One Direction Live Next Door!!

By Polkadotknot

807 13 4

14 year old Zoey Teztal is the prettiest girl in school, but she doesn't think so. She ditches school, and ri... More

One Direction Live Next Door!!
Niall, Aeropastle, and the dress.
Finding Niall

Meeting Niall Horran

86 3 1
By Polkadotknot

Chapter 2

I looked through my closet. I grabbed my second pair of my skinniest skinny jeans. They were a distressed blue denim. I smiled at the pants, and threw them on my bed. I pushed clothes to the side, looking for the perfect shirt. I finally found the perfect one. It was a dark purple. It had dark blue sparkles. It hugged my body. I smiled at what I would probably look like in it.

I also grabbed some black vans. Every part of them was black.

After I had put everything on, I smiled at what I looked like in the mirror. I loved it!

I ran to my door, grabbed my purse, and ran downstairs. I saw my mom, and froze. I thought she had already left for work!

Very quietly, I walked down the stairs, and jogged to the door, I quickly opened it, then closed it. Luckily, our front door was very quiet.

I gave a sigh of relief. I skipped over to my bike and gasped. I remembered Niall gave me his number! I mean, I had been thinking about him, ALL NIGHT. and I almost called him, but I didn't want to be a bother.

I grabbed the paper out of my back pocket, and grabbed my phone out of the other. I dialed the number, and someone picked up.

"Hello?" they had a British accent. I was ecstatic.

"Hi. Who is this?" I Asked. Just to be sure.

"This is Tony." tony said. I hung up. Tears filled up in my eyes. Niall had either given me the wrong number on accident, or he gave a number that wasn't his on purpose.

Either way, I was too sad to go to school now. I jumped on my bike and rode down the street.

When I reached town, I decided to just look around, to see if he was anywhere.

I walked my bike down the sidewalk, thinking of places the guys might be.

"Hmmmm... If I were a British Pop singer in Turlock at California, where would I go?" I mumbled To myself.

I looked around. I saw a little market that I went to as a kid. I decided to go inside. I used to always get a special Soda pop there.

I walked across the street, and entered the store. A bell rang as I entered. I left my bike outside.

I gave the cashier man a smile and wave. I searched my pockets for cash. I pulled out twenty five dollars from my right pocket. I smiled at my leaving money in my pockets. What can I say? I get lots of cash for chores.

I walked down two aisles to the refrigerated things. I passed five guys on the way there. They were looking at movies. It's weird that the movies were right next to the soda fridge. As I picked my flavor, I eavesdropped. "No, Loui! He said we can only have ten movies! If we get Terminator, then that makes ten, and then we can't get Spiderman!" I heard a Cute voice. Odd, he sounded a bit British. Oh well. I mustve just been suffering from losing Niall. His British accent was so adorable!

I decided on getting orange citrus flavored soda, and grabbed a bottle. It was a dollar a bottle. They had really good prices.

As I walked past the boys, they were all looking at me. They all had hats, and sunglasses on. They were all grinning. Except for one, he was just smiling.

I smiled back, and kept walking. I heard one say, "Wow, Niall-" I couldn't hear them anymore. WAIT, NIALL?!?!?!

I walked back to that aisle with a frown. They were gone. Huh. That was weird. I must be going crazy.

I turned around, looking down, and bumped into someone. I felt someone's hands on my waist.

"I'm sorry! Did I-" I said, but stopped when I looked up. "Sorry. I didn't see you there." The cutest guy ever, said. He pulled me up steady, and let go.

I finally got ahold of myself, and realized I was staring into Niall's eyes too long. He had taken his glasses and hat off. I could feel his crystal blue eyes on me.

I looked down and blushed.

"Are you alright?" he said sweetly. I looked up at him.

He was doing a crooked smile. I smiled back. "Yeah, I'm alright." We laughed lightly.

"Aren't you that girl from the crowd?" I heard a voice from behind Niall. It was Harry. I giggled. "I don't know, which crowd do you mean? I'm sure you've had lots of crowds." I tried not to scream and get crazy about talking to One Direction.

