Why do we Fight? - Volume II...

By ArcanePanzer

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The continuation of the story as it follows the lives of Argen Lorderius (The reader) and the inhabitants of... More

Chapter 1: Raiding the Raiders
Chapter 2: Warriors of their own Accord
Chapter 3: Still Alive and Kicking
Chapter 4: A Rouge's Life
Chapter 6: Driving Force
Chapter 7: A Fallen's Final Request
Chapter 8: Reenlistment
Chapter 9 (Part I): Wood, Iron, and Steel
Chapter 9 (Part II): Wood, Iron, and Steel
Chapter 10: The Harsh Reality of Life
Chapter 11: The Truth Always Hurts
Chapter 12: Common Enemies
Chapter 13: Common Negotiations
Chapter 14: New World, New Possibilities
Chapter 15: Allies and Enemies
Chapter 16: Cycle of Allegiances
Chapter 17: A Returned Fruit
Chapter 18: Foreign Relations
Side Stories: The Strong, the Honorable
Chapter 19: Beginning of an Invasion
Chapter 20: Up the Beach
Chapter 21: Who are You?
Chapter 22: Reconnaissance
Side Stories: Our Life Then and Now
Chapter 23: Cross' Revelation
Chapter 24: The Great Raid
Final Chapter: The Real Beginning

Chapter 5: Viking Diplomacy

639 18 8
By ArcanePanzer

Here we go again! Don't forget that I have a Discord server up and running! Link is down there! Let's talk about stuff, and get roles that are related to the fanfic!

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Disclaimer identified!

I do not, in any way, own For Honor or any resources that might make an appearance here. If I did, then I would get demonetized...

Probably :v


"The Warborn grew. Soon...much sooner than I had anticipated, only two Warlords remained in Valkenheim. The Raider and a vicious killer named Siv. With many of the Warborn leaders held hostage, conflict was inevitable."

- Back in Valkenheim, General POV... -

Final preparations are being made. The Warborn Clan, alongside the Ragnar's former Crows is now ready to face against the Bearclaw Clan; one of the last remaining larger Viking forces being led by Siv the Ruthless. Two of them remain: Rowan of the Warborn and Siv of the Bearclaw. A swift blow to the Bearclaws could end the civil war in Valkenheim and unite the Vikings once more.

Anaximander: "Siv has no intention on leaving Skallaborg. She has puppets all around her territory to do her vicious acts."

Rowan: "I'll make sure that she doesn't leave then. Taking fellow Vikings prisoner is not what we are."

Anaximander: "I am sure that you are not. But do not let vengeance consume you. Otherwise, you aren't any better than Siv herself." The cloaked man says to the Raider as he turns around to leave. "Destroy Siv's rule here, and your people will be united again. Mark my words, Rowan."

Anaximander then walk towards a spot where two of his companions are. On his way, he received strange looks from the Warborn Vikings but he paid them no mind, for it is natural to the human person to be cautious of something that you do not know about. Anaximander arrives at the spot not too far from the commotion going on, and he sees Arashicage leaning against a crate and Gudmundr in Warborn outfit.

Arashicage: "Siv's fortress has no way of getting reinforments from the outlying forts. I have eliminated the runners between each location." The Aramusha says to the cloaked Warden.

Anaximander: "Wouldn't that alert them of their missing men, however?" He asks.

Arashicage: "They will, but not in a few hours, enough for the Warborn to defeat Siv. They won't find the bodies that fast, I made sure of it."

Anaximander: "Very well. Excellent work, my friend." He comments to the former Samurai, who nods at him. He then turns his head to the former jarl wearing an outfit with Warborn markings. "Are you sure about this, Gudmundr? You want to reveal yourself now?" He asks the Warlord.

Gudmundr: "It has been several years since we have seen each other, since I became jarl of Svengard. I'd like to see my little brother in person once more... Besides, it would give him a new motivation to fight back with our people." The Viking replies.

Anaximander: "You put up a fair point, my friend. Now, let us find a good view of the upcoming assault." He says to the two of them.

