I Wouldn't Mind

By Floortjex3

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Forever is a long time, but I wouldn't mind spending it by your side. ** It all started with someone trippin... More

-1- (EDITED!)


79 5 3
By Floortjex3

~I have secrets but don't you worry.. You'll know them soon~

A/N : (This chapter in the beginning only contains Jaedlynn's thoughts... If you want to read then do but i've warned you!)

Sorry for grammar faults or misspellings!

 Chapter 12 



That's one of the feelings i could recognize in Jack's eyes. Well, other than betrayal, disbelief, pain, hatred- (not against me) and last but not least heartbreak. It was like i was killed in front of his eyes, and that there was everywhere  blood. My blood. As if i broke his heart in Thousand no - millions of pieces. It pained me to see him like that when we drove back to the pack house. It pained me so much but i couldn't open my mouth. He tried, and i say tried, to ask. But i didn't want to answer. 

He sort of already knows the answer, i guess. I don't know if i want him inside this. I'm also knew to this and it's hard because this is all about me. Not about Jack. Not about Loyd. Not about Kiko, Cole, Stefan or Jill. Not about Hora, Sarah or Ricky. Not about mom or dad. All about me. I can't just pull him with me to death. Jack.. He's special. He's mine like i'm his. He doesn't say it but we know from eachother that we love eachother. I guess it's about time i let him see that. Moreover.. We never really got on a date. 

Suddenly a idea popped up in my head. What if i actually ask him on a date? I could send one of the boys to pick and drop him off. The girls could help me. I learned that Hora - especially she - and Jill love shopping. So, they could help me with the stuff to buy while Sarah helps with the setting. That's not a bad idea! 

I sighed once again, my feet dangling above the lake. I was currently sitting on a muddy rock by the scenery with my favorite flower - The Green ConeFlower. The  cold air-wind was whistling a soft but also sad, monotonous song. It fitted with my mood. 


Jack was angry, like really angry.. When he asked me "what the heck"- like he said, just happened i couldn't answer. When he asked me the 50th time, i broke. I ran away as quickly the wind was ruining my hair and came here. To the rock. And now i was planning on doing something.. Fixing a date, maybe? It should be here.. 

I looked around and smiled, meanwhile remembering the memore of coming here with Jack. It was here, well somewhere a little bit further where i exclaimed my feelings for him. Here that i ran away thinking that he didn't felt the same. But in reality he had Always been watching me. All the darn time. And i didn't noticed.. But yeaa, it wasn't really like he noticed me sneaking glances at him.  But he's a werewolf! 

I shooked my head, reluctantly. I have to stop thinking.. I want this fixed by today. I grinned remembering that in six days i was turning eighteen. The smile faltered a little that Jack still might be mad on my birthday. Well.. I hope that today i can explain everything. 

 Maybe he'll listen? 


We'll see.


'It's all set!' Stefan yelled to no one in particular. 

Everybody was helping me to make the date. Nobody- except Loyd - knew why i was doing this. They didn't asked, fortunately. They said it wasn't so hard to make up an excuse to get away from Jack, "he was drowning hisself in the Alpha work" as Ricky said. I learned that Cole was the Beta, Ricky the son of the pack docter and Stefan the third in command. 

I didn't quite understand all of it but i guess i do. 

'So how are we going to bring him to here?' Jill asked. Well she had a point there.. 

'Why don't we just say that there's a rogue attack or something like that?' Loyd asked.

Cole and Stefan quickly shook their head. 'That's not reasonable.' 

Loyd shrugged, frowning. 'Well i tried.' 

It was quiet for a few moments before Hora began grinning. Like me, everybody raised an eyebrow or just the two. 

'I have the perfect idea!' She giggled, excited. 

And what she told me next had me also grinning. 

'So i just lay down here?' I pointed to the spot where i was supposed to act like i was dying. It was quite the muddy and there where branches and wood lying on the place, but i guess i could deal with it, right? 

Sarah, Hora and Jill nodded. 'We'll just say that you tripped because you where crying or something.' Sarah shrugged. 

Jill nodded. 'That's a very good idea.' 

Sarah gave her a small smile before turning back to me. 

'So umm what i am wearing is it-'

Hora interrupted me quickly. 'Hun, what you're wearing is AF.' 

I looked down to my ragged jeans and plain sweater. I didn't found anything 'cool' or whatever about this, it was just me.. 

'It's just you, and that's why it fits you so good,' Hora added, like she could read my mind. 

'Thanks, i guess.' 

She laughed. 'If someone says "it fits because it's just you", then it's a compliment. Well not if a bitch is saying it or some dumb freaking dufus-loser.' 

'What did i say about you're cursing?' Sarah scolded her, while giving her a raised eyebrow. 

I could already see Hora mentally rolling her eyes.  

Jill crossed her arms, trying to look intimidating. It was far from that. With her petite frame she looked like some random small child that didn't get what she wanted. I chuckled because of that, making Jill glare playfully at me. 

'I don't know what you're talking about,' Hora told Sarah. 

'Ughhh, you're so freaking difficult!' She exclaimed, fixing her glasses back on her little cute nose. 

'Well damn, she said it herself,' Hora pointed out. 

I giggled with Jill. 'Do they do this all the time?' I whispered rather loudly.

'Yes. My two older sisters aren't even like this. Heck, they don't even talk! Let alone, bickering.' She replied. 

'I'm only child.' 

'Well congratulations,' She gave me a fake bitchy smile and snapped her fingers loudly, making Hora and Sarah stop the fighting and look at us. When the four of us made eye-contact, we lost it. I swear, i never- ever laughed so loudly, hard or long.

 This is the beginning of a great friendship.

"I agree." Black said.

'The boys are here,' Jill squealed suddenly, after we finished laughing. 

'And, Jack,' Sarah and Hora screeched at the same time. 

They gave eachother a glare before pointing to the exact same place where i had to lay down. I rolled my eyes before stretching and laying down. 

Let the show begin. 

"I agree." Black said.







_ Floor x

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