Anastasia (EDITING)

By lllundyy

372K 3.8K 449

The love of your life could be the person you least expect it to be. At least that was the case for Anastasia... More

Dead Ends
Second Chances
2 Months (Ana)
2 Months (Angel)
Reacquainting Occurrences
Sexual Temptation
Meeting the Family
The Wedding
The Wedding [Part Two]
Lovers Touch
Thanks.... giving?
Baby Fever
Dirty Games
Business Trip
A Time to Grieve
Light of Day
Latch [Part Two]


21.4K 162 19
By lllundyy

The sun shined through the blinds to Anna's face, and temporarily blinded her eyes. Anna sat up and rubbed her, eye's yawning and stretching her arms up to the ceiling. Angel had already left for work earlier. Anna looked at the digital clock next on the night stand where a note was sitting. She picked up the note and read it "I know you're asleep. Eat. Go to work. Meet me at my place. Keys left on table. Xoxo Angel" it was written in beautiful cursive handwriting. Anna put down the note and smiled to herself, she then glanced over at the clock.

"Oh shit!! Not again."
Anna got up from the bed and ran out the bedroom, before walking backwards back into the room. On a chair was a black dress and black heels, along with another note. Anna walked over to the chair, she looked at dress. Silk lining and black rhinestones that outlined the top, the dress cut to the knees. Anna ran her fingers along the rhinestones and picked up the note "Just in case you find yourself running around looking for work clothes." Anna laughed to herself and sat the note on the vanity. Anna took off her Minnie Mouse shirt and black jean pants folding them up and placing them on the edge of the bed. Anna lifted up the black dress and held it against her body as she walked over to the mirror glancing at how it looked on her in the mirror. She then slipped on the dress along with the high heels.

As Anna was applying her make-up her cell phone started to ring and she ran over to her phone lifting it up. It was work. Anna's heart filled with worry, she wasn't use to getting calls early in the morning for work. Anna slide over the answer button on her iPhone and answered the call.

"Yes? Anastasia Torres speaking."
Anna said softly.

"Yes, Anna this is Mr. Andrews. I need you to be in my office in 1 hour."
Mr. Andrews the CEO of Philip Industries said in a serious tone.

"Yes sir. On my way sir."
Anna said as he hung up the phone, and so did she. Anna thought about what could have gotten her in trouble that she had a meeting with the CEO, or what she could have done right to have a meeting with the CEO. Anna was puzzled for a moment she scratched her head and pursed her lips for a second. Anna quickly hurriedly slipped on her heels as she walked over to the night stand grabbing her purse. She walked out the room to the living room, and grabbed the keys where Angel said she left them. Then left the apartment locking the door behind her. Anna dug through her purse looking for her keys in her purse.

"Ahhh.. there you go."
Anna said as her hands grabbed her keys. Anna walked down the stairs to her car, looking down at her iPhone as she read the time.

"10:10... oh great.."
Then Anna got down to the parking lot and looked around for her car. Anna scratched her head moving her head from left to right. Then she smacked her face.

"Right! Right... shit!!"
Anna dialed a number for a cab on her iPhone.

"Yes... I need a... never mind."
Anna said as she hung up the phone and walked over to Angel pulling up in her BMW. Angel rolled down the window and winked at Anna.

"My my my you look beautiful Anastasia."
Angel said as she unlocked the passenger door. Anna got into Angel's car and smiled at her.

"Thank you."
Anna said blushing softly as she kissed Angel on the cheek.

"I realized about an hour into my work that you never got your car."
Angel said as she made a u-turn in the street and head for Anna's job.

"Sooo... are you late for work?"
Angel asked as she rolled down the windows a bit.

"No, I am actually on my way to a meeting.... with the CEO."
Anna said sighing softly and looking at Angel. Angel saw the hint of worry in Anna's eyes.

"So what's wrong? You maybe getting a promotion."
Angel said with enthusiasm trying to cheer Anna up.

"Well.. what if it's not a promotion? What if they fire me? Like what if I did something wrong in the paper work? I am just worried."
Anna said as she watched the cars up ahead going across the lane. Angel moved her hand over to Anna's hand and gently caressed Anna's hand as she looked over to her.

"I am sure whatever happens, it'll be for the better."
Angel said softly as she pulled up to Anna's job.

"I hope so... I will let you know."
Anna said as she opened the car door, as Anna was about to get out Angel grabbed her arm.

"Hey, wait..."
Angel said as Anna stepped back in and Angel leaned over kissing Anna on the lips softly. Anna held onto Angel's cheek kissing her back softly. Anna smiled softly on her lips.