???: "Already did, Anaximander." Someone else says in a young and feminine tone, who turns out to be Yana herself approaching them. "Me, Gulisano, and Krebs found a good spot to spectate up the mountains. It's not the best, but it's good enough to see what may happen."

Anaximander: "Then let us go."

- With the Warborn... -

Rowan: "Since Ailbert is back with his clan, it falls down on you, Alvis, to take care if the rest of our people. Runa, Helvar and I will attack Siv's fortress, and finish this unrest once and for all." The Raider says to Alvis, formerly Ragnar's officer.

Alvis: "Of course, Rowan. May Odin favor the Warborn." The Shield Sergeant says and leaves to his duties afterwards.

Helvar: "I'll ready our soldiers." Helvar says to Rowan, who then leaves to assemble the Warborn.

Rowan and Runa are left now, in the middle of the noise that the soldiers are making. Rowan looks at his helmet that he was holding the entire time, contemplating what and how far they have done so far just to restore his true people back. His thoughts were interrupted by someone touching his shoulder.

Runa: "Rowan, are you alright?" The Valkyrie asks him with her raspy yet soothing voice to him.

Rowan: "It has been a year since Apollyon struck our homeland, yet were are still struggling to survive, from the elements and our own people." He replies to her as he keeps looking at his helmet, the same one that he wore for years and showing signs of wear scratches.

Runa: "Rowan, look at me." She asks him. "We have come this far. You have united the once splintered clan of the Warborn, and enlisted the help of the Icebloods. You can do the same to the Bearclaws today, and maybe someday, the entirety of Valkenheim. Just know that we are with you. I am with you." She says to him, with her brown eyes showing truth and promise as she cups Rowan's cheek with her hand.

Rowan nods at her, and they set out to complete the task at hand, and differences will be set aside for the sake of their home. A united Valkenheim can be seen in the future ahead.

- In Harrowgate, Amber's POV... -


"I don't think we have been properly introduced, my lady. My name is (Argen) (Lorderius); Knight of Ashfeld.

I'm just joking, Amber. Just want to make you smile. That being said, how are you doing? I probably missed a lot, didn't I? Heavens, you probably even became a commander now. And before you ask, I am fine. I have people to assist me, and who are they, I can't tell you yet. But when I do tell you, I assure you that you will be surprised. Partly because I haven't told you about them.

But aside that, I want you to know that I haven't forgotten about our relation. Please, help my men too. I can only imagine how low their spirits right now since I left. The sun may set, our swords may run dull, but never will our connections. Speaking of connections, I have a friend who goes by the name of Saidan Anaximander. He may show you a silver medallion much like that of us, Wardens. I trust him, and I am sure that you will too. We may be far away from each other, but the years that I will be away will be short compared to the times for our people's future.

- Crazy (Lorderius)

P.S. I'd like to see that feather again. Try not to lose it, alright? Thanks.


I chuckle near the last part. It's what I called him when he told me his intentions for Ashfeld more than a year ago. He does know how to make me smile, I'll give him that. Yes, (Argen), I am now a commander of the Blackstone Legion. Cross promoted me, although I am still technically his second Knight. You should've seen us.

As for the Lightshield Cohort, I will make sure that they remain strong and treat them as the own men and women that I have under my command now.

I look towards the light that is being let in by the window in my room, and towards the beautiful landscape that our homeland possesses, wondering how long will it be.

Nonetheless, I thank you, (Argen). I'm glad that you have never forgotten about us. I take out the red, blue and yellow feather that I have been taking care of. It still has its vibrant glow when I got it first. I'll never lose this for you, (Argen).

But who is this, 'Saidan Anaximander'? (Argen) said that he trusts whoever this person is. I wonder...

- Back in Valkenheim three hours later, General POV... -

A column Warborn Vikings are marching up a pathway that leads to the heart of the Bearclaw Clan, with Rowan the Raider in the lead. They come across spears stuck to the snowy ground with heads impaled on them, some are missing their eyes even.

