The Unveiled ONE ๐Ÿ”ฅ Final Ins...

By MariamSarhan

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๐Ÿ”ฅBook Three of the Phoenix Trilogy๐Ÿ”ฅ โš โš โš Warningโš โš โš  Please read the first two books in order for the story to... More

๐Ÿ’กAuthor's Note๐Ÿ’ก
Chapter 1 ๐Ÿ”ฅ Where Am I?
Chapter 2 ๐Ÿ”ฅ Do me a Favor
Chapter 3 ๐Ÿ”ฅ Forsaking Destiny
Chapter 4 ๐Ÿ”ฅ Crucial Heart
Chapter 5 ๐Ÿ”ฅ Alpha Omega
Chapter 6 ๐Ÿ”ฅA Forgotten Past
Chapter 7 ๐Ÿ”ฅ Welcome Home
Chapter 8 ๐Ÿ”ฅ New Fire
Chapter 9 ๐Ÿ”ฅ Offsprings
Chapter 10 ๐Ÿ”ฅ Unfated Love
Chapter 11 ๐Ÿ”ฅ The Black Book
Chapter 12 ๐Ÿ”ฅ A Fabricated Lie
Chapter 13 ๐Ÿ”ฅ Bitter Truth
Chapter 14 ๐Ÿ”ฅ A Sacrifice
Chapter 15 ๐Ÿ”ฅ The Betrayal
Chapter 16 ๐Ÿ”ฅDeception
Chapter 17 ๐Ÿ”ฅ The Elder
Chapter 18 ๐Ÿ”ฅ Tragic Memory
Chapter 19 ๐Ÿ”ฅThe Balancer Stage
Chapter 20 ๐Ÿ”ฅ One Option Left
Chapter 21 ๐Ÿ”ฅ A Hoax
Chapter22๐Ÿ”ฅKiss of Undying Love
Chapter 24 ๐Ÿ”ฅ A Witzardian's Promise
Chapter 25 ๐Ÿ”ฅ A Queen's Fury

Chapter 23 ๐Ÿ”ฅHer Salvation

169 13 6
By MariamSarhan

Dedicated to WriterCArmy. It's a simple gesture of thanks, dear. Take care and enjoy reading.

Thirty years ago

Deborah was unconsciously trailing above a quiet giant-like man. Her lips were pursed in a tight line and her brows were knitted together as she stared down towards the back of none other than the infamous witzardian king. She was determined to discover what he was up to at that particular moment. Especially when he was trespassing a prohibited place in her domain. If she remembered it correctly, she had competent guards stationed along the entrance. She wasn't only baffled and disturbed by their disappearance, but also at the thought that Veron had easily entered the powerful barrier she placed around it.

How is he able to get in? What's he up to? The questions rang in her mind.

Deborah was so focused on snooping that she hadn't realized that she was actually—well, like everyone else before her—a see-through flying apparition.

She wasn't surprised anymore when not a soul was present when they reached the palace doors. More or less, she already had an inkling about the unfortunate demise of her allotted soldiers in that place. Her eyes narrowed when she saw Veron enter the old place like he owned it. The gigantic doors made a loud screeching sound when he pushed it open. The structure was so frail that a few debris showered from the sudden movement. The witzardian's footsteps and his ceaseless unintelligible mutterings echoed through what used to be magenta red walls that were already ruined with time and molds as he made his way towards the Eastside hallways.

Why is he heading towards my chamber? Deborah looked even more thoughtful by the minute.

She couldn't stop herself any longer so she reached out to him to confront him. Much to her astonishment, only then she realized that she was levitating. And just like the ones who previously experienced the dilemma, Deborah was confused and shocked at her situation. Her eyes darted from her transparent hands towards her almost non-existent legs and feet.

It couldn't be... I'm dream walking? She tried to reason out to herself. She couldn't think of any other reason for her current specter self.

Two knocking sounds draw her attention away from herself. Her gaze once again darted back to Veron and observed him with curiosity. He stopped right outside her old chamber doors. The king looked impatient, trying to push the door but it wouldn't budge an inch. It was obviously locked from the inside. With an irritated look on his face, he repeated knocking.

"Who—who is it?" A woman squeaked from the other side.

"It's me. Open the door." Veron impatiently demanded.

They waited for a few minutes before the door finally creaked open, revealing a scared young woman.

"What took you so long?" he complained, sauntering inside the chamber.

"I'm sorry. I tried to hide Aquarius... You know, just in case." The girl was obviously a Sirenian but to Deborah's utter disbelief... She didn't recognize her at all.

The Sirenian Queen's gaze went back and forth between the two beings beneath her. She looked more and more confused but intrigued at the same time. Deborah didn't expect that Veron had an access inside her own kingdom.

Aquarius... She silently mused.

"Where is he?" Veron asked after nodding at the girl's answer.

"I'll take him," the woman beamed and headed towards the walk-in closet. "He is growing up faster than normal," the girl reported when she came back, cradling a sleeping baby in her arms.

Deborah gasped when she finally saw the baby... He has scarlet hair. Somehow, her heart skipped a beat just by looking at him. Her gut was giving her warnings. She was dying to know—or rather, to confirm—who the baby was. Although deep inside, she had the nagging feeling that sent shivers down her spine.

Aquarius... The name rolled off her tongue easily. She longingly stared at him.

"I'm taking both of you out of here. It's no longer safe here," Veron answered instead, ignoring the girl's previous comments.

"Where are we going then?" The girl didn't seem to mind his cold shoulder.

"To the Human Realm," was Veron's short reply.

"How long are we gonna stay there? Are you not planning to give Aquarius back to his family?"

