Riding With the Wind

By California6

14.1K 318 79

Have you ever run away from someone because they caused you too much pain? In Jessica May's situation, that w... More

Who's There?
Check the Premisis
On the Run From My BFF
Dirty Little Secret
Officially Mine
Whatever. -You Too.
Drama Happens
Fighting the Instinct
Taking Chances
Truth Be Told...
This is Me- Plain and Simple (Maybe)
Letting Go
Say What?!
Watch Out
Unknowingly There
Poor Kid
He Did What?!
Waking Up
Because of You

Run Away Home

567 12 2
By California6

   I hear what the two guys have to say, and then turn around quickly and silently to make my way to the pack house. This information needs to be shared with Doug, and quickly.

   I run there qickly, and decide on the way that it is better for both Erin and me if I ignore her for now. With what is coming, I can't afford to let her distract me.

   When I get up to the house, I am quick to head butt the door open and run up to my room. I walk in and slam the door shut with my back paw as I make my way towards my closet. I grab the first things my hands touch, and thankfully they all go together good enough.

   I throw on the short shorts and tank top that I found, and bound down the stairs. I use my nose to smell out Doug, and once I find his scent, I follow it like a bloodhound. It leads me to a closed door that I figure is his office.

   I stop just long enough for anyone inside to hear my breathing, and then barge in, knowing that this can not wait. When i look around the room, I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding because there is no one other than Doug present.

   "Can I help you Jessica?" Doug asks, worry clear on his face since I just slammed into his door and came in without even announcing myself.

   "Yes, but it is more can you help Rebecca and the rest of your pack. Not really me." I blurt this out, and wait for his reaction. It isn't everyday that someone comes into your office and tells you randomly that you have to protect you pack and all that shit.

   "Why would I need to help Rebecca, let alone the rest of my pack?! Jess- what is going on? Tell me." Worry and stress leak into his voice as he stares at me. His attempt to use his alpha voice has no affect on me, for all I know, he could have just been making conversation. But I do know. He is worried, and wants answers.

   "Well, you see..." I trail off, unsure of where to begin. Should I tell him about the dare, or even the fight that Erin and I had. What does he already know? I decide to just start from where I am in the cave, sleeping for the night, "I was in a cave on the outskirts of your pack territory, when I heard people talking. Being the curious ninja that I am, I went to investigate. I got close enough to see two people talking to each other. There was an older man, about your age, and a young boy, maybe thirteen- no older. I listened to what they said, and when I heard one of them mention Rebecca by name, I knew that this couldn't be good. I finished listening to them, and then came here to warn and inform you. Your welcome."

   It takes a few moments for Doug to recover, but once he does, I regret coming. I have never had a single person ask me so many questions before.

   "What did they look like? Did they say why they wanted her? Who were they? How did the runners not know that they were on out land? What were you doing out there? What do they want from my pack?" After a while, I just block him out, and focus soley on my own questions. Why Rebecca and why this pack? I plan on finding out, too.

   After long, Doug finally runs out of questions, and I decide to try and answer some of the ones that I actually remember.

   "The older guy had short-ish black hair and was sort of tall with brown eyes. He was also pretty tan and had some sort of alpha blood in him. The younger boy was pale-ish with jet black hair. He also had gold eyes. As for why they want Rebecca, I honestly have absolutely no idea. I don't know who they are, obviously, that's why I came to you. I don't know how you didn't know, but you might want to look into that." I tell him all that I can, and then turn around to leave, but he has other ideas.

   "Take me to where you saw them. I want to search for them."

   I don't argue as I lead the way out of the house. We are almost out of the kitchen, when I smell her. I start to walk faster, but I'm not fast enough. Shit.

   "Jess! Hey! Where have you been?" She asks, oblivious mine and her alpha's serious moods.

   "Look, Erin, I can't talk right now. Maybe later." I keep walking as I say this, and we finally reach the front door. I walk out and don't look back to see what she does before shifting into my all black wolf.

   I turn to make sure that Doug is following, and when I see him behind me, I wheel around and take off into the woods. I'm guessing that he gave Erin an alpha order to leave me alone for now- God bless him.

   We make it to the clearing where I saw the two men this morning, and I can smell them. I growl slightly, knowing that they were here, and are after one of my sort-of friends. Doug growls along with me, and begins to follow the scent. I follow along, knowing that he might need back up.

   We follow the scent to the edge of his territory, and he stops. But I have other plans, so I continue to follow it. Doug whines from behind me, and I turn to face him. Seeing that we can't comunicate the best, I decide that shifting is the smartest thing to do. I walk behind the tree nearby where I just so happen to have some clothes stashed, and quickly shift and get dressed.

   I walk back over to see that he also shifted and is now wearing a pair of sport shorts.

