addictive // Simon Minter (mi...

By ohsnapitslara

2.5K 51 4

"I was so mesmerised by her, that I would risk my health just to be able to talk to her and impress her by ta... More



555 6 0
By ohsnapitslara

„Simon you've had enough." I sighed and refused to pour him another tequila shot.
„No Eleanor-„Elle" I interupted him. „Elle, give me my shot right now!" His english was incomprehensible, with all of this alcohol he had in his body.
„Okay." Me, being the best bartender of the world, I poured him water into a shot glass, obviously without him seeing and handed it over.
„On the house." I said, to which he just smirked. He downed it with one big gulp getting everyone's attention. „It didn't even burn, I think it's because I got used to the alcohol." I quietly snickered. It took him a couple of seconds until he turned around and looked at me. „You poured water in my shot again?!" he screamed, his face turning red.
„Sorry the music is too loud, I can't hear you!" I said and smirked.
„I swear to god!" He freaked out and threw his glass to the ground, luckily it didn't shatter.
This scene of Simon being completely legless would happen nearly daily.

I see everything that happens in this bar. I would be lying if I said I don't watch people's actions, especially when they are drunk. Simon is a really fun one to observe. Every night he's making out with a different girl, inappropriate dancing/language and having no respect for privacy.
"We're closing. Leave." Persistently, he's the only person left just before closing hours. He was sitting on a bar chair with his head in his hands. I start washing up all the dishes and don't acknowledge his presence at all. "See you tomorrow." he said before wonkily walking off. After one more hour of cleaning up, I can finally leave. My dad owns this bar that goes by the name „Wired" and I was lucky enough to work for him, the only downside is having night shifts but at least I get to see people completely wasted, which can be funny.

At times I do wonder how the hell Simon gets home but it's none of my business.
I walk down the unusually empty street of Oxford. It's so much more beautiful in the early hours of the day. I take a look at my phone. 3:05 am it read.
Within ten minutes I reach my doorstep. I live on my own but my parents flat is just around the corner, we often eat together.
I immediately change into sweatpants, turn on the TV and watch Netflix.
„Enough for today." I tell myself after watching six episodes of „The end of the fucking world." Netflix is very tempting and often irresistably hard to turn off.
My sleeping schedule is non existent. I dozed off at 6 am, it differs everyday.

At 9pm sharp, I open „Wired" as usual not much is happening, it takes a couple of hours until people rush in.

„My favourite!" I shrieked as soon as I saw Tobi walk in. He had a huge smile on his face. „How is my best friend?!" He opened his arms and I ran to him. „Absolutely amazing, only because you walked in." I hugged him and inhaled his scent. Tobi and I have been best friends for over 7 years now.

He left for holidays three weeks ago and I missed him so badly.
„I missed you so much." He said. „I missed you too."
Someone cleared their throat behind Tobi.
„Oh yes I almost forgot, Elle this is Simon, Simon this-„ I interupted Tobi. „I know who he is."
Tobi looked at me confused. „He's a regular." I walked behind the counter. „Apple Juice as always?" He nodded. I poured my best friend a glass. „Wait, how do you know him?" I pointed towards Simon, he was already on the dancefloor. „I met him on the football pitch closeby." „Alright, here you go." I handed him his drink. „It's on the house." I said. „Thank you Elle."  „Anything for you." I smiled at Tobi.

He took a sip of his drink. „I think I'm going to join Simon."
„Alright." I said while serving another customer. „Lady, I'm sorry but I clearly ordered a Gin & Tonic not a Martini." I mentally rolled my eyes at this intoxicated middle aged man.
„Sir, what you're holding is a Gin & Tonic."
„Oh right." He said and drank it.

„Tough life huh?" I turned around to find Simon stepping behind the counter, which
distinctly read „Staff only"
„I suppose yours isn't better either and you can't be in here. Staff only!" I freaked out, to which he just laughed it off.
„Simon get out." He didn't listen to me and kept walking.
„Can I have a Tequila shot please?" He asked. „Yes but only when you're sitting at the
bar." I said crossing my arms. He has never done this before, so why now?
He sighed and sat on a bar stool infront of the counter. I handed him the Tequila shot.
Just as he paid me, I heard Tobi's footsteps getting closer.
„Hey! Call him out he's in the restricted area." Simon said.
I started laughing. „Oh no, he's basically family."

„Simon mate that's enough." Tobi said shaking his head after Simon took his ninth shot
I think. „Tobi let it go he does this everyday." „Elle are you being serious? Why have
you never done anything against it?!" He screamed at me. „What am I meant to do, it's
his life." I defended myself. „Let's go Simon." Tobi grabbed his arm, to drag Simon. „He
won't come Tobi." „And why is that?" He asked me curious. „Because he always stays
until closing hours." I crossed my arms and decided to ignore them. This is not how I
imagined my first day of reuniting with my best friend would be like.
I watched Tobi trying to convince Simon to leave with him. „Let me go prick." Simon said.
„No need to get rude." Tobi said and then left alone.

Simon sat down on an empty stool infront of me. „Tequila shot?" „Of course." Obviously I put water in his shot glass. He took it and handed me the money, which I kept in my hand. Taking a sip of it he realised it was water. Rolling his eyes he stared at me. I smiled and handed him his
money back. „Please one more." He begged. „Sorry but you seriously had enough."
„Im sick of everyone telling me that!" „Raising your voice doesn't solve the problem." I crossed my arms and turned around, washing a couple of dishes.

„Excuse me." I turned around to face Tobi. „Hi, you're back." „Yes I am, I'm so sorry for acting like that, I was a prick and I didn't want to ruin our reunion day." I hugged him. „You didn't, we can still hang at mine or yours tonight." I smiled and he nodded. „I'll wait for you, can we go to mine, if you don't mind." „Of course let's go to yours under one condition." I put my index finger in the air. „Yes, you can lend my tracksuit bottoms out." Tobi already answered.
„Yes." I victoriously whispered.

"Simon, c'mon seriously leave." I was waiting for him to get up, I had cleaned up everything and Tobi was waiting for me in the car. He shook his head. "Give me one more minute."
"I already gave you 15 of them. Get up." He sighed and actually stood up, but only to fall to the ground and pass out. Shocked I run up to him. "Are you okay? Simon, answer." I slightly slap his face. Seconds pass until he opened his eyes again. "Thank the lord." I sigh relieved. I help him up. "You are a wreck, here drink this." I hand him a glass of water. "Tobi can drive you home." I say and interlock our arms so I can support him while walking. I lock the door to the bar. "Tobi we have a problem." I say pointing at Simon. "Why does he do this to himself?"
"I wouldn't know." I said. "Do you know where he lives?" I ask Tobi but he denies. "Simon, what's your address?" I say while having difficulties getting him in the car.

"Highway Road 7."

Tobi and I looked at each other shocked.


finally back with a new story.

How is everyone holding up? I hope you have an amazing day xx




xoxo Lara

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