Sassy Tommo - Larry Stylinson...

By hisoopsforhishi

324K 9.6K 6.6K

"The Sassy Tommo just got sassed!" . . . Ageplay - DDLB (If you don't know what this is, google it before you... More

1. Ugly Frog
2. The Feisty One
3. Little Did They Know
4. Not Lasting Relief
5. Princess Louis
6. Match Together
7. Maybe
8. A Day with Him
9. Lights Off
10. The Daddy Incident
12. Autumn Leaves
13. Secrets
14. Little Princess
15. "Cuddles!"
16. The Prettiest
17. Accidents
18. For Your Eyes Only
19. Bloom & Boom
20. Polaroid
21. Surprises
22. An angel in white
23. To Give You the Moon
24. Dinner at the Tomlinson's
Cherry Cola

11. Cozy & Simple

14.5K 431 308
By hisoopsforhishi

"Louise!" Niall yelled out as he stood up from the cafeteria chair, successfully attracting the attention of lots of people.

"God, Neil, I swear to god if you yell out what I just said..." Louis sent him a murderous look.

"But- Fucking god! He kissed you? And even asked you out?" Well, seems like Niall is not gonna shut up anytime soon.

"Shut the hell up and sit down, will ya?" Louis said through gritted teeth because he's sure that a good portion of people in cafeteria heard what Niall's big mouth just yelled out.


"There are rumors that a guy kissed and asked the Sassy Tommo out." Louis jumped when he felt someone whisper in his ear while he was taking his books out of the locker. His cheeks turned pink when he recognized the voice. He turned around and Harry was standing probably only 6 inches away from him.

The hallways are deserted because it's been few minutes since the bell rang for the period. Apparently they both are late for their classes but why not flirt a bit since they are already at blame.

"Oh, really? Who must be the guy?" Louis knitted his brows together while pouting a bit to fake a thinking face. Harry smiled fondly at the smaller boy.

"Maybe a frog because he's the princess that kissed the frog." Harry said leaning down to steal a kiss but before he could place his lips against Louis', Louis ducted down and jumped out of the space where Harry had him trapped in between the locker and himself.

"Take me out first, Styles!" He giggled as he ran down the deserted hallway.

"Tease!" Harry groaned out and chuckled as he watched the smaller one bounce down the hallway.


"I'm gonna faint! This is still too much for me." Niall placed the back of his hand against his forehead while tilting his head back.

"Shut up, Nialler." Louis rolled his eyes before continuing what he was saying to Liam. "And then we both kept staring into each other's eyes and he asked me, 'Will you get mad if I kissed you now?'" Liam let out a squeal.

"God, he's so cute!"

"I know right! But shut up and let me finish." Louis continued again. "And I said, 'No'. Then he was kissing me even before I could register what's happening. His lips felt so goo-"

"Spare me the details about his lips, please." Liam plugged his ears with his pointer fingers.

"Okay, okay. When we pulled apart we again kept on staring into each other's eyes. Then he fucking asked me out, Lima bean!" Both Liam and Louis squealed as Niall face palmed while watching them from his place leaned against the trunk of his car.

"He's coming, he's coming!" Liam elbowed Louis.

"Hey, guys!" Harry waved at Louis' friends.

"Hey!" Both Niall and Liam sent him warm smiles. They haven't had time to talk with each other properly yet but they just have to talk since Louis tells them everything about Harry.

"Hi, princess." Harry whispered once he's in front of Louis making the boy blush. No matter how many times Harry says it, Louis would blush every time he uses the nickname.

"Hi!" Louis bit on his bottom lip to keep in a giggle.

"I'll pick you up at 6 tonight, okay?" Harry asked smiling warmly at the smaller boy.

"Okay but where are you taking me? So I can decide what to wear?" Louis asked.

"Well, that's a surprise but wear something casual. If that helps you, I'm wearing a sweater and jeans."

"Where are you taking me to, Styles? To Mars?" Louis giggled. Harry smirked and decided to be a little smug with the answer.

"You know that I can take you to Mars too if you want me to." And, that make Louis' dick twitch.

