Zianourry Family Fluff (One D...

By zolozen

45.7K 1K 341

I get bored and when I get bored I write but I don't like to write what people tell me to write so I start to... More

finding the missing piece
the best things happen when you least expect them
the best things happen when you least expect them (ii)
the best things happen when you least expect them (iii)
it takes time (ii)
it takes time (iii)
it's coming home
the best things happen when you least expect them (iv)

it takes time

4.5K 82 22
By zolozen

Harry: Daddy

Liam: Papa

Niall: taken in at 13 - eventually 16 - headspace 2 1/2

Louis: taken in at 13 - eventually 16 - headspace 2

Zayn: 14 - in denial headspace 


The world is a crazy place constantly adapting.

One day the world has dinosaurs, the next there's just remnants in which people are still discovering.

During one time period the average height of individuals was 5'6", today it's 5'11".

Everything is always changing. Which is why when the first round of classified individuals became known, people were confused but at the same time they knew life needed to adapt soon enough. And adapt it did from there.

Today, the world is built into more than just a gender or sexuality category; it has a lifestyle category. To be more specific the lifestyles of being a dominant or submissive. At birth, babies while given their born gender are also given their basic tested lifestyle category, dom or sub, however, those categories just give the first basis of what your future will look like.

Dominants are given their formal categorization on their fifteenth birthday where they then are able to finish off their high school education while learning the ropes of how to become the strongest in that realm. The formal categories are broken down into four sectors: general dominant, BDSM dominant, Daddy dominant, or Caregiver dominant. General dominants are definitely the most common classification. As the name goes to suggest it is just a person who holds all the traits that a dominant, powerful, influential person would hold. They know how to lead while listen, and they make sure to do what is right for the whole and not just themselves.

Then there's BDSM dominant. Though people think this one is a bit more common, it is only assigned to one in every 50 dominants. People tend to confuse general dominants and BDSM dominants because oftentimes generals like to spice up their sex life. However, the difference between the two is that BDSM dominants only have one true partner in life. Prior to being assigned their one true partner– perhaps due to age differences– BDSM doms can have other partners but the relationship does not hold the same passion and both parties know this. General doms on the other hand are not assigned one true partner and can happily go on dating their entire lives.

Next is Daddy dominants. These derived from BDSM dominants who wanted that control but were less intense. They enjoy having a nice cuddle with their sugar– their one true partner– while also being able to spice up their sex lives a bit.

The rarest of them all though– and the most craved– is the caregiver dominant. Designed specifically to watch and look after the purest members of society, caregivers are what everyone crave to be because they get to have that forever family. Caregivers can have a one true life partner, however, not everyone is assigned one. So in a sense they are mixed with being like BDSM but also general because they have the power to possess that strong desired love but also the ability to date if it were to be the case. When it comes to being assigned who they care for, though, that is never assigned. There are times when people take tests to see which Littles they would mesh well with, but in reality it tends to be an in the moment thing of finding their baby.

With there being categories for dominants, though, there must be categories for submissives, those being: general submissives, BDSM submissives, Sugar submissive, and Little submissives. Similar to general doms (GDs), general subs (GSs) are kind of just those types of people who are a bit more quiet per say. They'd rather have guidance than be given the floor to take control, however, don't take that as they won't express their opinion. They just don't care to take center stage. They don't have one true partner, though, many believe there is a partner, however, a piece of paper doesn't assign it making their job a bit more difficult.

BDSM subs follow the same idea as the doms, however, just the other half of the two's worlds. Sugar subs are those partners with the Daddy doms. They like to be caressed and cared for, but that follows into the bedroom scene as well.

Little submissives, like Caregivers, are the rarest. They are not the most sought after roles in society, but when one gains the classification they are never spoken ill of. Littles are the purest members of society who just want to be loved and happy while playing in the sun all day long.

When these categories were created, people were skeptical, especially of the Littles, however, after over a hundred years of this developing most people have learned to accept everyone/everything with open arms. That is not to say some people are still offensive towards others, however, laws have been put into place to take care of those who specifically target classifications to harm.

One thing that makes submissives especially different from dominants, though, is the fact that they receive their formal classification on their twelfth birthdays. For general subs, life goes on as normal. They finish school and can choose to do whatever they desire in life. For Sugars and BDSM subs, though, they are given a year to apply to schools that focus in their specialties. There they'll learn all about their specialty– and how to please their dom– in greater detail until they are sixteen where they then receive their partners name. Most will return to finish high school and even uni, however, those with older doms oftentimes choose to go straight into their relationship because of the strong desire.

