Hell Halloween

By TheylovingB

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134 Days until halloween
133 days until halloween
132 days until halloween
131 days until halloween
130 days until halloween
128 days until halloween
50 days until halloween
49 days left until halloween
48 Days Left Until Halloween
47 days until halloween
46 Days Left Until Halloween

129 days until halloween

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By TheylovingB

Tasha POV

After being the first one to wake up after talking about how we going to keep each other safe since it's a bad a neighborhood I wanted to just make everyone breakfast out of the kindness of my heart so as I was getting the skillet ready I saw a note taped to the window so I quickly snatched the note from off the window and examined the note

Just because you move in a serial killer house that doesn't mean you'll be safe 😈 -tony

So after I got done reading the note I yelled EVERYONE GET DOWN HERE NOW so everyone woke up and ran down here "what's going on ?" Tiara said our friendly buddy tony left us a note then I handed it to trini "just because you move in a serial killer house that doesn't mean you'll be safe 😈 -tony" trini said he's probably Fucking with us "you think 🤔" tiny said "look ion know what's wrong with this dude but I think what he trying to tell us is moving here is a big mistake and the killer will come after us" tiara said how about we do some research on tony and Michael they probably have an connection so tiny immediately got her laptop and search Tony waggler as soon as his name pops up and we was shocked by the results 😦😦😦

We all was shocked and Dylan was soo hurt "so what you trying to tell me is tony was tiny was ex boyfriend" Dylan said yes and more information says that Our father killed Michael because tony killed tiny brother because he was finna use a gun but Michael gunned him down before tony did even anything to him and nick (tiny brother last words) was Imma gonna kill you for hurting my sister then tony dropped his gun so before nick killed him tony shot him in the head then Ryan just shot tony in the neck and Michael ran in the woods and Ryan tackled him and slice his throat and what's the most shocking part is Tony is Michael Myers son "so our father murder Michael Myers on Halloween of 1987" tiara said yes 2 months before trini was born then I look at tiny and her eyes was so watery then she started crying so me and Dylan comfort her "WHY MY BROTHER" tiny said then everyone gave tony a hug "THIS ISN'T FAIR😭 MY ONLY BROTHER 😭" tiny said then she started to scream then Dylan took her to the room

Tiny POV

Just hearing about how my brother died really hurt me super bad because dad will always tell me I'll tell you the reason why your brother die but it really hurts when it comes from the sister that really didn't know him Dylan gave me a hug "your brother is in a better place 😔🕊🙏🏽" Dylan said can you drive me to Elmhurst Graveyard I need to go see him "of course" Dylan said so we was gathering our things together and I ran downstairs went straight to the car but tiara stopped me and gave me a hug and gave me a pocket knife "just in case you seek any danger around you" tiara said Thank you Sister then I got in there car "you ready babe" Dylan said yes I am then we pulled off the curved

20 minutes later

Then we pull up to the graveyard and my baby looked at me "take all the time you need baby" Dylan said so I gave him a kiss on the cheek and got out the car and walked to nicks grave and when I got there and saw his grave I started to cry but I had to stop the tears 😭 and I was lookin at the sky 🌌 while I was touching his headstone you got a lil one on the way brother a big baby boy💙👶🏽 or princess girl💓👶🏽 Imma name the boy after you Nickolas junior justice 😍💙 then I heard babe yell from the car "that's a good name baby for the boy💙" Dylan said then I was Naija Kaśh Justice 💓👶🏽 "that's a good name for the girl😭😍" Dylan said I hope your proud at me for coming this far and not giving up i miss you soo much brother save me a seat next to you ❤️ I love you forever then I blew a kiss at the starry night 🌌 then walked back to the car and my baby gave me a hug "he's proud of you baby" Dylan said thank you baby he would've like you "but he liking me from heaven" Dylan said then I hold his hand and he put the keys in the ignition then pulled off the curve

4 minutes later

As we was down the street from the house I received a message from a unknown message so I opened it and it said This is only the beginning -Tony then I saw a truck and it hit the back of car badly to the point it flipped my last words was Dylan

Then everything went black

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