Runa: "Siv's work." The Valkyrie comments about the sight.

Helvar: "That's just barbaric." The Berserker gives his own comment to the sight.

Runa: "I've seen you take scalps." Runa inquires as she looks at him, who is then taken aback by her words.

Helvar: "It's different!" He tries to defend himself.

Runa: "Sure." She replies.

To their left is an observation tower with banners of different schemes, possibly of other clans.

Apollyon: (Narrating) “We build new structures on top of the sanctuaries left by our ancestors, but they never match the glory of our past. They were great, we have much to learn from them.”

They continue to move, but was stopped by Rowan. They got briefly confused as the Raider observes the surroundings, trying to identify where the Bearclaws are keeping their prisoners. After a minute of observing, Rowan turns towards his people, featuring for them to stay put, and moves to free the prisoners afterwards.

Helvar: "We'll just... wait for your signal then!?" Helvar says to him in a questioning way.

Before Rowan leaves his men and friends, he notices the half buried head statue in front of him.

Apollyon: (Narrating) “A millennium ago, Valkenheim was the site of a vast Nordic empire. The earth swallowed them whole. Now, in places, the rains slowly reveal that past. What else lurks beneath the soil, I wonder?”

Rowan takes off and heads towards the damaged windmill tower first where several Bearclaws are guarding, leaving the severed heads impaled to the ground behind him.

Apollyon: (Narrating) “The Bear Claw clan crushed all resistance. They forced the other clans to serve them. Their Warlord, Siv, was ruthless in her pursuit of power. I liked her.”

Rowan: (In thoughts) "There's definitely someone that is being kept there. Not for long."

As he approaches, he gets a clear view of the enemies he will be initially facing; at least three Sergeants plus a Raider sliding down from the windmill by hooking his axe on the chains.

He wasted no time and attacked first, ignoring the yells of the Bearclaws that just took notice of his presence. He tackles the nearest Sergeant and collided him against another Sergeant behind, knocking them out temporarily. The third Sergeant attempts a stab at him but was parried by the Warborn, kicks him off as he became vulnerable and kills one of the Sergeants who was just getting up from being pummeled. The Bearclaw Raider charges at Rowan, though it fails as he was flipped by the Warborn to his back and was quickly eliminated.

Rowan continues on to enter the observation tower, and eliminates another Bearclaw Raider guarding on the second floor. After decapitating the enemy of his head, Rowan heads towards the cage containing someone and busted it open, releasing the Viking inside.

Freed Viking: "Thank you, Rowan. I knew you will come back someday." The Viking says to Rowan.

Rowan: "Let us save the pleasantries for later, Hjálmar. For now, we have more people to save."

Hjálmar: "Understood. The Bearclaws are keeping Taric near the cliffside over there." Hjálmar says to Rowan as he points towards the cliffside being overlooked by the height they are on.

Rowan: "Then that is our next task. No one gets left behind!" He shouts.

They make their way down using the chains that is connected to the ground, hooking their weapons to it as they slide down to the ground.

After making sure that both of them are good to go, they rush the next position of the Bearclaws. They pass by a spacious field with the main gate of the fortress in front of them, but also a stone monument in front of the gate that stood out at the sight.

Apollyon: (Narrating) “The more glory a Viking earns, the greater their legend when they are gone. But unlike us, their gods require them to share that glory with the weakest among them.”

They continue, passing by a wrecked and withering cart, or possibly a siege weapon, of Ashfeld origin.

Apollyon: (Narrating) “Through example, we Knights accidentally taught the Vikings the art of siege warfare. I like to think, in turn, they showed us how to live free.”

As they rush through the colder wind of the mountains, they notice the lit up torches on top of a hill connected by a wooden bridge. To the left of the path after the bridge is a dead tree with a face etched to its trunk.

Apollyon: (Narrating) “The Vikings worship gods of wood, of storms and of stone. The Samurai gods are of fire, of wind, and of thought. The gods of the Knights, are iron, steel, and gold. But power, that we agree on.”