"I have missed these.."
Anna said as she kissed Angel's nose softly on the tip.

"Thank you for the ride, call you in a bit."
Anna said as she stepped out of the car and closed the door behind her. Anna slowly walked to the big doors of the company building and turned around looking at Angel. Angel smiled at Anna and then drove off onto the road in her car. Anna sighed softly as she grabbed her hair and rubbed it up until she was able to put it in a ponytail. Anna then proceeded into the door walking towards the elevator. Anna pressed the button that called the elevator down, when the elevator doors open Anna saw some employee's walking out with white boxes of paper work and desk items in it. Anna straightened her dress up and walked into the elevator along with some other business men. Each floor a business man got off the elevator, until Anna had been the last one on the elevator. She tapped her foot on the floor of the elevator repeatedly waiting for the anticipation to be over and so that everything would be fine again. The elevator stopped at the twenty-second floor. Anna stepped out the elevator onto a floor with several big offices. Anna walked to Mr. Andrews office where he had been talking with another executive employee who wore a black business suit, he was a much older gentleman. The older gentleman must've been on the board of directors way over Mr. Andrews pay grade. Anna waited outside of his office as the both of them shook hands and the older gentleman left. Anna smiled and nodded to the older gentleman who nodded back.

"Anastasia please come in.."
Mr. Andrews politely asked. Anna stood up slowly and straightened up her face, then she slowly glided into the office where Mr. Andrews was standing in his blue business suit. Mr. Andrew was young as well, he had to be in his late twenties at the most. He had short black that was sprayed in place. He gestured Anna to have a seat. Anna nodded and sat down in the chair right in front of his desk. Mr. Andrews sat down as well looking at Anna with his arms crossed. He looked at Anna for a bit and then sat back in his chair.

"Anna, may I call you that?"
He asked her.

"Yes sir.."
Anna replied.

"Anna... the company is making a series of cuts..."
He said as calmly as possible. Anna's heart started to race as her palms started to get sweaty.

"But, they will not be cutting your job.. they want to move your job to New York."
He added as Anna sighed with relief and smiled. Anna heled her chest as a huge relief fell off her shoulders.

"Oh my... I thought I was fired."
Anna said with relief as she looked at Mr. Andrew his eyes a bright sky blue color.

"Thank you very much.."
She said as Mr. Andrews smiled and looked down at his paper work.

"Now to be relocated to New York we will need all your final decisions by Thursday morning."
He said as Anna's facial expression changed.

Anna asked him. He nodded.

"Yes, on Thursday. Is there a problem with that?"
Mr. Andrews asked as he looked at Anna with a serious face.

"Uh uh... no sir. Not at all."
Anna answered as she stared down at her hands. Anna began to worry about how she would tell Angel of this news and what she should do as Mr. Andrews went on to explain. Anna couldn't help but think of all the people and things she would leave behind. When Mr. Andrews was done with his proposition he looked over at Anna.

"Does that sound good?"
Mr. Andrews asked Anna.

"Yes sir.. I will let you know Thursday morning. Is it alright if I take today off?"
Anna asked Mr. Andrews.

"To talk to my family and tell them."
Anna added. Mr. Andrews looked at Anna and then nodded.

"Yes.. just remember Thursday morning."
Mr. Andrews said as he dismissed Anna.

"Thank you."
Anna said as she got up out the chair and walked out the office back to the elevator. Anna pressed the button to call the elevator and waited. She took out her iPhone looking at Angel's phone number displayed on the screen. Anna sighed softly as the elevator doors opened and she pressed the first floor button. Anna text Angel "we need to talk" and sent out the text. Anna then waited for the elevator to get down to the lobby. When the floor reached the lobby Anna walked outside the door and breathed in some fresh air. Then her phone rang, she looked down at her phone and saw it was Angel calling. Anna answered the phone.

"What's wrong? Is everything ok?"
Angel asked Anna sounding a bit worried.

"Uh.. can you meet me at your place?"
Anna asked Angel.

"Yes, I am here now actually. I'll be waiting for you beautiful."
Angel said sincerely to Anna.

"Ok, bye."
Anna said as she hung up the phone, she grabbed the keys out her purse and went into the parking garage as she walked to her light blue Honda Accord. Anna opened the door and got into the drivers seat as she scanned her car to see if anything was out of place. Anna closed the car door and put the keys into the ignition, as she checked the rear view and side mirrors. She sighed softly as she put on her seat belt and started the car.

