My New Life

By sly_blue120

140K 2.3K 504

This is a story about a boy named Kc who learns things can always get worse as he looses his parents, grandpa... More

chapter one
chapter two
Chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter 6
Chapter 7
dear dairy
chapter 8
trailer one for after sumer break
Kaylon and Max
chapter 9
chapter 11
Chapter 12 plus Halloween special
chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
Christmas special
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
important announcement!!!

chapter 10

2.6K 61 2
By sly_blue120

A new hope

Note: That is Max and his Hitman stuff

We made are way to the spare bedroom. It had a huge king sized bed with black and blue bed sheets.

I look around amazed at this room its amazing until my face hit the dark oak wooden floor i moan in slight pain cus my bones are still bruised. "You think you can get away with what you did Kaylon? NO and i don't care what they say you'll still get one!" Max said.

"Kaylon take your shirt off, take your pants off, and take you boxers off." Max said his eyes becoming hollow showing almost no emoticon as the grip on my hair became looser. I followed his orders silently whimpering at how chilly the air was.

"Now lay on the bed in an X shape!" Max demanded a smirk peeking its why on his face. I slowly obey making my way onto the bed as I feel his glare beating down on me, laying down i realize on the bed frame are hand cuffs max attaches my hand and feet to the bed polls.

he unbottens his and takes his cock out that is around 9.6 inches and very thick.

That night

"Kaylon come here!" Max yelled pounding the oak table hardly beside him. He was laughing with a devilish smerk plasterd on his dark face.

"Thats them!" Kaylon thought aloud. Recognizing the old lady and her granddaughter. Both laughing and pushing each other.

"Kaylon you know what to do so I'm gonna be going home....okay?" Max said.

Reaching around Kaylon tightly pulling him into a hug. As he whispered "you know what will happen if you run away..."

Kaylons heart beat spead up rapidly.
As Max's grip loosened as he slowly walked away. Stoping to look at Kaylon for a brief moment. Kaylon quietly and gently followed them till they turned around to see him.

"Are you following us?" The siw year old said her head slightly tilting to the right as the grandmother turns. The wind hits with a hard in packed. The burning feeling of adrenaline hitting as kaylon went through what he was supposed to do.

~I can't kill them!? I should try and save myself then Yukka.... But if I fail I could die!~

"Mmm?" Kaylon hummed his fingers taping his baggy pants. Looking into the six year olds eyes he seen his sister and his brother than he seen the past and the fact there gone.

"Sir are you following me and my grandchild?" The old lady said.

"Umm excuse me but can you help me?" Kaylon said his hands shaking as he rubbed his hands together.

"What is it........ Speak?" She asked and waited a moment after he didn't respond sje demanded an answer.

"Can you help me I was kidnapped and I'm really scared!" He replied louder then he's spoken in months.

"Are you being serious if so follow us to the police station?!" The old lady said loudly. As he felt a glare hitting him he ran fastly to them. Passing an alley way a block from the police station a hand grabbed him roughly dragging him into the alley. A fist roughly hit his nose right away he felt blood hitting his busted lip a punch to his stomach made him tumble over.

"I FUCKING WARNED YOU. YOU FUCKING LITTLE BITCH!" Max yelled anger reflected in his deep voice. His face was almost completely hidden from the light because of the shadows in the alley way. The small glimpse he got of Max's face was more then enough he knew he might not get out of this alive.

Once again he'd have too use his last resort his body the only thing worth offering.... Not that anyone really even wants it the broken vessel he carrys around daily. A tear falls as a kick blasts into his stomach but this time harder then normal. Kaylon coughs blood traild the alleys pathment.

Max harshly grabs Kaylon by the arm pulling him up he grabs a chunk of his hair Kaylon trys to grab Max's arm to stand straight. Till he feels the wall getting closer Max takes another swing against the wall with Kaylons head. The world started spinning as Max dragged him through the alley all the way 'home'.

A day later

"You can't keep him locked in a room for a month he needs food!" Sam yelled at Max stommping his feet like a baby.

"Fine..... I'll talk to him." Max said dread showing on his face knowing he did somthing wrong but his bunny had done somthing wrong he told on him. So those two had to die by getting beaten to death. Max walked to the room he left Kaylon in only to hear soft sob's comming from the other end of the door.

"Kaylon I'm really sorry for what i did can I come in?" Max asked. Walking into the room to see koylon there crying with puffy red eyes. Kaylon's eye's met with Max's. There was no anger just guilt.

"Kaylon I'm sorry but you know what you did was really bad thats why this happened." Max's started as he walked to Kaylon. Sitting beside him he placed a small kiss on his cheek. Kaylon blindly hugged Max knowing that this was a cycle that would never stop. This was his life he hugged Max even though everything hurt baddly.

"Do you want me to bring you something to eat?" Max asked a small smile showing on his face. Kaylon said yes and Max brought lunch in for him. Kaylon looked at the food before him it wasn't a soup. So he got worried he never got to eat something like this.

"Its not poisoned eat it." Max replied watching Kaylon and the plate of eggs and bacon hash have a staring contest. You see what Kaylon was worried about was that there was somthing in it and Max's guess was on spot.

Note: thank you all for reading 💖💖

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