Jen's pregnancy journey. - Je...

By jenniferaniston1969

26.2K 355 84

Jen finds out she's pregnant. Pregnant with Justin's child. It comes as a shock for the both of them, but the... More

Chapter 1. -The one with the pregnancy test.
Chapter 2. -The one with the sonogram.
Chapter 3. -The one with the pregnancy symptoms.
Chapter 4. -The one where Court takes Jen shopping for baby clothes.
Chapter 5. -The one at the golden globes.
Chapter 6. -The one where they get ready for New York.
Chapter 7. -The one with the bathroom on the plane.
Chapter 9. -The one with Court's advice.
Chapter 10. -The one where Justin's gotta work. (Part 1.)
Chapter 11. -The one where Justin's gotta "work". (Part 2.)
Chapter 12. -The one with all the flashbacks.
Chapter 13. -The one before the proposal.
Chapter 14. -The one with a proposal, and a party.
Chapter 15. -The one with the strawberry cheesecake ice cream.
Chapter 16. -The one with the baby names.
Chapter 17. -The one with a boy... or a girl?
Chapter 18. -The one without the morning bird.
Chapter 19. -The one where Court goes overboard.

Chapter 8. -The one where Justin's too worried.

1.4K 20 2
By jenniferaniston1969

Jen and Justin are standing in the bathroom on the plane still breathing heavily, while they're trying to figure out what to do.

Somebody has knocked on the door to the bathroom, and they have no idea who it is or why they knocked. Incredibly awkward monologues are playing like movie scenes in Jen's head, as the both of them are just standing there looking at each other.

Jen : Oh god. Oh dear god.

Jen slaps Justin's arm to get him to react. She doesn't know what to do, but she hopes that he maybe knows.

Justin : What?
Jen : Say something. Ask what they want.
Justin : No. I'm not going to do that.
Jen : Come on Justin. Quick. Just ask them.
Justin : No, no. Let's just wait till they go away.

Jen and Justin stands completely still while they're hoping that the person who's standing in front of the door eventually will go away. But the problem is that they don't know when. The both of them are still half naked. Their pants are pulled down, Jen's bra is almost ripped off, and Justin's shirt is unbuttoned.

Justin : You think they're gone?
Jen : I don't know.

The both of them gets dressed faster than ever before, while they're still terrified, and a little ashamed.

Jen's begging to god that none of the passengers heard what they were doing, and she begs hard, because she knows how loud they were. She just couldn't help herself. She loses the ability to think straight when she's with him, but she loves it. Justin is her drug.

The both of them suddenly burst into laughter as they realize what situation they're in. They've actually been standing still in the bathroom of a plane for minutes, because they were almost caught having sex. Which may sound very embarrassing, based on the fact that they're both adults, but it was worth it.

Jen : I can't believe we just did that.
Justin : I can't believe you talked me into doing that.
Jen : Oh, but you're glad I talked you into it. Cause this was...
Justin : This was good. This was really, really good.

Justin wraps his arms around Jen and smiles at her, as he kisses her. Her heartbeat is still going fast and Justin can feel it against his chest.

Justin : Jen?

Justin wants to ask her a question, based on the fact that her skin is red, and her chest is heaving.

Jen : Yeah?
Justin : Did you, ehm. Did, uhm. Did you?
Jen : Hm?
Justin : When we, uhm. Did you, uhm, you know?
Jen : What exactly are you asking me Justin?

Jen teases him. She knows exactly what he's trying to ask her, and why he's having that weird expression on his face while he's talking to her.

Justin : You know, since. Uhm, we're in a plane...
Jen : And?
Justin : And, uhm. Did you come?

Jen bites her tongue, and smiles at him.

Jen : What do you think? Justin.
Justin : So you did?

Jen smiles at him again, before she shows him two fingers and whispers something that makes him kind of proud.

Jen : Twice

Jen walks past him without saying another word, opens the door to the bathroom and walks over to their seats. Justin is right behind her, still a little ashamed of it all. But what Jen just told her, helps.

They sit back in their seats without saying another word before they land. Mostly because Justin falls asleep, like usual. His head is resting on Jen's shoulder, and she loves to look down at his face and admire his perfect imperfections. Such as his crooked nose, which gives him character. It makes him unique, she loves that about him. She loves everything about him.