"Ok here we go...."
Anna said to herself as she put the car in reverse and looked in the back as her car drove in reverse she then stopped, and put the car in drive and drove out the parking garage heading towards Angel's apartment. Anna stopped up at a red light, she leaned down plugging her iPhone into the radio to ease her mind and play some music. Anna turned on the song "Latch" by Disclosure and slowly bounced her head smiling softly to herself. This had been "their song" Anna thought to herself. When the light turned green, Anna pressed a little bit on the accelerator and turned the corner down the street to her apartment complex.

Angel had been sitting on the couch wearing grey sweat pants, and a white shirt watching cartoons on the TV. She had been worried about Anna and what could have shifted her mood. About twenty minutes went by and Anna had just arrived to the apartment complex. Anna parked the car in a space next to the stairs of the complex. She then shut off the car and unbuckled her seat belt. Angel got up off the couch once she heard the sound of a car shutting off. Angel slipped her feet into some black slides and walked out the door to see Anna sitting in her car. The grey clouds creeped over the sun turning the day gloomy and grungy. Angel walked down the stairs and towards Anna's car. Anna looked up at Angel and smiled softly as she unlocked the door for Angel to get in. Angel opened the door and slid into the car closing the door behind her.

"Is everything alright?"
Angel asked Anna looking over towards her.

"I got offered a job in New York."
Anna blurted out without hesitation, and a weight of stress lifted off her shoulders instantly. Angel sat back in her chair and sighed to herself.

"So when do you leave?"
Angel said as the rain started to pour down hard in a matter of minutes.

"I don't know... I just know I have to have my decision by Thursday."
Anna said sighing again and looking down at her hands.

"Anastasia, if you want to go and think it'll be a good opportunity then I think you should."
Angel said smiling slightly at Anna, Anna placed her hand on Angel's.

"Can we just talk about something else for now?"
Anna asked as she leaned back in her chair, watching as the rain hit the windshield.

"Sure we can talk about how I don't know what kind of animals you like."
Angel said as she chuckled to herself. Anna smiled and laughed a bit.

"I have a better idea..."
Anna whispered as she crawled over the driver's seat and climbed into Angel's lap. Angel watched her as she put each hand planted firmly on Anna's side. Anna's hands rubbed up Angel's chest as she leaned down planting soft kisses under Angel's chin. Angel closed her eyes feeling her lips kiss inch by inch on her chin and then on top of Angel's lips. Angel wrapped her arms around Anna and kissing her lips back tenderly. Anna closed her eyes as she felt Angel's lips taking control of Anna's body once slowly. Anna rubbed her hands up Angel's shirt feeling her stomach, and moving her hands up to Angel's chest. Angel pulled her closer licking over Anna's bottom lip and biting it as she pulled her closer. Anna whimpered a little as she felt Angel bite her lip, but kissed her lips hard as she slid her tongue in Angel's mouth massaging Angel's tongue as they kissed. Anna pulled back slowly and smiled to Angel. The rain from the outside caused the windows to fog up, no one was able to see inside or out.

"It feels like you haven't touched my body in forever.."
Anna says slowly as she lifts up her dress and takes it off placing it in the drivers seat. Angel watched her as she caressed Anna's breasts slowly, grabbing at them a bit. Anna watched Angel touch her body tenderly as she bit down on her bottom lip.

"You miss this?"
Angel whispered in Anna's ear as she rubbed her hands up Anna's back and pulled her hair. Anna arched her back as Angel bent down kissing between her breasts slowly. Anna moaned softly through her lips, her hands traced against Angel's warm arms and up to her face. Angel let go Anna's hair and leaned up to join Anna in a kiss, their tongues dancing between one another's. Anna hands ran up Angel's hair from the back and she gripped her hair tightly, gasping for air between each kiss. The tension rising in the car heated up the moment for Anna.

"Yes.. I. Do."
Anna gasped between breathes as she reached behind her back and unhooked her bra as it fell to the floor. Angel took the tip of her tongue licking and circling Anna's stomach and breasts almost drawing a map on her body. Anna licked her lips again, and moaned softly almost like she couldn't take it without Angel's tongue being buried deep inside her. Anna took Angel's hands and placed them down her stomach to her waist and in between her thong. Anna leaned down and pushed the lever letting Angel's seat all the way down. Angel smiled as Anna laid her body on top of Angel's. Slowly she pulled down Anna's thongs and off her legs. Anna pulled Angel's shirt up over her head and off. Anna leaned over and turned on the radio to the car which was playing their song "Latch" that had been on Anna's phone. Angel smiled running her fingers down Anna's back up under her thighs and rubbing in between Anna's legs gently. Anna gasped a little as she clutched Angel's shoulders a little. Angel's fingers started to get moistened.