"Rich kids and their stupid money." Louis said blushing scarlet red and making Harry chuckle.


"He said, 'wear casual'" Louis paced around his closet as Niall sat on the bed with a bag of chips in his hands and Liam sat on the floor next to the door of the walk in closet.

"He said that he wears a sweater, Lewis. Wear one of yours." Niall said.

"How do you know that?" Louis popped his head out of the closet with his eyebrows knitted together.

"I may or may not have heard your conversation." Niall grinned sheepishly.

"Of course, you'd listen." Louis rolled his eyes. "Which sweater should I wear?"


"Aw, you look beautiful!" Jay gushed when Louis bounced into the living room.

"Thanks!" Louis blushed and sat next to her on the couch.

"When is he coming?" She asked.

"Around 6. He must be here soon." Louis took a glance at the wall clock.

"Oh, okay. Ma-" The doorbell rang.

"He's here. Gosh." Louis looked down at his costume to make sure that everything is on point.

"Answer the door." Jay pushed him.

"Yeah, yeah." Louis stood up in hurry which made the phone which was on his lap fall to the ground with a thud. He let out a tiny gasp and picked it up. He ran to the door when he made sure that his phone is still okay making Jay chuckle from behind.

He took a deep breath in and opened the door while biting on his bottom lip.

"Hi, Lou!" Harry greeted with a bright smile.

"Hi." Louis squeaked out shyly looking up at Harry.

"I brought you some roses." Harry pulled out a basket of red roses from behind making Louis gasp.

"Aw... They are so beautiful." Louis smelled the heavenly scent of the roses and his mind calmed down suddenly at that. "Who knew that Styles had a romantic side too." Louis couldn't help his big mouth making Harry chuckle.

"You will see some more of this Styles, love." Harry winked at the boy making him blush.

"Come in." Louis stepped aside.

"But your mom will burn me alive." Harry said with wide eyes.

"I will not." Jay called out from where she was listening to them, hiding and that made both Louis and Harry jump.

"Mom!" Louis whined out as she came out from her hiding spot, giggling. Harry couldn't help the chuckles.

"C'mon. Come in, love." Jay sent Harry a warm smile. Harry walked in and sat on the couch as Jay instructed.

"I'm gonna put these roses in my room. I'll be right back." Louis excused himself and went up the stairs.

"Promise me you will stay with him no matter what." Jay requested when Louis was out of the hearing range.

"I promise." Harry sent her a warm smile.


"We are going to your house?" Louis asked when Harry turned the car to his big mansion.

"Yep. That's where we start this." Harry sent Louis dimpled smile making the small boy's heart swoon.

"I can't understand you, Styles." Louis shook his as he smiled fondly. Harry parked the car and got out of it before running over to Louis' side and opening the door for him.

"Thanks." Louis said as he took Harry's hand as support to get down from the somewhat big car.

"You are welcome, princess Lou." Harry bowed still holding Louis' hand, making Louis a giggly mess. "Let's go in." Harry said after he's done with his fond smile.

They walked into Harry's house and Louis was pretty sure that Harry has probably arranged a romantic dinner for them in his big ass dining room. Louis actually didn't like the typical date idea but this is Harry and Louis knew that whatever the elder boy plans will be amazing.

But, instead of leading Louis to the dining room, he lead the boy to the elevator. He pushed the button of a floor that Louis never has been to.

"What are you planning, Styles?" Louis asked sassily while placing both of his hands on his hips.

"Your death my sweetheart." Harry winked making Louis gasp dramatically.

"Oh my god, I'm stuck inside a elevator with a serial killer!" He said backing away a little. Harry started chuckling making Louis' heart swoon at the angelic sound.

The elevator dinged and the doors opened. Harry took Louis' hand in his once again and lead the boy down the hallway. Harry stopped by one door making Louis bump into him just like in the first time that Louis came to Harry's house but this time Harry caught him before he could fall to the ground.

"Don't want you bubbly butt injured again." Harry winked as he stated without any shame or a care about that this is their first date. Louis just blushed as he lightly hit Harry's shoulder.

"Ready?" Harry asked nodding towards the room.