It doesn't take long before Jen falls asleep too, but wakes up after a couple of minutes from an irritating voice. It's not the usual voice that's calling for her. The usual voice of Justin, which she loves to hear. This time it is the voice of a flight attendant, who's informing them that the plane is landing in ten minutes.

Jen : Justin. Honey. We're landing.
Justin : Hm?
Jen : You need to wake up so that I can hold your hand while you're telling me to not be scared.

Their plane lands after fifteen minutes. Fifteen minutes of telling Jen that everything will be alright. The flight won't crash. The pilots aren't too young, nor to old.

Jen : You know what Justin? Even though I hate planes, and you know that I hate planes. I gotta say, that I actually enjoyed this flight.
Justin : Mhm. No wonder you did.
Jen : It's actually no...

Jen stops in the middle of the sentence and gets a surprised look on her face as they're walking through the airport.

Justin : Jen? What is it?
Jen : Oh my god!
Justin : What?!
Jen : The baby kicked! The baby is kicking!
Justin : What?!
Jen : Here, can you feel it?

Jen takes his hand and places it on her tummy. What they're feeling is unexplainable. The baby is kicking, for the first time, and they're sharing the moment together. Which will make the memory even more special.

Justin : Wow! It feels like a party going on in there.
Jen : I know.

Jen smiles at him as he bends down to take a closer look at her stomach. He drops everything he's carrying in his hands to feel it with both of his hands. Seeing him care like that, makes her fall even deeper for him. If that's even possible.

Justin : Oh!

Justin back up as he notices something odd. Something odd for him. He gets a shocked look on his face.

Jen : What?
Justin : Uhm, I. I could see the kicking. I could see it. Your stomach was, eh. Moving.
Jen : Oh, Justin. That's natural. It's supposed to do that.
Justin : Is it?

He stands up to kiss her, with his hands still pressed against her belly.

Jen : We're actually doing this.
Justin : We are.

Jen and Justin walks out of the airport hand in hand, while they're thinking about how lucky they are. But there's one thing that's ruining their bliss, the paparazzi.

Jen : It's that way.
Justin : There's no getting through there. Those idiots are blocking the exit.

Justin tries to protect Jen as much as he can, while he's also carrying suitcases in both of his hands. Cameras are flashing, people are screaming, and it's exhausting. Especially now that Jen's pregnant, everybody wants to get a shot of her belly.

Paparazzi : Jen! Jen! Is it a boy or a girl? Are you happy Justin? Will you guys get married? Justin! Jen!

It's been like this most of Jen's adult life, and through most of their time together. Which Justin is ok with. What worries him is what it's going to be like when their baby is born. He doesn't want their child to get chased by cameras and screaming mobs. But he doesn't want to be too overprotective either. That the paparazzi is already going crazy, terrifies him.

Jen and Justin finally manages to get out of the airport and in a car. After being surrounded of what felt like an angry mob for about ten minutes.

Justin : They're insane now! It's just getting worse.
Jen : It is.
Justin : But I mean it Jen. How is this going to go when the baby is with us. I can't even imagine how bad it will get.
Jen : I know honey. But we'll just have to figure it out. Like we always do.
Justin : I'm worried about you Jen.
Jen : You don't have to be sweetie. I'll be alright.

Jen takes Justin's hand to convince him. She knows that he's worried about her and that's sweet of him, but she can tell that it's hurting him.

Jen : Lets not worry about that anymore. We're gonna be in your home in a couple of minutes.
Justin : That's not my home. Home is wherever...
Jen : Wherever the heart is, yeah I know.
Justin : No. Home is wherever I am with you.
Jen : Aw, baby.

Jen and Justin arrives at Justin's old New York apartment a little before the clock strikes midnight. The sun is starting to set, and it's a little chilly in the still crowded streets of New York.

Paparazzi's are standing in front of the building eager to get more shots, like expected. But Justin tries to not think about it anymore. He doesn't want to use any of his time on them, what he wants to use his time on is her.

Justin : You're alright baby?
Jen : Yeah, I'm fine.
Justin : Ready to get in?
Jen : Mhm.

Justin notices that something's off. He takes a proper look at Jen and can tell that she is exhausted. Her otherwise glowing skin is pale, and her sparkly eyes are now tired. It's been a long day, for the both of them. But Justin isn't the one who's carrying a growing baby in his uterus.

