Voltron: The Next Generation

By DearestZero

19K 523 383

It has been six years since the paladins first found the blue lion, one year since the end of Zarkon's reign... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen

Chapter tweleve

922 26 21
By DearestZero

Pidge drops the heavy book, briefly wondering why the dusty book was in the room in the first place. Last she checked the castles database ran solely electronically, and she hadn't seen any other books around the castle.

Still glaring at Lotor, Pidge stomps back to Shiro taking a protective stance in front of him. Which made for a funny picture she was sure, a pregnant woman shielding a large man. But she didn't stop to appreciate the irony, "Explain." She snapped, her patience thin.

"Calm down Katie, really I'm fine." Shiro says in a calming voice. "See it already stopped bleeding." He adds lifting his hand away from the wound.

Pidge's eyes dart to his side to see if he was right, and sure enough the cut was an angry shade of red but not bleeding. She snorts before turning back to Allura and Lotor, not very comforted by the man's words.

"Why don't we all go to the bridge and I'll explain there." Allura suggests, her accent making her words extra soothing.

The team starts filing out of the room in awkward silence. Allura lends Lotor her shoulder and they shuffle silently forward. Shiro walks steadily behind them with Hunk following closely in case the older paladin stumbled.

Pidge waits till they leave to relax, she scrambles around for a medkit so she could disinfect Shiro's side before follows the others out into the hall. Turning left instead of right with the others Pidge hurried down the hall, this way was longer but it would take her right past Lance's room which is currently were Keith and Lance slept. Knowing they would be upset if they were left out, and she would be glad for their support, she opened the sliding door praying they were both decent.

Closing her eyes she calls out, "Lance! Keith! We are meeting at the bridge, Lotor's awake!" Without waiting for a reply she lets the door close and continues to the bridge.

The door behind her opens again and Keith jogs to catch up. "How long has he been awake?" He asks in a sleep heavy voice but alert.

The door opens again and Lance comes out hoping on one foot as he shoves his shoe on. "Yeah, and why did you have your eyes closed when you came in?" He asks, his shoe now on hurrying to catch up.

"I don't know, and for my own safety." Pidge answers both questions, not slowing her pace.

"We weren't doing anything." Keith says lowly, embarrassed.

"True but we could have been doing something." Lance says, leaning on his boyfriend and wiggling his eyebrows.

Keith's steps falter under the weight of Lance and rolls his eyes as a response.

"When I walked in Lotor was awake and Shiro was bleeding." Pidge informs the boys.

"Shiro's hurt?" Keith asks, his voice raising in concern.

"The blood has already stopped and he said he was fine." Pidge assures him. "I'm bring this to fix him up." She adds holding up the medkit.

Keith picks up the already brisk pace, with Lance and Pidge following close behind.

The trio burst into the bridge room, Lance whipping his head around to look for the offending prince. Keith immediately goes to Shiro with Pidge right on his heels. Ever since Keith had rescued Shiro not once but multiple times, the hothead took looking after his adoptive brother very seriously.

"Shiro are you okay?" Keith demands kneeling in front of shiro. The black paladin was sitting on the couch that was imbedded into the floor, Hunk sat next to him. Allura and Lotor sat opposite of them as Coran paced the room.

"Fine Keith." Shiro answers resting a hand on Keith's shoulder. "Even better now that Pidge is here with that medkit." Keith nods and sits by Hunk.

"Good thinking Number five!" Coran calls from across the room, not stopping his pacing.

Pidge nods and seats herself on the couch on Shiros injured side. "You are going to have to take your shirt off, Shiro. I need to clean all of it and your shirt is blocking the top." She says helping him lift the shirt from the bottom. Careful to avoid touching the wound Pidge peels the shirt off, tossing it on the floor.

"I am sorry Shiro." Lotor murmurs uncertainly, very different from the overly confident half-galra Pidge remembered. She sends him a glare, shutting him up easlily. Shiro follows with a tight smile over Pidge's head to the prince. Coming out of a cryopod can be very disorienting, and no one knew that better than Shiro.

Pidge wipes the gash clean and sprays it with a purple disinfectant, coating his side in the violet shade. Satisfied Pidge turns back around and settles on the couch beside Shiro, she looks over at the royal pair sitting across from her expectantly.

"Right, Allura why don't you start us off?" Coran says, finally stopping his pacing to take his place by Allura's side. Lance also comes to join the team and slouches against the back of the couch behind Keith.

"Yes well, as you are all aware when we found Lotor he was unconscious. After a couple days in the cryopod he still showed no sign of improvement, but his vitals were strong. Which lead me to the conclusion that he was under a very powerful curse." Allura pauses for a quick breath and continues on. "I tried everything I could think of, but I couldn't make any progress. Eventually I tried a very old Altean spell that came from on of my father old research books and it worked. I opened the pod and instructed Shiro to stand in front to catch Lotor in case he fell."

"A classic case of sleeping camber legs!" Coran shouts nodding his support.

"Right, but when Lotor awoke he was very confused and attacked Shiro. Hunk came in when he heard the shouting and that's when Pidge also joined us. The only explanation to Lotor's violence would be that he was in clearly in distress before he was cursed." The princess finishes sending a concerned glance to the prince.

"Or he is working for the Galra and was sent to kill us." Lance mutters stubbornly.

"Lance is right. How do we know we can trust Lotor? Last time we did he just vanished right when we were about to defeat Zarkon." Keith says, agreeing with Lance.

"I can explain that." Lotor says, his voice stronger as his confusion fades. "During the time before my disappearance I would get spells of lost time. I would wake up without remembering falling asleep, or find myself in rooms that I do not remember entering. I figured that my witch of a mother Haggar had done something to my mind. So I set out to finish the Druids off myself."

"I defeated her minions and eventually met her in battle as well. I had just gotten the upper hand when I was struck from behind by a strong force of magic. After that my world was dark until I woke up here." Lotor finishes the confusion coming back into his eyes. Allura rests a hand on his shoulder comfortingly.

"So know we just accept him back on the team? What if Haggar is still using you as to spy?" Pidge asks, less hostile but still guarded.

"I will be checking him daily. In the book I found there was ancient spells that will allow me to check Lotor's mind." Allura says, meeting Pidges eyes will her cool blue ones. "For now we are going to let Lotor stay with us unless he proves to be untrustworthy."

"Well that sounds fair to me. Welcome back Lotor. Now who's hungry?" Hunk asks, breaking the tension efficiently.

"Me!" Lance shouts jumping to his feet.

"Great, you can help me make everyone breakfast." Hunk says, throwing an arm around the lanky paladin and stirring him toward the door.

"Aww man!" Lance says, his head hanging.

Summer school is coming to an end so to celebrate I wrote a chapter for y'all!
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