Taboo 2.0

By Looryia

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After being abandoned by her father, Delicious Franks turned to the streets for protection. Selling her body... More



13.2K 224 49
By Looryia

Sorry, I haven't been posting. Covid and the last two years was a wild rollercoaster for me mentally and physically which affected me not posting. Its crazy to think that I wrote this book over 4 years ago. I owe all my loyal readers the chance to read the completed version. This story isn't for the faint heart. Every logic and law of the universe will be broken to tell this story. Pain and pleasure will be a couple of the emotions experienced in this story. If you have the chance turn back now and don't read this story. This book will change your mind and the reader will experience intense emotions. The abandoned wolf cub will become the leader of a greater pack but with great responsibility comes great pains. You have been warned. Get ready to read TABOO..........

Does GOD play tricks on people? Or is it people that place themself in the fucked up situations, due to their own ignorance than blame GOD. Every human decision with the intent to improve seemed to be blocked off by some mysterious force at some point in time. Was it God, the universe, or just human interference! Whatever it is, it did not play fair to anyone but those who it choose to bless.

Shagari Kits always felt like God was always playing with her life. It felt like God hated her! Hate was a very strong word but Shagari believed that GOD really hated her. Instead of blessing her, he cursed her. All her life she faced nothing but pain and misery. The only thing she got in return was hurt. Shagari hurled curses at GOD for giving her such a miserable life. Some people grew up with diamonds and pearls but she received crumbs. Sometimes she didn't even get crumbs sometimes she got nothing. How come everyone got nice cars, nice houses, nice purses and Shagari received none of that. The only way to get that was through the streets......

At a young age, she lost her father and turned to the streets. The streets were there for her when she had nowhere to stay, no food to eat, no money, it provided all the things that she wanted but for a price. The streets were vicious to her and didn't treat her well at all. Lying, stealing, scamming, and fucking for a bag were Shagari's only motivations; she had no one to lean on but herself sadly and it took her a long time to comprehend that.

This exposed Shagari to the bitter and cruel streets of Charlotte. There was nothing to eat in the house after her father had left in a hurry; he only kissed her on the forehead and mumbled about how much he loved her. She remembered seeing a nervous expression on his face as he ran out of the house. Shagari waited for him as long as her little heart could, days passed then months passed until a year approached. Since she had no father, Shagari had to fend for herself.

The house she was living in went into foreclosure. The police were called to the home by her nosey ass neighbors causing Shagari to be sent to a foster care home. When they found her she weighed less than 80 pounds and was malnourished. All the bones in her body were showing and her skin became loose due to being malnourished. She looked like someone who had just been on a drug fest. Dark scars and pimples ravished her boney body and a foul order followed.

Foster care wasn't the best experience for Shagari, she was constantly bullied by the other children because she was darker. They would taunt her by calling her "darkie" and "doo-doo" while stealing her food then beating on her right after. That day Shagari vowed to not let them harm her again. She complained to the staff at the foster home but they did nothing, all they did was put the children in solitary confinement and give her a piece of candy as an apology.

To add more injury to insult, the children that bullied her came back and bullied her even more. Tired of the abuse, Shagari ran away after staying there for a few months.

At 14, Shagari sold her body to a 52-year-old man. She was so hungry that she would have done anything for some money. After leaving the foster care, she had nowhere to go, she roamed the streets for days until it became weeks. Begging worked a few times but one meal a day didn't do much for her, she was still hungry.

Shagari hadn't eaten for days and it was really starting to get to her, it felt like she was going to faint if she didn't eat something. She knew she couldn't steal from the corner store anymore because she already got caught 3x and knew if she got caught again she would go back to jail.

A man in a black Cadillac approached her and asked her if she wanted to make some quick cash. The man didn't look like a creep at all he looked like he could be someone's father, he looked so sweet and nice so Shagari thought?

Young and inexperienced, Shagari agreed and took a ride from the man. He bought her food at a local McDonald's. He bought her so much food that Shagari ate like it was her last meal. The man gave her a dark look when he noticed that she licked her fingers after she ate her food. Shagari complained about not having a place to stay and the man agreed to take her to a hotel to rest.

