Running from My Past

By AnxietyThnks2Society

7.7K 458 98

I'm not here for the reasons you think I am. Hopefully you never do find out the real reason for my sudden ap... More

Insufferable Emo Nightmare
How Could They?
For You, Emo Nightmare
Maybe One Day
As Good as You Need Me to Be
Revisiting the Past
Disney Accidents
Monopoly Money
4:29 AM
A Path in the Roses
Everything Was Going to Be Okay
Knocks on the Door
The Mom Friend Override Kicks In
Never One of You
So Had I, Roman, So Had I
Dental Tools, Handy in a Pinch
The Punch Line
Happily Ever Never
Scattered in the Wind
The Red Sash
The Color of Paint
New Plans, New Worries
Back to the Barrier
Never Again
Home Again
Too Late
Farewell Brother

Sleep is for the Weak

360 17 3
By AnxietyThnks2Society

I raced after him but he had disappeared before I could make it. Instead I turned to my spot by the T.V.

"Roman. Roman, calm down," Logan said. How could he logically think that I could calm down? I had just accidentally, in a Disney induced carelessness, punched Virgil in the face. Before I sank down I saw the small red dot on the carpet. Virgil's blood. Oh no. Virgil was always skittish around his own blood.

I made it to the mindscape's version of the living room. I headed straight for the hallway where I found him. He had passed out on the floor, right in front of Patton's door. I rushed to his side.

"Virgil. Virgil!" I shook his shoulder softly. He said nothing and didn't move. I almost threw up as I saw the pool of blood by his head. No, no, no. What was I supposed to do? What did you do for head trauma? Logan. Logan would know what to do. I needed to get him back to the living room. "I'm sorry, Virge," I whispered. I gently slid my  arms under his knees and back, cradling him to me.

"Your pretty light, Virge," I muttered. That was something for another time though. I went as fast as I could without harming him anymore than I already had. I took my place for the third time today and sank down with him in my arms into the real world.

Logan and Patton were at Thomas's side, calming the boy down. I could only imagine how much his anxiety must have spiked. Their heads snapped up as they saw me. I stumbled forward as black spots danced in my vision. I somehow managed to get to the couch and set him down before collapsing myself.

"He's bleeding," Patton whimpered as his face paled. "Lo, what do we do?"Logan stepped forward and examined the wound. He frowned deeply.

"Thomas, I need some bandages. From what information I have he may have a slight concussion. I'm guessing he panicked as well and passed out. We need to try to wake him up though." Thomas soon came back with bandages and stuff to clean the cut. He handed them to Logan before sitting down beside me.

My breathing was ragged and  I felt like I had just run a mile. What was wrong with me? I hadn't even carried Virgil that far and he was as light as a feather!

"Are you okay, Roman." It took me a few moments to catch my breath before I could answer Thomas.

"Yeah, yeah. It's Virgil I'm worried about. Although I am slightly drained." 

"That's what sinking down with two people will do to you," Logan chimed in. "You used your own strength to transport both you and Virgil into reality, while it is usually easy for you to do it puts more strain on yourself while carrying an unconscious person." That helped explain it. I rested my head back and tried to regain my composure. I watched as Logan tenderly wrapped Virgil's head before checking for a fever. Guilt blossomed through me. This is my fault, I had done this.

His eyes fluttered before slowly opening. His eyes trailed over all of us before staring forward. 

"How do you feel, Virgil?" Logan asked. His hands went up to the bandages on his head. He seemed shocked but then he accepted it.

"I've been worse," he muttered. His eyes started to close but he quickly opened them again. "Just really tired."

"That is expected from a head injury. I suggest that you don't sleep for a little while, it may make your head worse." Virgil gave a small chuckle. 

"Make my head worse, that's hilarious," he mumbled. I decided to ignore his self deprecation this time.

"How long does he need to stay awake?" Logan seemed to think as he muttered to himself. 

"Probably most of the night but he should be fine after a few hours." That didn't seem to hard for the emo that never actually slept through the night but he was already nodding off on the couch. There was no way he could stay up all night.

"I'll stay up with him. This is my fault, I feel like I should do it but you all need some sleep." Thomas had already nodded off next to me with his head dangerously close to my shoulder. The combined exhaustion of us must have made him really tired.

"Are you sure, Roman?" Patton was fiddling with the sleeves of his cat hoodie.

"Of course I am, you should get some sleep, Pat." Logan let out a tired sigh.

"Fine but let us know if anything happens. Come on Patton, let's get Thomas to bed." They gently woke him up and helped him to his room. I vaguely noticed them as they came back in and sank down. I turned back to Virgil.

"Hey no sleeping on me, Emo Nightmare. Don't you do this every night?" I tried to joke with him to lighten the mood a bit. He gave a sleepy yawn before mumbling something under his breath.

"Yeah well it gets harder the longer you stay up and a head injury makes it about ten times worse." He started to sit up but had to hold his hands out to balance himself. I lunged forward to try and help him but he waved me away. "You don't have to stay up with me, Princey, I'm fine really." He seemed to really want me gone and I couldn't really blame him.

"Nope you'll never stay awake if I leave and plus I want to help you. So what do you want to do?" He stared at the wall and shrugged. "We could watch some Disney movies or play a board game maybe?" He just nodded. I knew he wasn't good at picking but I still wanted to give him the choice. So I went to get a board game because I figured that watching T.V. probably wasn't the best for his head.

I searched the hall closet before plucking Monopoly off of the top shelf. Monopoly was always a long game so hopefully it would keep us up for a while. I closed the door and headed back for the couch. I saw that Virgil was nodding off again with his chin leaning on his chest. I set the game down and went to wake him. He jumped before calming down seeing that it was just me. 

"Come on Virge, sleep is for the weak," I tried. He nodded before sitting cross legged on the floor across from me. He shook his head slightly, trying to keep his eyes open. Man this was going to be a long night. 

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