My Freak Show Life (BWWM)

By pink_cash

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Chauncey, Benjamin, and Liam are three of the most successful men in their respective fields, who also happen... More

Chapter 1: My Freak Show
Chapter 2: Beloved Strangers
Chapter 3: To live or To die
Chapter 4: The First Date
Chapter 5: The Worst First Date
Chapter 6: Unexpected Meetings
Chapter 7: News: Good or Bad?
Fair Warning 😔
Chapter 9: Hanging in the Balance
Info 😂
100k 🤯🤪
Chapter 10: In Sickness
Chapter 11: The Past & Present
Chapter 12: Connection
Chapter 13: Closure
Chapter 14: Crime & Punishment
Chapter 15: The Aftermath
Chapter 16: Family
Chapter 17: Taking Steps
Chapter 18:Mate
Chapter 19: Power
Chapter 20: Changing

Chapter 8: That's a yes?

9.9K 515 134
By pink_cash

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Benjamin POV

I stare down at my beloved. She's wearing ripped red jeans and an oversized hoodie, with a pair of red Vans. She looks good especially since I haven't seen her since Friday. She exhales deeply, "I can't make a decision without hearing you guys out. That's not fair to you."

I move aside letting her come into the house. I'm glad she's giving us a chance, after she ran out the house I thought I'd never see her again. I took it all out on Chase since it was his stupid fucked up idea anyway. He pushed for me to do something she nor I were ready to happen all because he's an impatient prick. If we lose her it's nobody's fault but his and his stupid pride.

"Are they here too?" she asks placing her bag on the couch.

"Yeah, hold on" I say taking a seat next to her on the couch. Jordan wants to speak to us. I say through the link. "They'll be down shortly. Would you like something to drink?"

She shakes her head, "no thanks. How are you?"

I shrug, "I've been better."

"I'm sorry."

"Not your fault beautiful."

Liam and Chase walk into the room taking seats. "Jordan" Liam says with a soft smile.

"Mate" Chase greets.

"Hello" she says softly before looking around at us. She exhales deeply, "How long have you guys been together?"

"About five years" I answer.

She nods, "is it true?"

"Yes" Chase answers.

"Can I see?"

I smile showing my elongated canines. She nods before turning to Liam. "Let's save my form for another day" he suggests with a small smile.

Chase gets up shifting into his wolf causing her to squeal before shifting in her seat. "Can I touch him?"

Liam laughs, "I'm sure he'd love it."

She gets up shakily walking closer to Chase, she reaches out patting his black fur covered head. He grunts causing her to jump back before running her fingers through his fur. "It's so soft" she says softly before taking her seat again.

Chase trots out the room, "he has to shift back but he needs clothes" I say after noticing her confusion. Chase comes back taking his seat.

"How does this work?" she asks eyeing the three of us.

"Well essentially it'll work like a regular relationship but with a twist. Eventually all three of us will mark you as ours. We'll have kids if that's what you want. You'll eventually become Luna of the pack" I inform with a shrug.

"It's all apart of the mating process. It's going to be a simple bite that will be more pleasurable than painful" Liam adds.

"What's a pack? What's a Luna?"

"A pack is a group of werewolves that follows the leadership of the Alpha which is me. The Luna is the mother of the pack" Chase answers.

Jordan pops up and I think she's going to run again but she begins to pace instead nodding to herself. "I read the mating process involves sex, right?" We nod, "how does that work exactly? Do I have to have sex with the three of you at once?"

Liam smiles at her softly, "we'll discuss that at a different time but Jordan you do what's comfortable for you. This is your pace not ours."

"What'll happen to me?"

"You'll become one of us" I answer watching as she continues to pace the floor in front of us.

"What does that even mean?"

"You'll become a hybrid, part werewolf, part demon, and part vampire."

She nods taking the new information in, "what does the marking look like?"

I crane my neck so she can see my marks and she nods going back to her pacing. She fumbles with her fingers mumbling to herself. We say nothing letting her digest everything on her own terms. Chase fucked it up before and we can't fuck it up again. There's no room for error when dealing with your human beloved. It's get it right or say goodbye to your beloved.