Shagari thought that she would be sleeping and take a proper shower but the man had other plans. The man actually admitted that he just wanted to have some sex for and would pay her. He kept on staring at her with a nervous expression on his face almost as if he was scared just like she was. Shagari knew she needed the money and reluctantly agreed to his request. She was really scared because this was her first time ever being introduced to sex.

Pure agony was all Shagari could feel as her precious body was ripped apart by the man. Like a frozen fish, Shagari stayed still as the man pounded into her tiny body. It was like the man lost all control as he touched her body. His hands roamed her frame, exposing her soft body to the man, every inch of her body was uncovered, she could hide nothing from him.

His black lips whispered his darkest desires about how he wanted to fuck her body till it was no more. Hot tears fell down her face as the man kept on ramming his dick inside of her. When the man finished, he simply threw the money at her face and left. Before he left he didn't forget to call Shagari a hoe and spit in her face.

Shagari cried and cried until she felt no more tears could fall out of her eyes. That very same day, Shagari cursed God and asked him Why? Why would he do this to her? Why would he let her father leave her? Why would did her life have to be so hard? With no one to protect her Shagari discovered that she was the only one to defend herself.

In this cold world, there was no such thing as friends. Everyone Shagari thought would protect her or be there for her during tough times left her. No one helped her at all they only used her for her money.

Her boyfriend? That man only used her for money and sex. Young and naïve Shagari fell for the young drug dealer named Kris. He really wasn't shit. Kris and Shagari meet at a strip club and linked up after a few months. Shagari felt like she met the love of her life, he always took care of her and always whispered about how he loved her, at least in the first few months of dating.

Kris was the type of dude that would use the drug that he was supposed to sell. Shagari was always the one that came to his rescue; she had to sell her body to pay off his debts that kept on rising by each day. Shagari learned at Kris wasn't who he said he really was only a liar and a cheater.

At 16, Shagari already had over 30 partners that number increased while she stayed with Kris. Sometimes Shagari wondered what she saw in him, he wasn't even that cute and he didn't even know how to fuck her right.

While the money kept rolling in, her boyfriend used the money to do more drugs and beat her at the same time. He beat her until she was black and blue, it was like he was angry with her and Shagari had no clue why. Sometime he would beat her so bad that she would wake up to men raping her.

But God had other plans for her relationship with Kris. One day, Kris was making a drug bust and was shot in the head four times and in the chest 12 times. It was like Shagari lost all hope, the man she loved was knowing dead. She cried so much that she lost her voice for a whole month.

Her friends? Shagari only had one friend named, Sarah. That evil ass bitch. If Shagari knew what she would to her earlier, she would have never been friends with her at all. The two meet after tricking on the street for some money and became close friends. After Kris died, Shagari learned that Sarah had been sleeping with her man for years. They were using her for her money to take care of their kids. Yes, kids, Sarah and Kris had 4 kids together. They made a plan together to use Shagari for her money.

"Yes, we fucked and we have kids. What the fuck are you going to do about it!" Sarah laughed. Angered, Shagari attacked her at the funeral. She was so angry that all she could see was black. She beat that woman's ass so hard that it took over 10 people to pull her away. Shagari wanted that bitch dead or alive; she wanted her to feel her pain that Kris caused.

Everyone at the funeral was screaming and looking at Shagari in disgust. For they all knew she was a prostitute. Shagari wanted to lower her head and give them the response they wanted but she did not do that all. Shagari held her head high with blood all over her white dress and slapped the shit out of Kris's dead body as she spat on him. She was so angry that she wished she had been the one that killed him. This nigga played the fuck out of her, he beat her, cheated on her, and lied to her. A part of Shagari was happy that nigga was dead.

The audience gasped and looked at her in disgust. Shagari gave everyone the middle finger and took off all her clothes. The stares of disgust, lust, and shock as they looked at her. If she was going to embarrass she was going to go all out. She walked through the aisle of the funeral home with a bright smile on her face.