Justin : We can wait here a couple of minutes Jen.
Jen : No. Why would we wait?
Justin : You're exhausted. Are you sure you can handle the paparazzi now?
Jen : I'm sure Justin. Don't worry about them. They've been there half of my life.
Justin : But there's a lot of cameras and people right now. It would be better if we would just wait for a minute or two.
Jen : No. Let's just go inside. Just, just don't worry.
Justin : Okay.

Justin helps Jen out of the car, takes her hand and nearly drags her after himself. He wants to get away from all the cameras and into the apartment as quickly as possible.

They finally get into the door of the lobby and Jen quickly takes her hand out of his.

Jen : What the hell was that?
Justin : What?

Justin takes a scan of the streets outside to see how many photographers that were actually standing outside of his building waiting for them.

Justin : Wow. There's literally like 23 people with cameras here, and they're all...
Jen : Justin.

Justin turns around to look straight into the eyes of an annoyed Jen, who's standing with her arms crossed.

Justin : What is it?
Jen : You can't just take my arm and drag me through a whole crowd.
Justin : What do you mean?
Jen : I'm not a doll Justin. And I'm not eight years old. I can take care of myself.
Justin : But Jen, you're...
Jen : Don't. I'm tired of hearing you say that I'm pregnant. I know that I'm pregnant, but that doesn't change my ability to take care of myself.
Justin : But...
Jen : No. There's no but.

Justin listens to her as he's looking out of the window. He can tell that the paparazzis are still taking photos, and he does not like it.

Justin : Lets take this upstairs.

Jen and Justin takes the elevator up, and gets out on the second floor.

Jen : Listen. I know that you're a protector, and that you like to take care of me. But, you. You just can't protect me all the time. I'm still the same woman as I was before I got pregnant Justin.
Justin : And I know that. I know all of that, but sometimes they can be a lot and I just can't stand the fact that they're always bothering you.
Jen : But that's my life! That's my life Justin. That has always been a part of my life, and it will probably always be too. So just don't! Don't, treat me like I can't take care of myself! It just, it makes me feel, I. Just.

Jen raises her voice, and tries to get it all out. But she can't. She can't because she doesn't know what it is that she wants to say. He knows, and she knows that it's mostly the hormones that are talking.

Justin : I know, I know. I won't do that anymore. I'll be better.

Justin wraps his arms around her and holds her. He holds her tight, until she wraps her arms around him too. They stand like that in the hallway of the second floor for a couple of minutes before Jen says something.

Jen : I'm sorry. It's just, I. Uhm...
Justin : I know honey. I understand. And I know that you can take care of yourself. Even though you're pregnant.

He smiles at her before he kisses her forehead and lays his head on top of her soft hair.

Jen : But you know, I didn't mean that I don't want you to take care of me at all. There still is a lot of things I want you, that I need you to do.
Justin : Oh, really. Like what?
Jen : Like, uhm...

Jen strokes her hand over his muscular chest as she goes on.

Jen : ... Rub my feet when they're sore.
Justin : And?
Jen : Hold my hair back when I'm nauseous, make me food when I'm hungry.
Justin : You done?

Justin plays with her hair as he smiles at her. Jen shakes her head and continues.

Jen : And the thing I need you to do most is, uhm. Is to hold me tight in your arms every time I need your touch.
Justin : Sounds like there's actually a lot of things you need me for. I'm kinda like, uhm kinda like servant.

Jen laughs.

Justin : Shouldn't a servant get paid?
Jen : Oh I pay you.

She looks at him before she gives him a long and hard kiss.

Justin : I think I deserve a raise.

She kisses him again and before they know it they're making out it the hallway.

Justin presses Jen against the wall and takes a grip under her ass. He's done that to her before, and Jen knows what that means.

Jen : Justin.
Justin : Mhm.

Their mouths are busy doing other things than talking.

Jen : Uhm, you ehm. You can't do that.
Justin : What?

He stops what his doing and looks at her.

Jen : You can't lift me. I'm too heavy now.
Justin : No you're not.
Jen : Yeah I am.
Justin : I don't think so.

Justin tightens his grip and lifts her up against the wall. Her legs are wrapped against his as she's sitting on his hips.

Justin : See?
Jen : You're wild.

She throws herself at him again, and he lifts her all the way to his apartment. He opens the door, walks over to the bedroom, but he doesn't throw her down on the bed. He puts her down gently.

Justin : You know, cause you're...
Jen : Oh my god.

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