More Than A Bromance

By MotelBates29

3.4K 126 26

Two best friends are making there way to the top with their amazing music, and nothing is gonna get in there... More

Talk To Me
Why Her
Stop Acting Jealous
I Picked Her
The Apology
It's Was Just A Dream
A Little Too Much Fun
Maybe I'm Into You
Can't We Get One Night
Back On The Road
Where Were You
It Always Works Out In The End
The End Of A Tour
One More Chapter To Go
The End

There Is Someone Else

182 8 4
By MotelBates29

Leo's P.O.V
After the show we had an amazing meet and greet, and got back on the road. On the bus we got to spent the whole night together. When we got to the next city we check into the hotel, and Charlie went to bed. I tried to sleep, but I was starving. I snuck out of the hotel to get some food. I went to the first place that sold food. The food was amazing. On my way out I walked right into someone. "Oh my... I'm so sorry!" He turned around. "It's cool" he said. I was speechless. This guy was beyond gorgeous. I couldn't believe it. "... hey, I know you. Your Leondre Devries!" his face lit up. "I love your music, I heard you were gonna tour here. I can't believe I'm actually meeting you!" I still couldn't speak. "Are you okay" he asked. Oh my god. Freaking speak Leo. Why can't I talk. Then words finally came out of my mouth.
"yeah I'm fine, thanks." He smiled. That smile made me melt. I wanted to say something else but I didn't know what. "so where's the other one?" He asked. "Charlie? Oh he's at the hotel. They give us a curfew." He laughed. "so you snuck out?" I blushed. " what can I say, I'm a bad ass" he laughed. His laugh was even more amazing than his smile, my face got so red. He noticed. "do you have to sneak back in yet or...". "no" I answered. "good, because I'm taking you out for ice cream."I was screaming on the inside. "Okay" is said smiling. He took me to get the best ice cream I've ever had. He walked me back to the hotel and gave me his number. I was hesitant at first, but then I gave him mine. I couldn't sleep because I was waiting to get a text from him. His name is Justin. When I finally went to sleep I had a dream about him. In the dream, he kissed me. It was amazing, but it wasn't real. When I woke up, I thought about something I should have considered before giving Justin my number. Me and Charlie. It didn't hit me until after breakfast. But once it did, it hurt. "good morning" Charlie said. He kissed me, and I didn't kiss back. He noticed, but he didn't say anything. We got dressed and went to the show. We went to hair and makeup. We did vocal exercises, mic checks, and all that stuff. We had 20 minutes to stage when Justin called me. "Hey" He said. "Hey" I said back. "are you busy" He asked. "Yeah, I need to be on stage in 20 minutes" he laughed. "I forgot you have a
show today, my timing really is the worst" we laughed. "so when will you be free today?"
"I'm not sure if I will be. After the show we have a meet and greet which takes 2 or 3 hours, and we have that curfew." I hated that damn curfew. "well, it's never stopped you before" he makes a good point. "okay, so if I do sneak out what do I get out of it." He laughed. "you get an amazing night out with a great guy, and if your lucky maybe even a kiss." My face turned super red. "it's a deal" I said. Then I saw Charlie walked towards me. "I gotta go, meet me in front of the hotel at 11:00, bye" I hung up before Charlie got to me. He noticed I rushed off the phone, but he didn't say anything. "You ready?" He asked. "always" I said. " we've got 15 minutes till stage, wanna sneak off?" I knew I couldn't, I was meeting Justin tonight. "uhh.. no thanks" what the hell! No thanks is the best think I could think of! What is wrong with me. He looked at me like I had five heads. "uh okay" then he walked off. After 10 minutes we went on stage. The show was amazing. There were so many fans that came. After the show we had our meet and greet. I love meeting the fans, but I just couldn't stop thinking about Justin and our date. Well... not DATE but our.. uhh.. I don't know what to call it, but I couldn't wait for it. After the meet and greet we went back to the hotel. It was 10:00. I got showered and put on my best date/not date outfit.
"Where are you going?" Charlie asked. "uhh just to get something to eat." He got up. "I'll come with, I'm starving." I panicked. "No! You can't we have curfew. If someone comes to check on us, I need you to cover for me" he sighed "fine but bring me something back" he smiled. "I will." It was now 10:57. I had snuck out of the hotel and gotten outside. Justin was there waiting for me. "hey" he smiled and so did I. "So what's on the agenda for tonight?" I asked. "You'll see" he said. He took my hand and we started walking. He took me to this really nice restaurant. It turns out his father owns 6 of his own companies, so he is super rich. Hot and rich! It's like he was created in a lab. I felt so underdressed. He knew we were coming here and he wasn't wearing a suit or tie either. "you could have warned me to dress nicer" he laughed. "oh please, don't waist your time impressing these people. They're all miserable and fake. I stopped caring about what they thought about me a long time ago." That was deep. We sat in a dim lit booth, which was scary. Usually people get booths like this to make out. I hoped he wanted more than that, but I also hoped that he would kiss me. When we got in the booth I sat as far away from him as possible. He smiled. "is there a reason you're sitting so far away" I looked down. "yes" I didn't say anything else. He laughed. "are you going to tell me?" I smiled at him. "no" he moved next to me. "I'm not poisonous, you know." I looked at him. "I know, but you're definitely dangerous" he looked at my lips and I knew he was going to kiss me. I really wanted him to. But then the waiter came to take our order, but that's just my luck. After we ordered the moment was already gone. We talked about a lot of things that night. I even told him about me and Charlie. He was so understanding. He told me that me and him weren't exclusive so it was okay. The night was going perfect, but I still hadn't gotten that kiss. After we ate, he took me to his pent house. It was amazing, and it had a great view of the city. He put on one of my favorite movies. I didn't realize, but I had cuddled up to him while we were watching the movie. I didn't notice until he wrapped his arms around me. When we finished the movie it was around 3:30 a.m. "do you want a ride back to the hotel" I almost said yes but instead I said "no, I don't have to get back just yet" he smiled. "So what do you want to do" my face got so red, he always makes my face red. He laughed. "I'm joking, I just love making you blush. I seem to do it often" I looked down so he couldn't see my red face. He came closer to me and put his hands around my waist. And finally kissed me. It was incredible. I didn't want it to end, so I kissed back and didn't pull away. The kiss lasted for a while but we had to stop for air. He took my hand and guided my to his bedroom. Surprisingly I wasn't nervous, it felt right. Once we got in his room we got on his bed and kissed. It felt so good, I didn't want it to stop.

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