He's Not You

By AprilRosee95

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The Past
What's Next?
Deja Vu
I Waited


136 1 0
By AprilRosee95

In the following weeks Chase and I weren't really talking, which was strange considering we were housemates. I don't know if it was because we slept together again or if it was the fact that he told me he was seeing someone after we slept together, better yet it could be perhaps that he told me he liked me. Either way, I think we both wanted to forget about it all and move on.

Seriously, what sort of a future could we have together? He was still Declans friend & we both had baggage that couldn't be ignored even if we tried.

"Amelia?" Aaron, my boss snapped me out of my thoughts. "Welcome back to the land of the living." He smirked. "Sorry." I mumbled. "What were you saying?" I asked him. "Mr. Smith would like you to be in the meeting as well." Aaron said. "Me? Why me? I don't have any business in the meeting. I'm just your secretary."

"I think he has a little crush on you." Aaron shrugged. One of the top 5 richest men in the country has a little crush on me? I accidently let out a small laugh. "I don't see how thats funny." Aaron looked at me with a serious facial expression. "I'm sorry, but clearly he doesn't know me. That is what is funny. I don't see how he could have a crush on me." I smirked.

"Anyway, the meeting is at 2pm in the conference room 5. You may go now." He declared urging me to leave. "Yes Sir." I got out of the chair and headed for the wooden double doors. "Amelia, you better be in that meeting. Mr. Smith's business is what keeps this place running." Aaron said before I exited his office.

I walked back to my office with a very large espresso in hand. "Amelia!" Mia called out to me. I stopped, rolled my eyes and sighed at the same time before turning to mia. "Yeah?" I put on my happy face. "I was just wondering if you could look over my work and see if its up to standards, please?" She asked in the most annoying mousy voice. "Sure, just send it over." I smiled. "Thank you!" She said cheerfully.

Great not only do I have my work load, I now have hers too. Sometimes I wish I could just say fuck it and throw my papers everywhere. I finally made it back to my office without anyone else managing to grav my attention. I walk in and sit at my desk.


I look at my computer, Mia sent through the documents she wanted me to look over. I opened the file and read through it. Half way through I just wanted to throw my computer out of the window. This girl really knows nothing at all.

"Take a deep breath, Amelia." I said to myself over and over again. Breathe in and out, in and out. After a moment I picked up my phone and dialled through to Mia. "This is Mia." She answered. "Come to my office, please." I said before hanging up.

Moments later Mia walked through the door. "You read over it?" She asked eagerly. "I read half of it." I stated. "Oh, is there anything wrong?" She asked. "Mia, sit down." I said with my hand out indicating which chair to sit in. I turned to face my computer to her. "See this?" I asked as I highlighted a paragraph. "Yes?" She looked at me quizically. "Get rid of it. It's unnecessary." I looked at her. "This bit, change the wording to say 'In conclusion as the facts have stated it would be a necessary requirement of all personell to partake within the Health & Safety seminar.' What you have written there is an informal response, it needs to be in a formal setting." I suggested. "Oh, uhm. Yeah, okay. I'll do that." Mia smiled cluelessly. "Okay, you may go." I nodded.

Once Mia left, I buckled down to complete my own work. Time was flying and so were my fingers on the keyboard. I do not want to bring my work home with me. It was the last thing I wanted to do.

Before I knew it, it was 2pm. I was running late to a meeting I had no business being in. I quickly rushed into the conference room to see Mr. Smith sitting there alone. "Mr. Smith, its great to see you again." I smiled and held out my hand for him to shake.

"Please, call me Eli. Mr. Smith is to formal for me. It makes me feel old." He shrugged. "Is Aaron running late?" I asked as I sat across from Eli. "No, he's not coming." He smiled sheepishly. "What do you mean he's not coming? It's a meeting that he told me to come to." I frowned a little. "About that, I had Aaron set this up." He smirked.

I looked over at the window and a small buffet was set up. "What is this?" I asked. "This is our date." Eli stated. "Since when did we have a date planned?" I pursed my lips. "Since I knew you would turn me down if i asked you straight out. So i got Aaron to set it up for me."

"So your telling me, you went to the trouble of interrupting my already busy work day for a little date? How would you have known I would have said no if you asked me straight out?" I stood up and walked over to the window with the view. "I've been trying to get your attention for the last few months." Eli admitted. "I highly doubt that, I would have noticed." I smiled

Eli walked over to me slowly "And yet, you didn't notice at all." I didn't notice? "I may not have noticed, however have you ever approached me about a date? No. I don't believe you have." I stated the fact. "Okay, fine. I didn't ask you. Yes, I kind of ambushed you. So, my question now is, Amelia would you like to go on a proper date with me?" Eli asked.

I laughed. "So you ambush me with a date & now you think you've worked hard enough for a second?" I joked. "That isnt a no." Eli bit his lip.