   "Where do you think you are going?" He asks, anger filling his voice.

   "I was planning on tracking the scent and then getting back to you as of where they are staying and stuff." I don't know why he has a problem with this idea. It's not like they were going to even know that I was there.

   "There is no way that I am sending someone from my pack into unclaimed territory after people who want someone else from my pack."

   "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on for a minute. I am not a part of your pack, so you have no control over whether or not I go after them or not. Also, I am doing this to help your pack and Rebecca. Now if you are done with your rant, I will be back after I see what they want."

   "I wouldn't go if I were you. They will be able to hear and smell you from yards away. There is no way for you to get close enough to actually hear them."

   "Are you serious right now?! Was my sneaking up on them earlier and hearing everything they said not proof enough to you that I'm not stupid, and I'm capable of protecting myself. Now, are you staying here or heading back to the pack house? I need to know whether or not to come back here to meet." I start backing up, getting ready to follow the scent in human form now.

   "I will be waiting here is cover. Try to be quick."

   I nod my head once and turn. I right away pick up the scent and begin to track. As it starts getting stronger, I mask my scent and make my self silent. To everyone but me, I am an invisible, deathly weapon, but I prefer ninja.

   I stalk closer, and I hear quiet voices. I decide that this is the best time to take to the trees to get a better look and also get closer still.

   I climb a solid looking one, and jump from tree to tree until I am practically over the voices and people that I heard and saw earlier. Only this time, there is a female here too. That's odd; why would a female want to be with at least two males?

   I watch on, and eventually my answer comes to me, but not in a pleasant veiwing way. It comes in an awkward cover your eyes sort of way. Let's just say the woman and older guy must be mates, or they aren't weres at all because normal werewolves don't try to suffocate each other with their tongues. It's just plain gross if you ask me.

   I look around for the younger boy, and see him off to the side, looking away from the freak show near the center- smart kid.

   Once they are done attacking each other, the man and woman straighten themselves up and sit down. The boy walks over, now that it is safe for his eyes, and it looks like they are going to have a talk of some sort. This ought to be interesting.

   "Okay, so obviously Doug's pack has horrible people running their perimeters because Al and I got onto their land pretty easily." The older guy says, and I'm guessing that the younger kid's name is either Al or something that can be shortened into the name Al.

   "Yeah, it was a piece of cake. Like walking over an invisible line, nothing happened. Sir even started laughing really loudly and nothing happened. It was a little weird if you ask me." 'Al' says, a little dumfounded.

   "It was awesome. Stealing the girl should be a peice of cake, since no one there has any clue what is going on right under their noses."'Sir' lets out an evil laugh, and I think I have heard enough.

   I am turning to leave, when something the woman says stops me.

   "I heard that they are even letting a rogue stay on their land. That's not the most responsible thing in the world." Hearing her talk down about me has both my wolf and I pissed. It takes everything in me to not jump down from this tree and kill them all.

   "I know. I saw her the one time that we went to visit their land. She is hot!" 'Al' says this, and i laugh to myself. Of course I'm hot, all of the 'royals' are extremely good looking, and that gene definitely didn't skip my generation.

   "What does she look like Alden?" The female asks, and now, thanks to her, I know what his actually name is- Alden. Cool name.

   "She had really blonde hair. It was almost white. She was taller than most girls, and she had beautiful, pale blue eyes. I don't think she saw me looking her way, but I definitely saw her." He finishes talking and sighs, does he have a little crush on me? Because that would just be extremely awkward.

   "Do you now what her name is?" 'Sir' asks, becoming impatient.

   "No, I didn't actually talk to her, and there was no one around, so I couldn't ask anyone. I can go find out if you want me to." As he suggests this, I see his eyes light up. Someone is just too eager to learn more about me.

   "Do you think she knew what we were doing as rogues on Doug's land?"

   "I don't think so. It looked like she was just coming to see if we were threats to her or not. I don't think you have anything to worry about Sir."

   "Okay, good. I don't want some random rogue she-wolf getting in my way and ruining all of my plans. She can just run away home to the pack where she came from."

   'Sir' turns back to the girl, and they walk hand-in-hand to the tent. That explains the bed. If I were Alden, i also wouldn't want to sleep in that tent with those two sex animals; poor kid.

   Seeing as they are done with their little talk, I get up silently from my spot in the tree, and turn to the one next to it. I jump onto one of it's branches, and continues on my way throughout the trees.

   Once I am far enough away to not be seen, heard, or anything remotely close to any of that, I jump from the tree and run back to where I left Doug. He is not going to like what I have to tell him. I am going to have to do this carefully.

   I get to our meeting spot, and stop to smell the area. I smell Doug, and look at the bush where he must be hidden.

   "It's just me, you can come out."

