A Wolf and A Lion || Jaime La...

By burningballoon

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When the King commands Aurelia Stark and Jaime Lannister to wed, Aurelia reluctantly becomes Lady Lannister o... More

Chapter 1 . Aurelia Stark
Chapter 2 - Direwolves, white walkers, and what not
Chapter 3 - A simple conversation
Chapter 4 - The King's Arrival
Chapter 5 - A possible betrothal
Chapter 6 - First Encounter
Chapter 7 - The Feast
Chapter 9 - One Step to Forever
Chapter 10 - A Lannister Perspective
Chapter 11 - Two Choices
Chapter 12 - One Bastard and One Trueborn
Chapter 13 - Banters and Arguments
Chapter 14 - An Encounter with the Prince
Chapter 15 - A small present
Chapter 16 - A White Summer Wedding
Chapter 17 - Tragedy
Chapter 18 - A quiet morning
Chapter 19 - Tearful Goodbyes
Chapter 20 - Kingsroad
Chapter 21 - Nymeria
Chapter 22 - Kings Landing
Chapter 23 - Breakfast for two
Chapter 24 - Revelations
Chapter 25 - The Night's Allure
Chapter 26 - Morning after
Chapter 27 - Meeting with a Stag
Chapter 28 - Iron Throne and Wolves
Chapter 29 - An unlikely conversation
Chapter 30 - The Hand's Tournament
Chapter 31 - Confronting a Lion
Chapter 32 - Flowers vs. Mountains
Chapter 33 - A piece of threat
Chapter 34 - One Lion and a pack of Wolves
Chapter 35 . Everything Has Changed
Chapter 36 . Tywin Lannister
Chapter 37 . Oathbreaker
Chapter 38 . News from Kings Landing
Chapter 39 . War and Prison
Chapter 40 . Battle of the Whispering Wood
Chapter 41 . A captured Lion
Chapter 42 . Growing Pains
Chapter 43 . Eddard Stark
Chapter 44 . King in the North
Chapter 45 . Between Worlds

Chapter 8 - A Bastard and an Imp

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By burningballoon

"Arya!" Sansa exclaimed, and Aurelia looked up to see what happened. She and Robb had returned to their seats after briefly catching up with their Uncle Benjen. They were still talking with Theon when their attention diverted towards the sound of Sansa's voice.

Sansa looked furious as she eyed her little sister Arya, who sat at the end of their table laughing at what she did. Arya just threw a spoonful of food towards Sansa, hitting her cheek and left a food stain there. Aurelia and Robb tried to hide their laughter but failed to do so.

Catelyn eyed Robb to take care of Arya. When Robb saw this, he immediately stopped laughing and stood up. Arya continued on playing with her food, looking very much satisfied at her accomplishment. However, she groaned once she saw Robb walking towards her.

"Come on, time for bed." Robb picked his youngest sister up from the table and back to the ground. Arya had an annoyed look on her face, and Aurelia turned her upper body around to see the little Stark. Arya stopped in front of her, while Robb stayed and stood beside.

"Tell mother I wouldn't do it again. I'll behave from now on." Arya begged, and Aurelia looked up to see her mother before turning her attention back to the small girl. She gave her sister a sad smile before replying,

"I'm sorry, Arya. It's out of my hands. You should know better than to embarrass your sister in front everyone. We've talked about this before. It's improper behavior to throw your food, especially to someone else." Aurelia lectured her sister about her actions. Arya has always been hard to handle. Aurelia thought that she was a fussy child, but when she helped her mother take care of Arya, only then did she realize there was another wolf in the pack who likes to stir trouble.

"Do you want me to bring you back to bed, or do you want Robb to do it?" Aurelia asked her,

"Robb." Arya replied, which earned another smile from both Robb and Aurelia.

"Okay then, goodnight." Aurelia said, and kissed Arya's forehead before she and Robb walked out of the hall. Aurelia then stood up and walked her way to Sansa, who was busy cleaning the food from her face with the help of Jeyne Pool and their Septa Unella.

"Are you all right?" Aurelia asked, resting her hand on Sansa's shoulders. Sansa look up to see her elder sister standing behind her.

"She's such a child!" Sansa raged about Arya, "It's not funny at all, and she does it all the time! She ruined my favorite dress, and she's embarrassed me in front of everyone!"

"You have to be patient with Arya, you know how she is. Don't make such a big fuss about it." Aurelia told her, and Sansa just grumbled.

Aurelia then decided to leave the hall, as she couldn't stand another second in the feast. She felt the rush of wind greet her face as soon as she stepped outside. There weren't a lot of people outside, and the streets seemed quiet enough. The night was really dark, and only light illuminating her path are the small candles that hanged against the walls of the castle. She saw a familiar man in the distance swinging his sword. When she walked closer to him, only then did she realize it was her half-brother Jon.

