The Outcast

By woechesters

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How does one become on the top of Heaven's most wanted list? Well, first you really have to piss them off. It... More

Guardian Angel
Chapter 1-How to Become an Outcast
Chapter 2-I'm an Excellent Stalker
Chapter 3-Sorry, We Have a Problem.
Chapter 4-Let's Take a Little Trip
Chapter 6-Got Hand Sanitizer?
Chapter 7-96.7 Angel FM

Chapter 5-Cannibalism and Fake Ears

113 4 3
By woechesters

The boys have been arguing ever since we got back. Mostly about Sam's abilities, sometimes me, others Ruby. It's really getting on my nerves. Every time I try to pass the time by sleeping their voices seem to ring louder in my head. It's really annoying. I walk over to were they are arguing. They continue to unacknowledge me. Finally I step in between them.

"Ok guys, bedtime." I put two fingers to both their foreheads. They both collapse. "Thank you for shutting up. You were rather annoying." I say to their sleeping forms. Then I grab their feet and drag them to their beds. Hauling Dean up I dump him in his bed. Then I do the same with Sam. "Night boys." I walk over to my chair and snuggle into my blanket. After that I waste time by sleeping.

-early the next morning-

I woke up before the boys. I bet your wondering, "Why and how does an angel sleep?" Well I don't really get tired. I just sleep to pass time. And depending on where I am and how warm my blankets are I can pass a lot of time, if you know what I mean. I usually wake up at like 8:00 every morning, but sleep if just so nice.......anyway. Because I'm up before the boys I'm going to get coffee and maybe some muffins and donuts or something. When I get back the boys are still sleeping. Oh well, might as well watch tv. I turn on BBC because I like British people and the tv shows are good. Besides British people have such creative cuss words, although half of the time they only drop the f-bomb. About an hour after I woke up, Sam comes to, rubbing his eyes.

"Did you get enough beauty sleep?" I ask Sam. He looks up,

"How long have you been here?" He asks getting up. I pretend to think about it.

"All night. Since you went 'goodnight' to about an hour ago. When I went to get some food and coffee. Which is probably cold now. But you have a microwave." I say looking back to the tv. Sam walks into the kitchen area and starts making coffee. I shrug,

"There's donuts too." I say rolling sideways off of the chair, catching myself before I hit the ground. I walk over to the table and grab three donuts. Holding one out to Sam I take a bite from one of the others. He took it from me, taking a bite he turned around to pour his coffee. Leaning against the wall I watch him with a poker face I have long perfected.

"'re an angel." He states questionably.

"Nicest badass in the business. Also I'm chronically insane, with multiple personalities." I say taking a sip from my Carmel cinnamon latte. Sam looks at me like I am chronically insane.

"What?" He asks with the patented Sam-Winchester-Is-Confused-Face.

"I need a bio I can hand people when they ask who and what I am." I say mostly to myself, then I turn my attention back to Sam. "It's a long story. Have Dean give you the lowdown when you are traveling to your next gig." I smile. "I'm really terrible at introductions. My name is Zipporiah, you can call me Zip, I've been your non creepy stalker since you were like two." I then go on to talk all about me because who are we kidding? I've been with this kid his entire life, I know him better than he knows himself.

About a half an hour after I finish my bio, which I am going to write down, Dean wakes up.

"Morning Sleeping Beauty, Prince Charming hasn't knocked yet, thought I was going to have to kiss you." Dean groans and flops down face first into his pillow. I turn towards Sam who has a slightly bemused look on his face. I lean towards him and whisper, "You princesses sure need a lot of rest before you put on your tiaras." Then I walk back towards the kitchen to finish my box of doughnuts.

Dean walks in about 15 minutes later in clean clothes after his shower. The Winchesters don't fully understand the gravity of wearing pajamas. Pajamas should be worn at least all night and while eating breakfast. I am still wearing my pajamas, an oversized t-shirt and pajama shorts, which by the way match. Sam took a shower shortly after he woke up. Then he changed in to a plaid shirt, and like five other layers of unnecessary clothing. I pretty obviously still haven't taken a shower. I should take a shower, at my place, then I should look through my closet and find a really formal dress and then I should kill something and blood will splatter all over my clothes. Then I will show up at the Winchesters and spend the rest of the day creeping them out. Sorry that was random but just picture it.

"I'm going out. I'll be back in hour? Maybe later." I say grabbing a doughnut before I leave. Sam waves and Dean nods. I fly off.