Anna called out to Angel as she slowly tortured Anna's vagina slowly. Angel lifted up an eye brown and smirked at Anna.

"I wish you would stop playing with me, and fuck me like you mean it."
Anna said demandingly towards Angel. Angel stopped.

"Put on your clothes."
Angel ordered to Anna. Anna looked at Angel as if she said something wrong.

"Put on your clothes and let's go up stairs."
Angel ordered again as she grabbed her shirt slipping it on. Anna grabbed her dress and pulled it over her head slipping it on and grabbed her thongs and bra. Anna grabbed her iPhone in the other hand and turned off the radio. Both of them exited the car and walked up stairs to the apartment. Angel opened the door allowing Anna to walk in first. Once they both were in Angel shut the door behind them and locked the door. Anna turned around.

"Did I do something wrong?"
Anna asked Angel as she rubbed her arm slightly. Angel smirked as she walked up closely to Anna and took her bra and thongs out her hands.

"In the bedroom..."
Angel whispered on Anna's lips. Anna nodded as she turned around and walked towards the bedroom. Angel followed behind her as she smirked to herself. Angel closed the bedroom door behind them. Anna turned around once more and looked at Angel.

"Take off your clothes... and lay on the bed."
Angel demaned Anna as she nodded again. Anna slipped her dress off and climbed on the bed. Angel opened her closet and slipped something out that Anna couldn't see. Angel then took off her shirt and grey sweat pants and leaving them on the floor. Angel walked over to the window and shut the blinds a little low so it appeared to be dark in the room. The rain raged on as thunder crackled not to far from their apartment complex. The rain hit on the ceiling hard and loud. Angel walked over to the bed as she crawled between Anna's legs and laid her down on her back. Anna could barely see Angel's face, but she knew where her body and hands were.

"You cannot run away when I fuck you Anastasia. Do you hear me?"
Angel said in a seductive tone of voice, and inhaled and exhaled slowly.

"Yes I understand..."
Anna said softly as Angel placed both her hands on each side of Anna's head and Anna ran her hands along Angel's rib cage trying to focus on her face. Angel leaned down kissing on Anna's neck tenderly and moved her hands down Anna's body slowly spreading her thighs. Angel slowly slid a cold object up and down in between Anna's legs. Anna quivered a little as her lips got moistened.

"A-Angel.. what?"
Anna was about to ask before Angel slipped the cold object in her slowly, but deep. Anna gasped loudly clutching Angel close to her. Anna moaned as she wrapped her legs around Angel's waist. Angel placed both of her hands back on each side of Anna's head and thrusted slowly in her. Anna gasped repeatedly and held onto Angel's body scratching down her back. Angel leaned down kissing on Anna's bottom lip softly, Anna kissed Angel  back softly as she closed her eyes letting Angel take control of her body. Angel grind her body slowly on top of Anna's slowly, thrusting her hips deeper in Anna as she moaned loudly. The rain pelted down onto the apartment complex, and a crack of thunder went off again in the distance in which Angel thrusted hard in Anna. Anna moans slipped through her lips and teeth, the sweat starting to accumulate between both their bodies. Anna pulling Angel's body closed up against her. Anna panted in Angel's ear as Angel thrusted deeper into Anna, their bodies mixing sweat. Anna enclosed her legs around Angel tightly. Angel felt Anna's juices along her thigh and leg. Angel stopped and rolled over to where Anna had been on top, the object sliding up deeper into Anna. She clutched onto Angel's chest and nipples tightly. Her moans crying out and head tilted back to the ceiling. Anna slowly grind her hips around and around the object. She whimpered softly and felt Angel's hand rub along her booty, as she held her cheeks making Anna move up and down on it. Anna moaning out her legs started to quiver more and Angel rolled her back on her back. Anna panted loudly trying to catch her breath. Angel kissing on Anna's lips as she moaned in her mouth, Angel quickened her pace thrusting deeper as each crack of thunder got louder and clearer for them both to hear. Anna screeching each time Angel's thrust hit her g-spot roughly one time after another. Anna's heart was racing as Angel could feel because they were body to body. Her breathing increased as she climaxed on Angel. Angel slowed down as she came to a complete stop pulling the object out slowly, Anna moaned softly and opened her eyes to see Angel creeping slowly down her stomach. Angel opened Anna's legs and licked the juices from off her thigh slowly making her way in between Anna's lips and licking up the juices from in between her vagina lips. Anna moaned again as she clutched Angel's hair between her hands. Angel put Anna's legs over both her shoulders and buried her head in Anna's vagina, she flicked her tongue over Anna's clit over and over again sucking on it slightly. Anna gasped and arched her back as she couldn't help her legs quivering along Angel's back.

