The Ex Porn Star

By ForeverLove021

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Sophia Brookes is a young woman with the weight of the world on her shoulders. With an absent father, an abus... More

Chapter One: The Beginning (COMPLETED REVISION)
Chapter Two: The Last Straw (COMPLETED REVISION)
Chapter Three: You Don't Have to Cry Anymore (COMPLETED REVISION)
Chapter Four: The Bargain (COMPLETED REVISION)
Chapter Five: A Penny for your Thoughts? (COMPLETED REVISION)
Chapter Six: Reunited and It Feels So Good (COMPLETED REVISION)
Chapter Seven: The Departure (COMPLETED REVISION)
Chapter Eight: Dinner with the Parentals....Oh Joy (COMPLETED REVISION)
Chapter Nine: The Apology and Announcement (COMPLETED REVISION)

Chapter Ten: The Calm Before the Storm

954 19 4
By ForeverLove021

Chapter Ten: The Calm Before the Storm

Stolen kisses were like getting an unexpected treat. Surprising and sweet. When I was younger, I used to get so excited over the chocolate treats my dad would bring us home. It was the best part of my day. Then I started to wonder what it would be like to have these sweet treats all the time. Would it be like the fairy tales I'd grown up watching? Or would reality bite me in the ass?

I'm glad to say that the fairy tales won. Liam and I had finished a decent lunch with his family yesterday afternoon. We then proceeded to come home and have a nap before my next gig. He was shocked to learn that I was still in the business, but I had assured him that I'd put in my two weeks and it would all officially be behind me soon. He looked a bit apprehensive about it. I wasn't sure if it was concern for my well-being, or to protect his ego. I was hoping for the former.

When Liam proposed, I made it clear that we would be doing this all the right way. No other people were allowed to be in this relationship except for us. 

For this reason, I felt guilty as I made my way down to this weeks discreet location. Today, I wore brown contacts and a blue, pixie cut wig. Sophia and all of her issues were at the back of my mind. Right now, I was preparing myself to show up as Roxanne. 

I pulled up next to Jett's truck in front of an abandoned house. We were in the heart of downtown, and considering that it was the weekend, it was no where near quiet. That was probably for the best since tonight's project may get a little loud. Our objective was not a duo, not a threesome, nor a foursome. That's right. A full blown orgy. My stomach tightened in knots. For some reason, I couldn't shake this feeling in the pit of my stomach. 

I made my way to the large double doors to the house we'd be occupying. It had a horror movie vibe to it since it was in the dead of night and not another soul outside. The streetlights were scattered and gave off an eerie glow. That wasn't helping my anxiety. 

Making my way inside, I was greeted with a hustle and bustle of the set. I found Jett basically having a melt down.

"Well where in the fuck is she?" his voice was hard. It was weird hearing him this way and not his usual laid back self. Maybe he thought I bailed after my two weeks notice and the sudden spring on him that this was my last job. I didn't tell him that it was because I was going on vacation though. Or the fact that it upset Liam so much that I was still working. That would have really fucked up his mood, and I wasn't ready for our friendship to completely go out of the window. 

"Jett, you alright?" I asked, placing my hand on his forearm.

Relief melted his tense features. "There you are! We've been waiting for you to get here. It seems the studio got our times mixed up and we've only got about an hour to do this shoot."

"What? How in the hell are we going --"

"It's okay honey, I got this. You just go get changed into hair and makeup," he paused, thoughtfulness clouding his angular face. "Actually, keep this wig on. I like the blue pixie."

I only nodded and headed to the dressing area he pointed me to. I was dressed in a slinky chain link dress that brushed against the tops of my feet. The chains were cold when I first put them on, making my nipples bud. They eventually warmed as I moved about the room, every step sending tingles of pleasure down to my center. So I sat down to do my make-up. My lips were painted a deep plum-red and I had a dramatic dark eye with silver wings. 

Looking myself over in the mirror, I felt a sense of dread. The skin around my eyes were tight and it started to feel as if the heat had been set to hell. It suddenly was getting hard to breathe. 