The sorcerer eyed the girl with a raised eyebrow. He gave her a ridiculous look before answering, "He's already dead to them. I must keep his existence a secret at all costs. For now, at least..." An evil smirk was plastered on his lips.

"But... That's unfair," the woman protested. She was looking at the baby with a sad look on her face.

"Stop your nonsense! Are you still up for the job or do I need to find someone else?"

"Of course, I will stay with Aquarius," The woman took a few nervous steps backward, hugging the little bundle possessively in her chest.

"Good, I need you to be ready in an hour. Come, give him to me." She slowly walked towards him. Her steps were hesitant, but nevertheless, she carefully placed the baby on the waiting arms of her master.

For the first time since he came in, Veron finally looked at the baby who was snuggled in his arms. His body looked so tiny inside the king's huge frame. A small smile tugged his lips. He tenderly cupped his small face and whispered, "One day, Aquarius... One sweet day and you will be reunited with your family. Princess Aqua will be so happy to know that you're alive..."

Deborah sucked in a surprised breath. She vigorously shook her head in disbelief. She didn't know what to feel exactly. The queen was happy to know that her daughter's son lived... But, she was conflicted about Veron's real motive moreover the complication of the first ever male Siren that existed. It couldn't be good. No, it would be disastrous. Veron will be using Aquarius against them. She wondered if he knew about Aqua's parentage.

Is that the reason? She pondered. No, no, no... I must save, Aquarius! I must warn, Aqua! She descended towards the sorcerer with raging fury, but she only passed through him. She wailed a soundless wail of frustration. Her tears flooded like an overflowing river.

Noooo! With her body slowly disappearing, only one thought was left in her puzzled mind.

Aquarius was her painful truth, and he was in fact...

Her salvation.

Present Time

"I'm ready..." Vee announced. Her trembling voice was a contrast to the determined expression she wore.

"Very well, let's get started then." Selaphiel's voice, on the other hand, hinted relief. His eyes were focused on the inner circle, wearing a worried expression as he trailed his gaze behind the woman who recently joined in—Queen Deborah.

"We're running out of time, aren't we?" Pearl asked nobody in particular. Just like everybody else, she was looking in the same direction as Selaphiel's.

"You may look at me as the villain here... As someone cruel... I really don't care. Because, whether you like it or not... Whether you accept it or not... Once Phoenix awakes from his slumber, everything and everyone you hold dear in your lives will burn. Now, you are all but a pile of ash to me unless..." Selaphiel turned to face Vee. He stared at her intently, "Unless, you get your act together and save everyone or die trying. Either way, death is inevitable..." His eyes glistened with tears. A sorrow he tried to conceal since the beginning. His sadness was overwhelming him because whether he admits it or not, he wasn't the cruel one. No, not him. Not at all...

"I will try my best," Vee's voice was solemn. She thought they had a moment. On that particular second, there was something in the Elder's eyes that made her feel him. For the first time, she saw the truth and it scared her more. It only meant one thing—one way or another—there would be a living sacrifice. And they may call her a coward or selfish even, but she didn't want to be the one who decides on that when the time comes. She would gladly give her own life so that no blood would be spilled in her own hands.

"Don't just try, do it!" As true as the word 'moment' meant, it was just a fleeting chance of showing his vulnerability as Selaphiel's voice boomed startling everyone.

Such an erratic man, hmp! Vee glared at him but said nothing.

They didn't have the chance to react anyway. Whatever their comments and violent reactions were shoved down their throats as they watched the circle pulsated and hummed. All their eyes snapped towards it, just in time that the rays frenzied again and stopped at the two last beings left in the outer circle—Queen Sylvie and King Veron.

"Venuscha, hurry! Stand in the middle of the inner circle! We don't have much time left, the spell to get you in will take time." Pushing her towards the circle, Selaphiel voice hit a higher timbre. His calm facade awhile ago was totally overcome by his panic. He kept on mumbling in between the lines.

"Geez, okay! You don't have to keep on pushing me." Vee grumbled her complaint, walking away from Selaphiel. She was going towards the inner circle, but she kept on glancing over her shoulders looking for Marcus. When their eyes met, she moved her lips whispering a soundless goodbye in the wind... 'I love you.'

A tear cascaded in his eyes. Marcus was fighting over himself. His vampiric side was urging him to stop her, but he knew that he shouldn't. He was dying to come with her, but he knew he couldn't. The fear, sadness, and uncertainty that was painted in his inamorata's face were driving his bond to her crazy. He nodded at her and plastered a bitter smile on his lips and whispered back, "I love you more."

"Venuscha! Make sure to come to us! I believe in you..." Lord Ronheild called out to her. He gestured to everyone and Vee was surprised to see that, one by one, they took their hoods off, smiling a bitter smile with tears welled in their eyes. "... We believe in you!" The headmaster was the last one to take his hood off. He was crying and it broke Vee's heart as a sob escaped her lips. She nodded at him.

"Fun time is over!" Selaphiel shouted breaking the momentous moment.

Another glare was sent his way, but Vee complied nonetheless. She proceeded to walk inside the inner circle and stood in the middle closing her eyes.

"Luxus candidus ignus iluminatus. Intromittus..." Selaphiel didn't waste his time and chanted. After reciting the first few words, the cosmos above Vee glowed and shone brightly. Its ray was directed solely to Venus, making it impossible for them to see anything. The Elder continued to chant, but unlike the initial words, he was mumbling everything to himself. His eyes were glowing lavender like he was in a trance. He wasn't even blinking. It took almost half an hour before everything dimmed.

When the light was totally gone,

So was Venuscha...

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