Littles are a bit different. One day to the next they are not shifted into a headspace because that is a natural process that should occur. Because of this Littles are pulled from their current schooling and shifted into agencies or daycares that can help make a smooth and non frightening transition into the mindset they were meant to be in. Without the help of these agencies and daycares, Littles can force themselves to repress their true identity which can cause problems in the future. Luckily, most individuals are aware of this and make sure to do so at once, however, that unfortunately isn't always the case.


Liam and Harry had been best friends for as long as the two could remember. They were on the same little football team together, went through all of awkward grade school together, became neighbors at the age of six, and basically they just were inseparable their whole lives. It wasn't always a topic of interest amongst the boys but they would occasionally talk about what their specialty dom classification would be. Both dreamed of caregivers, however, they had agreed they knew they'd be happy with any.

Since they grew up doing everything together, though, they knew the day they got their classification letters they needed to do that together as well. Both boys remember shaking with nerves so much that they agreed Liam would open Harry's and Harry would open Liam's. The second each boy laid eyes on the paper's, though, either could stop the tears from falling when they saw the words that had only ever dreamed of reading.

Classification: Dominant

Specialty: Caregiver

Partners: Harry Styles and Liam Payne

When the boys broke the news to their parents each family burst into tears of joy because they two had always dreamt of this. They celebrated of course, that weekend there was even a party for the two, however, once the celebrations occurred Harry and Liam knew they needed to discuss some very important manners.

"Liam, I love you, but I still want to finish school before anything else," Harry told Liam as the two cuddled in bed together.

"So do I Haz, don't worry. You know I've always wanted to be a doctor and I'm not giving that dream up yet. We're caregivers. We're the full family package category. We can take this nice and slow, yeah? We have to take care of each other too because once we get our Littles nothing's stopping us," Liam says while kissing the boy's nose.

"Littles? As in you more than one?" Harry says with a smirk and raised brow.

"Hey what can I say, there's two of us. We can handle it."

And from there life went on. The boys finished high school– Liam top of their class– and from there they went onto Uni. Harry knew the second he was given caregiver he wanted to be a stay at home daddy, which is why when he decided to attend a Uni which specialized in caregivers. It was a prestigious university because of the rarity of the category but it covered all the bases of being a perfect caregiver. It was a six year program once specialties were decided– Harry choosing nurturing and cooking– and because Liam was so advanced in his high school studies he managed to graduate from med school just half a year after Harry finished with his schooling. Upon Liam landing his dream job in London, Harry's mum and dad decided to bid their boys– because yes, Liam was also Anne's boy– with a gift neither could even imagine.

"Mum, you can't be serious? A house?! You bought us a house?!" Harry exclaimed with tears in his eyes.

"Anne, Robin, this is too much. Please-" Liam started but was cut off.

"Nope none of that, Liam James. You boys are both so special to me, and Liam you're now going to take care of my little boy. Not only that, though, but you both are going to be taking care of some of the most precious little joys this world can ever know, and to do that you need a proper home so you can shower them with love," Anne said while hugging both boys. "I'm so happy you both have done what you love and you get to be with who you love, but now I want you to start taking those steps of making a family. Take your time, find the perfect addition, but now your fully equipped to handle it all."

That night the boys– who at 24 and 25 are now more like men– celebrated as the two of them. They sat on cardboard boxes that were yet to be unpacked where they ate Chinese food together, and slept in sleeping bags seeing as they had yet to buy one bed to share together where they promised that this was their real beginning.


Fast forward six months and the men were entering their third Little open house. The first time they went it was just to get a feel for it. They talked to the children and got an idea for it all, but no one grasped their attention completely. The second time they had more of an idea of what to expect and were a bit more prepared, however, in the end they did not find the perfect Little for them. This time, though, the two were ready.

As they walked into the agency Liam and Harry smiled at the familiar staff, having met them a couple weeks ago to discuss their agency since they decided to try a new one out. The two were about five steps into the room when they were met by a small figure bouncing off their legs.

"Whoops, watch out," Harry coos as he crouches down to the small boy dressed in overalls. "You alright there, little guy? You fall and hurt your tooshie?"

