𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭: 𝐀𝐥𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞�...

By aguycalledrey

172K 2.5K 3.1K

Y/n Custer is your run-of-the-mill adolescent who currently lives in Japan. What ISN'T so average about him... More

Chapter 1: Getting into U.A.
Chapter 2 - Results
Chapter 3 - Quirk Apprehension Test
Chapter 4 - Quirk Apprehension Test - Part 2
Chapter 5 - Combat Training
Chapter 6 - USJ - Part 1
Quick Question
Chapter 7 - USJ - Part 2
Quick Question #2
Chapter 9 - U.A Sports Festival - Prologue
Chapter 10 - U.A Sports Festival
A/N #2
Chapter 11 - The Cavalry Battle
It's Happening Again
Bio: Reworked
The Beasts

Chapter 8 - The Date (Lemon)

10.4K 117 176
By aguycalledrey

A/N: By the way, this is my first ever lemon, so I apologise if it isn't that good. Anyways, onwards with the story.

The same Saturday as the USJ incident, Y/N and Mina went out on their date. Funnily enough, they were being followed by some of the patrons of Class 1-A, i.e. Midoriya; Bakugo; Iida; Kirishima; Mineta; Kaminari; Uraraka; Yaoyorozu; Tsuyu, and Jiro.

Meanwhile, Y/N and Ashido were just strolling around, holding onto one another, whilst on their date.

Mina: I'm getting hungry...

Y/N: No worries, I know a place.

That said, Y/N picked up Mina bridal style, and ended up jumping roof-to-roof, and in a matter of seconds, they were outside of a restaurant.

Having put Mina down, the lovers went into the restaurant, where one of the waiters was there.

Waiter: Hello sir. May I escort you to your table?

Y/N: Yes please, and thank you, kind sir.

That said, the pair went to a two-seater table, and sat down.

Mina: So what're you having?

Y/N: Just some katsudon, that's all.

Mina: Oh, me too then!

Afterwards, the waiter came to them, with his notebook ready.

Waiter: Are you ready to order sir and madam?

Y/N: Yeah, we'll have two bowls of katsudon please sir.

Waiter: Very well then. We'll be back to you shortly with your meal.

After he went off, Mina and Y/N decided to talk about a few interests that they had in common.

Y/N: Quick question: Would you rather, be a werewolf or a vampire?

Mina: Probably werewolf. I'd be a vampire if they didn't burn in sunlight.

Y/N: Good idea.

Mina: So...about what happened in the USJ...

Y/N: Hmm?

Mina: When you broke the guy's back and burnt everyone else alive...that wasn't you, was it?

Y/N: ...No. It was a demon in possession of my body. Four, to be exact. One which is hot-blooded; another who goes around flirting with women; another one which is as strong as a bear, and goes looking for people stronger than him, and one that likes drawing; dancing and animals.

Mina: I see...

Whilst they were talking, the waiter came with their meals.

Waiter: Sir, madam. Your meals.

Mina: Sweet!

Y/N: Thank you, kind sir.

That said, Y/N took out a wallet of his, and paid for the meal, with an extra tip.

Waiter: Pleasure to be of business, sir.

The waiter then bowed to them, only for Y/N to get up, and bow back, before the waiter gets up and leaves.

Y/N then sits down, and he & Mina then proceeded to dig into their meals, finishing minutes after.

Y/N: That was probably the best meal I had in a while.

Mina: Agreed.

Then the next thing that they knew, the lights went out, confusing the two, and then, there was a microphone on a stand in the centre of the restaurant, with a karaoke going on.

Y/N: Wha...

Mina: A karaoke? Yay!

-Y/N's POV-

That said, Mina got up and pulled me along onto the stage, where there were two microphones.

Y/N: ...remind me why we're doing this again?

Mina: Well, I like music, one. Two, you said you had one of those ghosts in you that likes singing.

Y/N: DANCING, not singing.

Mina: Oh...sorry.

Y/N: But, I will make an exception this time.

