Maiden In Black {Sesshomaru...

By FanficDemon1701

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{Book and look of Kita has been updated and re-edited} Takes Place after Naraku was defeated.... Kagome had a... More

Maiden In Black: Obedience to Marked=Catnip 2
Maiden In Black: Queen Of Pranks Strikes!
Maiden In Black: Truth To Her Existence In Feudal Days
Maiden In Black: Healing An Injured Canine
Maiden In Black: Jinenji's Help
Maiden In Black: Canines Love Roo P1
Maiden In Black: Canines Love Roo P2
Kitrainyokai's Fanart Of Kita and Sesshy
Enter: Ray Piper and Nicolas/Nick
Future Sneak Peaks: Future Characters
Bad Omens
Part 1:| First Battle! And Future Plans?!
Part 2:| First Battle! And Future Plans?!
Enter!! Yoko Kurama!!
Bad Inuyasha and Rin's Message
Inuyasha's Betrayal & Down The Rabbit Hole
Shopping Chaos Part 1
Shopping Chaos To Affections Across Time
"Do not say such nonsense" Sesshomaru
To His Amusement
Yu Yu Hakusho and Inuyasha Combine!!
Mating Game
Fighting For Her!
Shocking Revelations!!
Meeting a Long Lost Sister

Maiden In Black: Fleeing

451 14 0
By FanficDemon1701

Only Kita Will only have a POV!


I found out my bag magically was changed to have more space with outfits from my era, and also tools too, I could think of whatever I wanted even food I wanted and like magic I could pull it out as I was in a shed going to change into different clothes on Jinenji's Farm, and I tested my small purse out and it kinda was cool yet shocking all at once.

"I wonder if InuTaisho had something to do with this when I met him last time?" I mutter to myself and I heard a knock on the shed door.

"Are you alright Kita?" Jinenji asked me with a worried voice.

"Um...yeah give me a few more minutes." I reply back to him and I heard him stomp off.

"You called?" I jump at InuTaisho's voice since he scared the shit out of me seeing him pop up in front of my eyes and I fell on my rear and I flinch at that.

"You asshole! Warn me before popping up like that you old geezer!" I seethe out as I stood up glaring at InuTaisho.

InuTaisho folds his arms to his chest and gives me a bored look in his ghost transparent see through form. "You called me and I came, and you treat me like this? Has my son grown on you to greet me this way too?"

"I'm sorry, but it scared me when you popped up like that!" I snort angrily out and sigh afterwards.

"I understand since you are not used to this Era yet or talking to me. You are the only one who can see me, comes with the perk of me using my demonic aura powers to revive you from death, and using that protection spell on you, so we are connected in a way." InuTaisho yawns.
"I was sleeping though after the drinking festival we had."

"Can you explain why my purse has more room and why I can if think of something from my Era I can take it out?" I ask holding my purse out.

InuTaisho smirked groggily. "Ah, I recently last encounter did that, for you obviously. I wanted to spoil you a bit, your Cousin I hardly can tolerate being around, I checked on her recently." InuTaisho replied and scratched his chest through his armor.

"How so?" I ask.

"She's beyond annoying at times. Inuyasha and her bicker more than Sesshomaru and you do, I get annoyed by it." InuTaisho says and I watch him yawn again and I could smell the booze on his breath.

"Next time I call you lay off the booze cause your breath reeks of it." I say cringing and wave my hand over my face.

"No promises on that, I was enjoying a good night with Izayoi Inuyasha's mother." InuTaisho replied smirking a devious smirk.

I shiver at imagining he was screwing Inuyasha's mom in the afterlife. "Ew, I didn't need to know about you doinking Inuyasha's mother in the afterlife you perverted old man."

InuTaisho laughed. "My son is just as much of a sleeze as I am you will find out soon enough. I love it you can make me laugh, I just hope you can make him laugh, too bad he did not see you prank Inuyasha, I was laughing so hard if I was alive I would piss myself. I bet he would finally laugh if you prank Inuyasha again." InuTaisho chuckled and pats my head.

"I might give thought into that prank Inuyasha when Sesshomaru is around, thanks for the idea." I smirk a devious smirk.

"And the fox child sure would learn more to graduate Kitsune School as well, so it's a win win situation. Inuyasha was ranting for days after you pranked him." InuTaisho chuckled.

"So if I call you, you will come and talk if I need advice?" I ask him.

"Yes, only if nobody is around. But I cannot interfere with any events like the Bandit Event, events leading to my son's affection growing more for you." InuTaisho replied and a knock sounded at the shed. "I should go Jinenji is worried you are not out of the shed yet." InuTaisho says and I watch him disappear.

I sigh at that and put my hand into my purse tugging out an outfit.

