1D preferences and imagines

By Imkindaobsessed

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1D preferences and imagines
Preference: Water
Preference: surprises on tour
Preference: relationships on tour
Preference: One year anniversary
Imagine: you hurt yourself and Niall is your doctor
Imagine: Harry is your brother and doesn't want you dating Niall
Preference: He catches you singing/dancing to a Disney song
Preference/imagine: you have a fight before he goes onstage
Preference: He catches you having a cute moment with you kid
Preference: Where you live
Harry imagine: You break up but you're pregnant
Harry imagine: you're going to marry someone else but you love Harry
Louis imagine: you break up but you're pregnant
Imagine: Harry wants to wear a weird outfit to your wedding
Niall imagine: He asks you out
Liam imagine: You meet him at Johanna's wedding
Song Preference: Budapest by George Ezra
Louis imagine: you have a miscarriage
Preference: how he sleeps
Niall Imagine: Snow Storm
Niall imagine: you're a model and the other boys don't like it
Niall imagine: You have a miscarriage
Louis imagine: He protects you

Imagine: You and Niall get drunk

329 2 1
By Imkindaobsessed

Imagine: Niall and you get drunk

I was going out with my best friend tonight, Niall. We were gonna go to a party at this local club in Ireland. His tour had just ended and we decided we needed to have a little fun! It was 7:00, Niall was picking me up at 8:00. I took a quick shower and dried and curled my hair into some nice beach waves. I kept the makeup simple, a little foundation and blush, some winged eye liner, mascara, and some red lipstick. It was a classy look but also looked a little sexy: perfect! I went to my closet and picked out a black dress that was tight up until my waist where it flared out. It went halfway down my thigh and the back was cut deep, showing off a little skin. I grabbed some nude pumps and a clutch where I put my phone, lipstick, money, and id.

As I was walking down the stairs, I heard the doorbell ring, it was Niall. Perfect timing! We quickly hugged and told me I looked amazing tonight, I blushed. He was wearing some dark blue skinny jeans, a white t-shirt that showed off his muscles underneath (hey, I'm not complaining), a black leather jacket and white shoes. It was a normal look for him, but he looked amazing!! We walked down to his car while talking about how his your went and how the boys were. We drove to the club, which was maybe a 15 minute car ride. But, it was nice to catch up with him in person. We had face timed and texted a lot on tour, but it's not the same.

"I really missed you, Y/N. It was hard being away from all my family and friends, but I found myself thinking about you quite a bit." He said shyly. I blushed, I had always had a crush on him, but never done anything about it. Him saying that brought sooo many butterfly's to my stomach, I couldn't get rid of the feeling!

"Me too, it's not the same around here without my best mate. My other friends are great, but something about you is different from them, you're more special." I said, slightly flirting with him, but in a small way I thought. I could see him trying to hold back a smile as we pulled up to the club.

"Ready my lady?" He asked in a funny voice. I chuckled before nodding. There weren't many people outside, and luckily nobody noticed him, yet. It was bound to happen, it was a matter of time before people were swarming outside.

We showed the man outside our id's and headed inside. It felt like the room was shaking from the loud base thumping through the club. We walked over to the bar, hand in hand because of all the people, we didn't want to get separated. We ordered a few shots and downed them quickly. The liquid shot down my throat in a rather unpleasant taste. I won't be having another one of those, I thought. Niall looked at me and laughed.

"Don't like the taste of that, love?" He said while trying to hold back his laughter. I guess my face showed I didn't like the drink as well.

"Nope, not my favorite!"

We stayed around the bar for a while, just talking. We both had a few more drinks and I could tell it was starting to affect us both. Niall's face got redder and redder, as it usually does when he gets drunk. And, we were both laughing quite a bit. He kept telling the corniest jokes in the world, but for some reason, no matter how bad they were, I always ended up laughing until I couldn't breathe.

"I think I'm gonna go dance, care to join?" I asked, slightly slurring my words.

"Not right now, I just got another beer." He said as the bartender handed him his third beer of the night.

"Ok, I'll just dance on my own." I said, clearly not thinking straight. It wasn't a good idea to just dance all on your own here. There had been several guys checking me out tonight.

"I don't think that's a good idea, Y/N." Niall said. I shrugged him off and went to dance. . The floor was crowded and a kept bumping into people grinding on each other... Awkward. I went toward the middle of the floor. I could see Niall from here since the bar was a a few steps above the floor. I closed my eyes and let the music take my full attention. I was moving my hips to the music when I felt two hands wrap around my waist... Or actually a little lower than my waist. Too low for me. I know Niall wouldn't do that. I snap around to see a big man standing behind me. I struggle to get out of his grip. He laughed, obviously very intoxicated.