"You guys are meant for me?" she whispers to herself. She stops her pacing, "what happens if I don't agree?"

"Well you'll always feel a void and no one you date will will it. We will barely survive because there's a missing piece where you should be" Liam answers softly holding her eye contact.

She nods beginning to pace again. I eye them before eyeing her again. She can't reject us, Liam put the shit mildly, without her our bond is weakened and our lifespan is shorter. To survive you need all your mates after meeting them, it's not the same. She suddenly stops turning to face us.

"I-" she exhales, "I'm beyond freaking scared" she pauses, "but I'm willing to give it a try. Though I don't see Luna potential in myself someone thought so, so yes."

I can't help but to jump up picking her up kissing her cheek, "you are beyond perfect beautiful."

"Thank you Benny."

I put her back down and Chauncey pulls her to him kissing her deeply. He grips her ass slipping his tongue in her mouth. She moans before pulling away. "I couldn't help myself" he says by way of explanation. He leans down to her ear, "you taste as good as you look beauty."

She visibly blushes, "thank you."

"Can we take you out?" Liam asks.

She fumbles with her fingers, "Could we go out of town?"

"Are you embarrassed by us?" Chase asks eyeing her.

"No, God no, who would be embarrassed by you guys," she pauses, "I'm just over the talk about me. I don't want to really add more to it."

I lift her chin up, "we get it beautiful, it's your pace. We'll take you to the next town over."

She smiles sheepishly, "thank you. I have to go home first."

"I'll take you" Liam says.

She nods following him out the house. Chase and I get up going to our room, that went better than any of us could've imagined. This is our first date as a quad. Shit has to go perfect, this is their time to get to know her like I do and vice versa. I'm sure there will be plenty group dates but I also know we'll also get time for separate dates. I pull on dark jeans, a red button up, and black Nike boots. I look over to see Chase in blue jeans, a grey t-shirt with army green Huaraches on. We walk out the room going back to the living room to wait for our beloveds. Honestly I believe it was Liam that persuaded our beloved to give us a chance. He connected with her on an emotional level that I hadn't reached yet. I know she has her reservations about our relationship so it'll be a challenge but hopefully with her knowing what she means to us we can get through anything. I'd be more worried if she was okay being with three supernatural men.

"Where y'all going?" Amarí asks walking in with Elijah.

"Here ya nosey ass go" I say shaking my head.

"Answer me then."

"Date with our beloved if you must know."

"So she agreed?" Elijah asks taking a seat.

I nod. "Congrats dude now you can stop moping around like a little bitch" Amarí chuckles.

"Fuck you" I give him the finger. Come outside. Liam says through the link.

We get up and walk out to his car and he pulls off making me notice them holding hands over the console. I'm happy that she's getting comfortable with affection. It gives me hope that she's serious about giving us a chance. When the car stops we all get out giving me the opportunity to look at my beloved. She has on a plaid skirt, long sleeved black top with ankle boots, she looks absolutely breathtaking. Liam leads the way into the restaurant.

"Welcome to Oscar's, how many?" the host asks.

"Four secluded booth" Chase answers.

She nods before leading us to a table in the back. She hands us our menus before walking away. Not long after she leaves does our waiter come taking our drink orders. I glance over the menu already knowing what I want since we've been here before.

"So what do you guys do?" Jor asks after we've placed our order.

"I'm a cardiologist and chief of staff down at the hospital" Liam answers.

"I run a security corporation" Chase responds.

She nods, "how do you maintain a healthy relationship with such demanding careers?"

"We put the work in, we know that our relationship is just as important as our careers if not more so" I say looking directly in her eyes. I don't want her to assume she'll take a back burner to our jobs.

She nods with a small smile. "Do you have any friends?" Liam asks.

She nods, "yeah, my best friend Isabella and I still speak to my best friend Rose who died two years ago."

"How'd she die if I may ask?"

"Drunk driver, he still roams around."

"Do you talk to him?" the waiter places our food on the table.

"Not really, he stays clear of me."

