find your light in a new dawn...

Af Thalia_escamilla

3.5K 92 6

hai my name is Izabella suede but you can call me Bella I am 20 years old. I have hazel eyes, long black hair... Mere

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
author's noteee....
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter ninteen
Chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
ohapter twenty two
twety three
twenty four.
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine

Chapter six

183 5 2
Af Thalia_escamilla

"Ahahahahah Tyler does have a nice ass and torey boobs are huge ew okay I don't wanna see any more your blinding me"

jack said pushing the phone away we sat in front of the TV for about a half an hour and then the twins came down.

"hey can I borrow your car?"kian asked

"for?" Thalia said

"cause we have to go to Starbucks" Connor said

"you have to?"I asked

"yeah we have to"

"I guess but get me a large Carmel frappe with extra Carmel, want anything?" Thalia asked jack and I

"actually yeah can I have a vanilla frappe please and thank you" Jack said with a smile.

"yeah and can you get me a Carmel frappe" i said

"okay two Carmel frappes and a vanilla frappe okay I got it" They said heading to the door.

"wait wait wait here fill up my baby to while you at it " Thalia said giving them a one hundred dollar bill.

"okay got it see ya in a little while"Connor said

"byeeeeee" kian followed when they left torey and Tyler came walking back in followed by Andy, Brandon, benn, and Hayden. Torey looked a lot better then the last time.

"well hello guys?" benn said

"what ya doin?" Hayden said plopping down on the love seat.

"okay so what are you guys doing to day?" Andy said sitting next to Bella, Torey and Tyler sat next to jack, Benn sat next to me and Brandon awkwardly sat next to Hayden.

"okay well I was thinking about going to the club tonight and no worries I can get you guys on the guest list with free drinks and stuff" Bella started

"And Thalia here is going on a date" Bella ended and pointed at me with a grin. I blushed and hid my face.

"ooooh who?, do I have to kick his ass?, do I know him, how old is he?" Tyler asked.

"someone, no your not gonna touch him, you all know him, he's old enough and yeah that's all your gonna hear" Thalia said with a smile and then glared at me.

"yeah that's our day but until then what should we do?"

"I think I know who your talking about but I wont say"andy said with a smile.

"well what shall we do until then?" Hayden asked

"well its only about 3:30 should we go see a movie?" I suggested

"yeah but what movie?" jack said

"well we will choose when we get there" Tyler said

"yeah okay lets get ready but not to long" I said Thalia, Tyler and I got up to go get ready the rest of them stayed on the couch.

"you guys aren't getting ready?" Thalia asked going up to her room but I left to get ready so i didn't hear what they said I walked to my room and quickly changed my clothes I changed into some black skinny jeans with a white tight v-neck,I throw on a black cardigan, put on my classic vans with a pair of black reybans and walked to the bathroom to put on some make up and then walked back over to Thaila's house where the boys where watching adventure time.

"really adventure time?"I asked

"you look good and yass I love adventure time" Andy said with a smile

"thank you and you are such a child I swear" I said plopping down next to Andy a few minutes later thalia came down dressed in dark blue jeans with a black v-neck a little black sweater and all black vans with a pair of clear glasses. she loves wearing glasses she all ways haves at least two pairs of glasses with her and Tyler followed behind her with black pants with a plain white shirt and a snapback you can tell he shaved cause you cant see the stubbles on his chin anymore finally we were ready to go we locked up the house and I ran to lock up mine hopefully not forgetting anything and head over to my car when I realized thalia went back inside for some thing every one else was ready to go and finally thalia came back and jumped in my car along with Tyler and Hayden, torey drove in a car with Benn and jack, Andy drove with Brandon and Brent we all drove to the movies when we got there, there was kind of a lot of people there maybe a new movie came out of some thing we waited in like for about ten minutes we talked about Andy and his adventure time show when Connor and kian showed up with our Starbucks that was kind of melted.

"finally took you guys long enough" thalia said

"yeah where's the coffee?"I asked

"okay see funny story okay so we where waiting in line for like 10 minutes and when we finally got to the front they said they didn't have any Carmel left so we had to go to a different Starbucks and that one was pretty long to didn't you get my text!?" kian said Thalia grabs her phone from her back pocket and looks at it.

"ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sorry I forgot I put my phone on silent ahahaha okay well then what movie should we watch?" she said we all ended up deciding on ted which was a really good movie we all pitched in to see it after thalia and I offered to pay cause I usually pay for a group thing...or most of it see like thalia and I are a team since day one we both share things or split something if we wanted to we are just to nice to say no. after the movie we all went back to Thaila's house and played some games on her Xbox.

