Love is not compatible || Con...

By MysticAllen

525K 19K 16K

Y/N was born in a world without androids. When she was ten, Chloe, the first android was created. Is this why... More

*Chapter 1*
*Chapter 2*
*Chapter 3*
*Chapter 4*
*Chapter 5*
*Chapter 6*
*Chapter 8*
*Chapter 9*
*Chapter 10*
*Chapter 11*
*Chapter 12*
*Chapter 13*
*Chapter 14*
*Chapter 15*
Not an update but a thank you
#1: Sleep like the humans do
#2: I love you, not him
#3 Happy birthday Connor!
#4 You need to stop that

*Chapter 7*

29.2K 1K 896
By MysticAllen

First published: June 20th 2018
Last edited: 1st March 2022

Words: 2957

AN: I like Connor's storyline because I am a forensic scientist. However, my only nit-pick is that Connor says in this chapter that the victim didn't die of a heart attack, but was suffocated... let me educate you, my dear readers. If you suffocate your cause of death IS a heart attack cause your body is like WTF IS HAPPENING! And then you get a heart attack. Just sayin... that is your daily lesson with a forensic scientist.

Hank was in no state to drive. You didn't need to be an android to figure out how much over the limit he was. Connor assured Y/N that he himself was capable of driving. Y/N asked if he had actually driven a car before. No, he hadn't. The answer terrified Y/N, she didn't argue but she did hold onto the handle on the roof for safety. Connor wasn't bad in the end. He drove safer than any person she had seen driving. She almost felt bad for doubting him.

They pulled up outside the club which was covered in purple hues and silhouettes of naked people. To be more specific. Androids. The front entrance had a new edition however, the 'crime scene do not cross' sign. The rain poured heavily.
"Ah!" Hank moaned grabbing the side of his head "Feels like somebody is playing with a drill inside my skull." Y/N grabbed his shoulders from the front seat.
"That would be dehydration my friend... maybe stick your head out the window and open your mouth, drink the rain." He shrugged her off not in the mood to play her games.  
"Ha ha very funny." He looked over to the club. "Are you sure this is the right place?"
"It's the address on the report." Connor confirmed.

With one final groan, Hank lent forward and opened the car door. When climbing out he knocked his head on the frame of the car earning a chuckle from Y/N. Y/N climbed out of the car and quickly ran to the shelter the building gave. This was the closest she had been to the place. She had always thought it was creepy. Renting androids. It was no different from forced prostitution from the old days.
"Didn't know you were so keen to go in Y/N." Hank teased.
"The quicker we get in, the quicker we can get out." Hank raised his eyebrows and smirked. Y/N felt her eyes roll. Why did she even open her mouth?

Hank looked at the sign on the wall and read out loud. "Sexiest androids in town. Now I know why you insisted on coming here." The first set of doors opened showing off some of the androids they had for rent. Y/N refused to make eye contact with them in shame of her own species. When the second set of doors opened it wasn't much better. Even more, androids were in glass cages and some were still pole dancing despite the club not even being in business right now due to the murder.

They weren't the first to arrive at the scene. The first thing they heard to the manager saying was something about it being unfair that he shouldn't lose his license. The manager was being interviewed by Ben.
"The investigation is ongoing. I can't tell you anything sir." Ben turned to Hank and Y/N. "That room there." He pointed. "But to warn you. Gavin is in there."
"Why?" Y/N complained. If this place wasn't creepy enough.
"Just what we needed. A dead body and an asshole." Hank commented. No one liked Gavin.

They walked towards the door which opened automatically. Revealing Gavin, Chris, the body and an android on the floor, blood coming from her mouth.
"Well if it isn't the Lieutenant, Rookie and their plastic pet. The fuck are you three doing here?"
"We've been assigned all cases involving androids." Connor answered for them.
"Oh yeah." Gavin mocked. "You're wasting your time. Just some pervert who got more than he could handle." He laughed at his own 'joke'. 

"We'll have a look anyway if you don't mind." Hank said. Gavin scoffed,
"Come on lets go. Its starting to stink of booze in here." Gavin wafted the air around his own nose. Y/N went to take a step forward with a scowl on her face. Hank grabbed her and shook his head. Chris said goodnight to them regretfully and followed Gavin leaving the three of them in the room with the dead body and the android. Connor walked over to the android and ran his fingers across the blood on her chin and pressed them to his tongue.

"Woah!" Hank shouted. "Hey hey! Argh Connor, you're so disgusting." Hank grimaced.
"He's like a 5-year-old. Shoving everything he can find in his mouth." Y/N joked.
"Tell me about it." Connor stood up and walked over to the victim. Hank and Y/N watched him. He would figure out the events to a much better efficiency than they would. They could only come up with a rough estimate of events. Unlike some people in Detroit, they didn't fear for their jobs. Connor was intriguing. If deviancy wasn't a problem any more police and androids could work together in harmony. The androids could deal with the hard facts and the humans could figure out the emotions.