A scarlet crop top with short sleeves, it had gothic black ties at the chest area, a scarlet skirt with a black big belt on one area of the skirt wuth white spider patterns on it, black tights, black boy short panties, a black strapless bra, and black gothic boots with gray buckles and it zips up on the sides, and black and white stripped emo arm sleeves that go up to my upper arms.

I took off the kimono quickly, and dressed in that outfit, tugging each article on my body, my slim pale skinned stomach showed, and so did my belly button. My belly button has a scar on it from a gang member slicing my gut in America and I had stitches from it, I don't even know if Sesshomaru noticed it at all, sometimes I forget it's there.

I zip up my purse, fully dressed I walk up to the shed door and open it seeing Jinenji smile down at me. "Ready to chop the wood then?"

"Of course!" I say punching my fist into my other hand.

Jinenji guides me to the front of his cottage home and Sesshomaru was sitting outside still shirtless. That's right at the monestary his top and swords were left there, so he has no top to wear, and he has no weapons to defend us with, but I know better all he needs is his claws to defend me if I'm in danger. "Are you sure you should be sitting outside Sesshomaru?" I ask Sesshomaru walking up to him and bend over to look at him in his eyes.

"He was complaining about the imp whining about Yumi was being rough in treating him." Jinenji's Mom replied.

"I see then. Jaken can be annoying so I understand. Just rest though, no moving around am I clear?" I point to Sesshomaru and he nods, as he leans where he sat on the ground into the cabin wall his arms folded to his chest.

I straighten myself up and walk over to Jinenji who handed me an ax which was not even heavy to me. "Are you sure you can do this?" Jinenji asked I guess worried about me.

"Don't worry I can handle this, just place the wood down for me to cut them is all I need help with okay." I tell Jinenji with a big happy grin doing a thumbs up.

Jinenji smiled and placed a huge chunk of wood as tall as him onto the ground. "You sure you can cut that one?" Jinenji's Mom taunts me.

"Yep, I never give up believe it!" I say to Jinenji's Mom and jump up and chop the whole piece of wood in half.

Jenenji then placed them on their side's and I land on my heels of my boots and chop each long block to small pieces.

"Whoa, for a human you're strong!" Yumi gushed walking to stand next to Jinenji who put another big tall wood piece in front of me and I repeat chopping it and land on my boots heels, and then chop it to small pieces.

"You sure enjoy chores unlike Kagome." Jenenji says and I nod as I breathe hard enjoying doing this chore.

"Unlike my cousin I enjoy chores I can't sit still worth shit. I go nuts if I'm not doing something to keep me busy." I say honestly and point the ax for him to put another wood piece down. "Bring it on! I can do this all day, I love challenges!" I chuckle darkly  smirking at Jinenji who nods placing the wood down.

I jump yet again chopping it in half, and then land on my heels of my boots and chop each piece to smaller ones as Yumi scurried to put them in many piles.

We did about thirty more huge wood pieces until there was no more to cut. I wipe the sweat from my brow and sigh at my hard work. Though my arms burned with the hard work it was worth it.

"Here I'll take the ax." Jinenji grabbed the ax from my hand and says. "Go rest now, we can do other chores."

I nod walking over to where Sesshomaru sat and Jinenji's Mom smiled at me. "Good job, I thought you would tucker out though but I was wrong. Looked like you were having fun, I've never seen a youngster have fun with chores."

"That's because I'm different." I say smirking and winking at her.

A loud roaring sound interrupted the mood and I heard the familiar gongs go off. "Ma demons!" Jinenji tensed up.

"They are probably still after me as always." I scoff.

"Why after you?" Jinenji's Mom asked.

"When I came here, this spider demon spread a rumor if demons eat me that they could become more powerful than this Naraku guy, but it's false I'm not that special!" I tell Jinenji's Mom.

"If you're related to Kagome who's a priestess then your powers we have witnessed right now that inhuman strength is part of your Priestess powers, Priestesses if demons eat them do gain more power by absorbing a Priestesses powers! So eating you can make them stronger especially if you are from a Priestess Lineage." Jinenji's Mom replied.

"I didn't know that, so I'm like Cousin Kagome a Priestess?" I ask confused.

"Yes, even I can sense your powers." Jinenji's Mom says. "Your powers are strong, they radiate off you, more than Kagome's powers does. So you are more powerful than Kagome, yet you don't know it. That could be why demons are seeking you, they seek to devour them, and we should not let them." Jinenji's Mom says looking to Sesshomaru who stood up.
"Your friend agrees if he is able to stand still sore from his nearly healed wounds."

"Sesshomaru is thick skulled, so it don't surprise me." I heard InuTaisho say behind me and I turn my head to look at him. InuTaisho was sitting his legs crossed over each other laying on his back his arms behind his head.