Leaving the funeral naked, Shagari had no more regret in her heart. Her only friend betrayed her and her dead boyfriend was sleeping with her. Later she was arrested for nudity and aggravated assault but since she was a juvenile her charges were decreased. She was charged and had to do 1 year in jail and 1 year of probation including community service.

That day Shagari's heart had grown cold. Love didn't exist. Care didn't exist. Nothing exists but heartache.

And Kris's Family? They all knew that he was messing with Sarah for a very long time. Supposedly Sarah was his high school sweetheart the whole time. Everyone in the family claimed Shagari was the actual mistress.

Soon after serving time, Shagari moved to Florida. She needed to start something new. Back home in North Carolina, there was too much drama back in Charlotte, bitches wanted to fight her and niggas claiming she owed them money when it was actually Kris that owed them money. Deciding to move to Miami, Shagari removed all traces of herself in Charlotte, she came to Miami trying to start her life over.

Unfortunately being 20 years old with no high school diploma made things harder for her. The first thing Shagari did was change her name to Delicious Franks because she wanted to. She wanted to have a name that was different but plain.

Staying at a luxury hotel was getting to be really expensive for Delicious. Of course it wasn't her money that she used, it was money that she stole from peoples credit cards. It was over $1500 per night and her money was running out. She had about $4000 left in her bank account and she needed to pay for other necessities. Delicious refused to work at McDonald's or any fast food place. She needed some money and fast. If those bitches in the street deserved to have nice cars, shoes, and clothes why couldn't Delicious have it too?!!

Delicious didn't know whether it was God or the devil that heard her pleas but she met a strange woman randomly as she was walking the street while she was job hunting. Everywhere she went, she got denied one because she had no high school diploma and she lost her social while coming down to Miami how could her luck get any worse. 

This woman screamed rich bitch, a strong smell followed behind the women. The smell seemed to be cinnamon based when she came in close proximity to her. Just being next to this woman, Delicious was able to ingest her smell. This woman gave rich bitch vibes. Everything about her screamed rich and highly classy. Even the way she moved her body looked elegant. The woman's red hair was pinned up in a bun while her Dior shades covered half of her wide face. The woman wore a suit adorned with gold jewelry almost as if she practiced the Yoruba religion. The gold that covered her arms and neck looked like she was bitten by king Midas himself. Her dark brown eyes glowed as she looked at Delicious.

Delicious almost felt insecure looking at this woman. Her sharp gaze read Delicious's body language completely. The woman smiled before replying in a strong accent that made Delicious's mouth drop," What's your name laddy!"

The woman was actually Irish and her accent was very strong. Delicious paused before saying," Delicious!'

She wasn't Shagari anymore that was the old version of herself. The version of herself she left in Charlotte. 

"Delicious! That's a nice name for a nice lad like your self!" Mama D's sharp Irish accent exclaimed as Delicious shook her hand.

A sharp chill ran down, Delicious's spine when she met this woman. Something about her gave her a weird vibe,  and she had a dark aura around her. She had a cashmere smile on her face, most people would have a mean mug but this woman would smile and laugh in your face while plotting on you. Delicious didn't know how this woman enticed her but she could admit that she was a smooth talker. Before, Delicious knew it she was in Mama D's car and she took her home and gave her a place to stay.

She took her shopping and made sure she was well taken care of while living under her roof. She made her feel like she was special but Delicious one that some things were too good to be true.  That two story mansion was a little two big for one person to live by themself. Mama D left Delicious to her own in the house and didn't ask her to do anything but just accompany her almost like a escort. Delicious was young but she wasn't dumb anymore no woman would be spending 15k on a woman without any cause. Every time she tried to speak and ask her about what this whole situation was, Mama D would simply ignore her.

In an expensive restaurant in Miami, Delicious sat across from Mama D in an expensive couture gown from Dior. The dress was tight on her body showing off her curves and enhanced her breast making them look bigger than they really were. Her gold accent Tom Ford heels glistened under the table as Delicious slanted her leg towards the edge. Mama D and Delicious said nothing to each other as the two ate their food. The both of them ate in silence but would speak to the waiter if they asked them something.

