
Par Chocolate013001

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Book One of the Gifted Series Noah had spent the past four years of his life being normal. After everything... Plus

Prologue and Explanations
Book 2


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Par Chocolate013001

Father allows me to watch first to see what is going on with the training first. I was kind of hoping he would forget that I was there and I wouldn't be forced to go through with the training, but alas, not all of our hopes and dreams can come true.

"Noah, come over here. Your first fight is going to be with Hazel. She is one of the most advanced female fighters we have. I think she will do good to challenge you." Father points me in the direction of a tall female, a little shorter than me, and has obvious muscle on her arms and legs. She bounces up and down on her towns as she grins ferally at me. My own eyes widen as I turn to father with disbelief in my eyes.

"You want me to fight her? She looks ready to tear my head off!" I say as I point in her direction. Father snorts as he shakes his head slightly.

"You need to learn somehow. I know we should have made sure you were training when you were away. How are you supposed to be a warrior?" Father asks himself as he grabs my elbow and leads me over to where Hazel is, still watching and bouncing on her toes.

"A warrior? Why do I need to be a warrior? Can I be like a cook, or maybe a, a, anything other than a warrior?" I ask quickly as I drag my feet a little as father continues to pull at me. Father stops and turns to look at me with disbelief evident in his eyes.

"Why do you need to be a warrior? Noah, you and I both know what you're capable of. Easton thinks it would be best if we started training you. We cannot rely alone on the powers we don't even know you posses. That reminds me, we need to go over figuring out your powers sometime in the next fews days. After we figure out what you can do, then we are going to have seperate training times to work on them." Father speaks, once again, to himself as he continues to pulls me over to Hazel. I accept defeat and stand slumped in front of her.

"Hi, I am Hazel. It is nice to meet you, I'll make sure to go easy on you for the first part of this, until you get the hang of it." I roll my eyes at the cocky tone in her voice. I mean I never really trained while I was away, but that doesnt mean I forgot everything in the time I was gone. In the beginning I would go to the gym a lot and workout with some professionals, so it's not like i am a lost cause.

I turn to look back at father, but he has already walked off to help someone else, so I really am alone to deal with this girl who look hell bent on hurting me.

I turn back around only to receive a swift kick to the face. The kick is hard enough that it throws me to the ground. My anger level rises slightly, but I am able to push it down. The pack still doesn't know of my differences, and I don't think Father would like me seriously hurting one of his top fighters.

"That was for Ariel." Hazel spits out as she stands above. I grit my teeth at her name as i stand back up, ignoring the throbbing pain in my cheek as the bruise slowly fades away. Of course I would be paired up with one of Hazel's friends, this just shows the world how cursed my life really is.

"Oh, so she wouldn't do it herself so she had to get you to do it?" I spit out before I can stop myself. Hazel's eyes narrow more before she lashes out with another kick, aimed for my throat. I lean back and her toes barely skim my throat. Hazel snarls as she gets angry that she missed me.

She probably heard what my father said about me not training in a while, so she probably got cocky and when she realized I wasn't going to go down without a fight, she realized this fight might actually be harder than she thought.

"She didn't tell me to do anything. I know that you hurt her and called her a liar. To everyone! She didn't deserve that, and I am going to make you pay for what you did to her." I look around to see if there is anyone around to get this crazy lady away from me before she really does hurt me. But, like the I said, the world is out to get me. No one that I would be comfortable asking help from is around. The closest is Luca, but he is still several yards away fighting someone else. Plus, I don't think Lucas has really forgave me from the other night yet.

"You are a special kind of crazy." I am able to spit out before I am too busy getting away from the vicious punches, kicks, and jabs thrown my way. I know that there is no way for me to keep up with Crazy Hazel, as I had started calling her in my head, she is way too fast and even with my rusty training I have no way off ever fighting her off.

So, I decide to just keep fending off her attack and letting her tire herself until I can finally throw a punch of my own. I mean she can't have that much energy, can she? She has to give up sometime.

That's what I thought, but an hour later I am the one starting to feel tired as I have fended off most of her attacks. My arms and legs are sore from all of the punches and kicks they have endured to hide the more vulnerable parts of my body. Hazel continues to bounce on her toes, her energy seems endless and I don't really want to be the one to call the fight, I am not going to back down from her.

My reaction time gets worse and worse until suddenly a sharp kick is delivered to my ribs. I can hear them more than feel them crack. My vision gets black suddenly from the pain, but I am able to blink away the darkness as I grab my ribs in pain. I gasp as I feel myself struggle to breath. One of the ribs must have punctured my lungs.

Hazel laughs as she watches me struggle to breath. I know that it will only take a minute or two until my lung is fixed, but broken bones, especially ribs, take longer to heal, more like an hour or so.

Still, I am stubborn and don't want to call the fight. I see that Hazel has stopped being completely aware of what I am doing, she knows I can't fight anymore unless I want to cause myself more damage. But I am so mad. I really just want to wipe that smug smile off of her face.

I look to the ground and feel my eyes burn as they change to their purple color. I blink them away, feeling the second rush I always get when I shift, even if it is just my eyes.

Hazel huffs out a laugh, but it is cut short when I do a roundhouse kick and hit her straight in the jaw. A few people around us have stopped fighting to watch our fight. I guess no one has really ever lasted this long against Crazy Hazel, or has ever really got a hit in.

Hazel looks up at me from the ground with shock written all over her face. Blood trickles down her cheek from where she bit her tongue when I hit her. I huff out a laugh with the little air I have before walking over and standing on her wrist with my feet. I watch as she winces when she realizes I have her. I bend down and sit on her back, grab both of her ankles in one hand and her wrist in the other. I let my claws extend a little as I watch her try and get out of the position I have put her in.

I look up as Hazel continues to fight against me. A larger crowd than I thought is standing around watching both of us in slight shock and a little awe. Father stands a little distance off from me. It looks as if he was coming over here to stop the fight when he saw me get hurt. The look in his eyes is one that I never saw a lot of when I was little. Pride. He is proud of me for how I fought with Crazy Hazel.

When Hazel goes limp I stand up from where I am sitting on her and grimace as my ribs ache in protest. I only get a few steps away before Crazy Hazel kicks out my knee, and then delivers another sharp kick to my already hurt ribs. The pain shatters through me as I feel my lung get punctured again.

I fall and curl up on the ground and I put my hands over my ribs to protect them. Father shouts out in warning to Crazy Hazel, but true to her name, she begins to go crazy, punching and kicking my frail body as I do everything in my power, no matter how weak it is, to keep her from hitting my ribs again.

I feel someone pulling Hazel off of me, but by then breathing has become too hard and I fall limp on the ground as everything gets black.

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