After singing in the shower, I climb out and wrap a towel around my head. I put on a lacyish black bra and underwear to match. I've decided to drop the dress idea. Although it would be fun. I'll save it for another day. Instead I put on black skinnies and a shimmery gray top that fades from light gray to black and hangs off one shoulder. Appearing at the Winchesters, I lean against the door way. Sam looks up to greet me, nodding in greeting. Dean walks out of the bathroom, nodding slightly.

"So are there any cases?" I ask, Dean quickly looks up to my face. I stare at him for a moment to long. Then I look away as Sam speaks.

"Not that we found, but an old hunter friend of our dad's called. He says he needs help on a case." Sam says shutting his laptop. I nod.

"So you want me to come along? Orrrrr........?" Sam and Dean look at each other.

"Uh, we need to sort out some problems." Dean says. I nod again.

"Because it's the Winchester way to sort out family problems while driving. You know it's in the driver's manual not to do that." I chuckle as I push myself off the wall. "You guys are so screwed."

Dean and Sam frown. I laugh as I fly off.

Since I have no nothing better to do, should we stalk Sam and Dean, then show up like a complete badass and blow whatever they are hunting up? Yeah we should. Hehehe.

You guys probably don't care about what the Winchesters say or do when I'm not around, because lets face it, they're boring. Am I supposed to know this is a story? Probably not......oh well, too late. Anyway, my day was pretty good, killed some people, (not kidding), ate some food, went bowling. Just your normal day. Well mine. Because it was my day, just in case you didn't get that. I ended up burning up, not blowing up Sam and Dean's quarry. It-he, was a cannibal, a rare species of monster or something. Burned with heavenly fire. Ok, I didn't really burn him with heavenly fire, I blowtorched him. Same thing right? Well, it was fun.

At the moment Sam and Dean are having some sort of argument, about abilities, or changing. I'd better go.

Sam has "decided to give up his abilities." Like I'm actually gonna believe that. Anyway, today Team Real Fake Supernatural FBI Investigator, (Sam and Dean), and I are going to Pennsylvania to "investigate" a vampire murder. (Un)enthusiastic yay. Currently we are all in the impala and Sam is thinking about the near end of the world. How boring. I must sleep. That means I'm going to sleep. Because I'm an angel, (in both ways) I do what I please when I please, sleep isn't a must.

"And what we we doing here?" I ask looking at the scene before my eyes. We are Octoberfest. Dean grins at me, "great huh?" I give him an unimpressed look. They have changed into their FBI suits. I look at Sam and we share an Done-With-Dean's-Shit look. Shrugging I ask, "So what do you want me to be?" They looks at me confused. Rolling my eyes, I turn around to face them. "Girlfriend? Wife? Child? Anyone? I can't be another agent because it would look weird, more than two on a simple murder." Sam and Dean look at each other.

"Anyone?" Dean asks. I shrug.

"Since you two won't make up your mind, I choose." I say as I morph into a 23 year old girl with long brown hair and green eyes. I'm smaller now so my old clothes are loose on my body. Changing my clothes into a skirt that goes just past the knees, ankle boots, and a shirt with daisies on it. The necklace always stays. Nobody stares, they never do, it's like I'm unnoticeable. Sam and Dean ogle at me. Their eyes are so far out of their eye sockets that if physically possible they would be on the ground.

"Ok guys, I am your 23 year old sister, Leah. We don't see each other often so you came to visit me, and you heard about the case. Naturally I have to tag along, because you love me a lot, you watch over me. Capitch?" Sam recovers and nods. Dean doesn't recovers but still nods. Oh well, he has all ways been the slower one. "Come on, let's go." Walking over to a pretzel vender, I buy three pretzels I hand one to each of the boys. We sit at a table and check out our desired sex of people. Dean and I check out guys. oh wait, wait, he checks out girls, sorry, and Sam thinks about the end of the world. Or at least that's what I think is happening. As we eat our pretzels.

After we have finished our pretzels and checking people out, we see some sheriff guy, Sam and Dean get up, and I follow them as they do the Agent so and so. Then I am introduced as Leah, we go an examine the victim.

"Were there any witnesses?" Sam asks the officer, D-something, Dietrich, maybe.

"Only Ed, but he isn't the most reliable."

"Why?" Dean asks.

"He is the town drunk."

"Cool, can't wait to talk to him." I say turning on my heel to walk out of the morgue. Sam and Dean follow soon after.

"Well, defiantly not a vampire." Dean says after we have exited the police station.

"Are you sure about that Dean? I wasn't sure if I heard you right." I say sarcastically. Sam hides a smile. Dean glares at me. I smile in a sarcastic, innocent way. Sam interrupts out "moment".

"We should find and question this 'Ed'."

"Agreed, also where can we find some food. And vodka." I say looking around.