That said, we both got up on stage, and then we started singing, with the music playing:


Hey, I was doing just fine before I met you
I drink too much and that's an issue but I'm okay
Hey, you tell your friends it was nice to meet them
But I hope I never see them again

I know it breaks your heart

Moved to the city in a broke down car
And four years, no calls
Now you're looking pretty in a hotel bar
And I can't stop

No, I can't stop

So baby pull me closer in the backseat of your Rover

That I know you can't afford
Bite that tattoo on your shoulder
Pull the sheets right off the corner
Of the mattress that you stole
From your roommate back in Boulder
We ain't ever getting older

We ain't ever getting older

We ain't ever getting older


You look as good as the day I met you
I forget just why I left you, I was insane
Stay and play that Blink-182 song
That we beat to death in Tucson, okay

I know it breaks your heart

Moved to the city in a broke down car
And four years, no call
Now I'm looking pretty in a hotel bar

And I can't stop
No, I can't stop

Y/N & Mina:

So baby pull me closer in the backseat of your Rover

That I know you can't afford
Bite that tattoo on your shoulder
Pull the sheets right off the corner
Of the mattress that you stole
From your roommate back in Boulder
We ain't ever getting older

We ain't ever getting older
We ain't ever getting older

So baby pull me closer in the backseat of your Rover

That I know you can't afford
Bite that tattoo on your shoulder
Pull the sheets right off the corner
Of the mattress that you stole
From your roommate back in Boulder
We ain't ever getting older

We ain't ever getting older (we ain't ever getting older)
We ain't ever getting older (we ain't ever getting older)
We ain't ever getting older (we ain't ever getting older)
We ain't ever getting older

We ain't ever getting older
No, we ain't ever getting older

By the time we finished, everyone in the restaurant stood up and gave us a round of applause, cheering and whistling for us.

Y/N: Hey Mina?

Mina: Hm?

Y/N: Can I try a song by myself, if that's okay with you?

Mina: Sure! Go ahead!

Y/N: Thanks!

When Mina got off of the stage, I took a guitar and went and put on a personal favourite song of mine.

Y/N: Alright, who's ready?

Everyone cheered yes, but Mina's cheer outshone them all.

Y/N: Alright, let's go.

-3rd Person POV-

That said, Y/N put on the song of his choice:

(A/N: Go check out Jonathan Young's Youtube channel. He does cover songs which are amazing, especially this, which is his very first original, which I'm in love with.)


I've been scared to stop and survey
All the choices that I made
Like I've barely beat addiction
But I keep the price I paid

Everyone starts to tap along to the beat, swaying from side to side.

And if I'm older, if I'm jaded
And now that I've made it for so long
Playing someone else's game
And singing someone else's song

And if my pencil and my anger
Can't agree to summarize
If I'm real, I know
I'll never be surprised


It seems like everybody, everybody
Makes the same mistakes
It seems like everybody, everybody's
Just so fucking fake
And I'm a hypocrite, I know
With that button down below
Just be careful when you choose to take the bait

Y/N screams out the lyrics, whilst shredding a guitar solo.

[Verse 2]

So with our little lies, we optimize
The pictures on the screen
And we don't talk about the high we get
From knowing who might see

And like a king who loves his throne
I know the guilty will excuse
How we project our insecurities
And we know it gets more views

By now, around 500 people from outside have crowded to see Y/N's singing, and they're either swaying from side to side to the beat, recording, or both.

Tell the children in my church
That mediocrity's unique
And I can sell the validation that they seek


It seems like everybody, everybody
Makes the same mistakes
It seems like everybody, everybody's
Just so fucking fake
And I'm a hypocrite, I know
With that button down below
Just be careful when you choose to take the bait


I didn't enjoy this
Breaking my excuses down
I know why I avoid it
Comfortable to sell a sound
And if I hold to honesty
I fell for my own con, but see
That shit that I was then is over now


It seems like everybody, everybody

Makes the same mistakesIt seems like everybody, everybody'sJust so fucking fakeAnd I'm a hypocrite, I knowWith that button down belowJust be careful when you chooseYou never know what you might loseJust be careful when you choose to take the bait

Y/N finishes singing and stops to take a breath, before being greeted by the screams of everyone present in the restaurant, along with some more people who came along to see him sing. Most of them, especially Mina, had burst into some tears, at the beauty of how Y/N shredded the guitar notes. He would then bow, and come off the stage, to be hugged by Mina.