Harry smirked. "Cute." he said with a laugh. I shook my head and smiled at him.

Liam whispered something to Harry, and Harry started giggling like a girl. Nail gave them dirty looks.

"So, what are you doing here?" I said to break the awckward silence.

"We thought we'd just come explore the town. We have a concert in Sacramento, soon. We actually got a house here somewhere. It was built so fast, it's crazy! It is so big! Well, the one we had in Seattle was much bigger, but this one is okay." Zayn answered for Niall.

"Can I say anything for myself with you guys around?" Niall questioned with a grin.

I giggled and all the other guys just laughed and smirked.

"Why aren't you in school?" Niall asked me when the other guys went to go get some salsa for later.

Niall and I sat down at a table. "Why do you think I go to school?" I asked suspicious.

"Well, us guys are supposed to be in school. But we are famous, so our lawyers let us go with it." he laughed lightly.

"Well, I just didn't feel like it, I guess." I shrugged.

"Aren't you afraid that your going To get caught?" he frowned.

"I don't care if I do. My dad doesn't live with us, so yeah. And my mom doesn't believe in discipline. I'm pretty lucky about that, I guess." we laughed and got up when the boys got back with a ten pound tub of salsa.

"Whoa, are you sure we will be able to eat all that before it goes bad?" Niall asked with a chuckle.

I giggled. "Who cares?!" Liam And Zayn said at the same time. We all laughed, and went to the cash register to buy our things. Well, Niall bought my soda.

"You dont have to buy it, Niall. I have more than enough money for it."

"No, I'm buying it." he said, putting his finger on my lips.

I don't know why, but nail was only a couple inches taller than me. The top of my head reached his forehead. And he was the small one!

Luckily, I had reached my growing point. So I wasn't going To get any taller.

"ok, fine. *sigh*" I said. He rolled his eyes and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "I don't mind buying you something. Especially a one dollar soda." he chuckled. I giggled.

I overheard Harry say, "Looks like Little Niall has finally found his true love!" He said it in a girly voice.

"Shut up you guys!" Niall said, but looked at me smiling. I smiled back laughing.

I grabbed my bike, and walked it back to my house. Niall offered to walk me home. I took up the offer, of course. I didn't want to say no To CELEBRITIES!

This is where I live. I said pointing my house when we were there.

"No way! We live right there!" Louis said, pointing at the expensive house next to mine.

"Really?! My friends dad said that Normal people were going to live there! I mean, you guys ARE normal people, I just mean that-"

"don't worry, we know what you mean." Niall said. He smiled. We stood there smiling at eachother, for who knows how long!

"Hey, love birds? Uh, we gotta go before this salsa gets spoiled." Harry said. Niall rolled his eyes.

"Oh my gosh! I just had a great idea!!!!!!" Louis said.

"What Is it?" I asked. Louis stood there, looking out into space, and finally said, "What's what?" everyone rolled their eyes. "Come on, Niall. Sorry to rip you away from your girlfriend, but we have to go home." Liam said.

"She's not my girlfriend." Naill mumbled. But he looked like he was pouting- about me not being his girlfriend! I couldn't believe it! Naill liked me?! Maybe loved me!!! I tried to keep cool.

I looked at the time on my iPhone. It was only 9:34.

"You guys are going to eat salsa at nine thirty in the morning?" I asked with a smile.

"Uh, yeah?" Harry said. "That's kinda gross, no offense." I giggled. "Shouldn't you wait until like, lunch time? Maybe eleven?"

"We would if we could." Zany said, placing a hand on my shoulder. "We would if we could." He repeated.

I rolled my eyes. "Well, I guess I'll let you guys go eat your salsa. I can't go home yet, cause I think my mom has the day off today. Im just gonna go see if my best friend wants to fake being sick and ditch too." I shrugged. I didn't want to leave them, but I had to, If I didn't want to make things awkward.