A set of sparkling blue eyes looked at the two men as he shyly brought his thumb up to his mouth, the other hand pushing his blonde bangs away from his eyes.

"My name's Harry, and oaf is my boyfriend, Liam. What's your name?" Harry coos as he guides Liam into a crouching position.

"Oaf," the boy repeats with a giggle which causes both men to smile.

"Your name's Oaf?" Liam asks with wide eyes. "That's such a cool name! We're basically twins cause this curly head calls me that five times a day."

Again the boy giggles as he now removes the thumb from his mouth.

"Noo, my name's not Oaf!" The boy says in an exasperated manner. "I Niall."

"Niall, huh? That's an even cooler name. Do you care to play for a bit, Niall?" Harry asks.

Once the boy nodded the three began to roll a ball between the three of their legs, with Liam occasionally diving across the floor in an exaggerated manner to get the boy giggling again. It took five minutes for them to fall in love, and within two hours Liam and Harry were signing the papers to confirm they would become the caregivers of Little Niall.

Harry had made up their first nursery two weeks after moving into their house, so they were immediately able to bring their– first– baby home. They learned that Niall had only been in the agency for about a year, so Liam was nervous he would have a harder transition, however, that was quickly proven wrong when the next morning the boy was already calling him Papa and Harry daddy.

When the two broke the news to their friends and family everyone was over the moon. The next weekend they had a party to celebrate the new family, and Niall just about adored all the attention on him. They were a perfect family. They were the family people dreamed of creating. But their family wasn't done there.

Six months after Niall, Liam and Harry began to realize the boy was getting bored. Sure Harry was home with and he went to daycare twice a week to continue with his transition as well as to make friends, but that didn't prevent the boy from growing bored. So one night when the parents mentioned looking for another Little to add to their family, they weren't surprised by Niall's enthusiasm.

So while the boy was in daycare one day and Liam had the day off from work, the two parents made their way back to the agency. The two talked to a few Littles and employees before finally spotting a little boy playing outside with an employee who didn't look too impressed.

"Louis, inside now. Don't you want to be a good boy?" the employee said sternly before noticing Liam and Harry. "Louis, look we have guests. Wanna show them how good of a boy you are?"

Upon hearing there were new people there the small boy stopped running and looked over only to smile wider.

"Hi! Wanna play footie with me?" the boy known as Louis asked with a beaming smile.

"We'll stay outside with him, don't worry," Harry assured before going over to the small boy. "Of course we do!"

And just like before within a few hours the two men were adding a second Little onto their care list.

The two quickly came to realize that Louis was mentally a bit younger than Niall if only by six months, however, the difference was there. The way Louis would follow Niall around like everything he said was coming straight from the bible was adorable. As was the young ones extra cuddliness come night time.

And once again they were perfectly happy. Both boys' families beamed at the newest addition, and though Louis was a bit more shy than Niall was originally by the end of Ruth and Anne's first visit the boy was infatuated with his Nanas.


As life continued for the family Harry remained a stay at home daddy, running an online blog featuring quick and easy Little friendly recipes, anecdotes about his boys and family, and just general advice columns. His blog was quick to take off and become a top followed caregiver account which just added to their family's popularity.

Liam was on the verge of finishing his residency seeing as he chose to specialize in a medicine that didn't have a long residency time: Littles and family care. He was rising as a Little specialist and was actually being requested throughout the UK to come work for them, but Liam liked his job and his home and chose to stay with them for his fellowship.

Both Niall and Louis had never been happier. Each morning starts with Niall crawling out of his crib– Liam and Harry now just leave the crib side low enough for him to get out without injuring himself but high enough so as not to roll out in his sleep– and going over to his younger brother's crib. He brings down Louis' fully raised side bar and crawls in with him in order to wake him up. Once the two are up, Harry allows them to play for a bit, but once he hears the last good morning to their abundant amount of stuffies he finally makes his way up the stairs. From there, two nappies are changed, giggles ensue, and then the three are downstairs for breakfast. Most days Liam's still home at this time so he joins for a couple minutes before running out to start his shift.

Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday both boys now attend daycare, so after breakfast Harry would get them ready for that before dropping them off. From there the man would often write some new pieces for his blog, occasionally put together a video, or collaborate with another caregiver blogger before going to pick up his babies at 2:00. Seeing as they would have just napped he makes sure to take them to the park or just anywhere to run around for a bit before going home for some relax time. As dinner would be served Liam would get home and the family would spend the rest of the night cuddling with some cartoons usually on in the background.