"I can't... I can't.. t-take.. i-tt.. anymore.."
Anna said between breathes and moans. Angel smiled as she swirled her tongue over Anna's hole and licking the remaining cum that was left over up. Angel swallowed it as she came up between Anna's legs and pressed her lips firmly on Anna's kissing her deeply. Anna kissed Angel back deeply breathing heavily between each kiss. Anna smiled on Angel's lips. Deep down Anna could never get rid of this feeling she had with Angel. The pleasure and joy she felt with her.

"How'd you like that?"
Angel asked Anna as she pulled her close laying naked with her and cuddling he close to her body. Anna blushed slightly wrapping her legs around Angel's and moving Angel's hand over her body so that Anna was in her embrace.

"That was amazing...."
Anna breathed as she listened to the sound of the rain outside. Angel kissed on Anna's cheek gently as she rubbed along Anna's body. A tear rolled down Anna's face onto the bed for she was upset. Anna knew she couldn't keep her job in Jacksonville and move away from Angel. Angel was all she needed. All she wanted. Her thoughts kept her moods going up and down. "What about the opportunity?", "What would you be leaving?", "Is this temporary or permanent?", "Am I falling in love?". All questions buried deep within Anna's mind, she tried hard not to ruin the moment with her doubts and fears. Anna wiped away the tear and put on a fake smile as she turned over to Angel who had already fallen asleep. Anna stared at her like she was a beautiful painting that she couldn't express any words for. Anna watched Angel sleep peacefully, she traced her fingers over Angel's scars along her chest and she softly planted a kiss underneath Angel's throat. Angel pulled Anna close in her sleep, Anna could hear Angel's heartbeat clearly. She closed her eyes and fell asleep to the sound of Angel's heartbeat.

Angel woke up under the covers to the sound of sizzling from outside the bedroom. Angel removed the covers and slipped out of bed as she walked over to the closet. She slipped on a sports bra and some boxer briefs, she then walked over to the dresser and opened it pulling out some black sweat pants. Angel slipped those on over the boxers and walked out the bedroom towards the kitchen. Anna was dancing in a big shirt of Angel's with her hair all up in a messy bun. She was singing "Sex On Fire" by Kings of Leon. Angel smiled to herself seeing it funny as they had just had some amazing sex not to long ago. Angel walked into the kitchen and wrapped her arms around Anna hugging her from behind. Anna was startled a little, but smiled when she felt Angel's warm body against hers.

"Exactly what are you making Miss Torres?"
Angel whispered in Anna's ear as she kissed her cheek softly.

"I am making us sandwiches and chips to watch a movie. Because it seems like you hardly watch movies anyways."
Anna said joking as she smiled cleaning off pieces of lettuce in the sink. Angel let go of her and then jumped on the counter watching Anna make the food.

"I do watch movies. Sort of."
Angel admitted as she picked up a piece of pickle that was sliced and ate it.

"Hey hey hey! No touching the food."
Anna squeaked to Angel as she scowled at her. Angel chuckled at Anna not able to take her serious face any more serious.

"Anna you do not intimidate me."
Angel said as she grabbed another pickle and ate it. Anna smacked Angel's hand playfully and smirked. Angel looked at Anna and smiled.

"Ok, you're going to get it once the food's done."
Angel said as she got off the counter and walked over to the couch. Anna walked back over to the stove and checked on the ham, turkey, and bacon that had been cooking in the same skillet. Anna took the spatula and flipped the meats over. Then she walked over to the toaster and took out the bread that had just got done toasting. Anna sat both pieces of toasts down on a plate. Then walked over to the refrigerator and opened it scanning for mayonnaise and mustard.

"I hope you like mayo and mustard. Because that's what I like on my sandwiches."
Anna said as she took both of the condiments out and place them on the counter, she then reached down and turned off the stove placing the skillet on an off burner. Anna took out a butter knife from out the kitchen drawer and applied out both condiments on each sandwich, then she added pickles, lettuce, and cheese.

"Mmmmmm.... looks sooo good."
Anna then put the condiments up and took the skillet and spatula picking up all 3 meats and placing them on each sandwich. After she was done with the skillet she placed it in the sink. Anna walked over to the small built in pantry and searched for some chips. Until she came across some salt & vinegar chips.