Calm down, Soph..get a hold of yourself...

Closing my eyes, Liam's face swam into focus. The thought of running my fingers through his wavy locks and his wide smile slowed my racing heart. 

The thought of him hit me hard with realization. My anxiety were not from nerves. It was because I truly did not want to be here. I never wanted to be here from the start, but it was something that I had convinced myself to adapt to. It was tolerable. But now, the touch of another man or even woman made me cringe. 

I thought of Liam at home, imagination running wild as to what I'd be doing tonight. I asked him to accept who I am and what I do. Was this selfish of me?  My own words bounced back at me.

There will be no other women. I don't do things half assed, so if we're going to do this, it's going to be legit.  

"My rosy Roxy, are you ready?" Jett's head popped in through the curtain. 

"Um, I think so. I'm just trying to get my mindset ready."

He frowned and came in, pulling the curtain closed behind him.

"What's going on? I've never known you to not have your game face on."

I shrugged and sat down at the makeshift vanity. It was just a white bulb mirror plugged up and sitting on an old rickety table. I picked up the mascara to layer my lashes again.

"I just don't know how much longer I can do this Jett," My voice was just above a whisper. "I feel like I'm betraying Liam."

I knew how much hearing this might disappoint him, but I needed him to understand that I was done with this life. 

He rolled his lips as he looked at me with confusion. 

"I mean I know we barely know each other, but I want to take this seriously and do things the right way. That doesn't make me crazy does it?" Realization dawned on his face.

He shook his head. "Sweetie, you lucked out with a stallion like Liam. But you have to consider whether or not he's actually being as considerate as you. Are you really ready to throw everything you've been working for on the account of a man you barely know?" 

Worrying my bottom lip, I stared at his reflection through the mirror, his black eyes unreadable. Although I hated that he was saying it, what if he was right? We've barely had a chance to sit down and talk and just be in each others company.

How were we supposed to be sure about each other if we don't spend time together? We have an upcoming trip, but I'll be getting to know his family as well. That could be a play for the worse. There will undoubtedly be raised eyebrows and questions from the rest of the Easton clan, so my focus will be trying to fit in with them, learn their ways, and not get thrown overboard by Robert. 

My mind was whirling with all these different scenarios that i hadn't even noticed that Jett had slipped quietly out of the dressing room.

"Roxanne? We're ready for you on set," a crew member called from behind the curtain. 

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to shake away all my doubts and anxiety and push Sophia to the back of my mind. Blowing a gush of air out of my mouth, my eyes opened and the sultry look on my face told me I was ready. But in the back of my mind, I wondered was I ready for everything else?


Ten minutes later, I stood in the dungeon staring over my subjects. At first, I was kind of hesitant to take the role of a slave master I was really uncomfortable. I was used to just showing up, going at it with a co-worker or two and then leaving. Not tonight. Tonight, I was solely in charge of the other seven people in front of me. Three women and four men. All different shades and sizes,  it reminded me of a sundae. It did not lack one flavor or topping. 

I licked my lips before speaking.

"You don't need to worry about anything. Everything is going to be okay," I said seductively as I stepped down from the platform I'd been standing on. My whip hung intimidatingly beside me, trailing along the floor with an ominous sound. I licked my lips as I walked over to one of the slaves, a man with caramel colored skin that glistened in the light. I licked my lips as I bent over, sure to arch my back. I gently kissed his angled cheek.

"As long as you do what you're told, you will get out of here... safely." I stood and walked over to a female with pale skin that reminded me of milk. I squatted, my gaze capturing hers. Keeping our eyes locked, I slowly bent my head to flick my tongue over her exposed pink nipple.

"The only rule in here, is that no one, and I mean no one can leave without an orgasm from each person. Understood?" They nodded, all with a little apprehension in their eyes. 

"Good. Happy Fucking."