On the days the boys stayed home, days were similar, however, Harry had it more oriented on them getting away from the house. Sometimes that meant going for a walk around the neighborhood to pick flowers while other times it was a bigger adventure like going to a museum or even a movie on occasion. They'd have naps at 1:00 and then they'd play in the backyard till Liam got home for dinner.

It was their routine and they loved it because it was simple but not too repetitive. However, one Thursday when Liam wasn't home at his usual time Harry grew concerned because even when the man was running late on their routine he always managed to call in. As concerns grew Harry finally decided to call before he could begin to think the worst. Three rings into the call, though, and Harry wasn't sure what to expect though.

"Sorry I'm late, there's an emergency in my unit. Um, actually can you come down? We might need a Little specialist?"


Much to Louis and Niall's displeasure Harry called Ed– his friend and the boys' daycare teacher– over to the house that evening to watch them while he went to deal with whatever Liam had in store for him. Many cuddles and even a cookie were promised before Harry was out the door and rushing down to the hospital where the clinic Liam worked in was located. Once he arrived, Harry walked the familiar path towards the Little and Family Care unit, but just before he could enter he heard the earth shattering cries of a young child that just made his heart hurt to much. Picking up his pace a bit Harry finally managed to get there much to Liam's relief.

"Oh thank god, babe, c'mere, please," Liam sighs in exasperation as he leads the man towards the room where the cries are coming from.

"Li, babe, what's going on? Who's crying like they're dying?" Harry asks in concern.

"A young boy was brought in earlier after being found in a recently abandoned house. He was originally just on the pediatrics floor, but when the boy refused to give any information on himself they were forced to get a sample from him to try and look up his classification information. Turns out he's a Little who was never brought into an agency or care center. The parents refused it and made him go about living a normal life," Liam explained.

"Oh, no. The poor baby, how old is he? How long has he had to deny it?" Harry asks while picking up his pace a bit.

"Seems he was assigned an agency two years ago and just never appeared on his drop off date, so 14 I'm guessing," Liam sighs before stopping outside a door. "Just brace yourself, okay? I know this stuff hurts you a lot."

With a big breath Harry nods before entering the room where crying was about ten times louder once inside. There a small– smaller than Harry and Liam have ever seen a Little be– boy was sat on the examination table fighting every doctor and nurse that tried to lay a finger on him. It seems as though they managed to get his shirt off at the very least, but Harry almost wishes they hadn't. Bruises covered the boy who was nothing but skin and bones along with a few cuts here and there. It took the man a moment to compose himself but soon enough his Little specialty training kicked in.

"Hi, buddy, my name's Harry, can you tell me your name?" Harry asks in the softest voice Liam has ever heard him use.

"Stop it! M'big! Stop, stop, stop! Let me go!" the boy screamed while throwing the roll of gauze that was laid out next to him at Harry who easily caught it.

"No one's holding you, buddy. Can you calm down maybe? Take a deep breath with me, and maybe you'll be able to clear your head a bit?"

At the mention of not being held the small boy quickly looked to his arms only to notice that he in fact wasn't being held. He then looked back up to the curly headed man and noticed him taking deep breaths while signalling for him to join in when he wanted. The young boy on the table eventually found himself taking a shaky breath causing everyone in the room to smile.

"There we go, yeah? Getting worked up like that can be scary, so let's just calm down a bit. Keep breathing, lovey, and when you're ready do you think you can tell me your name?" Harry coos, taking a step closer.

The boy takes two more breaths before looking towards the man, "M'Zayn."

"Zayn? Hi, it's nice to meet you. How old are you, bub?"

"I'm big," Zayn replies which causes Harry and Liam to smile, having heard that from both their boys many times before.

"Yeah you're a big boy I can tell, but that doesn't tell me your age."

"Um, I think m'fourteen."

"What?! Fourteen? You're basically a grandpa," Harry says in an exaggerated manner causing the boy to stifle a giggle. "Alright, old man, so this dude back here? He's my boyfriend and he's a really, really good doctor. Think he can come a bit closer to check you out a bit? Make sure there's no boo boos on those frail old bones of yours?"

"M'not hurt, though."

"Just to be sure, though? Just in case?" Harry presses and luckily Zayn nods in agreeance.

