A New Past

By catalinacontreras15

271 27 3

"Maybe one day they will realize they're wrong, and despite what they are doing, I pray God shows mercy on th... More

The letter
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 6 Pt. 2
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 pt.1
Chapter 26 Pt. 2
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 11

5 1 0
By catalinacontreras15

(Not Ro, but that's the blue dress she wears.)


"Wha- What was that for?"

"You have to eat, right" Luca pulled the chair to the side of the bed and placed his feet on the bed frame.

"Well yeah..." Ro pulled herself up and sat in the bed. To her right was a silver tray filled with food. There was two eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, a fresh fruit cup, orange juice, and espresso.

She quickly went for the espresso. It smelled heavenly. She only stopped sniffing it when when she saw Luca looking at her with a face saying, "that's kinda wierd." She took a sip of the offer and instantly felt a bolt of energy run though her. She grabbed a grape from the small plate, and gave Luca a small smile.

She grabbed a piece of toast and took large bites, before chewing and clearing her throat. "Thanks."

"Your welcome." Ro and Luca's eyes met. His hair fell over his eyes slightly. His blue eyes captured her own in a stare. In this light he didn't seem like the beast she had met before. It was only now that she truly noticed how attractive he was.

His lips slightly moved into a small, almost unnoticeable smile. Ro felt her cheeks warm up and her chest was thumping even louder than before. Did he notice?

"You done?" Ro's eyes widened and she stuttered out a few words.

Luca continued trying to hold back a laugh, "with breakfast?.. I thought we could go for a walk in the gardens, since we didn't get to finish last time."

"Um-Okay sure.."

"Okay I'll meet you at the stairs in 30 mins."

"I'll only need 10. It doesn't take that long for me."

"Still take your time. I know it takes a while for girls."

Luca walked out of the room and Ro closed the door. She thought about what he said and couldn't but be a little disappointed. She couldn't fully trust him yet, she had to be wise. She had been right. It had only take her 10 minutes to get ready. There was still 20 minutes left, and she was bored out of her mind.

There was a whole box mull of cosmetics, but she rarely used them. She saw some eyeliner and lip gloss and thought it would be kinda nice to dress up a bit. She did a sharp wing, put some mascara on, used the foundation and summed the entire look with a little lip gloss. She looked in the mirror and was pretty happy with it. She had 5 mins left. She quickly grabbed a rubber band and tied her hair in a high ponytail before heading out the door.

Luca was already waiting at the steps. He was wearing a dark blue dress shirt and black dress pants. He had a silver watch on his left arm. He seemed so calm as always, but focused on something else.

Luca P.O.V.

I heard her coming down the stairs. My watch marked 2 minutes till 1. I looked up to meet her eyes, but was too struck. She looked beautiful. Her light blue dress showed off her waist ,and her hair made her look sophisticated, but intriguing. She didn't realize I saw this, but she bit her lip, showing she was nervous. This made her even cuter. She looked so innocent, but mature. I tried to catch myself and fix my composure.

Why was I feeling like this? I shouldn't feel that way for her, anyone but her.

But I couldn't help it. "You look beautiful."

"Oh thank you. You gave me extra time so I decided to dress up a bit"

We walked towards the garden in a comfortable silence. I could tell she wanted to say something, but was holding it back. I tried to think of something to say, but like the coward I am sometimes, I didn't.

We passed the tree she had admired before and made it to the stream. We walked up the bridge and stopped in the middle. She held on to the railing and stared at the water. She finally looked at ease.

I cleared by throat and turned to her. "Do you like it?"

She looked surprised, but quickly regained her thoughts. "I love it. I've always loved the outdoors. I would always.. Nevermind it's dumb."

She put her down and frowned. The impulse I had kept pushing me to ask her. So I did. "What is it?"

"It's nothing trust me."

"C'mon just say-"

"No I swear it's-"

I exploded yelling,"Fine! Jeesh then don't say It! Just don't bring something up to just annoy me by not saying what it is."

Her eyebrows lowered and she scoffed at me remark. She looked away trying to hold back her words. "You know this is getting really annoying."


"YOU! You're so bipolar. You don't have to explode on me like that. I dont need your pity or your help anyway."

"You better watch yourself. Remember without my help you'd be dead already."

"Help? What help? "

"I still guard you and make sure your safe. I take time out of my day to helo."

Ro looked furious and came even closer to me. "I didn't ask you to! I hate being here, especially with you!

"Fine then go ask my dad for a new guard cause I'm done. Ask him as your daily question." I turned around and started walking back to the estate.

I didn't get very far before she yelled, " Questions?! He doesn't even let me ask questions. He's always busy and no one will give me the answers I want!"

I turned around and put on a fake concerned face. "Aww and what is it you want to know princess?"

We were at the edge of the lake at this point and grabbed a few pebbles and started throwing them at me. I managed to block them, but some were larger and did hit my stomach.

"Hey!!", I yelled.

I grabbed her arm and held it back. With my other hand I grabbed her other arm. She kept pushing and fighting to get out my hold. She clenched her jaw and looked straight into my eyes.

She glared at me, "If your going to kill me then just do it now."

I instantly let her go and took a step back. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know if she was brave or plain stupid. She couldn't know the truth about why she was here. Not yet.

"I'm not going to kill you."

"Then why am I here?"

"I'm not the one who will tell you."

"Fine! Then I'll just leave."

"That's not gonna happen. First I won't let you, but even if I did you would be dead before you get outside the borders."

She glared so intently at me that I believe she was going to strike me. To my surprise she just sat on the ground. She held her face in her hands and groaned," I just wanna go home."

I sat down next to her and just stared into the water.

"You're definitely not like other girls, " I chuckled.

She looked up at me. "How so?"

"In every way. You're not girly and quiet."

"I'm not. I don't really do makeup and hair, and I like to speak my mind when I can. And for being loud. I'm just loud. Heck my whole family is loud."

We both laughed until the comfortable silence fell on us again. I hadn't realized the time until the sun was beginning to set. We raced home in time for dinner and then I walked her upstairs as usual. We stood by the door for a moment. She gave a small smile, and I responded with one as well.

I took a deep breaths and closed my eyes for a second. She was just about to go in when I muttered, "Hey, um." Fixing my posture I continued sternly, "Thanks for giving me a busy day."

She laughed as she said,"Uh, you're welcome."

Then I did something I never expected to do. I leaned in and kissed her cheek.


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