A Father's Lover (A Lams AU)

De katismusicaltrash

3.3K 215 152

Being a single parent is difficult; especially when raising five obnoxious children. Alexander Hamilton; afte... Mais

Chapter 1- The Life of A Single Father
Chapter 2 - The Neighbours
Chapter 3 - Day Care & Summer School
Chapter 4 - Single Parents Support Group
Chapter 6 - Their Children
Chapter 7 - Gaydar
Chapter 8 - First "Date"

Chapter 5 - John Laurens

360 26 29
De katismusicaltrash

"So, who is that, again?" Alexander discreetly pointed over at the John person, who had caught his eye, as he sipped at the water bottle he had been given during intermission. He hadn't forgotten his name, since it was lodged in his memory, repeating itself over and over. But, he just wanted to act like he didn't care as much as he truly did.

"You mean the guy you've been drooling over since he walked in, you freaking homo?" Maria smirked at Alex, whose face flushed immediately.

"Hey, I'm not gay..." he defended himself, as Maria continued to smirk at him, which forced him to finish his sentence, "...entirely."

Alexander was lying, yet telling the truth at the same time. He had known he was at the very least bisexual, since Middle School, when he started feeling sexual attractions towards both sexes, in his peer group.

However, after being in relationships with mostly women throughout his High School and College career, and marrying his, now, ex-wife, he noticed the lack of romance he experienced with females. Sure, there was still a sexual drive, and amount of pleasure involved, hence having five children, but the romance wasn't there, unless he was in said relationship with a man. And after the events leading to his divorce, Alexander came to the conclusion, that even though he was indeed bisexual, he was also, according to an online article he had read, homoromantic.

Of course, he could never tell the kids that their father was actually a homo. It'd break their hearts to find out that they'd been lied to. And that their father never actually fell in love with their mother, like the fairytale lives they had believed their parents lived in, before the divorce.

"Did you not pay attention during the introductions?"

"I was...distracted," he partially lied.

"Of course you were," Maria finished the tart she had, shaking her head at Alexander, who was watching John's every movement with lust-filled eyes.

"So, what's his name?" Alex asked once again.

"His name's John Laurens," Maria finally answered, walking over to the buffet table to grab a few crackers. "Why? You interested in pursuing him, 'Lex? Because, I'm not sure if he's looking for a sexual partner at the moment..."

But, as soon as she turned back around to face Alexander, he was already gone. Acting as though this was the first time he paid attention to John's name, he speed-walked over to the man, leaning against the far wall of the room. Alex outstretched a hand to John, looking up at him with a big smile unable to be wiped from his face.

"Hello! My name is Alexander Hamilton," he introduced himself, since John missed out on his prior introduction. "It's very nice to make your acquantice, John Laurens."

John took a moment, before accepting his hand, with a confused look on his face. "I haven't seen you 'round here, before... Are you new?"

"Yup, got dragged here by my friend, Maria, over there," Alex pointed back at Maria, chuckling a little. "I don't think I need a support group for being a single father, though. What's the point, anyway?"

"It's...I guess it's a way of...bein' reassured that you're not the only one going through struggles. At least, that's how I see it, anyways," John smiled warmly, looking down at his jean jacket, decorated in buttons and patches of various things. Alexander didn't even notice them, before.

"I like your buttons," Alex said randomly, mostly because how awkward the conversation was becoming. What was he thinking? Trying to sleep with this guy? He doesn't even know him, or even if he's into men. All he knows is, that this guy was exceptionally attractive, and he wasn't backing down very easy. "They're pretty neat. Where'd you get them?"

"My daughter gave me most of 'em," John said, his Southern dialect more noticeable the more he spoke. And that made Alexander's heart melt. He always had a soft spot for accents and dialects. "These ones 'ere are from my other support groups that I'mma part of."

Alexander read the ones he pointed to, narrowing his eyes. Most of the buttons were very father-like things to have, like children's handprints, and sayings like "#1 Dad", and so on. However, the ones John was pointing to, were a bit more saddening to see.

One button, what looked like an upside 'V' on it, reading 'ADAA' in bold print. Alexander recognized immediately what that was, since he was actually interested in being apart of the group when he was in High School, but decided against it. Another simply said "Gambler's Anonymous", inside a circle, which was rather not anonymous, if he was wearing it on a button (but surely, there was a reason for wearing all of the buttons from his support groups, that had some sort of deep, personal meaning to it. Of course, that's just Alexander's speculation). Then, of course, there was the two violet handprints, that Alex immediately recognized as the symbol of the Single Parents Support Group they were both apart of now. But, the last one, he didn't recognize. It was just a triangle, with a circle surrounding it.

"What's that one mean?" Alex asked out of complete curiosity, as John's face flushed.

