Welcome to Hell

By K_Mooney

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Fun fact: Demons have "soulmates". Only, they don't call them soulmates. They call them Mates. Why is this? B... More



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By K_Mooney

~Amanda's POV~

"When did you guys get here?"

I don't say anything and neither does Anti. I'm honestly considering running away and never coming back.

Suddenly Charlie's expression turns dark. "You're in my room. Why?"

"You weren't answering me." Anti says, "So I came in to make sure you weren't dead or something. And this little shit," he jerks a thumb at me, "didn't listen to me."

I raise a hand, "We need to establish something." I look between the two of them, "I don't take orders. You tell me to do something I'm going to do the opposite. Just for future reference."

"Also why do the both of you look like you've seen a ghost?" Charlie asks, suspicion etched onto her face.

"You did it again." Anti states, sounding exasperated.

"Shit." Charlie mutters, putting her head in her hands, "Shit. Shit. Shit."

Anti nods his head, "You have some translating to do."

Charlie groans walking out of the room, "I hate my job."

"Suck it up buttercup." Anti taunts walking behind the grumbling Charlie.

"I'm so confused and terrified words can't even express it." I mutter under my breath following the two of them.

We walk down the stairs seeing that the others have returned.

"Hello Charlie." Dark says in greeting.

"Fuck off." Is all he gets in response. Charlie walks away, still grumbling, into the kitchen.

"She's in a pissy mood." Wilford states staring at the place where Charlie just was.

Danielle and Dark look at Anti and me, glaring at us. "What did you do this time?" They both question.

"I didn't do anything!" We both shout at the same time.

"Then explain Charlie's behavior." Dark demands.

"It happened again." Anti says in a serious tone.

Dark and Wilford groan at the same time. "So, that means Amanda is the first human to witness it." Dark says.

"I'm confused on what I actually witnessed." I state.

"A prophecy." All the males say, in deadly voices.

"And I'm still confused as fuck."

Dark clenches a fist, "We need to talk with Charlie."

"No kidding." Anti says from beside me, "This one didn't make sense at all. It was more sinister then the last ones."

Dark sighs and heads in the same direction as Charlie, cursing under his breath.

"I'm not going in the lion's den." Anti states glaring at the kitchen.

Wilford nods his head, "I choose life."

"Get in here! All of you! Now!"

Anti groans and roughly grabs my hand, yanking me in towards the 'lion's den'. Wilford does the same to Willow, following us.

Danielle walks beside me. "Why do you follow Dark's orders without hesitation? Are you already getting attached?" I tease her.

"I do it so he will trust me, therefore giving me more freedom. Eventually leading to compete freedom." She answers bluntly.

I roll my eyes, "Great idea. Not. You need to show him who's boss, make him fear you."

"And how's that working with Anti? Hmm?" She says in response. I could practically hear her smirk.

"I'm getting there." I growl back.

She snickers and falls into step with Willow. Good thing too, cause if she would have stayed any longer I would have punched her in the gut. I don't care if she's my friend, when you deserve a punch you deserve a punch.

We walk into a kitchen seeing Charlie sitting at a table, massaging her head. Dark stands next to her looking at a notebook that sits in front of her. "Haven't got too far, have you?" He comments dryly.

"I said: fuck off." Charlie snaps back, "This one has a deeper meaning then the others."

I look around the kitchen with a gaping mouth. The thing was huge! Multiple cabinets lined the wall, and a marble countertop ran along the wall just beneath them. A big fridge sat at the other end of the room, begging to be opened. My stomach rumbles at the thought.

I need food.

I break free from Anti's death-like grip and sprint for the fridge. I yank it open scanning the contents. My eyes spot a slice of chocolate cake and I snatch it. I stick my finger in the frosting and lick it off, humming in satisfaction. I turn around and see everyone staring at me.

"What?" I ask putting more frosting in my mouth.

Charlie points at me, "Mood 24/7."

I shrug my shoulders, "When a girl is hungry a girl is hungry."

"Amanda, you're going to get crumbs and frosting on your dress." Danielle scolds me.

I raise an eyebrow, "Do I look like I care?"

"Nope." Willow answers.

"Exactly." I say in a deadpan voice, and proceed to shove some cake in my mouth. And this entire time I never bothered to grab a fork. Oh well. If I get dirty, I get dirty. "By the way," I say, cake still in my mouth, "this cake is amazing. Who made it?"

"Not important." Dark harshly says. "You need to translate." He points at Charlie," So we can find the poor sucker or suckers."

"That won't be necessary." She states, "Cause I already have some of this translated. And the six people we need, are in this room."

Dark closes his eyes and sighs, almost in a sad way. Anti pales and shakes his head back and forth, "Please tell me you're joking."

"Nope." Charlie says leaning back in her chair.

"I'm confuzzled." Willow says putting her hands on her hips.

"She means us, dear." Wilford waves his arm around the room.


Dark stares at Charlie, "What about the other parts?"

She shrugs her shoulders, "Working on it. But some are pretty self explanatory. Take the 'Hell and Earth alike shall bow down to darkness' part, basically it means if you guys fail we're all doomed."

"What exactly is the prophecy?" He questions.

Charlie looks at Anti, "Can you recite it"?

He scratches the back of his neck, "Maybe? I don't remember all of it-"

"I can do it." I declare, putting my cake down and stepping closer to Charlie.

She grabs a pencil, ready to write down my words onto paper.

I clear my throat, "Six heroes shall rise above all others. Three the most powerful our kind has ever seen. Three who don't even realize their own power."
I pause, giving Charlie time to write. She scribbles for a bit then nods her head, signaling for me to continue.

"Hell and Earth are plunging into darkness. 168 hours. This is the time these heroes will have to save the world from this eternal darkness. Shall they fail Hell and Earth alike shall bow down to a darkness. Shall they succeed Hell and Earth will be free forever."

Silence fills the room once I'm done. I shuffle my feet awkwardly, I hate silence.

Finally Anti speaks, "How did you remember all that?"

"I have amazing memory." I answer a smirk tugging at my lips.

Danielle bites her lip, lost in thought. She snaps out of it and asks, "How do we save the world?"

"I think I finally have it translated." Charlie says, "So to answer your question Danielle, you have to find six objects."

"What is with this prophecy and the number six?" Anti mutters.

Charlie rolls her eyes at Anti's comment, "Six gems to be exact. Soul, Time, Love, Hate, Fear, and Memory."

"One gem per person." Danielle states.

"Seems so." Charlie says nodding her head.

She suddenly slams her hands on the table, "Remember my instructions: you must find the gems and harness their power. Each gem is assigned to one person and one person only. Therefore only they can wield its powers. But the gems will not work if they aren't together. So they are useless by themselves. You will encounter many obstacles that will try and stop you from completing your task. Destroy anything that gets in your way. Understand?"

We all nod our heads. She smiles, "Good. Now get some rest, you leave tomorrow morning."

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