I sat in a throne set up high on the platform, one leg thrown over the arm of the chair. I watched, exposed, as they started off in two groups. One girl and two guys, and then two girls and two guys. I started to rub my clit as I watched with a sultry smile on my face. The first group had the redheaded vixen on her knees while the large blond male pivoted in and out of her. Her face was screwed up in pleasure and focus since she had her mouth full. The Asian man standing in front of her had his hands in her hair with his head thrown back. The next group a black haired raven on her back with a man standing over her. Her mouth was full of him as he stared over her, a blonde with her mouth full of the ravens most intimate parts. As her mouth was also full of her female pattern, she had a man full of chocolate deep inside of her. Moans filled the room, my own being added here and there as I palmed my own breast, rolling my nipples between my thumb and forefinger. 

After about five minutes, I had my first orgasm as I watched the raven climax. Her moans turned to screams as she reached her peak. The blonde smiled and kissed her entrance before getting up and sitting on her suitor, bouncing up and down  in his lap. The raven haired girl sat on the guys face and palmed the blonde's breast and taking her nipples into her mouth. All the while, the caramel man sauntered over to me and dropped to his knees. I bit my lip as his tongue assaulted my clit, a deep moan vibrating through me. I swirled my hips as my head fell back, my eyes closed tightly. When I looked at him again, he was no longer caramel guy with a close cut. He was Liam. My Liam. I smiled seductively at him as my pulled him to me, his lips smashing to mine and his dick at my entrance. I wrapped my legs around his waist and tightened them until he slid into me slowly. 

My moans were coming fast as he picked up the past, his hips a force as they drove in and out of me. My ass was starting to ache from hanging off of the edge of the chair, the fabric also chaffing my skin, but my nerve endings were on fire. I could feel myself starting to build, but before I could cross the finish line, Liam quickly picked me up and made me drop to my knees with my face in the chair. He entered me from behind and my ass slapped against him. Hard. He was pounding into me, and normally I didn't like it this rough. With Liam though, any and everything turned me on. My nipples were rubbing the fabric on the chair, the friction sending tingles all over and I could feel it, hot and fast. My orgasm slammed into me and my ears were ringing so loud that I couldn't hear the string of swear words that came out of my mouth. Liam had pulled out and spilled his own pleasure on my lower back and ass. 

The room was loud again, as if someone had popped a bubble in my hears and now I could hear again. I gave a small laugh and smirked as the caramel colored man leaned down to kiss me. Instead of leaning into him, I place the palm of my hand on his forehead and pushed. Hard. 

"Get back to fucking." 


An hour later, I was wiping the make-up off of my face. Jett stepped around the curtain. His tall and lanky frame was draped in silk with a white flannel fit beneath the robe. His long black hair was flowing to his elbows and 

"I can't believe this is the last time you'll be on my set," he pouted dramatically. He walked over to the floor length mirror to admire himself before turning to me. 

"Jett, I've known you for awhile now. It's not as if we have just a strictly professional relationship. I consider you a friend,"

"Oh, pish posh honey. Jett does not have friends. Just whores," his winked teasingly and then he laughed as I rolled my eyes. "Whores, who I take very good care of."

He was wearing a long silk scarf over his silk robe. With a flurry of material, his hand appeared with a large envelope with my name across it. I frowned, my hand tentatively taking it. A stack of green bills sat inside. 

I snapped my gaze to his, Jett's face set with an excited smile. 

"What the hell is this?"

"Your going away present. Listen, Sophia. I took you under my wing because I believed in you. I still do. I believe that you're better than this life. So I sold the rights to one of your first films to a big time producer. I felt it only right to share the wealth with the woman who brought it to life."


"Hush. Go home to your fiance'  and make sure to smack his ass for me."

I smiled, an odd feeling coming over me. I wasn't sure if it was unease or if I just wasn't used to feeling gratitude to anyone. 

"I can't believe you'd do this for me. Thank you," I got up to hug him but he stopped me.