I couldn't help but notice how he sexy he looked right now. His face was defined by his jaw line and his light stubble. His brown hair slicked back with a few strands hanging over his forehead. "It's not a yes either. It's a you have to work for it."

"Okay, so ill work for it. Why don't we sit down, have a bite to eat and get to know each other." Eli suggested. "Okay, but only because you pulled me away from work and I'm starving." I joked. As I walked back over to the table Eli was already placing food on it. Before I could manage to sit down, Eli was behind me pulling the chair out. "Well arent you a gentleman." I looked at him. "Only for the most beautiful girls." He winked at me.

I shook my head with a smile on my face. "So what would you like to know?" I asked him. "Well, I already know what you do for work. So, what about your personal life. Where do you live?" He asked. "In a house." I stated as I put a grape in my mouth. "Your a little bit of a smart ass arent you?" He asked. "Only for the men that ambush me." I teased

"I live in West Brisbane." I finally answered. "Why did you want a date with me?" I continued. "Honestly, I don't know why. The moment I laid eyes on you though, it was like something in me shifted and I knew I had to get to know you one way or another." He smiled with his perfectly shaped lips. "What do you do for fun?"

What do i do for fun? Well that's the question isnt it. I really dont have fun. I work, go home, eat, shower, sleep and repeat. "I don't really have fun." I shrugged. "I think you do, your a party girl arent you?" He raised his eyebrows. "I used to be, then i grew up. I suppose, I like to hang out with my house mates. I guess you could call that fun." I laughed. Wow, I really dont have a life at all.

"What about your family? Brothers? Sisters?" Eli asked, moving inches closer to me. "Four brothers and two sisters. I come from a big family." He calls this personal? I wonder how personal I can get with him before he starts to retreat. "My turn, so you wanted to get personal. My question for you is, when you plan ambush dates, do you see a future with them?" I was interested, I wanted to know if he actually thinks we had some sort of a future. Dont get me wrong, Eli is tall and very sexy in a suit. A future though, I don't know. I guess I sort of hoped for a future with Chase.

"I would like to hope so, depending on how the ambush goes." He chuckled. "So, your single?" He asked. "If i wasn't I wouldn't have stayed. When I'm in a relationship, I'm faithful. Being cheated on has that affect on most people." I admitted a small piece of my past with declan.

Eli moved even closer, we were now sitting side by side. "You were cheated on? Is that what ended it?" He asked, while placing his hand on my leg. "No, that is not what ended my previous relationship." I said while looking at his hand.

"Would you like me to move my hand?" He asked, after noticing I was staring. "I think the first date is a little to soon to be felt up." Eli moved his hand away pretty fast. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that." He sighed. "It's okay, I was joking about the getting felt up part." I laughed at how adorable he looked while apoligising.

"So, how did your last relationship end?" He asked bring the conversation back to the whole getting to know each other. "That is a story you will never find out about." I declared. "Oh come on, you have to tell me now." He laughed. "Nope." I shook my head. "Just a little bit of the story?" He begged like a child begging for ice cream. "As cute as you are when you beg, at the end of the day you are still a client. I just can't divulge that kind of information."

"You think I'm cute?" He smirked. "Crap." I rolled my eyes. "Amelia thinks I'm cute." He sang like a school boy. "Oh please stop." I laughed at his childlikeness.

"Amelia?" A voice sounded from behind me. I turned to see Mia standing in the door way. Eli's face dropped when he saw her standing there. "Sorry to interrupt. I was just wondering if you could take over some of my tasks. I'm heading home early." She smiled while staring at the handsome man in front of me.

"She's a little busy at the moment." Eli answered before I could get a chance. "I can see that, It's just important that these documents get done." Mia batted her eyelashes. Oh god. "Sure Mia, it's fine. Whatever needs doing just make a note of it on my desk." I sighed. "Thank you. Your the best." She walked off with a smug look upon her face.

I turned to look at Eli, he doesnt look impressed at all. "Well, I guess that is us for today. Thank you for the ambush." I laugh. "Your welcome." He smiled at me before pushing my chair in. "So ill see you around." I said walking off towards the door.

"Wait." Eli said making me turn to face him. He walked up to me, our chests were so close I could feel his body heat. I looked up at him. "So, did I work hard enough for a second date?" He asked. "I don't know, did you?" I answered his question with a question.

Eli leant down, slowly leaning in with a grin on his face. Our lips all most touch. "I think I did." He said instead of planting his lips on mine. A little pang of disappointment filled my chest. I guess, somewhere inside me I wanted him to kiss me. "Okay, fine. A second date." I stepped backwards. "It better be better than this ambush." I flashed him a grin before walking out and leaving him in the room.


I know, its kind of lame. Soz, im are slowly making way with the story line though!

Give it a vote and comment, some feedback would be amazing. Also, give me some tips on who I should cast as Chase!

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