found that there was a small crest carved into it. A hunter's crest.

"They're hunters, aren't they?" Scott asked.

Chris narrowed his eyes. "Not if they're killing for profit. Not anymore." "Can they find us?" Brett asked him. "They might already know you're here. Maybe they're waiting for dark," he told them.

"So we're not safe here?" said Kira. 

Luna huffed. "We're not safe anywhere." "Luna's right," Satomi said surprising Luna. "We've been trying to get out for days. Everywhere we turn, we find someone new trying to kill us."

Scott's head dropped a bit. He didn't know what to do now. They couldn't run and they couldn't hide. 

Argent stepped over to him. "If they're coming, Scott, they're coming for you too. You're still number one on the Deadpool." "I know," he coughed out. "I know Lydia can get the answer from Meredith. She just needs more time." 

"Then that's what she'll get." 


Argent was setting up motion sensors at all the entrances and weak points where he felt that anyone might try to force their way in. They had to secure this place as best as they could so they could hold off however many people were coming after them.

Scott had gotten calls from Stiles and Lydia as they updated him on their progress. Right now, they were all safe and he told them to stay that way. 

Scott saw Braeden preparing her weapons but Derek was watching everyone else. "They'll be okay," he told him. Derek tore his eyes away. "They've got claws and fangs but they're not fighters." "That's why I called you." "Well, try to remember that I don't have claws and fangs anymore either."

Braeden smirked. "That's why he called me." 

Kira shook her head. "Am I the only one still hoping that all this is just a false alarm? I mean, it's possible that we could wait here all night and nothing happens. Right?"

Derek and Scott shared a skeptical look. Kira's prediction wasn't how things usually ran for them. Braeden didn't give it any thought. "Scott, you hear from Stiles or Lydia yet?"

"Lydia is still talking to Meredith. Stiles and Malia are headed to the lake house. They're trying to stop it." "Okay, that's good." said Luna. 

"What if there's no stopping it?" asked Brett. "What if it doesn't end until we're all dead?" 

They stopped to consider that this might be a very real scenario. For all they knew, the Deadpool was rigged to keep going no matter what.

Derek spoke out. "Then let's send a message. Let's make tonight perfectly clear, to anyone with a copy of that list. It doesn't matter if they're professional assassins, hunters, or an amateur that just picked up a gun. Anyone who thinks that they can hunt and kill us for money is going to be put on another list, our list! They get to be a name in our Deadpool!" 

At that, Braeden cocked her shotgun to really stick a pin on his words. Everyone else stiffened but were filled with resolve. The people coming for them were going to show them no mercy.


Everyone at the warehouse was high on alert. Night was falling and they would soon be in the danger timeline. Brett was holding onto his sister's hand as she tried hard to not go into a breakdown.

A few of the others were curled up in corners, trying not to flinch at every little sound while others were pacing and their eyes narrowed in alert. Scott was watching them all. He he hoped that Stiles and the others could find and stop the Deadpool quickly. If this dragged on, things would only get worse.

Luna came over to him and moved her hand to his shoulder. "It'll be okay. Stiles and Lydia are going to find the Deadpool and stop it. They won't let us down, you know that, right?"

He went and laid his hand over hers. "Yeah," he mumbled. But then Luna sighed, "Look, I know this situation seems scary. Hell, I am even terrified as them right now but we got this. We are going to end this once and for all."

Scott nodded. "You're right...we will."

But then a beeping sounded that cut their conversation short. It made everyone stiffen as they looked over to where it was sounding.

"They're coming," said Argent.

Before anyone knew it, canisters of tear gas were thrown off into the air.

"Get back!" Braeden cried out to everyone.

The canisters exploded and started to unleash gas and then the warehouse was brimming with unrestrained chaos. There were bullets and arrows flying everywhere as all the werewolves were either trying to avoid them or push through them.

Scott was next to Luna as they were trying to fend off any assassins that were next to them. He then noticed a guy with an automatic shooting over in the direction of some of the others and he moved to stop him. He grabbed the automatic and pulled it out of his grip as he gave the man a punch with his other hand. He threw the gun off to the side to get it far away from them. 

The assassin quickly recovered from Scott's blow as he moved to throw a punch himself but Scott caught it. He pulled the guy's arm back and then moved his palm to the man's chest to pick him up and slam the man to the ground. He then grabbed the man by his helmet and slammed it down two times to stop him.

Scott then got up and blinked as he saw that Luna wasn't with him anymore. He tried to find her and quickly spotted Brett limping over to him. He was already bleeding. "Get the others back. Tell them to hide." Brett nodded and ran to do just that.

Scott then looked around but couldn't find any sign of her through all the shooting and fighting. "Luna! Luna!" he shouted.

But Scott then got shot in the arm and found that it was made by the assassin he just brought down. He was on his knees and had pulled out a handgun, firing at him. He took another shot at Scott and he darted to avoid it.

