Stuck with you for 24 hours o...

By ZeeHavi

94.1K 2.1K 651

Beca and Chloe get handcuffed together for 24 hours, thanks to Fat Amy More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Thank you!

Chapter 2

6.7K 159 24
By ZeeHavi

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god." Mumbled Chloe quickly as she paced around her dorm room, dragging poor Beca behind her. "I have class in 15 minutes and I'm still stuck with you. I don't even know what to do right now. What would YOU do Beca?" she demanded as she whipped around to face Beca, almost knocking the younger girl over in the process. Chloe glared at her best friend who was just looking at her with an amused smile.

"Don't laugh. It's not funny." Chloe criticised. "Of course you'd find this amusing. You don't have to be anywhere right now, and even if you did, you don't go to class anyway."

"Touche." Beca grinned like a Cheshire cat as she shook her arm slightly to relieve some of the muscles that have been stretched to the limit. "By the way, thanks for NOT dislocating my shoulder by the way. I need to make my mixes. Which I will apparently be doing sitting in a lecture hall since it looks like I won't be getting out of Geography class or Russian Lit. Hey, since I'll have to go to class with you, maybe you'll get super great grades now, cuz I know you're currently failing both of them."

When Chloe just stared blankly at Beca, she continued on, "Two heads are better than one," Beca sang gleefully. "Oh come on, did you never watch Sesame Street as a child?"

"Of course I did, Rebecca. Don't be such an idiot. I just don't remember every single song they sang on that show. It's been running for over 40 years, you weirdo."

"Whatever. It's true. And MY head is better," boasts Beca, "Because I have gorgeous brunette hair, and your hair colour implies you have no soul. And everyone knows that people's souls are how you judge who is a good person."

"Two heads are better than one, my ass," Chloe muttered under breath. "Beca, you only use your brain when it comes to making excuses as to why you're late, just plain being lazy or absorbed in making music you forgot the rest of the world." At that, Chloe delivered a sharp elbow to Beca's side and stuck out her tongue.

"Real mature, Beale. You're definitely something, alright." Beca retorted. "And I'll have you know, I'm not being lazy, I'm being resourceful. Haven't you ever heard people say shit like, 'why work harder, when you can work smarter?' , 'Don't reinvent the wheel', or 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it,' Chlo?"

"Well, yes" Chloe reluctantly admits as Beca fist pumps in celebration over being correct.

"Yeah, yeah. You're a real gem, okay?" Chloe says, her voice slightly muffled as she sticks her head into the closet, as she searches for something.

"AH HA!" Chloe squeals in victory, "Here, put this on."

Chloe hands Beca a huge, oversized Victoria secret PINK zip up hoodie and instructs Beca to put it over her right arm as Chloe does the same to her left.

"What the actual fuck is this shit? Are you TRYING to make me loose my badass street cred?" Beca demands as she shifts her eyes between the offending garment and the redhead with an accusatory glare that could kill.

"If you wear it, maybe people won't notice that we're handcuffed together. Please? For me?" Chloe says in a voice that one might use to persuade her parents to adopt a puppy.

"Right, because two college girls sharing one giant ass hoodie isn't eye catching at all."

"I get it Becs, you're pissed. I am too, and I'm really sorry about this, but can you please just be mad later? We need to go because I'm - we're gonna be late, and I want to make sire there are two seats next to each other in the lecture hall."

Beca and Chloe leave Chloe's dorm rather ungracefully, as they both try to fit through the door frame at once, and refuse to move to the side for the other person to pass. Beca didn't want to move, because giving in on the door situation, meant that she may as well just roll over and play dead to the entire handcuffed-to-your-best-friend-who-you-may-have-a-crush-on situation. She was NOT about to let Chloe run her life (even though she practically wiggled her way into every aspect of Beca's college experience). Chloe on the other hand, grew up with an older brother, and her competitive nature just automatically came out in full ginger powered force.

Once the girls made it to the lecture hall and found two seats next to each other at the back, Chloe made the mistake of thinking Beca was over it. What Chloe didn't realise, was during the entire walk over, instead of complaining, Beca was planning various ways to get revenge and generally annoy Chloe for putting her through an undetermined stay in hell.

"If I have to be here, I'm going to do my own thing. Okay Chlo?"

Chloe responded distractedly as she glanced around the room to see of anyone noticed (or cared) about the newest addition to their class. "Uh, sure Becs. Whatever you want. But you're not allowed to bother me during class. And whatever you do, DO NOT get us kicked out." 

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