Don't Stand So Close To Me

Oleh darkcloudsform

978 41 6

Lebih Banyak

Don't Stand So Close To Me
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven

Chapter Thirty Two

13 1 0
Oleh darkcloudsform

“He was just a kid, he was scared, you didn’t have to kill him!” I banged my head into the wall.

“And risk him finding us later? Always having to run? He was going to kill you Lana! Get your fucking head straight!” Gerard screamed.

“I am not going to have this conversation, you just murdered a boy-“ I shook my head hysterically.

“This is only the beginning, the road we’re going down, there’s no turning back. So you decide now, if you’re ready to face the facts from this point on.” Gerard gave me a serious look.

“What are you even going on about?” I began to sob.

“Lana-“ Frank started.

“No. She needs to choose. Does she stay or leave?” Gerard cut him off.

“What are you talking about!?” I yelled at him.

“Chances are, we have to leave town. And if that’s true, we’ll have to leave right away. There’s no turning back. You’ll have to forget your life as you knew it, start anew.” Gerard said.

“Wh-?” I blinked.

“She’s not ready, don’t bring thi-” Frank started again.

“She’s ready. Choose now Lana, we don’t have time.”

“How can you ask me that? What about my Mom?” I dragged my hands down my face.

“It’s up to you, you either have to say bye to Frank or bye to your Mother.”

“I won’t leave her behind, Gerard.” Frank shook his head.

“Then you will both risk being found again, you’d put your family and friends at risk. These people would burn your house down if it meant finishing business.”

“And who are these people?! The mafia?! They’re done. We killed the boss, we killed the bosses son, no one to succeed him!” My palms began to sweat, paranoia catching up with me.

“They’ve got a next in line, there’s always a next in line. Like a vice-president. And we, are top on their list for major threats now.” Gerard said, cupping his hands around his mouth to light a cigarette.

“How could you possibly know this?” I groaned in frustration.

“I can’t tell you that.” He shook his head. I almost exploded on him.

“So we’re keeping secrets now? Really?” I glared at him with full on rage.

“Time will tell.”

“Time. Will. Tell. Wow. Whatever, fuck you. fuck this. I don’t care because nothing could possibly surprise me anymore.” I sighed.

“Make your decision.” He grimaced.

“I.. Just… We’ll wait till the time comes, okay? I’ll make my decision then. That’s final.” I grimaced back.

“But if you have to make that decision in a split second, you be ready to do that you got it? No turning back.” He reminded.

“Yeah yeah. I got it alright. Say goodbye to Frank or Mom real fucking easy, thanks for being considerate.” I rolled my eyes.

Gerard simply shrugged. Ah, he was back in asshole independent guy mode again, the one that acted like he had no feelings.

“I’m going to take care of it hon, I won’t leave you behind. We’ll manage. I’ll keep you safe.“ Frank put a hand on my shoulder.

“Let her get shot again?” Gerard scoffed.

“Fucking stop it!” I groaned.


That night we all fell asleep in different spots, but when the morning came, we all seemed to be huddled up into one big sandwich again. It must have been the night chills. Luckily, I was the first to wake up so I was the only one who had to know it was awkward.

I stood up carefully, pushing Frank’s hand off my hip and Gerard’s forehead off my shoulder. There was now a small gap between them, they slept so peacefully, time seemingly stopping on their faces.

We were up and walking around at what I assumed to be 8 in the morning, or at least what my body clock assumed.

We reached the end of the tunnel about 2 hours later, our bodies sore, our stomach’s growling, and our throats parched dry.

There were a few flights of stairs we had to climb and we found ourselves in a small shed in the middle of nowhere. Luckily, there was no one waiting for our arrival. Which we expected since Lucas himself who found us in the tunnel.

“So, where’s this bus stop?” I said quietly.

“Just down the road.” Gerard replied.

“Right.” I said sarcastically.

“Frank, tell your girlfriend to shut the hell up.” Gerard pressed his fingers to his temple in a stressed manner.

“Tell her yourself,” He chuckled.

“Alls i’m saying is you said we’d be there soon, yesterday, and then we ended up staying the night. And then we ended up killing another person.”

“Well you know what, Lana honey, I didn’t hear you complaining when you got laid. In fact complaining wasn't what I heard at all.”

“Oh shit, you pulled the slag card again! I’m so offended!” I rolled my eyes.

“Will you two shut the fuck up,” Frank shook his head.

I stopped talking and just followed Gerard out of the shed, having to cover my eyes because the sun was too bright. When my vision adjusted, I could indeed see a pavement road, ending with a bus stop.


We got off in the city, as nearest to Gerard’s house as possible. We ran almost the whole way, through back alleys, to avoid being seen by anyone.

When we walked into his house, ran to the kitchen, and gulped down about a litre of water each. The place was untouched, nothing changed, no one present. This was looking up for us.

“Lana and I will run to her place, pack some bags just in case, and meet you back here. Call if anything happens.” Frank said to Gerard.

“Be careful. If I don’t hear back from you when the clock hits midnight, I’m gone. I have to go.” He sighed.

