The Servamp of Fear (A Servam...

By Servamp_of_fear

22.9K 598 48

This Servamp fanfiction takes place after the Servamp anime. Before his death, the founder of the Servamp si... More

Chapter 1 Ririi Fujimori (edited)
Chapter 2 'Quiet Whisper' (edited)
Chapter 3 Friendly Neighborhood Vampire (edited)
Chapter 4 Off-Brand (edited)
Chapter 5 Miku-Miku (edited)
Chapter 6 The Four Boys (edited)
Chapter 7 The Past, Servamp of Anger? (edited)
Chapter 8 If You Bleed Red (edited)
Chapter 9 You Loved a Human (edited)
Chapter 10 Kidnapped (edited)
Chapter 11 Three Off-Brands (edited)
Chapter 12 The Dissolving Chain (edited)
Chapter 13 Through Angers Eyes (edited)
Chapter 14 Clash of the Siblings (edited)
Chapter 15 Face to Face (edited)
Chapter 16 Help Me Become Close (edited)
Chapter 17 Sushi Belt? (edited)
Chapter 18 Uneasy (edited)
Chapter 19 Glowing Roses and Camellia Flowers (edited)
Chapter 20 Meeting the Whole Family (edited)
Chapter 22 What You Did (edited)
Chapter 23 A Weapon For Ririi (edited)
Chapter 24 Doubts About Love (edited)
Chapter 25 You Do Bleed Red (Lime warning!!!) (edited)
Chapter 26 New Clothes (edited)
Chapter 27 Through Her Eyes (edited)
Chapter 28 Out of Prison (edited)
!!!New Authors Note!!! (6/15/2020)
Chapter 29 Let It Consume Your Soul (edited)
Chapter 30 My Girl (edited)
Chapter 31 She's Still Not Back (edited)
Chapter 32 Salon With Lawless (edited)
Chapter 33 I'll Be Your Waiter (edited)
Chapter 34 Is This a Date?!? (edited)
Chapter 35 Do You Fear Death? (edited)
Chapter 36 The Charity Ball (edited)
Chapter 37 Dancing Among The Beautiful People (edited)
Chapter 38 Wine at a Charity Ball? (edited)
Chapter 39 Her Name Is Rose? (edited)
Chapter 40 Go Now! (edited)
Chapter 41 Debating on Coming Back (edited)
Chapter 42 Sibling Brawl (edited)
Chapter 43 Weaker (edited)
Chapter 44 Clear (edited)
Chapter 45 Blood (edited)
Chapter 46 But At What Cost...(edited)
Chapter 47 It Whispered a Poem (edited)
Chapter 48 Did It Work (edited)
Chapter 49 Here For Her When She Needs Me
Chapter 50 How.....Interesting (final chapter)
Credit and Thanks

Chapter 21 Is It Love (edited)

320 8 0
By Servamp_of_fear

Two weeks went by and everything was going smoothly for Ririi, nothing was out of the ordinary. The Siblings were doing better now that Rose had helped them with their fears. Even the eves were different, but in a good way. The only person who seemed out of it was Misono. Every time Ririi would talk to Misono he seemed even more interested in what she had to say. Whenever he saw Ririi, he tried to impress her. Usually this led to him tripping over his own two feet or dropping something. Not to mention each time Ririi talked to him, he would always have a goofy smile plastered on his face, rather than his usual frown. Ririi thought it was very out of character that Misono was acting so differently.

Ririi sat in the flower field with Mikuni, gazing at the fluffy white clouds. The wind blew the grass, causing it to whistle a tune of peace. It was as if the day was standing still. "Mikuni this is such a nice day." Ririi looked over at Mikuni who looked lost in thought. "Mikuni?" Ririi gently took his hand in hers which startled the blonde. "Hm? Sorry, Ririi I was just thinkin'." "About what Mikuni?" The brown-eyed boy sighed and looked down at Jeje who was in his snake form curled up beside Mikuni's doll. Not only was Abel Mikuni's little companion but she was also his fair lady; his weapon. Justice would be served by the hanging of the hangman's noose. With every crime, someone committed the heavier Abel would get; she was used to hang the criminal. Mikuni had a weapon by his side, yet Ririi had nothing but her quick wits. "has Rose gave ya a weapon yet?"

Ririi was taken aback by his question. "A weapon? Servamps can give their masters weapons?" "Yes, my question is; can she give you a weapon? is it possible?" Ririi propped herself up on her elbows to look down at Mikuni. "No she hasn't, honestly I've never even seen her fight before. I'm not sure if she can give me one. She's never even mentioned it before, why are you asking me this Mikuni?" Mikuni glanced down at his cowboy hat. Mikuni sighed and shook his head. Even if Tsubaki was now good, it would never stop the evil that was growing inside the C3 base. Mikuni just wanted to make sure Ririi was ready for anything. He was protective of Ririi

He knew that Ratchet was slowly getting stronger day by day in the C3 base. He wasn't the typical bad guy either, he had more motives than just conquering the world. No, unlike most villains, Ratchet was the type that would not refrain from killing anyone who stood in his way. Unlike Tsubaki, Ratchet was built from one emotion...anger; and that anger was towards anyone associated with the Servamp siblings.