Aurelia always felt sorry for the way her mother acted towards Jon. She has never been a mother to Jon, and she always act cold towards him. Even after all these years, Catelyn can't find it in herself to love the bastard. Jon had been keeping it up for the rest of his life. He found comfort in his father and his half-siblings, though he wasn't particularly close to Sansa.

Jon was so intent on slicing the dummy in front of him that he didn't notice Aurelia walking behind him. Aurelia placed her hands on top of the fence that separated her and Jon, and she looked at him in amusement.

"I believe he's already dead. Stabbing won't do much good." Aurelia mused, and Jon immediately stopped swinging his sword once he heard her voice. He looked behind seeing Aurelia's smirk, causing him to put his sword down.

"You're supposed to be at the feast. They'll notice you're gone." Jon told her instead, as he walk up to her.

"Well you're not there anyway. Why should I be?" Aurelia questioned,

"I'm a bastard. You are father's true born child." Jon repeated what Catelyn said to him.

"Nonsense. You are a Stark just like any of us." Aurelia told him,

"I'm a Snow." Jon reminded her, but Aurelia wouldn't hear it.

"A name does not matter. Father's blood run through your veins." Aurelia defended her brother's position in the family. Just because he's a bastard, does not mean that he has to be treated as one.

"It does matter. Now go back. People will surely note your disappearance, and your mother will probably send Robb to come looking for you." Jon said, ushering her to go.

"I told you, I don't want to go back inside. I don't know how people can spend such a long time in feasts. It's loud, it smells of wine everywhere, and everybody is drunk." Aurelia complained, much to Jon's amusement. "And that Jaime Lannister keeps on looking at me. I can't stand it any longer." She added, and this most definitely caught Jon's interest.

"I heard about the betrothal. I'm sorry." Jon told her, and Aurelia's face turned sad. She hated talking about her impending marriage to the Lannister. She's furious at the King for commanding such a thing, and she would hate her father for allowing the marriage to happen. "I know how much you despise arranged marriages. Is there really no way out of it?" Jon asked,

"If father says no." Aurelia replied, and it was true. If her father says no to everything the King has proposed, she would be free of the betrothal and she wouldn't have to move so far South and so far away from her family. "But he hasn't talked about the matter ever since he told me about it." She continued,

"Father will do what is right you. He knows what's best. If he says yes, he would not have done it without reason." Jon told his sister,

"But what reason could there be to marry a Lannister? What good does it do for me?" Aurelia questioned,

"Sadly, I do not know. But please...don't lose hope, little peanut." Jon told him, "Now you have to go inside, father or your mother will surely be looking for you." He said,

"Do you want to get rid of me that fast?" Aurelia teased, and Jon gave her a look.

"If it means you'll shut your mouth then yes." Jon teased her back, and Aurelia gasped at her brother's words. But that playful gasp turned into a smile since she knew that Jon was teasing her. Jon saw the look on Aurelia's face, and couldn't help but laugh at her.

"Fine, I'll leave you on your own since you like it so much." Aurelia grinned at him, before leaving him on his own. She decided to take the long way back to the feast. She would do anything to delay herself from returning back to the great hall.

She'd always enjoy the calmness of the night. Most people would always dread the dark, but Aurelia can always find the beauty in it. Most nights when she's unable to sleep, Aurelia would open the window in her chambers and take in the strong wind as she basks in the quietness, studying the shadows of the night.

"Lady Aurelia, I believe?" A voice called out from behind, and Aurelia immediately turned around out of interest. The voice had no northern accent, and she's never heard of it before. One thing's for sure, it was the voice of man.

When she turned around, Aurelia was met by surprise when she saw Tyrion Lannister walking towards her. He was the only Lannister she had not met, and Aurelia can't believe she'd forgotten about him. Surely he must have been at the feast. Aurelia was too busy distracting herself from Jaime's gaze that she's forgotten all about the third Lannister.

"Unfortunately, we have not been acquainted." Tyrion continued to say, and Aurelia did not know how to respond. She's never been good at making conversation.

"No we have not." Aurelia managed to say, though Tyrion can hear the nervousness within her voice. "You must be Lord Tyrion."

"Yes, I am. Did you figure it out from my short stature? Everyone does." Tyrion replied with a sarcastic wit, causing Aurelia to become more nervous.

It was rude to talk about anyone being a dwarf. Her mother taught her to always be polite to any highborn noble. That politeness should not be limited by their physical appearance. Aurelia may tease her brothers all she want, but she can't joke around with Tyrion.

Tyrion noticed a shift of discomfort in Aurelia. He realize he's making her uncomfortable and regretted his behavior.

"Apologies, my Lady. I mean no discomfort. I was only trying to make light of the situation." Tyrion apologized, and Aurelia let out a small smile; still unsure on how she's supposed to act.