“We know.” Frank said, grabbing my hand and guiding me out the door.


I stared out of car window, thinking of the worst case scenarios and the best.

“What if something happened to my mom, Frank?” My eyebrows furrowed.

“You need to stay positive. Don’t get ahead of yourself, we don’t know anything.” He nodded, looking straight on.

We were coming just around the block and my heart was beating faster and faster. I could see police sirens reflecting off the houses.

We drove up to Frank’s driveway and I looked in horror at the scene before us. My mom was outside of the house in a blanket, crying and talking to the police.

“Oh fuck,” I started to cry.

“Shh. It’ll be alright, let’s go see what happened.”

Frank helped me out of the car and we ran over to my house. The second my Mom saw me her eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.

“LANA!” She cried and ran to me, engulfing me in a tight hug.

“Shh, Mom. Tell me what happened?” I stroked her hair.

“These men with guns came broke into the house, they trashed everything, and when they couldn’t find what they were looking for they knocked me out cold and left. I was so worried about you, you weren’t in your bed when I woke up this morning!” She hugged me even tighter.

“I left early to have breakfast with Frank and Mr. Way. What do you mean men with guns? What did the police say? Are you hurt?” My head was spinning.

“I don’t know! They had masks on, and they wouldn’t speak, they just threw everything around! They didn’t even steal anything! God, honey I’m so glad you weren’t here. I don’t know what could have happened.”

“Let’s go to my house alright? Let the cops do their jobs.” Frank said softly, rubbing my Mom’s shoulders.

“A-Alright.” She nodded, and we walked across the lawn up to Frank’s door.

My Mom and I sat in his dining room as he went to give Gerard a call.

I looked at my mom, unable to hide the guilt in my eyes.

“What’s wrong honey? It’s not your fault. At least we’re all safe right? That’s the important thing.” She pulled me into a hug.

I stayed for a moment then pulled away, looking deep into her eyes.

“Mom, there’s some things I have to tell you. I won’t be able to tell you everything and you can’t tell the cops.” I gulped.

“What?” She blinked.

“Mr. Way, Frank and I, we’ve gotten into some trouble with some extremely dangerous people. That’s why those guys came today, they were looking for me. We were running from them all night. And we have to leave now Mom, we have to, or else you won’t be safe. They’ll never stop trying to find us.” I blurted it all out at once.

“No. No no no, what could you have done? We don’t have to go anywhere sweetie, the police will take care of us. They can put us under witness protection!” She began to shake.

“You can’t come with me Mom. You have to stay here. We did some pretty… bad things. Things we can’t take back, things we’d be in trouble with the police for.” I swallowed the lump in the back of my throat, and looked to the floor in anguish.

“I can and I WILL go where you go Lana, this is nonsense. You’re just a child! There’s nothing you can’t tell me, let your Mother help you!”

“If you know, you’ll become a target Mom. You’ll have to go on acting like you haven’t seen me since before the incident.


“Mom…. These people, they want to KILL us. If you come, you’ll just be another person on the list. You need to stay and hold the house down till it’s safe for me to come back. I’ll be okay, Frank and Mr. Way have kept me safe this whole time.”

“No… no no no no. You are not going ANYWHERE!” She buried her face in her hands.

“You need to trust me Mom.” Tears began to stream down my face.

“No, Frank and Mr. Way, they’re adults. They can go, but you’re a child. You’re my baby. You have to finish school, and …and, go to college! There’s nothing we can’t handle! You need to tell me what happened Lana!”

“I’m sorry Mom. Whatever you do you can’t involve the cops, you CANNOT put a search out for me. I need you to trust me. I’ll keep in touch, every two weeks you’ll have an email in your inbox from a random address. I’ll let you know I’m alright, and when I can come home. As soon as you get the emails you need to delete them.” My head was pounding, I was trying got think of everything at once. Take precautions, think it all through. Gerard was right, I’d have to be ready to leave everything behind in a split second. There was no time to keep up this conversation.

“FRANK!” I screamed upstairs.

“I’m coming,” He yelled back.

“Lana, talk to me honey. You can’t leave. I won’t let you. It’s not safe. At least take me with you, I’d rather be in danger as long as I know I can protect you.” She began to cry.

I remained silent, this was it. I had to leave it here.

“LANA TALK TO ME!” She screamed.

Frank came running down the stairs two duffel bags in hand.

“You ready?” He mouthed to me, I nodded in response.

My mom spun around, shock still set on her face.

“Frank, you can’t take my baby from me! You can’t take her anywhere! I won’t allow it!” She cried on and on.

“Miss Rosenburg, she’ll be safe. Safer than here, you need to trust us. If not Lana, than trust me. I’d die before I let anything happen to her.”

My mom shut up at this point, she looked into Frank’s eyes a mix of anger and betrayal clear on her face.

“You…. I knew.. I knew there was something wrong. She’d go off in the middle of the night, I’d see her walk out of your house… I trusted you and you took advantage of her. You’ve been having sex! And I didn’t want to believe it! There’s no way in hell I’m letting my underage daughter run off with you!” She screamed.

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