Mina: That. Was. AMAZING!!! How'd you learn to play like that?

Y/N: Well, I tended to practise by myself at home. And due to having a perfect memory, which I think is a curse, I memorized all of the songs that I practised.

Mina: You should teach Jiro some of those songs, ya' know.

Y/N: I swear that Jiro practically knows every song known to mankind.

Mina: True, but she doesn't have much of a taste in those who do cover songs.

Y/N sighs and gets up to leave with Mina, not before he had to sign some autographs and pose up for pictures with his newly found fan-base.

Eventually, the pair went to the beach, where they walked along the sand with each other, hand-in-hand.

Mina: Your singing was amazing, ya' know.

Y/N: I know, but your singing was beautiful as well Mina.

Mina/Y/N: Just like you are...

Time seemed to freeze, as Mina slung her arms around Y/N's neck, prompting him to wrap his around her waist, as the pair both leaned in towards each other, and ended up sharing a passionate, tender, yet soft kiss. This went on for a few minutes, and would have gone on further, hadn't it been for the need for oxygen, which caused the two to pull away from each other.

Mina: Y/N...since I first met you, I thought that if you died, I'd never get that chance again, to have met someone so caring, kind, and cute.

Y/N: Same here Mina. Someone like you, so energetic, and yet caring for those close to you.

Y/N/Mina: I... I love you Mina/Y/N.

That said, they walked away, hand in hand, for the first time as lovers.


The pair would arrive at Y/N's house, where they'd find a note from Y/N's mom, Kushina:


Gone out with Inko, Mitsuki and some other friends, so I won't be back for a week.

Take care of yourself... and the house.

You can have anyone around, but no parties. Well, no parties that leave any mess around.



Y/N: Well, guess it's just us here. What do you want to do?

Mina: Hm...there is one thing~

That said, Mina grabbed Y/N's collar, and smashed her lips onto his, into a lustful kiss. This lasts for around 5-10 seconds before Mina pulls away.

Y/N: And what may that be?~

That said, Y/N picked up Mina by her legs, in which she wrapped them around his waist.

Mina: You already know~

That said, Y/N carried Mina up to his room, and closed the door behind him, before lying back on the bed.


Y/N pulled Mina close to him, and locked lips with her, now in a heated make-out session. Y/N felt Mina poke her tongue against her teeth, requesting for entrance, in which he allowed, resulting in a clash of tongues.

Y/N then removed his shirt, showing his shredded abs towards Mina, to which her cheeks became lilac, as she caressed his 8-pack:

Mina went and removed her top, leaving her in a purple bra.

Y/N went to remove it but hesitated. In doing so, Mina went and removed her bra herself, revealing a pair of C cup, bordering D cup breasts, causing Y/N to blush, and look down, his face scarlet red.

Mina: Well, you can do more than stare~

That said, Y/N, with a shaking hand, went and slowly placed his hand on Mina's breast, slowly squeezing it, causing her to moan cutely. And then, he would latch his mouth onto one of her throbbing nubs, increasing the volume of her moans, and causing her to lock his head in place with her arms, as to keep him in place.

With that, a bulge started to form in Y/N's boxers, going unnoticed by Mina, resulting in her removing her arms from Y/N's head, and pushing Y/N onto his back.

Mina: Now, time to see what you've been packing~

With that, Mina went and slowly unzipped Y/N's fly, removing his jeans, revealing a throbbing bulge in his boxers, in where she removed his boxers, his rock-hard 9½ inch member springing out, slightly hitting Mina's face.

Mina: Where've you been packing this?!

Y/N: Um...

Y/N's face was slightly red from the embarrassment of Mina talking about his member, as she rubs it up and down, as it throbs in her hands.

Mina: You like that, don't you?~

Mina would continue to jerk his shaft up and down, causing Y/N to throw his head back.

Y/N: Please, don't stop...

