łoviės ,, diza

By xokoshy

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"haha fuck you dobrik" "i'll fuck you if you want" complete. More

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By xokoshy


liza, i just let her and my child walk out of my life, forever, I shouldnt of left her the night she told me, i should of stayed, and supported her, and my baby, but i let her think different, and now shes leaving with my baby inside of her, but i cant go back there, i cant break her heart even more,i have to fix this, in a way that wont break her more than she already is

LM: SO shes pregnant
D: mom im sorry, ok, but please will you yell at me later, i cant take anything else anymore at least not today

she simply nods and i already start crying in front of her

LM: oh sweetie come here

she pulled me into a hug and i sobbed into her shoulder

D: im ruining her life, and she walked out of mine
LM: honey dont say that
D: mom i cant be without her
LM: she will come back for you
D: shes carrying my child, and when her parents find out, her and my child will be put out on the street and then what will i do? let it all go amd act like nothing happened? act like i dont know her? act like i dont have a child?
LM: listen and come sit down with me

we walk and go sit on the sofa

LM: so you know about your father going away for a while, maybe uf lizas parents do kick her out, if its ok with you and her, ill allow her to raise, your and her child, only if you helo tho!

i smile and hug my mom again

D: thank you thank you thank you

my mom grabs my hands

LM: anything for you,liza,and my coming soon grandbaby

she opens my palm and hands me my keys back ti the tesla of mine

D: i thought i couldnt have it back?
LM: you can have it back only because i know the reason why you were past your curfew last night, now go get liza back

i smile and hug her one last time before i leave to see liza again and take her back into my arms

-lizas house-

I sit in the car for a second and think about what im gonna do, dont be a pussy david, just walk in there and tell her how you feel, and what you think, tell her how you want a baby, how you want the baby, and how my parents accept if her parents dont, how we will take her in to raise our baby with help of my parents mainly my mom and siblings but we will have help,so,i hop out of my tesla, and walk to her front door,and knock and knock and knock until FINALLY she opens the door

D: liza I-

before i say anything she hugs me

L: you came back to me
D: of course i did
L: i needed you right now
D: i always need you
L: come inside please
D: of course

i walk in and sit on her couch and then she falls into my arms and starts sobbing and i just hold her

D: shh shh itll be ok
L: what am i gonna do?
D: youll be ok,we will be ok, nothings gonna happen
L: but bubba i have no one
D: look at me

she looks at me with her big brown red wer eyes

D: dont ever say that,im here, toby,sara,ester, my mom, our friends, you have all of us, we will be ok

she nods and burrys her head into mu neck and kisses it

L: i love you
D: i love you too

we wait a second

L: David
D: hm

i hum

L: thanks for coming back to me
anytime babe i would never let you slip away frim me like that

she smiels and looks up at me

L: thanks bubba

she puckers her lips for a liss and i accept but she rolls onto my lap when it starts ti deepen and we are lowkey making out in her living room, i take her shirt off exposinh her slight bump and her really sexy new bra, oh hod im getting horny, liza moves to my neck starting to leave hickeys, until i feel myself get hard and i get a boner

D: liza-be-ba-by

i moaned shit but she giggeld

L: dont act like i dont feel your memeber poking at me dobrik

she giggles omg my fucking heart is filled now, i smile and dogged to her neck and left hickeys until i found her sweet spot and she moaned, she started to moge her hips riding on me, moaning, so technically shes fucking me with pants on hehe sexy, she moans and i moan, u till her moans get higher, and higher, and higher and then she comes

D: Did you just come?

she nods

D: im close

she rides me harder and harder until i moan and moan and it gets higher and higher and then i came

L: did you just come?

i nod and attack her neck again

L: remember when we did this but without clothes on?
D: how could i forget?

she giggkes and i leave more soft kisses on her skin until the front door swings open, we look at it and gasp

L: oh my gawd

liza eaches to grab her shirt to cover her exposed booooooooobs

L: mom, dad, what are you 2 doing here?
L: you really want me to answer that?

her dads face goes red and i look at her mom who is making direct eye contact with lizas slight bump

LD: liza honey your gaining weight

lizas eyes widen

L: mom,dad, i need to tell you something that had been going on for a few years, david and i have been in a 3-4 year relationship and wait for it....

she breaths and i wrap my arm around her

L: i recently found out a few months ago that im pregnant

we look at her parents with a smile


there taken back a little bit

LD: if this baby is by a dobrik i dont want anything to do with it!