Mikuni remembered the time he was put on food duty. The other C3 members made him go into the prison cell to feed ratchet, since he was chained to the wall by a straitjacket. The time Mikuni was with the white-haired vampire the more he became enraged. While inside the prison cell Mikuni's thoughts would travel back to his father. Mikuni deep down wanted revenge on him for having an affair with his mother.

Mikuni remembered the first words Ratchet spoke to him. "ooooh, I fell someone wants revenge~! Poor Mikuni has daddy issues, set me free and ill help you take revenge on him for his unloyalty to you and your mother. After all, he's the reason she's dead. He is the reason you killed her. Join me kid and we will destroy them, just let your anger flow through you. Let it control you. Then, you will be set free from those chains holding you back. Let anger consume your soul."

The memory faded with a shiver down his spine. "We should go back. Do ya think that Rose is at the mansion?" Ririi nodded slightly. "I mean she can do whatever she wants but knowing most of the Servamps are at the mansion I don't think she would be leaving there any time soon. She still thinks there's work to be done with the Servamps." Mikuni put his cowboy hat back on and held his hand out to her. "Let's go back and find Rose, I need to talk to her."

"But Mikuni, you promised me that we would spend time together today." Ririi pouted and held Mikuni's arm as if it were her lifeline. "don't you want to spend time together?" "Ririi your life might be at risk, darlin', I can't lose you. I made a promise to your dad that I would protect ya. I tend to keep that promise." Mikuni stood close to Ririi squeezing her hands gently. They stood in place, eye to eye, nose to nose and chest to chest. Ririi blushed at the closeness but she did not mind.

"You mean so much to me Ririi, yall think I'm a no-good bad guy but I ain't like that. I do what's best for my family, my friends and now for you. I don't mean to sound like a creep, but I'm glad your father asked me to look out for ya if I wasn't there—gosh I don't even wanna think about it. Now I can do other things besides textin' ya on a computer screen." Mikuni chuckled to himself and rubbed his head, "your father probably would have asked Tsurugi to look out for ya if I wasn't there. That would have been a disaster!" "Who's that?" Ririi tilted her head in confusion. "He's an odd fellow. I was once acquainted with the guy. Let's just hope you won't meet him any time soon."

Ririi laughed at Mikuni and looked up into his brown eyes, oh those beautiful eyes. Those were the same eyes she fell in love with all those years ago. She always wanted to date someone, she read romance novels hoping that one day she would get to experience the pleasures of romance. Her fantasies were slowly coming true. there he was; the man who she fell in love with staring down into her eyes. Ever so slowly, Mikuni started to lean in, his eyes started to flutter closed. Ririi's heart felt as if it would leap right out of her chest. 'Holy crap this is actually happening!' Ririi flustered why Mikuni kept inching his way closer.

Mikuni was merely inches away from Ririi's lips before she closed her eyes nervously. Everything was disappearing in the background, or so Ririi thought. The pair's lips were only a hair apart. The moment was picture perfect. At least not until Misono interrupted. "HEY!" Misono walked out in front of the pair angrily tapping his foot on the ground. "I hope you two weren't going to do what I think you were going to do." Lily smiled behind Misono slowly bearing his shoulder, "I do believe I sensed some 'lust' in the air?" "Lily stop stripping!" Misono kicked lily's shin, enough was enough.

The purple-haired boy was pissed off, so it was true; Ririi did like Mikuni. Misono growled and clenched his fists "So I never had a chance, did I?" "Misono?" Ririi walked over to Misono reaching for his shoulder only to have her hand shrugged off "Never mind, I knew it was too good to be true. I knew you would go after my brother! Even though I warned you about him. Well, don't come crying to me when he breaks your heart Ririi! Come, Lily, let's go back to the mansion." "Whatever you say, dear Misono." Lily bowed and followed his growling eve.

Ririi was shocked, she looked at Mikuni who looked a bit confused. "what did he mean by that Miku?" "I'm not for sure darlin'." Mikuni straightened his posture and cleared his throat, "We should get back to the mansion too. I still need to ask Fear about your weapon." "R-right, let's go." "Ririi-hold on." Mikuni grabbed Ririi's arm and looked down at her cute freckled covered face. "lets...pretend like that didn't happen. Don't wanna have something get in the way of our friendship, right?" Mikuni chuckled and scratched his neck.

The comment hurt Ririi, she stood frozen, looking up at Mikuni. 'how could he say something like that? Did he not feel the same? But, why would he lean in? Did he just not want this?' Ririi chuckled nervously and pulled back out of Mikuni's grip, "Y-yah don't worry Mikuni, I was just about to ask the same thing." Mikuni was now shocked as well, 'Did she not feel the same way? Maybe that's why she was hesitating on kissin' me.' "yeah let's get back, Jeje common." Mikuni knelt and the snake slithered up his arm and rested comfortably around his neck. Ririi picked up Abel and the pair walked back to the mansion. The whole way there was awkward and silent, neither Mikuni nor Ririi said anything. 

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