"I thought you couldn't appear when others are around you old fart!" I snap at InuTaisho.

"I decided I would I'm bored, and this is more entertaining watching things play out." InuTaisho chuckled.

"I swear you're a sadist!" I sigh and shake my head.

"Who are you talking to Kita?" Jinenji's Mom asked.

"Just some spirit. But it's not a bad one." I say and Sesshomaru eyed me odd.

"Don't tell him I'm here he will blow his gasket." InuTaisho says and puts his arms around my neck and hugged me to his chest then floats off letting me go. "I'm just gonna watch, ignore me if you will."

"Stupid sadist." I cough out.

"How crude you are." InuTaisho replied feigning being hurt.

"Shut uuup!" I retort flipping him off over my shoulder making him laugh.
"By the way I am flipping the ghost off." I tell Jinenji's Mom.

Another roar sounded making me turn to the noise watching Jinenji stand in front of me with Yumi by his side.

I watch Yumi form a scythe made of black ice!

"Yumi is part Snow Woman and part human." Jinenji's Mom answered my unspoken question I was about to ask. "She's good in battle with her Black Eclipse Scythe, we should be safe, but I think you two should flee, take the imp and go, we can handle them while you guys escape." Jinenji's Mom says.

"I can't just leave you guys to those demons!" I retort.

"Trust me them two can handle them, now flee, you must not let any demons devour you with those spiritual powers you possess!" Jinenji's Mom shouts making me nod and I run into the cottage and tug my purse to go over my shoulder diagonally to be on my left shoulder but settle on my right hip, as I grab Jaken into my chest as he was sleeping and grab his staff in my other hand and ran out of the cottage and look up to Sesshomaru my heart pounding in anxiety.

"You sure you are well enough to carry me?" I ask Sesshomaru who nods.

"I can carry you." Sesshomaru says and grabbed me by my hip with one arm and jumped high in the air and to some trees, and he stopped and I felt his chest flinch and his body shake I look up in his face seeing him cringe in his face in pain and he was panting. "You aren't well aren't you?" I ask with a worried voice.

"Do not pay no attention to it, your safety is my priority right now, without my blades I am defenseless in this condition." Sesshomaru says and jumps further ignoring his pain in his chest as he kept jumping from tree to tree not stopping even though he was cringing more in pain.

I put my hand on his chest and go wide eyed as I look down seeing the scabs that were healing had opened a little up and he was bleeding. "Stop for now somewhere you're bleeding! I don't want you bleeding to death!" I shout at him with tears in my long black lashes threatening about to fall.

"No, we must go further." Sesshomaru retorts.

"If you don't stop I'm gonna make that wound worse myself! Now stop somewhere so I can try to treat it!" I shout at him.

Sesshomaru sighs giving into her advice, she was right he was not well enough for them to flee far. "For this one time I will obey your commands." Sesshomaru jumped down a high tree to a grassy surface and sets me down and he wobbled where he stood so I help him over to a tree to sit him down as he pants hard with one of his hands over his wounds on his chest.

I set Jaken against a rock sitting up nearby us and set his staff on the ground. I set my purse on the ground and unzip it. Okay, medical kit with all things I need. That's what I need. I think to myself and I reach into my purse feeling my hand grip a handle and I tug out a medical kit making Sesshomaru blink at that confused as I set the medical kit by my bag. "How did you do that?" Sesshomaru asked trying to stand up to investigate but his chest exploded with pain as he flinched and fell against the tree.

"Stop moving around dammit! You're just gonna make that wound worse!" I scold him making him turn his head away.
"He was right you are thick skulled." I mutter under my breath.

I open the kit up seeing absolutely everything I need in it, even antidotes for poison, stuff for burns, needle and thread, bandages of all kinds, even cleaning stuff for wounds!

"Okay what do I use?" I close my eyes trying to remember things from TV shows to use, even how to stitch stuff up.

Scenes of TV shows fluttered into my mind, and also memories of how my Dad patched me up from me being beat up, even stitching me up. "But I'm bad with blood though." I mutter. Yeah I always hated the sight of it, and still do. But I have to stitch Sesshomaru up though!

I swallow hard, grabbing a needle, thread, alcohol, some gauze to clean the wound up, and some bandages.

I walk over to Sesshomaru and kneel on my knees setting each item next to me. "Don't freak out okay, but this will sting a bit this is stuff that will help clean the wound up." I say taking the alcohol bottle and pour it on some gauze and set the bottle down and put it to Sesshomaru's chest and Sesshomaru snarls his eyes closing tightly.

"It burns." Sesshomaru snarled out.