"There's no need for that. I should be the one apologizing. I did not want to come off as rude." Aurelia explained, "I hope you're not outside because the feast got too boring for you." She added,

"No, no, of course. The feast is perfect. It's just...it can get a little loud sometimes." Tyrion pointed out, to which Aurelia agreed.

Tyrion can't help but think about how beautiful she is, especially with her smile. There was a moment of silence between the two, and Aurelia could feel the awkward tension rising in the air. Aurelia wanted to leave the Lord by himself, but it was rude to simply walk away.

"You truly are a northern beauty." Tyrion complimented her, causing Aurelia's cheeks to blush.

"I'm sure I'm nothing compared to the ladies in the South." Aurelia said wisely, revealing her soft heart.

"Nonsense. Trust me my Lady, I have seen all of the finest women throughout the South, and nothing compares to you." Tyrion defended his claim, and he wondered how such a vulnerable girl like her could survive in the North. Aurelia only gave him another smile, as she was unsure of what to say next. "Am I keeping you from the feast, my Lady?" Tyrion asked, and Aurelia felt relief that he was changing the subject.

"No you're not. Actually, I'm trying to find a reason not to go back." Aurelia told him,

"It seems we have another thing in common." Tyrion said, "Well, since the both of us enjoys our time outside, perhaps you can give me a tour of your home? I haven't had the pleasure."

"Uh," Aurelia fidgeted her fingers as she tries to find the right words to politely decline Tyrion's offer. She's heard about how Tyrion spends his night with whores, then he would wake up with no recollection of the night before due to excess amount of wine he drinks. Truth be told, Aurelia is simply afraid to be alone with him.

"I won't harm you, my Lady. I would just like the company." Tyrion assured her, and Aurelia narrowed her eyes at him.

"With all due respect Lord Tyrion, it's rather inappropriate for me to be alone with a man at night." Aurelia tried to explain, and of course Tyrion understood. Tyrion heard tales about how feisty the she-wolf is, but no one ever talked about the gentleness that she possess. Tyrion saw it as her vulnerability, yet Aurelia can't see it herself.

"Of course," Tyrion forced a smile on his face. "However, I can't leave you alone at night as well.  What kind of man would I be if I did?"

"I'll be fine, Lord Tyrion. This is my home anyway." Aurelia told him,

"Then let me escort you back to the feast." Tyrion insisted spending more time with the she-wolf.

"Yes, my Lord." Aurelia accepted his offer this time.

They walked side by side on the streets of Winter town. If they listened closely, the sound of merry and drunken men can be heard this far. She looked at Tyrion curiously. Aurelia's never been fond of strangers, and she's only comfortable with her family. Yet despite feeling uneasy in being alone with the Imp, Tyrion made no advances and he did apologize. He doesn't have a sense of arrogance in him, and even if he has, he doesn't boast it like Jaime.

"I shall thank you, my Lady." Tyrion said to her,

"Whatever for?" Aurelia questioned, as she hasn't earned his thank you or anything to help the Lord.

"I heard that you were responsible for putting numerous candles in my room." Tyrion mentioned, and Aurelia felt a slight rush of panic.

"Is it too much, my Lord?" Aurelia asked with a hint of fear in her voice, as she was afraid that she had done the wrong thing. "I could ask the chambermaids to take away some of the candles if you wish." She offered, causing Tyrion to chuckle in seeing the change in her behavior.

"No, the candles are rather pleasant. Some people say I read too much." Tyrion said,

"I believe there's no such thing, Lord Tyrion." Aurelia told him, "We have an incredible collection of books in the library. If you ask Maester Luwin nicely, I'm sure he'll let the library be open at night." She continued,

"I shall keep that in mind, Lady Aurelia." Tyrion told her, as they arrived at the entrance of the great hall. "I believe this is where we part our ways. I do hope this won't be the last time I'll speak to you, Lady Aurelia."

"The same goes for you, Lord Tyrion." Aurelia said, before giving him her famous smile. "Thank you." She said and Tyrion returned her smile. He watched her as she entered the great hall.

Tyrion Lannister was completely surprised in finding out more about the she-wolf. The only whispers the people cared about was either about her great beauty, or her feistiness. All of them are true, yet it seems that people forgot to mention about her gentleness. She was a few of the vast number of people he's encountered in his entire life to have treated him like the human being he is in their first meeting, rather than treating him like an Imp. There was no denying that she's mature, but she was not as mature as she lets on. Her naivety is still very much apparent.

After talking with Aurelia Stark, Tyrion now understood why she caught his brother's attention, and why his brother is so enamored by her. Aurelia Stark is a true wonder. If she and Jaime is truly to be wed, both of them will be in for a surprise; that, Tyrion knew to be true.


So this is part 2 of the previous chapter, I just change the title (instead of putting 'The Feast' since it fits with the content of this chapter.

Another Jon and Aurelia moment!!! and she finally meets with Tyrion Lannister!!! I tried to make their encounter quite awkward, and I hope that the readers can feel it as well.

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