"No. No sad goodbyes. I will see you soon." He blew me a kiss and just like that, he was gone. I quickly saw that it was only getting later. I had also noticed that I hadn't checked my phone. I had four missed calls from Liam. My brows furrowed together as I dialed him. Why would he call multiple times knowing that I was on set unless something was wrong? 

Liam didn't answer his phone and there were no messages. A feeling took place in the pit of my stomach as I threw my car in reverse and then sped towards the penthouse. 

My mind was racing as I zipped through the streets. I was trying my best not to jump to the very worse conclusion, but after the last week and a half, I've suddenly become accustomed to expecting one of my worst fears to come true. 

Within minutes, the tall glass building loomed before as I quickly threw my car in park and picked up a light jog into the building. By the time I made it through the front door, my breath was coming in quick pants. 

"Liam?" I called as I kicked off my shoes and tossed my keys onto the kitchen counter. I was met with silence. I bit my lip as I looked around. A few beer bottles were scattered across the coffee table and so was a shot glass. Beside it was an almost empty bottle of Jack Daniels. I sighed, and crossed the room to clean up the mess before heading upstairs. 

I may not have known Liam very long, but it wasn't hard to guess that he may have been taking it hard that I had a gig tonight. Guilt washed over me as I watched Liam's sleeping form sprawled across our bed. His hair was out of its usual ponytail and covered his face. He reeked of alcohol and was still in his clothes from the nap we'd taken earlier. 

Taking advantage, I went to get cleaned up before waking him. I slid my wig off and placed my bag on the counter. Opening it, I took out the envelope that Jett had given me and started counting. Shock consumed me. 

Twenty-thousand dollars. I hadn't noticed earlier that all the bills were in hundreds. I saw there was a note tucked inside. 

There's more where this came from. I told you I'd see you soon. 

Snapping my jaw shut, I quickly put the money away and hopped in the shower. I scrubbed my body, mango and pineapple scents swirled around in the steamy room. I felt a huge relief melting away from me as I washed the night away. I had completed my last job. This day came sooner than I thought it would, but it also felt like I'd been waiting all my life for this moment. Before I knew it, tears were mixing with rain shower head above me. A sob tore through me. I never again had to subject myself to that...humiliation. 

When I first started, I had quite literally felt like I had sold my soul to the devil. Even though the devil was a friend of mine, it didn't get that nagging voice in the back of my head to go away. The voice that always told me that I'd be nothing but a failure. That I would never be worth anything. That no one would want me. 

Yet somehow, I've began to fall head-over-heels for a man that I still barely know, but he treats me with kindness and respect. More than anyone had ever given me. And now I can actually start to focus on being who I want to be, and not someone I need to be for someone else. 

My shoulders sagged as I stepped out of the shower. I didn't bother with oils and pulled on a pair of cotton shorts and a tank. As quietly as I could, I slipped into bed beside my fiance'. 

I now had the freedom to be me and not  an embarrassment to myself. Or my family. I thought of Justin and how horrible it must have been for him. He came to hate me so much that I hadn't even heard from him after he left with our dad. 

Picking up my cell, I opened Justin's text thread.

Thinking of you. I hope you're well and despite what you may think, I miss you. 

Hitting send, I put my phone on the bedside table and turned back over to watch Liam sleep. I could smell the alcohol on his breath, but it didn't bother me much as it washed over me. His hair covered most of his face, leaving only his mouth and chin exposed. Carefully, I took my thumb and ran it over his stubble on his jaw line. He was undoubtedly gorgeous, but I still needed to know the man underneath. We haven't even scratched the surface on getting to know one another. Hopefully that would change soon. 

Lost in thought, my eyes fluttered and I was fast asleep as the rest of the world was waking up.  

What seemed like a few minutes later, I woke up to the smell of coffee. Looking at the time, it was already two in the afternoon. Groaning because it felt like a truck had run me over, I sat up and looked around. Liam's place beside me was empty and there was a note on his pillow. 

In case you wake early, I've run to the store for a few things. 

Be back soon. 


