The Last Mob Whisperer (Being...

נכתב על ידי SlisaGamer

1.6K 39 66

It's been years since mob whisperers were rumoured extinct. Years since one had shone their face. Well up unt... עוד

some stuff you need to know
What am I
Someone new
To the Nether
Who you are
Who you are (pt2)
Origins pt2-
Origins pt 3-who lives
Announcement and contest

What's wrong with me

125 2 7
נכתב על ידי SlisaGamer

Jerome walked into the house after going out into the forest. He put down his hood and sighed.
"Did you find him?" A voice asked behind him. He turned around and came face to face with Adam. He shook his head.
"No. Not yet," he replied. Adam swore under his breath.
"It's been 3 days. Where could he have gone," he said.
"Hows Mitch," Jerome asked.
"He's still out cold," Adam replied.
"Slama's missing and Benja is out of commission. What are we supposed to do?" Jerome asked, sitting on the couch as he was exhasted.
"All we can do," Adam said, sitting next to him," Wait and keep looking."
"How did things escalate so quickly. First we were all having fun, then a messed up sibling rivalry started up. And now......" Jerome said
"And now.....what?" A voice asked behind them. The both turned around and came face to face with the unconcious one among them.
"Mitch. Your awake," Adam said. Mitch had been reduced to his undershirts and pants.
" Where's Steven?" He asked. The two looked at each other.
"Guys. Where's Slamacow?" Mitch asked a bit louder.
"Well....he," Jerome started, unable to continue as he didn't know what to say.
"He ran off somewhere," Adam said, sighing. Mitch looked at him wide eyed.
"What!" He yelled.
"He overheard something you said. Then he ran off. It's been 3 days. We've been out everyday looking for him," Adam said.
"Then I'm going to look for him myself," Mitch said," What did he hear anyway."
"You said that he killed your dad. After more of that screaming you passed out and you've been out for 3 days straight," Adam replied.
"Did he really kill your dad," Jerome asked.
"Of course not. Dad died in an accident. Steven was caught up in it aswell. That how I remember it," Mitch said," And I don't remember saying any of that."
"What do you remember then," Adam asked.
"All I remember is Jerome and Steven coming home after a mutant zombie attack then.......then it's all blurred," Mitch. The last part coming out like a whisper.
"Well. Thats what happened," Jerome said," and as much as I'm up for searching for him again, you just got up after 3 days of not eating. I don't think its healthy for you to walk around like that."

"Ill be fine," Mitch said leaving to get his coat from his room, along with his sword," I lost dad. Im not losing Steven too."

"So your a hybrid?" Steven asked as he and Lion sat in the tent eating.

"Yup. Not very fond of the fact, but it helps me hunt animals, so yay i guess," He reponded.

"I think that they look cool," Steven said," Can i touch them?"

"Sure. Just not for too long," Lion said," Its sometimes gets kinda......" he was cut off by Steven petting his ears. As much as he tried to resist the urge, it felt way too nice not to let a soft purr out. Steven stopped, surprised when he heared it. Lion instantly snapped back to reality.

"Is that why you dont like them?" Steven asked. Lion blushed in embarassment.

"Just, pretend u didnt hear that," he said.

"Ok. i wont," Steven said.

"Aw. did little Lion like getting peetted?" Rohn teased in mob tounge.

"Shut up Rohn," Lion shot back in mob tounge.

"Aw, Its so cute. Hes too embarrased to admit it," Rohn teased again

"Cut it out. Its not like I had a choice!" Lion yelled.

"Should have pulled on your tail. That reaction is always priceless," Rohn said.

"I dont think that that would be......pleasent," Steven said.


"Wait. You can understand mob tounge?" Lion asked.

"Huh?" Steven asked.

"Hes been hiding it? Wow. What a surprize," Rohn said.

"Wait. What are you guys talking about?" Steven asked.

"Were talking about how you can understand me?" Rohn said," Ive been speaking in mob tounge this whole time."

Steven blinked.

"WHAT?!" he yelled.

"Im gonna take that as the answer to have you ever learnt it." Lion said.

"Mybe hes a moblitz?" Rohn asked.

"Nope. Thats off the list. Cant be a mob shifter either," Lion said putting an hand to his chin," He dosent posses any quirks of a mob."

"A brine?" Rohn asked.

"Brines need to learn mob tounge. And he definitely cant be a mob boss," Lion said," That could only leave one thing left. But it wouldnt make any sence."

"What wouldnt?!" Steven asked still confused as to why he can understand the mob language.

"Well, you would have to be a.........."

Lion suddenly stopped talking.

"Well. what would he have to be?" Rohn asked.

"Shush," Lion hissed at him as his ear twitched," I hear something."

"Something like what?" Steven asked.