They come up on the hill, where they see more Bearclaw guards near an altar of sorts with a wooden cage nearby.

Hjálmar: "I got the ones on the left!" The Berserker yells, facing off against two Sergeants and a marauder.

Rowan in turn faces a Warlord with another Berserker. He tackles the Berserker and throws him against the Warlord.

As the Berserker was recovering, Rowan strikes his head with his dane axe while kneeling, immediately eliminating a threat. He pulls off his axe from the now broken skull, causing drops of blood to taint the snowy ground.

The Bearclaw Warlord pushes off his dead friend and stabs at Rowan, who barely managed to dodge out of the way. As the Warlord was about to attack him again, he was suddenly disrupted by Hjálmar who defeated his share of opponents, catching him off guard.

Hjálmar nods at Rowan, who then goes to the cage and busted it open. The inhabitant picks up his axes from nearby and immediately rushed Hjálmar and the Bearclaw, much to Rowan's surprise.

Taric: "Not if I kill him first!" The newly freed Warborn yells as he lept to the air and brings his axes into the Warlord's shoulders. He pulls of one, and uses the other one to hold the Warlord in place as kicked his crotch, ending him with a decapitation using both of his axes.

Hjálmar: "Hey! That was my kill!" The first Berserker says to his fellow Berserker.

Taric: "Hah! I see that time caused you to become slower then!" The second Berserker replies while holstering one of his axes to offer a handshake to his friend. "Good to see up close again, Hjálmar."

Hjálmar: "Same with you, Taric. Thanks to Rowan here coming back to us." He accepts the handshake while he refers to the Raider nearby.

Rowan: "I came back when a few, acquaintances convinced me. I united the rest with their help; Siv is the only one left."

Taric: "Then I assume they are here now, waiting for your signal. Soon enough, the Bearclaws will notice and they will sound the warhorns. We can use that to signal them."

The view then cuts in front of Siv's fortress, where Siv herself looks out for Rowan.

Rowan: (Narrating) "Siv..."

Siv: "ROWAN!"

Rowan: (Narrating) "We had a history."

Siv: "I know it's you!"

The view then shifts to the idle Warborn forces being led by Runa and Helvar. They hear a horn sounding from the fortress which alerts them.

Helvar: "I guess that was the signal!?" Helvar asks Runa as he gets up from a crate he was sitting on.

Runa gets off from leaning against a boulder and walks in front of the Warborn. She lets out a warcry which was then followed by the rest.

Soon enough, Rowan and his new companions meets up with Runa and Helvar, and they, along with the Warborn soldiers, charge on Siv's fortress.

Rowan: (Narrating) "Now, the real fight begins!"

The Warborn clash with the Bearclaws head on, with soldiers falling on both sides. A Warborn Warlord faces off against a Bearclaw Berserker, easily overpowering the Berserker drives his sword to his opponent. He tries to pull it off, but it became stuck. He pulls it again, only this time his sword remains stuck into his opponent's chest. Furious, The Warlord kicked the Berserker off his sword and faces his next target.

With the help of seasoned warriors, the Warborn fight off wave after wave of Siv's troops until they reach her fortress, with Rowan taking down a significant portion of the enemy forces.

They managed to breach through and enter the fortress where Siv is waiting with another force of Bearclaws. One by one, the Vikings face each other. One by one, they fell like flies.

(Argen): (Narrating) "Although they are not my own people, it pains me to see the Vikings kill their own people. But conflicts without bloodshed were almost non-existent. It's as if, war is a natural part of the existence of men."

- Sometime later... -

Siv defeats a Warborn marauder with one of her axes cleaved through one of the marauder's shoulders.

Siv: "Rowan!" She shouts, as she cleaves her other axe to the other shoulder of the already defeated Viking. "Rowan!"

She then kicks off the marauder off her axes as the other soldiers gather around her, which only increased her frustration.

Siv: "ROWAN!" She shouts once again, which is longer and drawn out this time.