"Hey you... tall and beautiful. Come grab a plate, and a water bottle."
Anna said to Angel as she turned around and walked towards the kitchen. Angel grabbed both water bottles and one plate that had a beautifully made sandwich.

"This is probably the nicest thing anyone has done for me..."
Angel admitted as she turned around and walked back out to the living room. Angel placed her plate down on the coffee table in front of the couch, along with both water bottles. Anna smiled as she followed her out to the living room placing down her plate and the chips on the coffee table as well. Anna and Angel sat down at the same time. Anna picked up the remote to the TV and handed it over to Angel.

"I hope you like the movie I have picked out."
Anna squealed and smiled as she opened the salt and vinegar chips pouring some on her plate and then Angel's.

"I am pretty sure I will."
Angel said as she turned on the TV smiling over at Anna. The TV turned on and showed the movie "The Blob" the 1988 version. Angel smiled big as she played the movie.

"I love this movie. I remember watching this with my dad sometimes. Back when he was a little more family orientated."
Angel admitted as she picked up her plate setting it in her lap and watching the movie. Anna glanced over smiling at Angel as she watched her eat a few chips, eyes glued to the TV. Anna's thoughts almost drowning her happiness away again. "You can't leave this behind." Anna's subconscious said to herself. Anna shook the thought out of her head and picked up her plate as well. She scooted closer to Angel and watched the movie with her. Angel picked up her BLT sandwich and bit into it. Anna could hear the crunching of the lettuce, bacon and pickles together as Angel chewed her sandwich then swallowed.

"This is really good, Anna."
Angel said as she smiled at her. Anna smiled back and took a bite of her sandwich as well eating it. Anna closed her eyes savory every taste of her sandwich. Angel looked over at Anna who seemed to be enjoying her sandwich a little more.

"I think you like that sandwich more than me."
Angel said chuckling as Angel smiled over at her trying not to laugh. Anna finished chewing the part of the sandwich in her mouth and swallowed it clearing her throat.

"This sandwich does taste like heaven."
Anna laughed as she looked over to Angel that was just starring at her.

"I don't how I will ever be able to get use to your laugh."
Angel said as rubbed Anna's cheek gently. Anna put down her plate on the coffee table and rubbed her face into Angel's neck. Anna begin to cry as she hugged Angel.

"I don't know how things happen to escalate so fast. Now I find myself choosing someone who could potentially fall in love with and a career in which I spent so many hours dedicating my life too."
Anna admitted as Angel set her plate down on the coffee table, and pulled Anna into her lap holding her closely.

"Whatever you choose I am only a phone call away."
Angel whispered to Anna as she softly kissed the top of Anna's head. Angel wiped away Anna's tears from her eyes and lifted her chin up. Angel kissed her lips gently as Anna breathed in Angel kissing her lips back softly.

"I don't even know about school. Oh an the internship in Orlando..."
Anna croaked as she buried her head in Angel's chest and groaned.

"I can tell him that's ok. It'll be fine Anna no matter what you choose."
Angel said rubbing her hands over Anna's hair repeatedly.

"What if we never seen each other again? I don't want this to just be a fling. I hate to look at it like this. What if you find someone else better?"
Anna mumbled as she leaned up looking into Angel's eyes.

"I will not find anyone better than you Anastasia Torres."
Angel acquiesced as she smiled to Anna.

"I don't see how you can be so calm about this..."
Anna said wiping away her tears and looking at Angel.

 "I know whatever you choose you will be happy. I cannot make you stay in Jacksonville, because even I know how boring it is in this city. There's not a lot of opportunity here. So if you're happy in New York. I will be happy for you."
Angel said as she smiled to Anna softly.

"Finish your sandwich.."
Anna said as Angel nodded.

"Good, because it looks too good to waste."
Angel said chuckling as she picked up her plate and finished eating her sandwich and chips as she watched the rest of the movie. Anna laid her head on Angel's shouler eating each chip from off her plate until the only thing left on the plate was her sandwich. Anna finally had got some of the stress off her shoulders, still haunted by the decision she had to make by Thursday morning. When Angel finished her sandwich she got up taking the plate into the kitchen and set it down in the sink. Angel looked at Anna who was focused on the movie. Angel washed her plate off and the skillet and put it in the dishwasher next to the sink.

"Why don't you have a house instead of an apartment? Since you have all these restuarants."
Anna asked as she turned down the TV, and turned around on the couch facing Angel.

"I don't see the point in getting a permanent residence if it's only me, and since I might being moving soon.. what if I moved to New York with you?"
Angel said turning off the faucet and looking over to Anna.