I could hear him clattering around the kitchen so I pulled on his work shirt from the day before and headed down the stairs. 

Liam stood in the kitchen, a black coffee mug that said 'Worlds Greatest Brother' across the front in his hand. In his other hand, he was furiously scrolling over something in his phone, his face furrowed in concentration. 

"Any left for me?"

His eyes shot up at the sound of my voice, and I saw the warmth in them, but his face remained focused. 


I crossed the kitchen and got myself a white mug from the cabinet and poured myself some coffee. The aroma filled my nostrils and helped loosen the tight pit in my stomach that I hadn't realized was there. Liam seemed a 

"Are you okay?" 

With his back to me, I could see his shoulders tense at my question. His body gave way that he'd heard me, but I was only met with silence. This was new for me. I may not have had an other real relationships, but I knew that something was wrong. More so, that there was something he was upset about and didn't want to talk about it. 

Frowning, I set my mug down and walked over to him. Wrapping my arms around his waist, I  laid my cheek against his back and I felt him slightly relax. 

"What's going on?" I asked, my voice small. "You can talk to me."

Liam sighed. "I don't want to." My frown deepened. 

"Why not? Was it something I did?" There was a long pause before he finally answered. 


He blew out a big breath before turning around to face me. 

"Sophia...I don't want you in this line of work anymore." Before I could answer him, he continued. "Now, I know that you were doing what you had to do, but you don't anymore. And I never want to feel the way I felt last night."

His words hit me harder than I thought they would. Looking up at him, I could see the dark circles under his eyes. His hazel orbs were cool, as if he were pained just from remembering something. 

"What exactly were you feeling?"

His eyes flashed. "I felt like I was being stabbed in the back. Sophia, do you know how it feels to know that someone that you're falling for is out fucking other people?"

His words cut me and my arms fell away from his waist. 

"Liam, you know I didn't have a choice in that. As much as you hate to admit it, it was my job! And we never actually discussed when I would stop doing it. So unless you come to me and tell me what's on your mind, no. I have no idea what it feels like."

We stood there in silence, staring at one another. 

"What do you mean was?" His expression gave nothing away, but his eyes held a mix of confusion and hope. 

"It means, that Jett gave me the rest of my payout as per our contract. I'm done." Without another word, I turned on my heel to head back upstairs, my coffee forgotten. At least that was the plan before I was suddenly flung backwards. With a quick spin, I sat atop the island in the middle of the kitchen with Liam's long arms wrapped around my torso, his face burrowed in my breasts.

"Wha-" I started.

"I'm sorry," his muffled voice carried up to me. "I've never been this vulnerable, and it scares the shit out of me."

My heart fluttered and I hoped to God that he didn't hear it. My fingers wove through his hair, gently pulling his face up to mine. 

The kiss was short and sweet, but there was so much said in it. 

"I know. But you have to learn to talk to me, okay? Otherwise this isn't going to work." 

   He only nodded. His body seemed to relax, but his face staring up at me didn't seem all that convinced. Leaning down, I brought my lips back to his. I brought my legs up to wrap around his waist and pull him closer to me. A low moan vibrated through him and my response was to only deepen the kiss. At least that was the plan. Liam ripped away from me without warning, almost causing me to slip off of the counter. 

I caught myself on his shoulders while he panted.

"We'd better quit before I take  you right here." His voice was low and strained. I smirked. 

"What's stopping you?" my tone was suggestive and teasing. I knew he wouldn't do it though. He'd made it very clear that he was waiting for the right time to make me his. 

"Soon enough, I will." His reply caught me off, excitement bubbling. Sadly, he kissed me on my forehead and disappeared up the stairs, leaving me in a pout. 

For our first 'fight', that wasn't so bad. 


A few hours later, I found myself sifting through a magazine on the couch when Liam came out of hiding in his office. 

"What are your plans for the day?"

I shrugged. This was the first time in awhile that I was actually able to sit still. Nowhere to go and nothing to do.

"Nothing really. I guess catch up on Shameless. I mean my life is basically equivalent to Fiona's, right?" 