Y/N groans slightly at the sensation until he feels something warm, and he looks up and sees Mina having devoured his member, bobbing her head up and down, taking at 6 of the 9½ inches in her mouth, before she pulls away, slithering her tongue onto his testicles, which were the size of tennis balls. She would then slide her tongue up his shaft, which had throbbing veins, before engulfing his member, furiously blowing him, taking the whole length down her throat, causing Y/N to accidentally howl in ecstasy:

Y/N: M-Mina, I-I'm about to...

With that, she pulled away, wrapping her large bust around his cock, moving it up and down by 6 inches, whilst taking the 3½ inches in her mouth, and feels his member twitch in her mouth, indicating his climax, before pulling away.

Y/N: W-Why'd you stop?

Mina: Because this is the main event.

Mina slid down her shorts, leaving her in her panties, and sliding them down also, causing Y/N to have a nosebleed at the glorious sight ahead of him.

Y/N: W-Wait!

Mina: Hmm?

Y/N: Isn't your Quirk Acid?

Mina: Oh right! I forgot that I can l lower the corrosion level. So don't worry.

Mina went and straddled Y/N, grinding on his hard-on, before positioning his member above her entrance, and gently pushing it in, until it stopped at her hymen.

Y/N: You ready?

Mina: Yeah...be gentle, please? I'm a virgin...

Y/N: I will, and so am I.

With one swift thrust, Y/N broke through Mina's hymen, causing her to wince in slight pain, with Y/N giving her a hug and kiss full of apologies. Moments after, she began to fringe on his length, indicating that she was ready, whilst slinging her arms around his neck

Mina: You can start moving now.

With that, Y/N started off slowly, to then pick up speed afterwards, causing the pink-haired girl to moan in ecstasy, as his member slammed in and out of her, the sound of patting flesh filling the room, along with the smell of sex.

Mina: Ah~ Right there babe! Don't stop, please!

With that, Mina placed Y/N's hands onto her ass, whilst he flipped them over, so that he's on top, as she wrapped her legs around her waist, as he continued his vaginal onslaught.

Y/N: Oh God, I'm gonna-

Mina: Please! Do it inside. Let's cum together! Please Y/N, give me your child!

With that, Y/N lost all sense of reason, losing human restraint, succumbing to primal instinct, as he began to fuck Mina, quite literally, like a wolf.

The sounds of flesh slapping increased tenfold, along with the moans of Mina, as words couldn't describe how much pleasure she was feeling, as her eyes rolled to the back of her head, with her tongue sticking out, as Y/N kept hitting her G-spot, causing her to be in a pleasure filled overdose.

And with that, Mina's legs shot up, and quivered, as she began to cum. Moments after, Y/N slammed into her, releasing moments afterwards. With that, Y/N passed out of exhaustion, falling down next to Mina.

Mina: Love you, babe.

With that, Mina planted a kiss on Y/N's forehead, before going to sleep as well.

-Small Timeskip-

Meanwhile, outside of Y/N's room, were Midoriya; Bakugo; Iida; Kirishima; Mineta; Kaminari; Uraraka; Yaoyorozu; Tsuyu, and Jiro, who were listening on, with Momo having created a speaker to hear, along with a projector to see, and Jiro, who used her audio jacks to hear, to only get a nosebleed, along with a face that's even darker than venous blood. Yet everyone was most concerned with Mineta, whose eyes were so red, he looked like he was about to use Amaterasu.

Midoriya: Well, t-that was u-unexpected.

Bakugo: I've never heard a bed creak so much in my life...not even my mom and dad could bang like that, even if they went all out

Kaminari: He looked like he could go for 20 rounds...

Iida: ...Iida.exe has stopped functioning

Kirishima: That's a man's greatest tool right there...

Uraraka, Jiro, Tsuyu and Momo: S-So...b-big...

At that point, Mineta passed out, out of straining his eyes for too long.

At that, they just dragged him, knowing that it would be better to drag him out, rather than letting Y/N kill him.

A/N: ...Yeah, that happened. So anyways this was my first ever lemon, and I'd probably be the first to do this, but this was inspired by 082mec in his book "Izuku Midoriya: The High Noon Hero", and Anime_MultiPlay_, with his "Boku No Hero's +18 One-Shot Series". Anyways, thanks for reading, take care, and peace. Plus Ultra!

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