"You'd move with me to New York?"
Anna asked Angel as she got up off the couch walking over to the kitchen.

"Yes I would.. I don't like crowded places, but New York is a good place to expand my business as well."
Angel said as she turned around looking at Anna.

"I don't know... I wouldn't want you to just drop everything for me."
Anna said as she touched Angel's face gently.

"I know.. just thinking outside the box."
Angel said as she walked closely to Anna, moving her hair from out her face and kissing her lips slowly and deeply. Anna inhaled Angel's scent and kissing her back deeply. Angel wrapped her arms around Anna's body slowly lifting her up as she kissed her. Anna giggled softly.

"I did manage to eat a little bit of my sandwich as you washed the dirty dishes."
Anna said as Angel set her down as she smiled. Anna went and got her plate along with the chips and brung them back into the kitchen, placing her plate in the refrigerator and the chips in the pantry. She then turned around and looked at Angel who was waiting for her to get done.

"Now you're going to pay for hitting me earlier."
Angel said playfully towards Anna as she smirked. Anna smirked as well shaking her head.

"Oh no.."
Anna said as she ran around to the couch and Angel followed her.

"I don't know where you going to run to. There's only the bedroom and the bathroom. Give yourself up now."
Angel demanded as she chuckled to herself and Anna shook her head.

"Nooo... never.."
Anna said as she was laughing trying to catch her breath. Anna moved from side to side trying to avoid Angel from catching her then running towards the bedroom. Angel followed behind her running to the bedroom after her and seeing Anna on the bed laughing her heart out. Angel smirked and chuckled walking over to Anna. Anna looked up at Angel who grabbed her hips and pulled her closely to Angel. Anna's laughing came to a cease as she watched Angel run her hands up Anna's sides. Angel looked up at Anna.

"Why you stop laughing?"
Angel asked Anna as she smiled.

"Because that kind of turned me on..."
Anna said seductively. Angel smiled leaning down and kissing Anna softly on the lips. Anna pulled Angel down on top of her as Angel pushed her up on the bed. Angel kissed Anna again, and Anna smiled.

"I could never get use to your kisses if anything. I don't want to ever be without them."
Anna admitted smiling on Angel's lips.

"Then you won't be..."
Angel said as she softly traced Anna's lips with her fingers.

"Come on let's get some rest, we have work tomorrow."
Angel said as she got up off Anna.

"Yes, I almost forgot."
Anna said rolling her eyes.

"I will be right back. I have to turn all the lights off up front."
Angel said as she left the room turning all the lights, and the TV off up front. Then she returned a few moments later and walked over to the bed where Anna was under the covers all comfortable naked.

"I feel like I am going to dread these next couple of days. My mind is full of all these wants and need thoughts racing through my head. I can never really have a clear head. That's unless I am with you."
Anna said as Angel slipped into the bed along side Anna. They both slid close to one another cuddling each other.

"Just clear your head Anna, I'm sure whatever you choose I will support you through it."
Angel said as she rubbed along Anna's shoulder and arm. Anna laid her head on Angel's chest trying to clear her head. Anna closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

This dream was different. Of happiness. Angel and her had been having lunch in a field full of breautifully grown green grass. Anna wore a nice floral sun dress and Angel in her usual jeans and white t-shirt. The air smelled of fresh daisies. Angel had been laughing with Anna about some silly conversation. Then her dream flashed to another moment where Anna, and Angel had been making love on a nearby lake. The kisses were intense and filled with passion. Anna turned over in her sleep, sweat gathering on her body as she shifted places. Anna breathed heavily in her sleep and quenched her legs tightly. The dream went on to Angel taking off Anna's shorts off kissing down her belly. Anna moaned softly in her sleep which startled Angel a bit. Angel turned over to watch Anna in her sleep moaning softly through her lips. Angel smiled softly pulling Anna closer to her. Angel could feel the sweat on Anna's body, she wiped her stomach off with the sheets and then kissed Anna softly on the cheek. Anna moved closer to Angel and Angel rubbed her hands down Anna's body. Angel rubbed slowly between her legs and felt the wetness dripping off her finger. Anna placed her hand down on Angel's, and Anna sighed softly. Angel slowly rubbed Anna's clit with her fingers in a circular motion. Anna gasps escaped her lips and she clutched Angel's arm softly. Angel got closer to Anna, until they were body to body. Then Angel stopped pulling her fingers back and then licking the wetness off of them. Angel laid on her back and closed her eyes smiling to herself. Soon after Anna woke up breathing heavily as she sat up and found herself wet in Angel's bed.

