Pure Breed High

By IntrovertedTomboy

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(Updates once a week lol, preferably on Mondays) Welcome to Pure Breed High! The school has a reputation for... More

The Alpha
The Sabre
The Omega
End of the day
What to do..?
Mystery Wolf
Being Omega
Thank You
Baby Sitting
Baby Sitting (Pt. 2)
Baby Sitting (Pt. 3)
Baby Sitting (End)
No Ones Side
Getting Ready
The Date
The Date (Pt. 2)
The Date (Pt. 3)
The Date (Pt. 4)
The Date (Pt. 5)
The Date (End)
Permission Denied
The Day
And Action
The Cat's Out The Bag
He's a Halfling
Stoopid hoomans
Getting Ready (Pt. 1)
Getting Ready (Pt. 2)
Getting Ready (Pt. 3)
Getting Ready (Pt. 4)
Homecoming (Pt. 1)
Homecoming (Pt. 2)
Homecoming (Pt. 3)
Homecoming (Pt. 4)
Homecoming (Final)
The One Who Started It All


31 1 0
By IntrovertedTomboy

That story was unbelievable, all of that actually happened, he sounded like a completely different person in that story "Hehe what do you think of me now...?" he looked away ashamed "I'm not exactly proud of what I was and I don't think anything could ever make up the mistakes I've made. But... I'm glad I finally got that out of my chest, it gets really suffocating after a while you know..?" I nodded. So he gave up his title so in reality.... HE'S THE BETA HOLY "WAIT SO YOU'RE THE BETA!?" he looked surprised "Keep your voice down!" my ears went down "Oh sorry!" so he is the Beta... Hehe werewolf class paid off "Anyway won't your parents have come for you by now-?" I cut him off "This story doesn't change my view of you as a person, in fact I feel like it's more character development, this situation has made you a stronger person and you grow stronger as a person everyday, we all do. So don't think that depressing way anymore alright? I'm your friend" he smiled and he suddenly hugged me "Thank you... For accepting me as I am" his head was buried in my neck. I caressed his head just like he did to mine. Oh lord werewolf hair is so soft! I had no idea! I wonder... I look over at his tail, Nah maybe another time lol. I looked over and I realized people were staring "Isn't that girl really young for him?" that pissed me off

(A/N you know how i told you about late blooming...? Nyx's tail is about 1 foot so people think she's a middle schooler lol)

"They're so cute! Young love am I right?" I blushed "Hey people are staring..." he gently let's go "Yeah I know sorry" he blushed as well "I actually have to walk home so I'll see you tomorrow?" He nodded "How about I drive you home?" I looked over "Wait you drive?" he chuckled "I am a Junior, we are expected to drive by then" it would save me some time... "Sure why not" he smiled "Cool, I'll grab my car from campus, stay here and wait alright? I'll honk when I get back" he started running "Oh ok..!" why couldn't I just accompany him? Oh yeah what just happened.... I went over a park bench and sat there and waited

A few minutes later I hear a honk, the car looked really new "No way that's him..." the car window was rolled down "Hop on!" oh jeez it is! I ran over to the passenger side "So where do you live?" I gave him my location and he drove off. We had some small talk and it was good. Eventually we got to the front of my house. I was going to say goodbye to Nixon until I noticed something and I just stared in disbelief "What's wrong?" He asked "My neighbor is sitting at my door step..." he looked over "That's weird..." it was the meif'wa mom that told me off this morning... I'm really scared, what did I do wrong? "Let me check it out, wait here in case anything happens to me" he nodded "Yeah of course, I was planning too anyway, this seems suspicious"

I get out the car and walk over to her "Hey please don't do anything I seriously didn't do anything wrong please!" I said, I was really scared of this lady "No that's not what I came here for... And what happened to your face?" she seemed annoyed "Um... Nothing, wait. If you're not here to get me in legal trouble ... Then what are you doing here?" she sighed "I have a job interview in the city, and the babysitter canceled on me last minute, it seems like your parents aren't home so I waited till you came back so... I have no choice" her ego looked like it was extremely hurt asking "So... Could you please take care of my kids while I'm out... I have no one else and I have to hurry up and leave" I was shocked "I'll even pay you, we can arrange a price to your liking" she seems very distressed. I felt bad so I relented "Yeah sure I have nothing better to do" she sighed in relief "Thank you, I'll even pay you right now, how much?" I quickly thought of a good price "Since it was sudden, $20 for each kid" she sighed "Alright" she gave me $200 bill. Wait that means... 10 KITTENS!? "I'll get my kids, again thank you" and she ran over to her house. While she was gone I quickly ran back to Nixons car. He rolled down the window "So what happened?" I told him, really nervous and still in shock "Um... I'm gonna need your help..." he looked at me confused

Oh shoot 20 chapter ^o^ 🎉

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