"Yes." Louis nodded. Harry opened the door and Louis gasped at the sight in front of him.

That was a big library and the only light in the room were the fairy lights around the room. What caught his attention the most is the tent by the large window of the room. It had fairy lights all over it making it look like cozier than it should be. The wooden floor just added more to it.

"Wow!" Louis whispered and stepped inside. "This is so beautiful!" Louis gushed making Harry smile fondly.

"This is just the beginning, love." Harry said chuckling.

Louis looked at him and sent him a playful glare before walking over to the endless amount of books.

"I hope you like to read as much as I do." Harry said from behind him.

"I love reading."


"I'll be Bella and you can be Edward in this scene. Okay?" Louis asked when he pulled a random scene from the book Eclipse.

"So... it's not that you're afraid you won't... like me as much when I'm different−when I'm not soft and warm and I don't smell the same? You really want to keep me, no matter how I turn out?" Louis said as he poured out the emotions for every word.

"You were worried I wouldn't like you?" Harry said in a demanding tone making Louis almost loose his act and start giggling.

"Bella, for a fairly intuitive person, you can be obtuse!" Harry continued as he threw his hands up.

"I don't think you realize how much easier it will be for me, Bella," Harry said in a humorous tone. "when I don't have to concentrate all the time on not killing you. Cer- Lou?" Harry put away his act when he saw Louis with tear filled eyes stare at the book.

"What's wrong, princess?" He asked softly as he closed the book.

"Their love story is just so cute at this point." Louis pouted making Harry bite back a coo. Harry just wrapped an arm around the boy as he rubbed his back.

After a while of Louis gushing on about how he loves the Twilight series and crying a little more, Harry wiped the tears that rolled down his cheek and smiled fondly at the boy. Louis blushed when he caught Harry's eyes and looked down shyly biting on his bottom lip.

"You are so beautiful." Harry whispered like if he talked any louder someone will hear them. Louis just blushed more as he let out tiny giggles.

"Can I kiss you now that I have taken you on a date?" Harry asked smirking when Louis gasped dramatically placing his hand over his chest as he looked up at Harry with a fake glare.

"You did all of this to just get a kiss, Sty-" Harry cut the dramatic boy off with his lips pressed against his. Louis couldn't register what was happening that he stayed without moving his lips for few milliseconds but started kissing the taller boy back soon. He closed his eyes as Harry's hands wrapped around his waist. He placed his hands around Harry's neck and Harry pulled him closer to the point where Louis was sitting on his lap with his legs around Harry's waist.

They pulled apart when they couldn't help the smiles. They stayed there with their foreheads rested against each other's and eyes closed for few seconds.

"Let's go on a walk around the town." Harry whispered.

"What?" Louis finally opened his eyes and Harry did too.

"That's a part of the date, princess." Harry smiled at the tiny boy.


Louis never thought that the lights of a city are more beautiful until he saw them in Harry's eyes. The elder boy had to say something about every light that shone. The sound of cars speeding down the road by them was calming than Louis ever noticed.

"Are you cold?" Harry asked pulling out one of his hands from the pocket of his coat and wrapping it around Louis' shoulder. Louis just hummed as he cuddled closer to Harry and rested his head on the elder boy's shoulder.

"Are you hungry? We can go anywhere you like or we can go home and order pizza?" Harry said as he checked the time on his wrist watch. It read 10.07pm.

"Pizza is better. I always like it simple." Louis said making Harry smile.

"Me too."

"You confirmed it by the date you planned." Louis looked up at the elder boy with a warm smile. Harry just blushed a little at that. They walked down the street in silence for few more minutes until Harry stopped walking under a lamppost and turned towards Louis.

They stared into each other's eyes for few seconds, lost in their own worlds. Louis' face glowed under the faint light that the lamppost provided and his blue eyes were twinkling.

Louis thought he was seeing the god himself in front of him because Harry's beauty was incomparable.

Finally, Harry decided to speak up with a little bit of hesitation.

"I- um... I- uh- I- I really like you, Louis." Harry mumbled, making Louis' already blushed cheeks from the cold, blush more.


(Word Count 2312)

A/N - Thoughts?


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