"These dreams get a little too intense for me."
Anna said to herself as she rubbed th sweat from her forehead. Anna looked over to Angel who assumed she was sleep, and then she laid back down scooting closer up on Angel. Anna searched around for Angel's hand when she found it, she placed it between her legs trying to wake Angel up. Anna took Angel's index and middle finger rubbing it between her legs softly as she bit her bottom lip softly moaning through her lips softly in Angel's ear.

"I see you're up.."
Angel said as she turned over to look at Anna in the dark.

"Touch me..."
Anna said softly as Angel slid her two fingers inside Anna slowly.

Angel said as Anna gasped slowly arching her back slightly. Anna moved her hips slightly on Angel's finger moaning softly through her lips, and licking her bottom lip slowly. Angel slid her fingers in and out slowly in Anna, feeling all her juices falling over her hands.

"You dreamt of sex?"
Angel asked as she pulled out her fingers and slid under the covers.

"Yes... I dreamt of us.."
Anna said as Angel licked all the way up between Anna's lips slowly. Anna moaned softly closing her eyes. Angel smiled as she continued licking between Anna's clit and down her lips, sliding the tip of her tongue all over her vagina. Angel seized Anna's body with her tongue, making sure to lick up any excess juices....

That morning Anna was up at a decent time, she got dressed in a nice business suit, and her hair was back up in a ponytail. Anna even ate a full breakfast, Angel even dropped her off at work. Later that afternoon Anna was already working filling out paper work and filing paper work. She was going from floor to floor dropping off documents.  When her iPhone got a notification. Anna picked up her iPhone and noticed that she must've mistaken it for Angel's. Angel had no lock on her phone, so Anna opened up the phone and went to the text message. It was from a girl named Nina. Anna opened the text message and it was a picture of Nina in black lacey lingerie, under the picture was a caption reading "I missed you last night". Anna closed the phone and sat at the desk her mood all furious. Anna picked up the office phone and dialed Mr. Andrews office phone.

"Hello, Mr. Andrews office."
He anwered the phone.

"Yes, I will take the job in New York."
Anna answered hurriedly.

"Alright, thank you. I will tell the other CEO you will be heading to New York next Monday."
He said politely.

"No, thank you Mr. Andrews."
They exchanged goodbye's and Anna hung up the phone. Anna looked back down at the Angel's iPhone and then shoved it in her purse continuing her work. Then the phone rang and it was Angel calling her form her phone. Anna slid open the answer button and answered.

Anna snapped as she typed file numbers, and dates into the computer.

"I think I took your phone on accident."
Angel said chuckling softly.

"Yeah, and I took yours as well..."
Anna said to Angel.

"Well I will pick you up after work and get it then."
Angel said as she felt something had been wrong.

Anna snapped again.

"Is everything alright?"
Angel asked Anna worried that she had done something to upset her somehow.

"Everything is just peachy.. pick me up at three."
Anna said as she hung up the phone.

Angel looked down Anna's iPhone and then shook her head. When three o'clock rolled around Angel was parked in front of Anna's work. Angel wondered what could have been wrong with Anna, was it work or was it Angel or could it have been both. Anna walked out of the building and opened the car door closing it behind her. Angel leaned over and tried to give her a kiss, but Anna moved away. Angel nodded her head and put the car in drive, driving to the apartment complex.

"Anna what's wrong?"
Angel asked as she glanced over at Anna.

"Here's your iPhone..."
Anna said taking it out her purse and tossing it in Angel's lap.

"Anna, whatever I did. I am sorry, sincerly."
Angel said softly as Anna shook her head, but didn't say a word. Angel then turned into a store plaza and parked in a parking lot. Angel turned off the car and turned towards Anna.

"I seriously don't know what's wrong.."
Angel said as she unlocked her phone and looked at the text sent by Nina. Angel chuckled to herself and shook her head at herself.

"That's funny?"
Anna said looking at Angel angrily.

"It's funny because I haven't talked to her since I first met you."
Angel said as she locked her phone and turned looking out the window.

"Oh everything is sooooooo funny... haha hehe.. well I hope you find this funny. I took the job in New York!"
Anna hissed at Angel. Angel looked at Anna and frowned.

"You what?!"
Angel growled.

"I said. I took the job."
Anna said crossing her arms as she looked at Angel.

"Hmph.... wow ok."
Angel said and nodded her head. Angel got out the car slamming the door behind her and walked down the street leaving Anna in the car.

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