Dark Secrets (GirlxGirl)

By SamAndBrianna

4.5K 171 7

Mountain Range High School. Yet another generic a High School name. Why couldn't they name it like "Iroquois... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight

Chapter One

1.4K 28 1
By SamAndBrianna

I hope you enjoy the first couple chapters and get hooked right away!


"Malia! You're gonna be late for your first day at your new school!" My mom yelled at me from the bottom of the stairs.

I sat up abruptly, looking at the clock at my bedside. 7am. Damn, I really wasn't looking forward to going to a new school, again, and trying to make new friends, again. What's the point?

I finally pulled myself out of my bed, which was covered with unopened boxes.While trying to walk to my closet doors, which is across from the foot of my bed, I almost tripped over a box marked 'Memories' that still hasn't been unpacked.

That cardboard box, filled with junk that I accumulated with my friends back in South Dakota, was my prized possession. I really did miss them a lot, even if I only knew them for about 10 months. I always get attached to people from my old schools.

We arrived at the house yesterday.Last night was the first night sleeping in this old, creepy house. The house wasn't the only thing that was creepy. This town seemed to give me the creeps. Just something felt wrong when my parents and I drove through the town it was almost like...

"Malia breakfast is ready!" Does she ever quit yelling? I scoffed.

It's in the middle of August and schools been in session for about two weeks now. Luckily, I haven't missed much school.

I decide to throw on some light blue jean shorts and a tye dyed t-shirt. I don't have to dress to impress right? My hair is naturally wavy so I just combed it a bit. I threw on some eyeliner and mascara, because that's really the only makeup I wear.

I bolted downstairs, realizing its 7:30 and I still haven't ate anything. Both of my parents are at the kitchen table along with my little brother Kaden. Kaden is only 8, but is actually pretty mature for his age. He's also going to his new school today, and he's much more excited then I am. He just keeps talking about how he can't wait to meet the kids there, so I just ignore him.

On the kitchen table there is some buttered toast, pancakes, orange juice, and my favorite, BACON. I eat two pancakes with butter and syrup, a piece of toast with grape jelly in it instead of butter, 4 pieces of bacon YUM, and a tall glass of oj.

I glance at the clock, 7:45, shit, time goes by. "Mom, you're taking me to school right?" She looks up at me from her newspaper.

"Why can't you drive yourself, you have a car." I sighed at her.

"I'm guessing you forgot, my car is in the repair shop, remember?" Poor old Betty couldn't make it all the way here, so she was towed the rest of the way. And yes, I name my car, problem?

"Ugh, alright. Let's go now so you're not late." Great, can't wait.

It only took us surprisingly 5 minutes to get to the school. I rapidly jumped out of the car, not wanting to be seen getting out of my 'mommys' car. That's a great way to start off your reputation.

She rolled the passenger side window down, "I'll be picking you up too?" I quickly turned around, nodded, and walked towards the main doors as she drive the families old mini van off the schools property.

I had to go to the office to get my schedule because I have not had the opportunity to get it yet. Just by walking in the main doors, it seems like a decent sized school. Right when you walk into the main doors, the office is to the right.

I walked up to this cute little old lady at the front desk and as soon as she saw me she flashed me a warm and comforting smile, I couldn't help but give her a shy smile back.

"You must be Malia Wilson." She lightly stated while fumbling through the stacks of paper in her desk. 'Wow, this school must be smaller then it looks.'

While waiting for her to find my class schedule, I decided to look around the schools office. There really wasn't much to look at. The walks were a blan gray, one of their school colors, and there was only pictures of past principals in the same wall as the doors opening up to the office.

Below those pictures were chairs, mostly empty, except a couple were occupied with what looked like troubled teens.

"Here you go Malia." I turned around to take the one sheet if paper she had in her hand. I looked down on the paper, it read:

Malia Simpson    Grade:11   Gender:F

1st Period: English

2nd Period: Physical Education

3rd Preiod: Spanish

4th Period: World History

5th Period: Lunch

6th Period: Math

I looked at her shirt to see a name tag. "Thank you Mrs.-"

"Oh please, call me Ms. Lilly." I gave her a genuine smile, 'Maybe I'll like this school...'

"I almost forgot, would you like someone to show you around the school? I know some that are more tha-"

"Hey Ms.Lilly! Oh, a new girl. we don't get any new kids very often, maybe because this town is really small or-" This short Mexican girl, with wavy hair walks into the office and just doesn't shut up! 'Please don't have her show me around, if you do give me a gun to take with so I can blow my brains out.'

Okay, I admit, that was a little harsh, but this girl is still talking, but I'm too busy looking out the glass doors to the office. This girl, wait, let me rephrase that. This gorgeous blonde girl, walks into the main, wooden doors of the school, which happens to be right next to the glass doors for the office.

I'm like, dead on just staring at her, not blinking or anything, did I mention she's really pretty? Her long, wavy blonde hair is rested at oh her shoulders. She's wearing gray hollister sweats and a plain black tank top. The mysterious blonde girl I'm looking at decides to turn her head in my direction, causing her to look right at me.

She stops in her tracks, and smiles at me. Right after she smiles at me, her backpack is about to fall off her shoulder, so she lifts it back up into place. She's no longer smiling at me, probably because we've been staring at each other for a good 30 seconds, and I may or may not have been drooling. Shes not giving me the death glare or anything, just sort of blankly staring at me. She hasn't looked away from me once out if those 30 seconds, was it what I'm wearing? Does she like girls and is interested in me? 'Wait why am I thinking like this? I'm not into girls! But, damn, she is fit, and that smile, wow. Quit thinking like that Malia, you like guys!'

"Malia?" I turn my head to see that the poor old lady asked me a question and I wasn't even paying attention. "Huh?" I stupidly ask her.

"I asked if you would be okay with Lorena showing you around the school?" She gives me a soft smiling, brushing off that I was just ignoring her a second ago, how sweet. But I snap back into reality, Lorena must be the shirt Mexican girl. 'Oh why can't you find someone else to?' I was about to ask, but someone behind me coughed and made me jump a little. I didn't realize they were there.

"I'd like to show her around if you don't mind." An angel-like voice spoke, I turn around, to open my eyes so wide it looks like my eyes are going to pop out if my head. I quickly regain myself as the person who was standing behind me turned to me and gave me a kind, toothy grin.

The angel-like voice now had a face to go with it, the pretty blonde girl I practically had a staring contest with, great. Today's gonna be an interesting day...


Thank you for reading the first chapter! Please be sure to comment in things that need to be fixed and please keep reading! I'll be updating as soon as I can. Thanks lovelies!


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