"Aw, do you have to go?" Niall asked. He grabbed my hand, and gave me the cutest, sad face ever. My heart melted.

"Well, no, but you guys are going to eat your salsa." I couldn't help but giggle at what I was saying.

"Well, you two love birds figure this out, we have to put this in the fridge." Harry said. They all walked away, except for Niall. He was still holding my hand.

"Can I tell you a secret?" Niall asked. He grinned.

"What is it?" I asked. He looked around, to see if anyone was around. "I don't like salsa." he whispered. We laughed out loud. "Well, that doesn't sound like a big secret." I giggled.

"yeah. I know. Hahaha." he said. We both sighed from too much laughing, and started walking back into town.

After about 2 hours, the clock hit eleven thirty, and I was starving. "Are you hungry?" I asked Niall when as we entered the mall.

"A little. You?" he shrugged. He was just too sweet!

"Yeah. I could go for a burger, or something like that."

I smiled. Niall chuckled. "We aren't going to a fast food restaurant!" he laughed, and I laughed along. "Then where are we going?" I was curious to know where he was taking me.

Niall pulled me into an elevator, and pressed the button for the second floor. "I'm not going to tell! It's a secret!" he insisted. He was still holding my hand from tugging me into the elevator.

"so... What would you call this?" I asked when we walked out of the elevator. "What do you mean?" Niall asked with a small smile. But I knew he knew what I meant.

"I mean... What would you call what we are doing? Like, a date?" I asked. I REALLY wanted it to be a date!

Niall shrugged. "Yeah, sure." he grinned. I chuckled.

Niall frowned at me. "What?"

I looked into his eyes and said, "You know how old I am, right?" I raised my eyebrows. Niall laughed now too. "Of course I do! Your fourteen, Zoey. Were are only four years apart. I'm cool with it. Are you bothered?" he raised his eyebrows now.

I gasped. "No!!! No, I'm not bothered at all, I just um.... I was just wondering if you knew you were going on a date with a fourteen year old. You know.. Since your... Famous." I mumbled the last word.

"No, it's okay! I think your really cool, and pretty." he smiled. I grabbed my heart. "Really?" I whispered. This was any One Direction fans' dream! And mine was coming true!!

He nodded. "Really, Really." we were still standing in the elevator door way. Niall gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, and we started walking again. I couldn't keep a smile off my face.

He really liked me. He really, really, liked me! I was so ecstatic and overjoyed that I could've humped off a cliff and had still been happy through all the pain.

Niall stopped. I looked up from my daydreaming, and saw where we were. "Here we are! Spagetini!"

Spagetini was a very expensive, and fancy italian restaurant. Anyone who had money, ate here.

"Whoa! Are you really going to waste your money on me, just so I can eat a slice of pizza?" I giggled.

"Yep!" Niall popped his P. "And I'm not wasting it." he added.

We walked inside. A very exquisite man walked up to us and said in a silky voice, "May I help you, sir?"

Niall smirked and said, "Table for two, please. And can you get some extra bags of those little cracker things? My bro goes nuts for those, and I swore to him, I'd bring some home." Niall said thanks, and The man took us to our table.

Before the man left us, he gave Niall a crazy look, and walked away. "Do they even have crackers, here?" I questioned. "I dont know. But we'll find out." we laughed.

"So, why aren't you wearing, like, a disguise, or something. Not to offend you." I shook my head.

"Babe, you'll never offend me, unless you really mean to. And why should I wear a disguise? I don't care if people see me with you." he smiled. My heart sang when he called me babe. I never really had a boyfriend before. Let alone; a date.

"I don't know. Poparazzi? You were wearing a disguise at the market this morning." I pointed out.

Niall chuckled. "Well, I'm just not afraid of people knowing I have a non-famous date/girlfriend. I just don't care what people think about me. But if they say I'm an idiot, then they had just crossed the line, they just got a punch in the nose." we laughed again.

"Okay, enough about me, and the stupid celebrity junk. What about you?" he jolted his head up, as to Jesuits for me to talk.