"Settle down, beautiful. Just enjoy it." He said. He had horrible breath. I wasn't interested in the least bit.

"No. Get your f*cking hands off me. Now." I said

"Sorry, that's not gonna happen. Now stop making a scene. People are looking just do what I say. And don't yell at me again." He whispered into my ear. It sent tingles up my spine, and not in a good way. I also didn't realize I had been yelling. I turned around and slapped him. He took his hands off my waist for a second and I took the chance to bolt... Or try. But, my heels, drunkness, and the crowded area made me gat a foot at most. I looked at the bar to try and catch Niall's eye so he could help me, but he wasn't sitting there anymore. Oh no.

"Come here you b*tch!" I heard the man yell. He grabbed my hair and yanked me back. I yelled in pain.

"You get your f*cking hand off her. Now." A very mad Niall yelled at the guy. He was fuming. I'd never seen him this mad. And I was scared, that man better run!

"Don't tell me what to do!" The man yelled back. He was bigger than Niall, taller, had more muscle, and was probably older. But, when Niall gets mad, you want to stay out of his way. Suddenly I saw a fist fly through the air and his the man in the gut. He crouched in half and Niall took the opportunity to hold his head in between his hand and bring his knee up to meet the mane face. Ow. That's got to hurt. The man fell on the floor, blood dripping out his face. Niall grabbed my wrist rather forcibly and dragged me out of the club.

Outside, there was a small crowd of fans waiting for him, but I guess he wasn't in the mood for pictures and autographs. He plowed through them and we quickly got in his car and drove off. He had sobered up quite a bit. The alcohol doesn't affect his too much so even a few beers and a shot kept him sober enough that I was ok with him driving.

After a few minutes of no talking, he pulled over to the side of the road, unbuckled his seatbelt, leaned across and cupped his hands around my face. He looked me in he eye. We were only an inch apart and I could feel his breath on me.

"Are you ok?!" He asked, his words slightly shaky. I was still a little shaken up. Everything happened so quickly. One minute there's a weird guy grabbing my waist, the next Niall is punching him.

"Um y-ya I think so." I said, slightly stumbling. I guess he didn't believe me because he pulled me into a hug, which ended up me sitting on his lap. We stayed there for a while before I leaned back, not knowing that the steering wheel was behind me. A big HONK broke the silence and we laughed at it. We sat there staring at each other for a while before he started to lean in. My heart started thumping so loud I swear he could hear it. But, I leaned in also. Our lips met softly. It was light, not rough. It sent butterflies through my total body as sparks lit at the touch of our lips. After a few seconds we pulled back. I got back in my seat, still holding his hand and he drove back to his place.

I borrowed some of his sweats and a t-shirt. Then we cuddled in his bed, both of us still a little drunk. Before eventually we both passed out on his bed, him holding me in his arms.

I woke up in an unfamiliar place. It was light out, I heard someone cooking downstairs. I jumped up before realizing it was Niall's room. What did we do last night?!?! I remember going to a club and being drunk, but everything after that I can't remember.

I awkwardly walk downstairs to see Niall shirtless cooking breakfast. I've seen him shirtless before, but it still turns me on every time. He is hot!

"Good morning, Y/N." He says with a big smile on his face.

"What happened last night?" I ask, as a slight headache begins to form in my head.

"You don't remember?" He says, slightly frowning.

"Nope, all I remember is being slightly drunk with you at a bar." I say. He chuckled and shakes his head.

"Well then, I guess you'll never know!" WHAT? He wasn't going to tell me? I begged and pleaded with him for a few minutes and realized I wasn't getting anywhere and just dropped the subject.

We ate eggs and toast while talking about anything. I could help but notice he was staring at me a lot, I wonder what happened last night.....

A/N: first imagine I've ever written!! Hope it's ok. I wasn't quite sure how to end it, so it's a little abrupt, but that's all I could think of! Hope you enjoyed it! Also not sure if that's what you wanted them to do while they were drunk, but I'm not sure if I'm co futile writing about that kinda stuff yet. I'm open for imagines, preferences, ships, anything!! I love getting ideas so please send them in!! Thanks for reading! Also, I didn't go back and check for typos... So sorry if there's a lot, I just didn't want to proof it... I know not smart hahaha!

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