"I know it does, but trust me it will clean your wounds up good. See it foaming? The reason it foams is it's cleaning the infectious flesh in your skin. In my Era my Dad used this stuff on me when I was getting stitched up, which happened alot." I say as I pat the wound up with the alcohol drenched gauze making Sesshomaru growl more at the burning pain.

"Come on, if your brother saw you wimping out like this when I treat you he would make fun of you, so tough it out like you usually do." I tease Sesshomaru and he glares a death glare at me. "I'm just teasing you, don't get mad." I giggle at him.

"Not amusing." Sesshomaru says annoyed.

"Okay, what if I told you when my Dad treated my wounds with this stuff that burns that I cried like a baby, tears and all?" I say to Sesshomaru making him blink.

"Really? I can hardly see you crying like that." Sesshomaru says honestly.

"Oh I did, even scream my head off, so at least you did better than me for my first time having alcohol used on my injuries." I say smiling at him.

Patting more of his chest I glance down at his right leg in his kimono legging seeing his wound on his leg also opened up, since a red blotch was forming on his white legging. "Here I need to take your pants off, the wound on your leg even opened up." I say trying to grab his waistband of his leggings since he left his purple and gold sash at the monestary.

Sesshomaru grabbed my hand and I look up in his golden eyes. "Leave my leg be."

"If I leave it be, it will get infected so no, now let me do this. I used to change Sota's diapers so it won't bother me a bit seeing your piddlestick." I retort and shove his hand away.

Sesshomaru blinked at that her  comparing his manhood to a baby's!

"I didn't mean it like that geeze! I mean I'm used to seeing men nude. Meaning babies, and boys when I went to school. Boys at the school I went to the girls shared a locker room so boys dressed around us girls cause my school was poor." I say and Sesshomaru sighs and relaxed, as I tug his leggings off and look at his bleeding leg, it dripped to the ground. "This is really bad, Jinenji's Mom didn't tell me your leg was this bad." I take another gauze with alcohol and dab it making Sesshomaru jerk his back into the tree trunk and his fangs showed as he hissed at me. "Sorry I know it hurts, trust me but it'll help I promise, do you trust me?" I tell Sesshomaru and he nods. "Okay, let me clean this up and stitch it up first, this one needs it first, I did pay attention in health class, everyone even you have an artery in both your legs, an artery that can make you bleed to death, but I can tell this wound isn't connected to the artery, but pretty close to it maybe several inches away. So I gotta be careful stitching it up so you must stay still got it?" I tell Sesshomaru who nods clenching his fangs in his mouth.

I couldn't stop the bleeding!
"You need to stitch it up quickly." I heard InuTaisho say behind me. "He will bleed out."

"Shut up old fart I'm trying!" I snap at InuTaisho over my shoulder.

"Who are you yelling at?" Sesshomaru says frustrated.

"Nobody." I say as I thread the needle and began to stitch his wound up slowly to make sure I get the wound stitched right and not fuck up.

I swallow hard the blood was alot, it was overwhelming, but I had to do this even though seeing the blood was making me feel queasy and want to chicken out!  If I didn't finish stitching his wound up and bandage it, he could die from bleeding out!

Sesshomaru watched me work attentively and I knew he noticed I was unnerved by the sight of blood when his hand that wasn't covered in blood went through my spiked up bang of my hair that was gray with black and white streeks. "You are doing fine." Sesshomaru says gently running his fingers through my bang as I finish stitching his leg up and wipe his leg clean of the excess blood, then wrap a bandage around his leg and tie it up.

I change the needle putting it on the bloody gauze next to me and grab another needle I brought over earlier and thread it and began stitching the wound on his chest up, slowly making sure I don't fuck up, my focus entirely on stitching the wound up, and the wound was easier to stitch up. I tie the thread up, and cut the thread and grab a big bandage and pull the sticky stuff off and place it gently on his chest. I then help Sesshomaru pull his leggings up and over is hips. "There now don't open them up. Those stitches will dissolve when you heal fully." I stand up and take the bloody needles and gauze and walk away. As I held them thinking about wanting to destroy them I felt my hands feel warm and look down at my hands and drop the items I held seeing blue flames engulf the items and they burnt to ash. "Holy shit! I got the power of flames?!"

"Looks like it, that old woman was right your powers are growing Kita." InuTaisho says floating over my head.

"What is it? Are you hurt?" Sesshomaru asked I turn around to rush over and push his uninjured side of his body to sit back down gently.

"I'm fine just a new power appeared. Sit and stay." I say scolding him.

"You are so demanding." Sesshomaru complained.

"For a good reason if you run on that leg again that wound will tear more and then it will tear that artery I told you about, so sit down shut up and rest!" I scold Sesshomaru giving him a serious look and he sighs giving me an annoyed look.

"I will obey until I am fully healed." Sesshomaru replied giving into her demanding nature.


To be continued....

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