"Isn't it a little early for vodka?" Dean asks. I look back at him confused.

"Early? Isn't vodka an all day thing?" Both boys' eyebrows shoot up. I roll my eyes.

"High alcohol tolerance." I say walking off.

"God I hope she doesn't get wasted." I hear Dean say to Sam as they follow me.

Walking into a bar, Dean spots a waitress he saw earlier. After some tolerable flirting, Sam asks for Ed Brewer. After more flirting, with Dean claiming to be a maverick, we are pointed toward a table.

"I've told the police everything, no one believes me. Why should you?" Ed asks once we have introduced ourselves.

"Believe me, Mr. Brewer, we are different." Dean says.

Blah blah blah, Dracula, biting of neck. I was to busy staring at the other humans. Jamie, the waitress Dean was flirting with, and Lucy another waitress are talking about Ed.

Oh, we're done with Ed.

"Defiantly not our kind if case." Sam says as they walk toward a table.

"Agreed, but who cares. Room's paid for, and it's Oktoberfest. Come on brother, beer and bar wenches." Deans exclaims as they sit down. Sitting on the other side of Dean I say nothing.

"I'm pretty sure women today don't react well to the whole, wench thing." Sam says. To prove a point Dean yells "Hey, bar wench, where's that beer?" At the waitress he enjoys flirting with. Her name is Jamie.

"Coming right up good sir." She yells back.

"Dude Oktoberfest." Dean says happily. I chuckle softly. Jamie arrives with Dean's beer. After more flirting, ok guys do you serious care about what they say, because I am gonna skip ahead to the part when Dean is done flirting.

Ok past that.

To the next day when some guy is mauled by a wolf.

Maybe past that.

Ok fine I'll stop here.

"Shapeshifter." I say confidently.

"What?" Sam asks. I roll my eyes.

"While you guys were off drinking beer, flirting, and talking about virginity, I was doing actual work." I say examining my cuticles.

"You were with us the entire time." Dean says, blushing slightly. I raise my eyebrows.

Oh, while I was skipping stuff, Dean walked in on me in the shower. It was the kind of shower with the glass doors-even if it was fogged. Oh we are at the bar. Again.

"Except a few minutes ago when I went to check out both victims." I say, taking a sip from my Starbucks.

"What?" Sam asks taking a bite of his salad.

"Yeah, they were killed by a shapeshifter. I have a nose."

"You sniffed the dead bodies?" Dean state/questions.

"That's what I said. I can usually tell a lot about the cadaver. For instance, wolf food, was about to get it on with is girlfriend. He reeked of hormones, he reeked in general."

"Ew." Dean says as he pushes his hamburger away. Sam also pushes away his salad. I shrug and take a bite of kiwi from my fruit salad.

"So who's the shifter?" Sam asks.

"Not Ed. Maybe a waitress. Or someone else with connections to Jamie. Probably Lucy."

"Who?" Dean asks.

"Lucy, the other waitress. Or the one Jamie is with."

"What?" Dean is very lost. Sam explains what I just said.

"So now what?" Sam asks as we leave.

"Now we going people stalking. I'm going to have to borrow your laptop." I say as we walk out.

I was right. It was Lucy. The boys just don't listen to me. See, Dean went out on his date. He got a date. With that girl I'm more attractive than. Sam went to check out Ed. Figures. Then Lucy came and attacked Dean and Jamie, and Sam went to rescue them, plus some guy with pizza. I think he was only there to deliver it. Anyway, Sam and Dean got tied up, I had to go rescue them, Dean's date kills shapeshifter, emotional scene towards the end, Dean gets laid, I get a pineapple, Sam finishes his salad. Happily ever after.

Ok, uh that probably made no sense, I tried to make it work. Unfortunately I'm not really good with words.

I seriously hate Jamie. I don't know why. I'm not really good with human emotions. I should ponder this.

Woah! Guys! Apparently you think I'm funny. I think I'm funny too. In fact I think I'm downright hilarious. I think my laugh is hilarious. I laugh at my laugh, then I laugh at me laughing at my laugh. Then I continue laughing until my sides hurt. Then I wheeze.

I thought this chapter sucked. Except Zip smelling the dead guy.

"Cas stop smelling the dead guy."


He looks genuinely confused. Like, I can smell who I want when I want and you can stop me. Unless it's a punishment, *coughing* (yeah that kind) *more coughing*, in which case I will smell a whole ton of dead guys.

Sorry, I had to give you that image.

Oh, uh I made this thingie, for Zip. It's basically a whole ton of figments. Check it oooooouuuuuttt! Thanks.

Well, that all. *sets off fireworks, gets on unicorn, flys off into the fire works*

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