"Well, that's not a long story. Ive lived in Turlock my whole life. I was born here, grew up here, and I still live here. My mom and dad got divorced, and my dad lives in Florida now. I go to Turlock junior high school, my teacher doesn't know what grade she's teaching, but I'm in eight grade, almost freshman year." I paused. "Is it weird to be on a date with a girl still in grade school?" Niall smiled again.

"I already told you that I'm not bothered, I don't care what people think, and whoever judges me will regret it. He grinned.

The waitress showed up and said, "Hi, I'm Tery, I'll be your server today, what can I get you, this fine day?" she had a smile that reminded me of a mouse.

I giggled inside. "Ladies first." Niall said. I rolled my eyes. "I'll just have some lasagna. I'll also have a Dr. Pepper."

Tery scribbled my order down messily, and gave Niall a smile. "And you?" she said flirtily.

"I'll have the same, but I'll have root beer." he smiled.

But his eyes didn't leave me, so he was smiling at me me :).

Tery wrote it down, and ran off. "So why did you decide to take me here?" I asked. I am the most nosy person I know!

"Well, I don't know. It's just a favorite of mine. I come here often with the guys." he shrugged. I nodded.

"What do you think the guys are doing right now?" I asked. "Probably prank calling their exes. Maybe shaving a potato and dressing it up as lady gaga." he shrugged again.

I giggled. " is that something you guys do often?" I was laughing so hard. Niall probably couldn't help it, cause he started laughing too. "No."

When we were done laughing, I said, "I'll be right back." Niall nodded. I stood up and walked towards the bathroom sign. When I reached the sign, I turned around to look at Niall. He was watching me. I bit my lip and smiled at him. He winked. I winked back.

I turned around the corner, and walked into the bathroom, and looked in the mirror. I looked okay, but I could use a touch up. I stuck my hand in my purse, and grabbed my makeup bag. I pulled out my light but dark purple eyeshadow that I was currently wearing. It matched my shirt.

I went over my old eyeshadow. Next was black eyeliner. I carefully, traced a thin line under, and above my eye. When I was done with that, I didn't even bother to mess with my mascara. I grabbed my lipgloss, and put it on, until my lips were as pink as a.... Well, a pink flower.

When I was done, I did my business, and washed my hands. I finally sprayed myself, and walked out. Whew! I only killed five minutes. Nice.

Niall watched me as I walked back. Our eyes locked, and I sat down.

"Did our food come yet?" I looked at the table, and obviously, it hadn't come yet. "Well, I don't see any food on the table, so I'm guessing no." he chuckled. I smiled. I bit my lip. I caught myself, and I looked away from his eyes.

I blushed. "Why do you do that?" he asked. I looked back at him. "Do what?" I had a serious look.

"Like, I'll be looking into your eyes and you'll do the same, but then you'll turn away and blush." he smiled lightly. It made me blush more. It was amazing how easygoing he was on dates! "I don't know, but it sounds alot like your song, what makes you beautiful." I grinned. I was so ironic.

"Yeah, it does. But you look cute when you blush, and bite your lip." he said. His British accent made my stomach flip.

"Thanks." I said smiling. "Welcome, Zoey!" he said happily.

"i guess I should compliment you back." I grinned. "I like your British accent. I think it suits you, it's really cute." I giggled.

He smiled ecstatic. "Thanks. Your voice is cute too." we laughed lightly. Our food arrived, and I couldn't wait to eat. I thanked Tery, and she walked away.

I grabbed my fork, and ate as politely as I could. Niall ate his food nicely too. I giggled when he slurped a noodle into his mouth once. "Your so gross." I giggled. "Thanks!" he said with a grin.

When we were done, Tery gave Niall the receipt. But he didn't let me see how much it all costed.

"Let's go." Niall said. He grabbed my hand and we walked out. "So where do you wanna go?" Niall asked. "How about Aeropastle?" I said excited now.

"Ok." Niall said smiling. He gave me a kiss on the cheek, and we headed for Aeropastle.

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