The fighting stopped to look at the enraged Bearclaw warchief. Rowan, hearing her cries, makes his way among the soldiers with Taric and the two prepare to duel.

Siv: "What are YOU doing with the Warborn?" She asks him while smirking, finally seeing her long time rival and the chance to finally kill him.

Rowan smirks to himself, seeing how pathetic Siv have become after the fall of Svengård. He then says to her:

Rowan: "You talk too much..."

Rowan: (Narrating) "Siv had numbers, but the Warborn had me."

The two of them circle each other for some time, until Rowan makes the first move, feinting a strike from his right and breaks Siv's guard, allowing him to land a few light strikes.

Of course, Siv has no reason to not retaliate. She attacked him on all sides with great speed, as Rowan barely managed to block them until he was hit by a heavy attack that injured him significantly.

Siv: "I'm the greatest warrior that ever lived!" She yells.

(Argen): "If she claims that. I'd like to face her some time."

Rowan shrugs off the pain and attempts to break the Berserker's guard again but was negated. He does so again and he succeeded, tackling her and throws her on the ground with such force that he managed to inadvertently disarm her.

Seizing the advantage, he kicks off one of her axes away from them and used his axe to block Siv's hand from getting her other axe, completely disarming her as Rowan looms over the fallen Viking, literally.

Siv looked at him in rage, but Rowan remained passive.

Rowan: "I know we have been at odds since the start, but now is not the time for our petty rivalry." He says to her as he removes his axe from the ground and picks up Siv's axe as Siv sits up.

Everyone else, Warborn and Bearclaw looked at the two long running rivals in anticipation.

Rowan: "I know you have what have happened to our people after what happened a year ago, what Apollyon did our home."

While some would claim that they are great warriors, none of them will claim that they don't fear anything, at least, not genuinely and for psychological purposes only. In this case, Siv herself shivers at the though of the Knights in black. Like shadows that emerged from the underworld.

Rowan: "So I dare say that we forget our past, and work towards a common goal. You are not like this, and I don't think you like this at all." He says as he offers his hand for her to get up.

Although begrudingly, Siv eventually accepts his hand and she gets up. After a moments of stating at each other, Siv asks:

Siv: "What's in it for me then?" Rowan scoffs at this in amusement.

Rowan: "We'll see, Siv, we'll see soon enough."

The sounds of swords sheathing filled the air as the Warborn and the Bearclaws welcomed each other.

The view then cuts to the entrance of Siv's fortress, where the newly freed Warborn prisoners walk out.

Rowan: (Narrating) The old ways of blood stir our people...we were united once more. It was time to free the rest of the Warborn." A Warlord wearing a bear pelt walks out. "Stigandr Branson..."

The aforementioned Viking steps out to the sun for the first time in who knows how long. He then sees Helvar; an old friend.

Stigandr: "What took ya so long?"

Helvar: "Finding Vikings you hadn't pissed off?" The Berserker replies as they laugh.

Stigandr prepares to greet Runa but awkwardly backs off with and gives here a mere hand wave. The same happened when he walked up to Siv who has her arms crossed. Stigandr then walks up to Rowan.

Stigandr: "My thanks, warrior." He says to him as Rowan walks up to him.

Rowan: "Don't disappoint me, jarl." Rowan tells him as he addressed him with a new title. Stigandr starts laughing at this.

Stigandr: "Oh, I like you."

They shake hands and they leave to retrieve their weapons. However, the Warborn Warlord from before caught Stigandr's attention.

Stigandr: "I assume you think I know ya?" He asks the Warlord.

Warlord: "Don't worry. You know me." The Warlord says to him, as he takes off his helmet, revealing his white hair.

Stigandr: "Gudmundr."

(Argen): "It is done. The clans are now united like never before."

Rowan: "Now, it was time to take back our birthright."


Aaaaaaand, we're done for this chapter! I can't believe that the writer's block is hitting me hard but I finally managed to upload this chapter. Don't forget to join me in my Discord server, and have a great day/night!

Arcani out.

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