The rest of dinner is filled with them getting to know her and her them. It was nice to see her a little more comfortable with us all. She's not fully there but who could expect her to be. It's a lot to take in in a short amount of time, to go from dating one person to three is a lot.

I lean against my car checking and responding to emails while I wait. Figured I'd leave the office early and pick up my beloved. Amarí bitched about leaving him to do all the work but he'll be okay. The bell rings making me put my phone in my pocket. I watch as teenagers rush from the building. I automatically spot her with her head down low.

"Jordan!" I call out once she's closer to hear.

Her head snaps up and she mumbles something before walking in my direction. I smile pulling her into my embrace. She hugs me back tightly causing me to pull back and look at her. "You okay?" I ask eyeing her.

She nods, "yeah."

I pull her hood off and she moves out my embrace. What the fuck? I eye her confused before I see the bruising on the side of her neck. I know damn well that none of us have gone far enough within twenty-four hours to leave this, so what the fuck is this shit. Calm down Benjamin, it's a logical reason as to why she has a hickey.

"Beloved," I say calmly, "what's this?" I brush my thumb over it.

She shivers from my touch, "I need to go home."

"Jordan" I snap losing control of my temper causing her to jump. "I'm sorry but please tell me baby."

She looks up at me with tears in her brown eyes, "please Benny just take me home."

I exhale deeply as a means to reign in my temper before pulling her back into my arms placing a gentle kiss to her lips. I let her go opening the door for her before getting in myself. Chauncey is going to have a fucking heart attack. Why doesn't she just tell me? I can't take care of the shit if she doesn't tell me what the fuck happened.

"I want to go home Benny not your house" she snaps once she notices we've passed the turn for her house.

"Too bad."


"No!" I snap, "we're going home and you're going to explain!"

She whimpers turning to face the window. Fuck! I didn't mean to yell at her but it's fucking frustrating not knowing what the fuck is going on. When we pull up to the house she gets out the car slamming the door behind her. I groan following her into the house.

"Shit" I mumble seeing Chase in the foyer. I pull Jordan behind me as I watch his eyes flash between brown and black. "Calm down Xander."

"What the fuck is on her neck?" he shouts loudly causing Jordan to grip my shirt tightly.

"Xander please calm down, you're fucking scaring her. I need Chase."

I watch as he breathes deeply closing his eyes, when he opens them again they're brown. Liam walks into the foyer eyeing us all before mumbling shit himself. "Explain now!" Chase snaps.

Liam walks over grabbing the crying Jordan from behind me. "It's okay Jordan, stop crying."


"I don't fucking know, she didn't explain!" I snap back.

"I'm sorry! I'm too damaged" Jordan cries out into Liam's chest.

"No baby, you're perfect just tell us how you got the hickey" Liam soothes rubbing on her back.

Chase sniffs the air before growling, "it was him. Did you want him to touch you?"

Jordan whimpers in Liam's chest before crying harder. "Who?" I ask Chase confused.

"I'm going to fucking kill him" he growls loudly.

Jordan rushes into his arms just as he moves to the door. "Please Chauncey let it go, he's not worth it."

"He put his filthy fucking hands on you against your will. He deserves to fucking die."

"Please" she begs holding him tighter.

"Care to share?" I hiss pissed off.

There's some jock asshole tormenting her. He says through the link.

And you're just mentioning the shit? I hiss back.

I gave him a warning that I thought he'd be smart enough to heed.

Obviously not if he's branding her like she's his!

"Let's get you cleaned up" Liam says taking our beloved out the foyer.

"He needs to be taken care of and she needs protection" I say after they're a good distance away.

"I'll handle it" he pulls me closer to him kissing me deeply.

Chase irritates me most times but he's a man of his word and protective over what he loves. I know he'll handle the situation. It just irritates me that we can't look after her ourselves. She's completely terrified of this underage asshole. Who the fuck knows what else he's done to her or plans on doing to her. What kind of mates are we if we can't protect our beloved? He's fucking lucky that we can't take care of him ourselves or shit would be ten times worse for his pathetic ass. Who the fuck gets off on fucking with girls in the first fucking place. Bitch ass little boys with serious fucking issues, that's who.

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