"He didn't die of a heart attack. He was strangled." Connor said after his analysis. 
"Yeah, we saw the bruising on the neck." Hank said.
"Unless he's blind. Which he's not Gavin should have noticed it. Probably wanted his favorite place to stay open." Y/N said sourly. 
"It doesn't prove anything. Could have been rough play." Hank said side eyeing Y/N. Y/N rolled her eyes.

"We're missing something." Connor said. He knelt back down next to the android on the floor.
"Think you could read the androids memory?" Hank suggested. Connor put his hand to her wrist. His skin turning porcelain white.
"The only way to access its memory is to reactivate it." Connor pressed on her stomach and a panel appeared. Y/N knelt down beside Connor. "It's badly damaged. If I do it, it will only be for a minute or less. I hope it's long enough to learn something."

"She's going to be so scared." Y/N said. With that, the female android woke back up and backed away from the men. "Hey, Hey." Y/N said calmly. "We are here to help I promise." The android looked at her and then up at Hank and Connor. When she saw Connor was also an android she relaxed slightly.
"Is he... is he dead?" the Traci asked. Connor quickly answered.
"Tell me what happened."
"He started hitting me." She explained. Y/N winced. "again, and again."
"Did you kill him?"
"No!" she defended herself. "It wasn't me!"

"Hurry! What do you remember? We don't have much time!" Connor pressed. The Traci began to worry.
"Don't have much time? W...what do you mean not much time. I..."
"Hey, it's okay." Y/N soothed placing her hand on the Traci's. "Was there anyone else in the room with you who could have done this?" The Traci looked deep in her eyes.
"He wanted to play with two girls. That's what he said. There was two of us."
"Where did it go?" Connor shouted in urgency but it was too late. The Traci had shut down. Y/N ran her hand across her hair and shut her eyes.

"Is there anyway she can be turned back on?" She asked.
"No." Connor said. "She has lost too much of her blue blood. Her components are damaged." Y/N sighed and stood up.
"So there was another android." Hank commented. "This happened over an hour ago. It's probably long gone."
"She, has all the right to be gone. She just witnessed someone murdered right in front of her. I hope she is long gone." Y/N said angrily.
"If it's... shes, still here. Connor. Do you reckon you could find a deviant among all the other androids?"
"Deviants aren't easily detected."
"Maybe there is another way. Maybe an eye witness somewhere?" Hank suggested. "I'm going to talk to the manager. Tell me if either of you think of something else." 

Connor and Y/N nodded exiting the room. Y/N crossed her arms and began looking around. Connor walked over to another female android still in their glass container.
"Connor what are you doing?" Y/N asked.
"I'm trying to see if this Traci model saw anything but I need a handprint and passcode to access her." He looked down at Y/N's hand. With a groan, she stepped forward and looked at the payment panel. It was like nothing she had ever seen before. She began to press her hand against the screen when Hank turned up behind them.

"What are you two doing?" he asked in horror.
"We are renting this Traci." Connor said innocently.
"For fuck sake Connor! We have better things to do." He began to walk back towards the manager.
"Hank! What he means is, we want to know if she saw anything." She pressed a hand on the scanner.

"Hey no. no!" Hank said. But it was too late. The Traci came out of her box and ran her hand up and down Y/N's arm. "As your father figure, I do not approve of this." Hank said looking slightly disgusted.
"It's only for the investigation." Y/N rolled her eyes.
"Tell that to your bank account." Connor took the arm of the android and again his hand became white as he searched her memory.
"It saw something." He said letting go of her arm.
"Saw what?" Hank
"The deviant leave the room. A blue-haired Traci! Club policy is to wipe the memory of all the androids memory every two hours. We only have a few minutes if we want to find another witness." 

And he ran off to search for another android. Hank looked between the two.
"You follow him, I'll see if I can put her back." Y/N said. Hank followed Connor as Y/N looked at the Traci.
"I'm sorry, is it possible if you can go back in your... box?" Y/N gestured to the showcase box.
"Refunds are not available." The Traci explained before climbing back into the glass. Y/N smiled before trying to find her friends. She looked around the different showcase rooms. This place was a lot bigger than she realized. She began to walk into the blue room when she was interrupted.

"Excuse me miss." She looked over and saw an android mopping the floor. "I just mopped there. Please do not slip."
"Thank you." She said. She screamed in surprise when Connor rushed up to them and grabbed the android's hand. Hank rushed up behind him out of breath. "I know where it went follow me!" Connor shouted.
"He's a bit excited." Y/N commented. Hank raised his eyebrows. 

They both followed him through the staff room door. Which lead them to a warehouse full of androids waiting to be used or fixed. Hank searched the room with his gun out before running out to check the open door around the back. He swore loudly. He turned back into the warehouse.