He came closer and I finally looked up at him, my next words faltering. He wore white linen pants that hung dangerously low on his hips. I felt my mouth go dry. He wore a matching long-sleeved linen shirt that was completely unbuttoned and the sleeves were rolled u p to his elbows, displaying an expensive gold watch on his wrist. His long hair was out today, brushing just below his shoulders. His face wore a knowing smirk.

"W-where are you going?" I managed. 

"We are going on a date. Come on. I've got the perfect outfit laid out for you upstairs. I'll be waiting for you down in my car. You've got ten minutes." With that, he walked out. 

I snapped my jaw shut and hurried up the stairs. I found a strapless and dusty rose colored bathing suit that had strings criss-crossing over the midsection. Along with it was a sheer white duster to go over it and white slip on sandals. I sprayed myself with a light and flowery perfume and quickly braided two french braids in my hair. Lip gloss and mascara topped off my looked before I grabbed my phone and wallet and heading out of the penthouse. 

My mind raced as my mind wondered where we were going? I hoped it wasn't to his parents, because there was no way I was going to be able to keep my thoughts PG around them. There was no guarantee that I'd be able to do it where ever we were going anyway. 

Once I exited the elevator, I was met with many staring eyes. A blush crept up as I focused on finding Liam. Luckily, his car was sitting idle in front of the doors. I slipped into the car with ease before he sped off. 

"Where are we going?" I asked. 

A small smile formed on his face. "It's a surprise. my love." 

My stomach fluttered at the term of endearment, but I knew he was buttering me up. 

"Liam, you know I hate surprises."

His smile only widened before he cut up the music to the radio. I rolled my eyes and decided to check my phone. There was still no text back from Justin, so i decided to message Aria instead.

S: Liam is taking me to a mystery destination. You know I hate surprises.

A: Just chill. I'm sure wherever he is taking you will be nice. Just let yourself feel special for once. 

S: What if--

A: And I know you're about to message me a 'what-if' and I don't wanna hear it. 

I pouted and rolled my eyes. That fact that my best friend knew me so well was annoying sometimes. 

S: You're mean.

A: And you're the kindest person I know. Just let the man woo you. Fall madly in love, get married and live happily-ever-after.

I bit my lip. I had already kind of fallen for him, but I wasn't sure that I was ready to admit that to anyone but myself quite yet. Although he confessed it himself earlier, it was different for me to open up. Many people that I thought I could trust and should have been able to trust turned out to be the people who hurt me the most. I was glad to find that Aria wasn't among them. 

S: I take it back. You're the bestest friend I could ask for.

A: You're damn right I am. Now go have fun and tell me all about it later. 

S: <3

A smile spread across my face, Aria was right. I never live in the moment anymore. And this is my moment. I'm young and falling in love with an incredible man. There was nothing more special than that.

"What are you over there daydreaming about?"

I turned to Liam and blinked. I haven't realized that we'd already stopped.  

"You," I answered simply. "I'm just excited to be spending some real time with you." 

"I'm glad. We're here," he announced. My eyes took in the beautiful view. We sat at a marina, dozens on yachts and speed boats scattered across the water. My excitement bubbled.

"Are we going on a boat?" my voice had risen to a high octave that made Liam throw his head back with laughter. The sound warmed me.

"Yes, are you excited?" We both stepped out of the car. He called over marina employees for something while I was too busy twirling around looking at the view. The sun was just starting it's descent into the horizon, causing the sky to glow. Just to the right of the marina, was a seafood restaurant and a private beach just below the brush of shrubs surrounding the building. 

"Come, Sophia," Liam called. I walked over to him, taking his outstretched hand as we headed down to the beach. I took a minute to kick off my sandals. The sand was a perfect temperature, the grains slipping between my toes. 

"This is a marina owned by a friend of mine. I've never brought any woman here with me. So they may be in a bit of a shock."

I looked at him confused. 

"Love, it's time to meet the real Liam Easton."

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