   I see his wolf come out, and it looks like I woke him up. Some watch wolf.

   "You ready to go back to the pack house?" I ask, and he nods his head in agreement.

   I shift quickly into my all black wolf, and lead the way back to his pack house. All the way, thinking of how I am going to tell him what I found out.

   We run back to the house in silence, and once we arrive, I go upstairs to get dressed.

   I make my way back to Doug's office thinking about how to explain things to him. It isn't until I run into her, that I notice Erin standing at the bottom of the steps. Great. I step to go around her, but she blocks me off.

   "What do you want Erin? Can it wait 'til I'm done talking to your alpha about something very important?" This girl might just drive me insane, but I love her. It's situations like these that make me happy that I made that little agreement with my wolf. If I hadn't I probably have Erin's throat in my hands right now.

   "I guess it can wait, I just had a question." She looks down, trying to act like she did nothing wrong.

   "Okay, and I will do my best to answer that question, after I talk to Doug." There is no way I am letting her stop me from sharing the information in my head.

   "Sure." She shrugs her shoulders and then turns to walk into the living room.

   Once I see that she isn't going to come back at me, I continue on my way to Doug's office. I decide that, since I have time now, that I will actually knock on the door.

   It takes less than ten seconds for Doug to call me in; he must have been waiting.

   "Tell me all that you know." Doug demands, and I let it slide that he used his alpha voice on me. I know that it is stressful to have rogues come onto your land unknowingly, and then find out that they want someone from your pack. It isn't a good feeling.

   "There are three of them- 'Sir', Alden, and some woman who I'm guessing is Sir's mate. They came here for some reason, but I'm not completely sure what exactly that reason is. They want Rebecca, but that isn't the main reason here. They know who you are and I think Sir is doing this as some sort of revenge to you. Alden saw me one day, so they know that you have a rogue staying on your land, but other than that, they don't know anything about me. The thing that scares me is that they want to fnd out more about me. They also said how they were surprised at how easily they were capable to get onto your land. You might want to look into that." I finish talking, and look at Doug. To say he looks pissed is an understatement. He looks like he could kill anyone that would even dare to cross him.

   "Is that it?" He asks, through clenched teeth.

   "Yeah, I'm pretty sure."

   "Well be sure." He spits at me, and that is what puts me over the edge.

   "Look, dude! I'm not your fucking issue, so don't take it out on me. You need to grow a pair of balls and protect you pack. Stop getting pissed and shit, and take some sort of fucking action! Stop sitting on your ass all day. Go get some shit done." It feels good to let all of my anger out, even if it is at Doug. But he was asking for it, so that's what he got.

   Doug looks at me, surprise all over his face. "How can you talk to me like that and not feel bad about it?" He asks, generally confused.

   "I just can, okay? Now stop wasting time, and go get some shit done." I turn on my heel and walk out of the room. Now to go find Erin and have that talk...

   I follow her scent into the living room, only to see her in her mates lap. I definitely don't feel like dealing with Beck right now. I continue walking, hoping that she won't see me, but of course, I'm just not that damn lucky.

   "Jess! Wait up!" She yells, jumping up off the couch and running to my side.

   "Oh, hey. What did you have to ask me again?" I'm tired, so I might as well get this over with as quickly as possible.

   "Oh yeah! Haha, I nearly forgot." No she didn't she just wanted to start out with a little bit of conversation.

   "Okay, so do you remember now? I'm tired and would like to sleep in a bed tonight."

   "Right. So, about what happened the other day... I'm sorry. Please forgive me."

   "I forgive you, and I'm sorry, too. I shouldn't have freaked out like that, but my wolf got the better of me. I'm now hoping that you will forgive me."

   "Of course I do!" She screams, and then grabs me and pulls me into a giant bear hug.

   "Great, now can I go to bed? I'm exhausted."

   "Yes, as long as you agree to go shoppig with me tomorrow."

   "Fine, I will go. Now goodnight!"

   "Night." She laughs to herself, and I make my way up the stairs to my room.

   I hop in the shower quickly, and enjoy the feel of the water cleansing my skin. I have missed this. After my shower I put on a tank top and boy short underwear before climbing into bed. This is probably going to be the best night's sleep I have had in a while, and I am going to enjoy it.


heyyyyyyyyy!!!!!! sorry it toook me oooo sooooo longggg to finish this! i just couldnt really get focused after my wk of vball camp and then spending the wknd at my cousins house, but i finally got myself under control, and FINISHED!!!! wooo hooo! i tried to make it longer so that the wait was sort of worth it! i hope yu enjoy it!

Dedicated to Awesomesarah99 because she has helped me sooo much and also gave me the characters Alden and Jezebel! (the woman)

the Rogues! ------------->>>




Adios bitches! hehe

~Cali! <3

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