"I cant find out if you two keep asking questions," Lion hissed at them both. They instantly shut up. Lion closed his eyes to help him concentrate more. After a few seconds they opened wide and he went for his sword.

"Slama. Get up," He said.

"Why?" Steven said, getting up," Whats wrong?"

"Your Friends. I think they're in trouble," Lion said.

Mitch killed off the last mob which came to attack them. It was a skeleton.

"Mitch. I think you need to calm down," Jerome said.

"I'm calm. why do you say that?" Mitch said, glaring at them.

"Mitch. that was your 50th kill today alone. Its like your on a rampage," Adam said," I know your worried about Steven, but if you keep this up, then its gonna be problematic. Were all worried about him." Mitch turned around and sighed.

"I know. I'm sorry," he said," I guess I'm just very overprotective."

"No kidding," Jerome snickered. Then a snowball was sent to his face. He wiped off the snow and looked at Mitch.

"Whoops. Sorry. My hand must have slipped." he smirked.

"Ok you asked for it!" Jerome said as he made a snowball. Sky joined in and a snowball fight began. No one noticed the danger until it was too late.


They all loooked in the direction it came from.

"Oh crap," Mitch said

"MUTANT ENDERMAN!" Jerome yelled

"Can it even be clasified as just a mutant?! THATS A MEGA MUTANT!" Adam yelled.


Adam was right. The monster infront of them was no mutant. A giant enderman with roughly 12 arms towered over them.

"Were gonna need to get it off of us somehow," Mitch said, pulling out his sword," Common. Just for us to clear away from it."
"We can try," Adam said, pulling out his butter sword. Jerome took out his diamond axe. Jerome looked at them.
"Guys. Am I the only on thinking that....,"
"NO WAY!" Mitch yelled," Lets just deal with this thing. Well continue searching for Steven after."

Steven, Rohn and Max followed Lion as they ran through the forest.
"Are we almost there?" Steven asked. His hood was up, while Lion's was down as it showcased his ears.
"I think so. You all should be able to hear them by now," he replied. As soon as he said that, the screaching of an enderman was heared. Steven gulped. He hoped his friends were ok. As the screaching grew louder, Lion suddenly stopped causing Steven to run into him.
"That is one big endeman," Lion said pulling out his sword. When Steven looked at the scene before him, he went wide eyed. It was really his friends and brother. But, they were all somewhat injured.
"Lion. That could be a problem," Max said. Steven started breathing heavily, unnoticed by the others.
"I can see that. We just need to get them away from it. Beating it is basically impossible," Lion said.
"You'd have to be a real good griefer for that," Rohn said.
" Something that none of us are," Lion said.
Steven's breathing became heavier and louder. His hair covered his eyes.Then the three others turned to face him.
"Slama?",Lion said," What's wrong?" His answer? White glowing eyes and one heck of a loud battle cry. The three covered their ears.
"THE HECK IS HE DOING!" Ron yelled.
"I HAVE NO IDEA!" Lion yelled back. Just as he was about to ask Steven to stop, a mob of.....well....mobs jumped over them and headed straight for the enderman. It saw them, screached and teleported away. When all the mobs were gone, Steven quieted down and fell forward. Lion caught him before he hit the ground. He was still surprised as to what just happened. While he stood there stunned, Max took it upon himself to collect the 3 other players. Lion looked at the unconcious player in his arms.
" I don't believe it. He really is one of them," he said.
"A mob whisperer,"

Slisa-wait. U thought this was the end? Heck no

"So your saying, Steven was the one who called this mobs?" Mitch asked as Max patched him up. Adam and Jerome were already delt with. Lion had told them about everything that happened. Steven was still unconscious.

" Yup. Bassically," Lion said.
"And you think he's a mob whisperer?" Adam asked.
"It's the only real explanation we really have," Lion sai!
" But then why wouldn't he tell us?" Jerome asked.
"I think he didn't even know himself," Lion said," Maybe his memory got wiped."
"Maybe. But we need to be sure," Mitch said," This never happened when we were kids." Lion sighed and stood up.
" I think I know where we can get answers," Lion said. The others looked at him.
"Where?" Adam asked.
"The best option I have....would be to go see herobrine," Lion replied. The others looked at him like he was crazy.
"Are you nuts! Why would the leader of the mobs want to help players?" Mitch asked.
"You'd be surprised. He and I have some....history. it'll be fine," Lion said.
"Ok. Let's say we're on bored with this," Adam said after some silence, " where are we gonna get a nether portal? I don't think you have the equipment for one."
"I dont," Lion said then sighed," But, I know someone who would. As soon as Slama wakes up, we'll go."

Slisa- now the end has arrived. I hope hall enjoyed this. I got some time during my breaks so I could finish this up. See u all next chappie!

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