So slowly Liam walks forward and begins to exam the boy. He notes where each severe bruise is on his chest, torso, and arms while also taking a few measurements. It took a couple moments of convincing, but Liam managed to get the boy to remove his shorts and lay on the examination table fully. Once again each bruise and scrape were notes, and luckily nothing appeared to be broken.

Having had tested the boy for his classification the whole room knew he was a Little, but it was further confirmed by his total lack of body hair as well as the underdeveloped genitalia that were in desperate need of some nappy rash cream from what everyone can assume the multiple wettings the boy has had in those underwear based on the stains left.

"You really are a big boy, huh? You were so brave during that whole thing," Liam coos while taking a lollipop from his pocket out. "DId you know brave boy's get lollipops?"

Zayn's eyes widened a bit as he hesitantly reached for it only to be stopped by the curly headed man.

"S'mine," Zayn whined, legs kicking ever so slightly.

"I think you should have some dinner before getting some sweets, huh? I bet you're hungry, bub," Harry says, implying for a nurse to get some food.

Within minutes a tray of food is being brought in along with a set of pajamas, and everyone notices the look of desire pass Zayn's face as he briefly notices a stuffed bunny as well.

"Wow, bubba, look at this! You get mac n' cheese for dinner! My little boy's love mac n' cheese," Harry coos while placing the tray down. "Oh gosh, and you've got apple juice?! They're spoiling you here!"

Zayn smiles at the opportunity to eat food, however, frowns at the bottle. Internally it looks appealing, however, bottles are for babies and it has been ingrained in his mind that he will never be a baby even if he wants to be.

"No- no bottle," the boy stutters, though, Harry can tell he doesn't mean it.

"That's special just for you, though? Only you get to have that kind of cup," Harry tries to persuade.

"I want the bottle! Oh please let me have it! That's such a cooler cup than mine!" Liam jumps in when he notices the boy wasn't looking to change his mind.

"No no I want it! Give it to me Zayn!" Another doctor pitches in which causes Harry to smile when he notices the boy hesitantly bringing it to his chest.

"Sorry, guys, that's only for Zayn. No one else can have one but him," Harry says with a smile, the smile widening when he notices the boy sipping the juice.

The boy finishes the bottle and almost half his mac n' cheese before claiming to be full. Harry wanted to push but Liam could tell it was physical thing and not so much a mental thing with the boy based on how tight his stomach appeared to become after that small amount of food. Though the boy was full he still ate his lollipop with a small smile before finally the bunny he saw earlier was making another appearance.

"So, lovey, you're gonna need to stay here tonight, so we got you some jammies and a snuggle buddy," Harry coos as he gently places the bunny next to the boy. "Lift your arms for me, hun."

Luckily the boy does so without thought, another addition to confirm his Little classification– obliging without question. However, before grabbing the pajama pants Harry reached for a diaper that had been hidden from the boy that entire time.

"Okay, and now we're gonna lay back to take off this stinky undies," Harry cooed, though, he knew instantly Zayn saw the diaper and was not going to have it.

"N-no, no diaper! I'm- I'm- m'big boy," Zayn cried, wiping the tears quickly cause he knows they make him look like the Little he is not allowed to be (even if he dreams about it sometimes).

"But it's part of the rules Zayn," Harry replies without second thought, and honestly every doctor and nurse within the vicinity are so happy that Liam's boyfriend went to Little Caregiver specialist school. "Everyone who sleeps here has to wear a nappy to prevent yucky potty germs from getting everywhere. I bet you don't like potty germs, huh? Those are what give you those rashies on your bum and willy area."

"S'a rule?" Zayn questions hesitantly because he doesn't like breaking rules, and if he's being honest the rashies do hurt.

"Yup, everyone sleeping in a bed here tonight have to wear nappies, it's protocol, bub," Harry continues to coo.

The boy looks scared and hesitant and everyone can tell, but Harry knows this is a delicate and slow process. For two years this boy has lived a world that never taught him to transition to his headspace, so it's as if he has to minds inside him right now. One telling him to stop and run, and the other telling him to asks for cuddles and help. And if Harry's being honest, the boy probably has a third mind telling him to question everything simply because abused kids– which he no doubt was– have just about every right to question everything put in front of them.

"I have an idea, what if we put a nappy on your bunny pal? So you're not alone, yeah? If he's gonna spend the night with you, he's gotta follow the rules too, huh?"

