BTS Fanfic [ Hyungs and the M...

By LinxAxcel

31.4K 652 86

Bts Family/brotherly love/member complex ect. You could say that all the hyungs give ALL their attention on t... More

Chapter 1: Odd Dream
Chapter 2: Jeon Jungkook
Chapter 3: Your Choice
Chapter 4: He's Awake!
Chapter 5: Am the hospital?
Chapter 6: You're still beautiful
Chapter 7: What reason...?
#1 Side Story: Jin, J-Hope & RM
Chapter 8: Discharge...Finally!
Chapter 9: Welcome Home!
Chapter 10: How are they?
Chapter 11: Jin says, "Wake them up"
Chapter 12: Taetae want you
Chapter 13: It's for the best
Chapter 14: Obedient Bunnykookie
Chapter 15: Jimin's Kindness & Jungkook's Determination
Chapter 16: Is it wrong to be loved?
Chapter 17: This is for his sake
Chapter 18: The 94' Liner Team Up
Chapter 20: Caring & Demanding Part 2
Chapter 21: It's All Part of The Plan
Chapter 22: The Ringleader
Chapter 23: It's Enough

Chapter 19: Caring & Demanding Part 1

711 18 2
By LinxAxcel

Author's note:

Sorry guys for the late update. Like always, works been busy. I had to go from one place to another but still, I even been given a several day vacation. I won't tell you where I went. You'll definately be jealous if I do. I have fun, seriously but very tiring at the same time. Aaanyway....I hope you guys find it good and enjoyable reading my book even tho it is just a so-so kinda story. Like I care, this is my book. Then, on with the chapter. Enjoy~♡

~At Jungkook's Room~

Third person p.o.v

Hope and Namjoon were left alone with Jungkook by Jin. The room became so quiet as the two of them watched the maknae's sleeping face. Hoseok smile ever so gently at the young one but as he looking at Namjoon's face, he gave him a bitter smile when he saw Namjoon's face darken. The leader followed the maknae's breathing rythm.

"How can a broken spirited child like him can sleep so peacefully. Yet again, I'll have to play a role as a demanding brother... Isn't that a know, like Jin hyung's personality?".

Hope rolled his eyes and focus on the plain ceiling. Demanding brother...hah? While Namjoon's the demanding brother, Hoseok was made to take the role as caring brother. The complete opposite. What is Jin trying to do do while making them doing something a completely polar opposite? The plan was supposed to heal Jungkook's memories but how are those role fit with the plan? Is it for some sort of comfortation? Protection? Yeah, he thought it's for protection for obvious reason. Jungkook were damaged by some unknown strangers. Scarred and broken. Leaving the maknae felt very responsible over his 'mistake', not letting his hyungs know about the real situation. Sigh, sometimes it feels like Jungkook never trust his hyungs and try to hide it from them. Hoseok felt a little disappointed. He was hoping that the maknae could be more open towards them. Only recently Jungkook got more talkative than usual. It's actually kinda a good thing.

"Should I knock Jin hyung uncouncious and tie him up at the basement until his sane enough to come up with a better plan?". Namjoon muttered under his breath.

"I wonder how you are still here alive and breathing while Jin hyung is around. Plus, we don't have a basement". Hoseok let out a breath of relieved. He can tell that his partner is a bit pressured by this plan but if it's for Jungkook, they will take it wether they like the role or not. The problem was that Namjoon and Hoseok can't act well unlike the others. Their acting skills are actually really bad.

"Namjoon-ssi...". The leader's head perked as he heard his name were mention. "We shall do our best with this plan. For the good or for the bad, this is all for the sake of Jungkook-ssi". Kim Namjoon tilted his head so that his bang covers his eyes. Yes, even tho he's highly unlikely fit for the character that was given, he know they had to do it one way or another.

Still covering his eyes with his bang, he focused his sight on the maknae. 'Sorry if I'll make your life harder in the near future, Jeon Jungkook. We will make sure that you will regain your precious memories back online. I promise you after this whole shenanigans, your hyungs will show you how priceless you are to us compare to the most expensive jewelery found on earth'.

Not long after that, they saw Jungkook shifted from his sleep. When his eyes about to opened, Hoseok gently strokes the maknae's cheecks by the back of his hand while smiling at how soft it is. "Wake up Jungkook-ssi, wakey-wakey~".

Jungkook was still engrossed by the light touch of Hoseok's hand and gave out a small smile. He tries to opened his eyes but couldn't. The coziness is beyond imagine. Then he tried it for the second time. He opened it slowly, very slowly so that he can adjust his sight with the lighting surrounds him. The first person that he saw was his Hoseok hyung. He yawned while rubbing his eyes. "Good morning...?".

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