--ANDY'S P.O.V--

"NNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ahahaha fuck you're not so bad carter" i said as my team lost to Tyler and Thalia we where playing c.o.d against them. Benn was on my side while Thalia and Tyler were on the other and might I say Thalia was actually really good knowing she was a girl and all I actually really like hanging out with them not cause they're rich and all and Thalia cousin's with Tyler fucking carter but like they are really cool like we would have something to do everyday weather it was go out to eat,have a party, go to the night club they own or just staying here and hanging out getting to know everyone a little more. I just feel like I've known them for a long time and I'm kinda falling for Bella she's just so nice and adorable and when she smiles it makes me smile all the time like I don't know how to explain it.

"something on your mind?" a voice said I snapped out of my thinking zone to see Thalia sitting next to me looking worried.

"no why?"

"cause your smiling like an idiot" when she said that I smiled and looked straight at Bella, she was playing Mario carts against Brandon, torey, and kian and she was in second place

"ohhhhh I see whats going on here wanna tell me or no?" Thalia said I couldn't help but smile and I told her if we could go somewhere else that's a little more private. she understood and got up.

"well Andy and I are gonna go to Starbucks and get some coffee sense some shits fucked up the last time! okay so who wants one?" pretty much everyone wanted one so we wrote them all down.

"okay fuckers we'll be back with yall coffees I'll call Bella or benn to tell you guys to come get them cause that's a lot of fucking coffee and I ain't trying to spill trying to bring them up got it?"

"yeah, yes, okay, wait why don't I come with?" Tyler said

"because I don't want you to just stay here and chill oh yeah we are going to the club later.....wait I mean you guys are going to the club later I mean if you want I can get you guys in for free and get free drinks with out an id okay lets go" Thalia all said and with that we left down the stairs and out the door.

"so which car should we drive?" Thalia asked me

"well I don't know....the Mustang"

"okay you wanna drive?"

"wait me, drive you would let me drive your mustang!?" I said in shock cause no one ever lets me drive.

"yeah wanna drive? or do you want me to?" Thalia said in the same tone I did

"well yeah I guess"

"so you don't wanna drive?"

"no I mean yeah I do I just can't believe your letting me drive this, your car wow"

"I really don't see the surprise here I let every one drive my cars cause I don't really like to drive so I offer other people did you see I let Connor and kian drive my hummer earlier?"

"wait that's your hummer!?"

"yeah why do you seem so shocked!?"

"well not really but a hummer you know how expensive those are and how much money it takes up!?"

"well yeah I own one"

"oh yeah well lets go"i said as we got in. We drove for a little bit and then started talking

"so you like Bella?" Thalia said

"ah yes Bella well actually I really do but I don't wanna go out with her all early! like we just met and everything like not even a week ago does it seem like I like her?"

"well its not all that early I mean we've all been hanging out all week basically and so I just met Dave to, but you show it like I noticed when you first seen her you liked her"she said I was trying to think what does she mean she just met Dave to then it hit me.

"are you dating Dave!?"

"well not yet but he asked me out earlier before every one left and I said yeah we are going out tonight that's why I said you guys which means not me"

"ahhhh so you like Dave that's not really shocking considering he talks about you allllllll the fucking time like it gets annoying actually"

"Oh well then but he talks about me?"

"yes like crazy when ever your not around he talks about how beautiful you are and how you have a nice body and your voice and your hair, gauges, piercings, and your fucking tattoos ughhh it makes me feel all weird talking about this with you now that I'm noticing"

"wait didn't you just met Dave!?"

"no I've known him for a long time its just that he's been in a different band that's why he wasn't in mine but the band he was in broke up cause they where all fighting and that was the day the auditions was so I told him to come over and "audition" because people where all ready there for his part and I didn't want to turn them down so I told him to fake like we've never met, but every one really knows him I just told them to play along"

"ohhh I see so Dave really does talk about me like that" she said with a smile.

"yes Thalia listen you really are beautiful and Dave is a really nice guy just please if he fucks something up and knowing Dave he will just help him out a little bit please I haven't heard him talk about anyone else like this In a long fucking time. He will make your night just watch. It probably wont seem like it at start you'll probably think its boring but you have to wait it will come"

"thanks for telling me this that makes things better but just ask Bella out. She likes you a lot to like a lot she talk about you and thinks your cute and tells me really creepy stuff like I know she's a lot older than you but it doesn't really matter and take her to a nice place like go out to the carnival next week I hear it's in town" she says as we pull up into Starbucks

"I don't know I like her but isn't she dating Tyler?"he asked

"hell no why!?"

"oh well because I seen her kissing him the other day at Chipotle"

"what really are you sure!?"

"yeah I'm serious it was them"

"okay well I'll ask her later because I thought torey and Tyler had a thing I mean look" she said as she pulled out her phone and showed me a really disturbing picture or tyler and torey in bed

"ew that's disgusting how did you even get that picture?" I asked her pushing her hand away

"I took it the other day but can we go to target first?"