"You've never seen it before?" When Alexander shook his head, John sighed sadly. "It's for Alcoholics Anonymous."

Alex mouthed an 'oh', regretting asking. But, of course, he needed more answers, since he was never satisfied with lingering questions. "Then I presume that...you're an alcoholic?"

"Wow, where'd you get that idea?" Surprisingly, he laughed. "No, not anymore. I've been sober for three years, now."

John pointed to a pin on his shoulder, that read just that. Alexander nodded, stuffing his hands in his pockets. He continued to look around at John's pins, hoping to find anything suggesting his sexuality, since the guy seemed very open about the rest of his life. But, dissapointingly, he wasn't able to find anything. None of this was turning in Alex's favour.

"So...you're a single father, eh?" Alexander decided to change the subject.

"What gave away that idea?" He replied, sarcastically.

"So...how'd, uh... Did...uh..," he rubbed the nape of his neck, not exactly sure how to put into words what he wanted to ask, without being blunt about it.

"Don't ask about it," John scratched his arm, somehow knowing what Alex was trying to ask. "I don't want to remember. All I care about now is my little girl."

"What's her name?"

"Frances Eleanor," John smiled, as if the name meant the world to him. "I named her, myself."

"That's a beautiful name," Alex found that John's smile was absolutely contagious.

"What about you?"


"What's your kid's name?"

Alexander couldn't help but let out a small laugh. "Ooh, boy. Well, let's see. My oldest boy's name is Philip. Then, my daughter's Angelica. Next, there's Little Alex Junior. Then, James. And finally, John Church, or J.C.."

John eyes were wide from the long list, but immediately smiled sweetly at the last name. "That's a lot. Didn't realize you had so many. You look so young to have that many kids."

"Aw, thanks. But, I'm actually 37. Not sure if that's considered young in your eyes, or not. You look like you're in your mid-twenties."

"Hard to believe I'm almost 40, right?" John scratched the back of his head, as Alex mumbled a, 'wow'. "Yeah, I'm actually 38, going on 39. Crazy, right?"

"Jesus Christ, what kinda lotion do you use? You look like a fucking god, while I'm fucking trash!"

"Very hetero of you to say, Alex," he thought to himself.

"You fuck trash?" John chuckled.

"No, I am trash. And, you're a b--, an attractive man."

"Oh, stop," John blushed, looking completely embarrassed. "I thought you were a teen father when I saw you up on the podium. You look so little."

"Hey! Is that a short joke?!" Alexander put his hands on his hips, pretending to glare at John. "Because I find that offensive!"

"You should take it as a compliment. I wish I was a tad shorter. I hate looking down at people. Makes me feel like an asshole."

"Alright! Intermission's done!" Thomas clapped his hands, in a very Elementary-Teacher like fashion. "We can head back to our chairs, and begin the next discussion."

"Hey, man," Alex shook John's hand, melting at the warmth of his skin, "it's great meeting you. You seem like an awesome guy."

"Yeah, totally. It's great to see another dude around here, that's not that douchebag," John pointed back at Thomas. "I mean, the ladies here are wonderful, but I feel left out. You know what I'm sayin'?"

"I feel ya bro."

"What the fuck did I just say? Did I really call the guy I'm tryin' to fuck, my 'bro'?! I have lost my touch!" Alex thought to himself, internally face-palming.

"Yeah, well, we should talk, and hang out more," John smiled once more, as they walked to their respective chairs. "Meet me after the meeting, and I'll give you my number."

Alexander grinned triumphantly, feeling like he had won the lottery. He knew that he'd win over John with his charms! Turns out he hadn't lost his skills, at all. It was like he was a College student all over again.


Maria glared at Alexander, as he made his way over to the driver's side of the car, frantically shoving his phone back in his pocket. She looked behind him, to find John starting to walk up the street, and noticed the giddy, school-girl like, dorky smile plastered on Alex's face.

"So, I take it that things went well?" She inquired, shaking her head a little as Alexander just continued to have a lust-stricken look. "I can't believe you, 'Lex. You're such a fuckboy."

"You gotta give me credit, Mar'," he turned to face her, after starting the car. "I'm an almost 40-year old bisexual, and I can still attract hot people!"

"He's gonna fuck you?" Maria stared at him, blankly. "You literally talked to him for five minutes! How the hell did you manage that?!"

"Well, it's not guaranteed," he shrugged, as he pulled out of the parking lot. "But!" Alex gestured towards his back pocket. "I got his number! And there's no way in hell that dude is entirely straight. I mean, just look at him! His eyes were just begging to fuck me!"

He paused, biting his lip at what he declared. Maria just smirked once more, shaking her head ahead. However, she decided to dismiss his comment. "You're such a whore."

"Yup. And a proud one."


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