i can see the tears threatening to come out

L: mom?
LM: i think i speak for your father and i both when i say that you have disobeyed our house hikd and rules and you are no longer accepted in this house

all liza does is nod

L: i'll leave because im keeping this baby

all they do is nod and i follow liza up that satirs as she runs to her room

L: bubba

she sobs and hugs me tightly

L: what am i going to do?
D: live with me, my parents welcome you to live with us
L: are you sure?
D: 100%
L: help me pack my stuff?

i smile

D: of course

i help her pack everything, and then i go thru her clothes and get sorta turned on

L: we already technically had sex today david so dont even try me right now

we laugh

D: ok

we grab all her stuff and leave to my house but on the way there i look over and see liza take one of her hands and lay it on her bump while the other is holding ny hand and shes looking out the window, i kiss her hand and she looks at me and smiles,

D: what ya thinking about?
L: life
D: what about life?
L: how ill be a mom one day
D: i'll be a dad one day, dont worry, im sorta scared too
L: but you dont have to push it out of your vagina, you dont even have one, i do , and by the feel and looks of it, the babys gonna have your head, and god thats gonna be big

she slightly laughs

D: i have a big head?

she nods yes

D: what type of head?
L: both of your heads are pretty big or should i say your head and your tip, god the day i losed my virginity to you was a pain for weeks, god i remember that day
D: i remember the day you told me that you wanted to lose your virginity to me
L: i remember the day you told me that you wanted to lose your virginity to me too
D: i remember when i lost my virginity to you
L: same

we laugh

L: after that we had sex almost every night after that and god ut felt so good to let it go
D: very agreed
E: ewwwwwwwww

we jump and then look in the back seat

E: oh gosh dont be suprised, iv been back here almost every ride youve guys had this year and like for real i never sit in the front seat anymore because you 2 could at least wait to go to a bed to have sex except for the tesla seat, which remind me

she scoots over a bit

E: youve guys had sex in almost every place here in the tesla
D: oh god
E: and i seen thru the window and please dont ever do that on your couch what you did on lizas couch, oh and by the way liza your boobs got a lot bigger you got some nice ones
L: t-t-th-thanks i guess
D: Ester please just dont tell mom
E: I should be thanking you, i learned what sex is at the age 12 and im soon to be 16, so thanks bitch
L: ok damn
D: so your not telling mom?
E: no but under one thing
D: what is that?
E: froyo land
D: ok
D: yes?
E: i wanna go to the next doctors appointment

i look at liza

L: sure i dont care
D: ok then you can come with us
E: ok now take me home so i can go out tonight
D: ok damn

we pull up into my driveway and get out the tesla

D: you jeed help getting your stuff out?
L: no just leave it in here for now, we can come back and get it
D: ok

i get out and go around the car to help her out

L: thanks babe
D: no problem babe

we walk inside

L: hi Mrs.Dobrik
DM: hello liza

they hug

DM: lets talk

we nod and all go sit in the living room

DM: so liza what is the problem wuth your parents?
L: i told then about, my relationship with david first and then about the pregnancy, and they said that if its gonna be with a doobrik then they dont accept it, and they wanted me out of their household
DM: im sure david has told you that im fine with you staying here,your more than welcome to take a guest bedroom or stay in davids room it dosent matter, but liza know that just because your pregnantbwe will still love and care for you, im not gonna make you leave because that would be like throwing out my grand child and my sons loved on and i would never do that
L: thank your Mrs. Dobrik
DM: ok well you can start unpacking your stuff in a guest room while i finish my dinner yeah?
L: ok

they stand up and have one long hug

L: thank you so much

i see a tear roll down lizas cheek

DM: dont cry sweetie i would of done this anytime for you

liza nods and then they smile and we move om from everything and start unpacking lizas stuff when we finish unpacking we lay in the bed and talk

D: liza?
L: yeah?
D: i love you
L: i love you too

tony knocks on the door and then comes and kays in between david and i

T: david?
D: yeah?
T: are you gonna be a daddy?
L: he always has been

i heard liza whisper

T: what?
L: i was just saying that david should probably answer your question
D: oh yeah yes toby i am going to be a daddy
T: oh

he says sadly

L: whats wrong?
T: davids gonna be too busy with his own kids, and never have time for me, and hes gonna forget about me
D: toby i would never forget about you, yeah maybe theres some times were im busy taking care of my own kid that i maybe wont answer a question you ask or something but i will always makdntime for you and i would never forget about you

he snuggles into davids chest and then ester knocks on the door

E: mom said to come down stairs dinners ready

and we all go downstairs and start eating

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