"cause like you know just to go I like to shop for new things"

"okay I guess" i say as we pull back out

"but really Dave is gonna take you out some where nice and probably expensive cause he's one of those romantics cause I remember this one time he was  gonna take this girl out to a really nice place and had every thing planned out and told me every little detail he was gonna do so he drove to her house to go pick her up when he got there he said he seen a guy kiss her and then left her house, he was a really young good looking man to and he was really mad he canceled the whole thing and we went out and drank but just please just don't cheat on him please Thalia like if you guys actually really dated and stuff please"

"me cheat!? ahaha have you seen me!? I've been single for lord knows how long and even if a guy was interested I wouldn't because I'm starting to really like Dave and if you cheat on Bella I swear to god I will be so fucking mad like you don't even know and if Bella where to find out you better be really fucking careful cause she's fucking crazy like fucking crazy you don't know how bad"

"no worries I wont" I say as we pull into target we both get out and start walking

"you know why we are here right?"

"no not at all"

"I need your help on what I should wear tonight"

"ohhh well why don't we just go to the mall cause we have like an hour and a half  to do stuff he's picking you up around eight right?" I ask I'm not going all the way to the mall just hurry comon I would have brought bella with but I was gonna talk to you but you know what guys like so it just made sense"she says as she made her way to the clothing area she picked out a lot of dresses,shirts and pants she tried every thing on and it took a long time finally she came out with the most beautiful dress that looked actually really good it was a strapless red velvet color with a black belt and it looked really nice.

"what about this one?"

"well I actually really like it, it looks nice and your shoulders are equally tanned so it looks good I think dave would love it just add some black high heels and you would be all good to go"

"you think so?" thalia said with a smile

"yes now can we go the guys have been blowing me up and do you know its all most seven!?"

"oh fuck common lets go oh fuck they are gonna kill me" we bought her dress and the cashier looked at us crazy I really dont know why untill she asked why I didn't pay cause she thought I was her boyfriend untill I told her that im only a friend and thats we where dating each others best friend she looked at us crazy and shook her head we quickly went to starbucks thank god that there was really no one there it took like ten minutes to get everything and it was a lot of fucking cups I ended up hold all of them while thalia drove back they all most fell on our way there when we got back to the house every one looked like they where about to leave they where huddled around the door.

-*-THALIA'S P.O.V-*-

"okay lets go" bella said as we went inside I hadn't realized thet they where all ready

"wait with out me?"andy said

"well you wanted to go on your little adventure with thalia so I just told every one to go home get ready and come back so we can leave" bella said with a hint of jealousy

"I only asked him to come with because I wanted to go shopping for an out fit for my date with dave later and it took actually a really long time its all my fault don't blame Andy just go ahead"i said to help andy out a little bit

"okay whatever lets go guys"bella said

"wait your going out with dave!?"tyler asked me

"yeah why?"

"well I have to stay you guys can go I'm not leaving till I speak to Dave"

"why!?" torey said

"well because I have to she's my little cousin"tyler said again pinching my cheeks

"well so kian and conner are all so my cousins they aren't gonna stay they wanna leave so go with them"i said pointing to my other cousins

"yeah but you're my little girl cousin and only girl cousin every one else in the family are guys your the only girl auntie tasha had you and uncle Bruce had connor and kian but they are boys I don't need to talk to them but if they where girls I would so that means I'm staying and connor and kian are younger than you so they probably wouldn't care" he said

"yes exactly but only by a year!"they protested

"so you guys are like by little brothers and sister I have to worrie cause I grew up with you and I dont want anything to happen to you guys"he said looking at the three of us

"okay okay okay what ever stay,go, I don't care I have to get ready"i said and ran up stairs to take a quick shower I quickly blow dry and straighten my hair, i put on my make up realizing it was 7:30 I put on the dress and I put on my black high heels with a bow and go down stairs to see still every one still here

"damn you look good" Hayden say and winked at me

"I love it" Brent said

"I gotta say Thalia you clean up real nice" benn said

"y-you l-look nice" Brandon says with a smile, I smiled and gave him a tight hug, I just love his stutter but I feel really bad because he doesn't really talk that much

"so what are you guys doing here?" I say and I look around I don't see Andy

"where is Andy?"

"we fucking decided to stay because Tyler's gonna stay till Dave gets here toreys gonna stay with him jack is staying with torey and I cant leave with out them other wise they wouldn't be able to get in I all ways to forget to put them on the guest list so we are staying until Dave get here and Andy went to go change he should be back any second so and I told him to take your car"Bella said

"that's okay he was driving it anyways oh shit I all most forgot I have to go get my phone Dave will probably call or something hold on" I say as I quickly go up the stair and to my room I quickly grab my phone and go down the stairs to every one smiling it was a little wired but then I seen Dave behind all of them just starting at me with a big smile when I met his eyes he pushed every one out the way and walked towards me he grabbed my hand and kissed it.

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