"She," Zayn mumbles while going to hold the foot of the bunny.

"What was that, lovey?"

"S'a she," Zayn mumbles again which causes everyone in the room to coo.

"Of course it is," Harry coos. "Now how about you watch me put a nappy on Ms. Bunny and then we'll get one on you, too?"

And slowly but surely Harry secures the nappy around the stuffed animals waist before turning to the little boy in front of him.

"All set! Now do you want to choose your own nappy?" Harry offers to which he receives a nod.

Gently Liam lifted the boy up– once he got approval– and carried him through the corridors until they reached the room where there were nappies and jammies galore.

"Which one shall we pick, huh? There are so many choices," Liam coos the same way he does to Niall and Louis when the two asks to choose their own nappies. "Look we've got Lightning McQueen or Finding Nemo! Oh, oh Spider Man!"

As Liam tried to encourage the boy with his feau excitement, Harry noticed the boy's eyes linger a bit on the side that most people in society would classify as the "girl's nappies". Harry saw how hesitant Zayn was to select the one's Liam was pointing out, so he simply decided to grab ahold of one that he thought the small boy would like.

"What about this one, bubby? S'got Little Mermaid on it," Harry coos.

Liam quirks a brow for a second before realizing that the boy seemed a bit more interested in this one than any of the others he had been shown. Zayn hesitates for one second longer before reaching forward and grabbing the pink, princess themed nappy.

"Excellent choice, bub! S'got all the princesses on it, yeah?" Harry coos as he takes the boy into his arms as walks back to the room.

Slowly Harry removed the boy's undies completely and began to change the boy just as he had with the doll. Knowing the boy would take longer because of the addition of rash cream and powder, Harry made sure when doing the doll to put on a show so that Zayn wouldn't get flustered and upset that his was taking longer. Eventually though the boy was all set in his princess nappy and Harry was pulling up the matching pajama pants– having decided that if the boy likes princesses then he should be allowed some princess pajamas as well.

"All right, well it's very late and I'm definitely getting sleepy, so I think we're all gonna go to bed now, yeah?" Harry asks the rooms to which all the nurses and doctors nod in agreeance. "You gonna go to sleep too, Zee?"

With wide hazel eyes, Zayn looks towards the man who had been the gentlest anyone has ever been with him in his life and nodded his head ever so slightly.

"Alright well then goodnight, love. If you need anything just press this little button right here, yeah?" Harry coos while pointing out the button.

Once the boy nods everyone begins to exit the room only for Liam to guide Harry down the hall a moment later.

"Thank you so much! Thank you, thank you, thank you," Liam says while kissing his boyfriend over and over again. "You got more done in that hour and a half than anyone did in the five hours he had been here before."

"S'what I was trained to do, babe," Harry says as he rest his head on Liam's shoulder. "God, he looked awful. I know Littles are well little but, Li, that wasn't normal."

"I think it's a mix of him being very, very little and just the overall abuse. It'll get better."

"What's going to happen now? He can't go straight into an agency it'll be a shock to him, and it can just cause too many problems."

"He might have to go into a private sector but I don't know. Maybe find a family for him? But even if that's done they'll have to make sure one of the partners is trained in Little care. Like highly trained cause they can't just treat him like a normal Little. He needs a professional. Or two."

"Like a Little specialist and doctor," Harry slightly hinted.

"Yeah that'd be ideal. One monitor him physically, the other mentally," Liam replies, completely oblivious to Harry's undertone message.

"The couple having a couple Littles already also wouldn't hurt. It would be able to show him that he's normal, and this is normal. That what he is isn't a bad thing," Harry presses.

"Yeah, yeah that sounds- wait," Liam says, everything finally clicking. "Harry?"

"I'm not- I'm not saying let's like dive into this, but you know, it wouldn't be such a bad thing," Harry says while looking down. "The boys have been with us for about three years now, and not to be like we need to add something to our family but it wouldn't be a bad thing. And I heard Louis talking the other day on how he can't wait till he gets to be a big brother too."


"No, no I know I sound crazy. Most people only take one Little and I want us to take in a third. I'm being greedy I know, but like he just seems so lost and so hurt and I don't know if he'll be able to open up to many people, and he kinda already has with us and-"

Liam's lips cut off Harry's rambling.

"Let's look into, yeah? Look into it, talk to the boys, all of it."



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