Annoyed, Delicious lifted up her head to look at Mama D. Delicious had to admit that she looked good for her age. Her tan skin filled with light freckles and moles contrasted against her white suit. Mama D looked like a woman of mixed complexion with a very large button nose but her almond eyes increased her beauty. Mama D grabbed a wine glass full of white wine and looked at Delicious from the side of her eye.

"I know women like you, very well?" Mama D spoke breaking the silence. Delicious raised her eyebrow and hummed and took a small sip of wine. Delicious relaxed but inside she was mentally screaming. The conversation. The truth. The real reason. Delicious wanted to know what Mama D wanted from her.

"And what does that mean?" Delicious asked as she leaned in towards the table. Mama D laughed and replied, " You women are just hoes. Hoes who have nothing and expect people to give them stuff!"

Delicious almost spilled the wine in her mouth and sighed deeply. She placed the wine glass down and looked at Mama D in shock who was this hoe talking to. Mama D smiled and saw that she rilled up Delicious before saying," But I am the type of woman who needs hoes like you! You sleep with men you get money that easy!"

Delicious laughed before saying," Who says I'm a hoe?"

Mama D gave Delicious a bitch please look before saying," You know as well as I do that you aint no virgin and one man aint hit that coochie?"

Delicious slammed her hand on the table and gritted out in annoyance," What the fuck do you want from me? You've been giving money, putting me in your house, and doing all this shit! The dresses, the shoes, the clothes. What do you really want from me?"

Mama D hummed as she took a bite of her steamed vegetables before saying," You. Lets not be dumb I'm not giving you my money and buying you stuff for me. Eventually you have to pay me back!"

"Oh so know I owe you! I don't owe you shit!" Delicious shouted as she stood up and left the restaurant.  Mama D sighed before she elegantly left her table and followed Delicious outside. There was a dark smile on her face as she walked to her. 

Delicious was walking down the street cursing and yelling. Mama D walked behind Delicious and in 10 paces she caught up to her.

"Fuck this shit!"

"Fuck you!"

"Fuck you D!"

Seeing a alley, Mama D grabbed Delicious by the arm and put her in a full nelson. Delicious tried to scream but D kicked her in the back causing her to scream out in pain. Delicious screamed out," What the fuck!"

A dark look formed in Mama D's eyes as she whispered in Delicious's ear," You owe me some money little girl! And I am going to get my dollar back each and every dime! So you are going to work for me now. If I tell you to jump you jump. If I tell you to fly you fly. You are starting to piss me off. Starting tomorrow You'll need to start paying your debt!"

Delicious was in shock that this crazy lady would grab her like that. Delicious grunted and tried to move but her body was locked. Every time she tried to move out of her grasp it got tighter. Delicious grunted out," And if I say no?"

"Ill kill you!" Mama D replied sharply. Delicious looked up and saw a red dot on her chest. D's hot breathe hit Delicious's neck. Fear ran through her body. All things that glitter aren't gold. Delicious wish she didn't accept this woman's advance's at all. 

"And how do I pay off this debt," Delicious grunted out. Mama D grunted before saying," I have a good eye for picking out hoes. I have a feeling your gonna be one of my best. You're gonna sell your body until you pay off my debt!"

As soon as Mama D said those words, she dropped Delicious. Delicious started to groan as tears fell out her eyes. Delicious glared at D as she rubbed her neck. D saw her look and laughed, she knew Delicious was made but she was doing the best for her. Mama D glared coldly at Delicious and said," When you're done come back in the restaurant! Well talk more inside!"

Mama D walked away leaving Delicious to her own thoughts. Delicious thought about what she said and sobbed. She already had no family. No mother, no father, no friends, no nothing. A small tear fell out of her right eye when she thought about the hardships she had to endure. Delicious huffed and hoped she didn't end up regretting her decision. Unfortunately, Delicious did end up regretting her decision. She soon found out that she wasn't special at all. She found out there were other women that Mama D bought to her side.

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