The assassin was about to fire again when he stiffened as something hit him from behind. He then fell forward and Scott saw that there was a thin knife at his back. He then looked over to find Satomi nearby, poised as she had just thrown it. She spared Scott a small nod before she turned to fight another assassin. Scott then moved to keep looking for Luna.


The chaos only grew as the minute dragged on.

Scott suddenly felt a wave of great fear hit him. But, he quickly realized that it wasn't his own fear. "Luna," he muttered. Luna was scared. Scott didn't know how he knew that, but he just did.

Without noticing, his face had shifted as he tried to navigate his way through the thick dust and gunfire smoke. He then spotted an assassin letting a barrage of bullets on someone that was hiding and taking cover behind a stone pillar.

That person's fear scratched Scott's nostrils as it flooded into him. His red eyes widened as he suddenly saw Luna there, about to have a clip emptied into her. Scott quickly growled and found himself leaping across the room to the shooter. He grabbed him from behind and then threw him as hard as he could into the nearest wall. 

When  the guy landed, Scott quickly went and stomped hard on the guy's hand without sparing him a moment. Through the man's scream, he could feel the bones cracking underneath his foot and Scott found himself sated at the feel of it.

He then turned the guy over and threw three hard punches to his face, breaking his nose and jaw. "Luna." Scott looked over, expecting to see Luna there, but it wasn't her.

It was one of Satomi's wolves and she looked at Scott with a relieved but still frightened look on her face. But the werewolf didn't stare too long as she ducked when another assassin started firing at her. 

Scott growled hard at that man but before he could do anything, shots ran out and he fell. Scott looked over and saw Braeden with her gun aimed at him before she moved to go after someone else. Scott was gritting his teeth as he started to hear someone talking.

"Brett? Brett, where are you?" It was Brett's sister Lori. She was alone and was looking for her brother. But she didn't find him, she found an assassin. His laser trigger was pointed directly at the center of her forehead and his finger was one second way from pulling the trigger.

Scott's eyes burned a very bright red and he ran faster than he ever had before as he rammed into the guy before he could kill Lori. Scott threw the man down and struck him at his head as he grunted in pain. 

Scott then hopped over him and ripped the guy's helmet off. The guy's eyes were wide with fear, but Scott found himself not caring at all. His wolf screamed at Scott to rip into him for daring to try and kill a young wolf in front of him.

As Scott clawed through the guy's body armor, drops of blood started to stain his face, but Scott wasn't concerned by it for once. He found himself unable to stop. All he could see was his concern for Luna and her fear. Scott didn't realize that his face seemed to be morphing into something more wolfish, something bordering on monstrous. 

As Scott mangled the man, he managed to find the strength to hold his hands up, in a gesture of mercy. But Scott just roared hard at the man, which made him start to whimper.

But before Scott could make a swipe at the man's face, he heard a beeping coming from the guy's pocket. One that started to come out of the others. Every one of them had stopped in their tracks and were checking their phones. 

Scott reached down and took the man's phone and saw that a message was being displayed. He snarled as he held it for the mauled hunter to see. His eyes widened as Scott flashed his message: All Contracts Terminated.

The other hunters and mercenaries, still standing, all started to quickly pull away and bid a hasty retreat. Chris, Derek, Braeden, Satomi and her pack quietly watched as they retreated and came out into the open, staring at each other in confusion. 


Scott looked up and saw that Luna was looking at him with fear in her eyes. Scott didn't know this but Luna had witnessed him going at the hunter all along and reminded her of how she used to be back when she was in the Alpha pack.

He then moved away from the assassin and just left him there as he moved to rejoin everyone else. His heart warmed when he saw Luna but she looked worse for wear.

"Is it over?" Kira asked the room at large.

Scott sighed and nodded. He then looked around the room and noticed all the fallen bodies around it. His face dropped a bit at the number of them.


Scott and Luna were outside the warehouse, she was cleaning off the blood that was on him. He didn't want to stay inside there and keep looking at the bodies, even if most were the ones that had tried to kill them. A few were simply wounded and unconscious, but a good many of them were dead.

"You okay?" he muttered to her.

She nodded. "The Deadpool's gone and there's no more reason for anyone to come after us. I'm great." That made them both share a small laugh with each other. "All done," she said after she finished cleaning his face.

Scott let a relieved breath out. He then stared at Luna for a moment before he leaned in and gave her a soft kiss. "I'm just glad it's finally over," he said before planting a kiss at the top of her head.

Luna let her head rest into his chest while he held her. "Maybe now, things can start to go back to normal like you wanted." Scott sighed. "Yeah."

As they held each other, he stared off, his eyes were soft but filled with worry. He couldn't help but feel that, somehow, there was more coming.

[Published 7/1/18]

*Author's Note: Hello readers! Sorry that it has been awhile since updating this book :/ I have been busy lately but I am back AND WITH A NEW BOOK AS WELL!

Go check out my The Walking Dead book called "Unexpected" It is a Daryl Dixon love story. :) 

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