"Look at them." Hank said sorrowfully. "They get used until they break, then tossed out. People are fucking insane!" he kicked something on the ground. "They don't want relationships anymore, everybody just gets an android! No offence." He quickly said to Y/N. she shrugged and let him carry on. "They cook what you want, they screw when you want, you don't have to worry about they feel. Next thing you know, we're going to be extinct, because the world would rather buy a piece of plastic than another human being." Y/N looked sorrowfully at Connor who was tasting blood again. She rolled her eyes.

"People will do anything for love Hank. Even if what they feel isn't real love." Suddenly one of the androids attacked Connor. It wasn't the blue haired Traci however, it was another Traci. Hank and Y/N rushed forward with their guns out to help Connor but they didn't make it to Connor as the original Traci they were looking for jumped out and pushed them both to the floor.

"Y/N" Hank shouted pushing the Traci off of them. Y/N looked over and saw Connor about to get stabbed by a screwdriver. She tried to get up but the floor was slippery and she couldn't stand up quickly enough. Thankfully Connor managed to get the upper hand on the Traci and began to fight hand to hand when they both fell out of the warehouse. The blue Traci stopped her assault on Hank and rushed to the brown haired Traci. The two Traci's helped each other when Y/N noticed they were holding hands. They were in love. Hank ran up to them as they tried to get away.

"Hank stop!" Y/N shouted. She tried to push Hank out of the way just as the two Traci's began to defend themselves. They pushed Y/N into the wall head first. She fell to the floor and could feel a warm liquid flowing from her head.
"Y/N!" Hank shouted. He bent down to help Y/N who was in a lot of pain and bleeding. The Traci's took this as an opportunity to run. Connor went to help Y/N also but Hank told him to focus on the Traci's. Connor picked up Hank's gun and pointed it at the two androids but didn't shoot.

Software instability

"When that man broke the other Traci." The blue haired Traci began. Y/N looked up at her becoming dizzy. "I knew I was next. I was so scared I would be next. I begged him to stop but he wouldn't and so I put my hands around his throat and squeezed until he stopped moving. I didn't mean to kill him. I just wanted to stay alive and get back to the one I love. I wanted her to hold me in her arms again. Make me forget about the humans, their smell of sweat and their dirty words." 

They quickly made their escape and Connor joined Y/N and Hank on the floor.
"Guys I'm fine." She said through drooped eyelids. "The rain is just mixing with my blood making it look bad. I'm fine."
"Stop making goddamned excuses. You are in pain! Let us help you." Hank said.
"I just want to go home." Y/N moaned. Connor scanned her injury.
"I see no symptoms of a concussion. The bleeding should stop in approximately 2 minutes."
"See I'm fine. Just get me home please."

Connor dropped Hank off home first as his house was closer than Y/N's. He promised he would return the car shortly. Hank made him swear he would get Y/N home safely. He then mumbled something too quietly for even Connor to hear. A short drive later Y/N climbed out of the car and said her goodbyes to Connor.

"The Lieutenant said I had to accompany you all the way inside. I must insist I follow you." Y/N wasn't in the mood to argue so opened the door and walked in. Connor looked around. There were no pictures on the walls or family portraits. The only photograph in the house was the same one that was in Hank's. 

Y/N absentmindedly walked to her bedroom where she picked up the pair of pajamas she had intended to put on earlier and slowly walked to the bathroom to get changed. Once ready she walked to her bed and climbed in.
"There you go! I'm in bed all safe and everything." She said with a smile. Connor stood awkwardly in the doorway.
"You can come closer you know. I'm not diseased." Connor took one step forward. Y/N rolled her eyes and patted her bed motioning for him to sit down. It took him a few moments to realize what she was meaning. One step at a time he got closer and sat on the end of the bed and his hands were in his lap awkwardly.
"Those two androids. You didn't shoot them. Why?" Y/N asked out of curiosity. Her head tilted slightly. 
"I needed them alive for information," Connor answered void of emotion. 
"Is that the only reason?"

Software instability

Connor remained silent but his features softened. Y/N tilted her head in curiosity.
"You also tried to help me before you went after them. You put the whole investigation at risk to make sure I was okay." Connor looked puzzled. He did. He didn't think of it that way which was odd because he always thought about the mission and putting it first. Y/N chuckled. "Sorry, I apologize. I'll stop talking. But, I was wondering. Could you please stay until I fall asleep? Just in case I do die or something."
"Of course." Connor said. 

Y/N smiled at him before placing her head on her pillow and closing her eyes. Connor watched in fascination. Connor never slept. He went into low power mode but that was different from sleeping. He knew for certain Y/N was asleep when she began to snore slightly. Connor stood up and walked towards the bedroom door. He turned around to check on Y/N one more time. He pulled her blanket up to ensure she would remain warm. He wanted to stay. He wanted to stay to make sure she was okay. To make sure she was safe. He wasn't programmed to care but he couldn't help it. There was something about her. The way she spoke to him. The way she looked at him. He wanted to stay but he needed to get the car back to Hank. Looking at her so peaceful made him...

Software instability.

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