Unforgettable Memories (ABDC...

By mexicanskittle

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"I'm sorry but do I know you?" Bailey said as I hugged him. I pulled away. "Bailey. It's me. Livi. Your besti... More

Unforgettable Memories (ABDC Love Story)
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 8

242 1 0
By mexicanskittle

In the morning, someone was knocking but I ignored it. I fell back asleep and my door clicked meaning someone opened my door. But only I have the key  who could have gotten in? I have no idea.

Next thing I know I'm in a van but I thought I was dreaming so I payed no attention to it. Then I'm dropped on hard floor. I looked around scared.

"WHY DID YOU DROP HER?!" someone yelled above me. I looked up and saw Josh and Greg arguing. I saw RNG, Elektrolytes and Stepboys around us. I was beyond confused.

"GREAT! YOU WOKE HER UP!" Greg said it Josh.

"YOU WERE THE ONE WHO DROPPED HER." I just laid on the floor and tried to go back to sleep. I mean this is a dream right? "JUST GET HER!" I heard Josh yell.

"No. Shes to fat!" I just ignored that comment.

"I'll do it." I heard another familiar voice say. I couldn't tell who exactly it is. But whoever it was picked me up. I snuggled into his chest. I felt warm. Hopefully whoever it was didn't leave me. We got somewhere and he put me down.

But before he let me go he whispered in my ear "Sorry." then me kissed my temple. I smiled a little.

"AW! Marcus you made her smile!" Jennique shrieked. Well that woke me up! WAIT! This isn't a dream!  AND MARCUS WAS CARRYING ME!

"JENNIQUE! You woke her up!" Josh said. He walked over to me and helped me up.

"wtf?! How did I end up here?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"We brought you!" Josh said.

"But I locked my door?" I asked in confusion.

"Yeah but Baileys mom had an extra key." Greg explained.

"Oh." Then I remembered he called me fat! "HEY! YOU CALLED ME FAT!" I punched his arm.

"You heard me?" he asked.

"YEAH! At first I thought I was dreaming." I pouted.

"I think you should change out of your pajamas." Josh laughed. I started to blush. Marcus and the guys were standing next to Greg.

"Um I would if I was back at the hotel and I had clothes. "

"We brought you clothes." Jennique said and handed me some clothes.

"WE PICKED IT OUT!" Stepboys shouted out.

I shook my head. "It better be appropriate clothes!"

"THEY ARE!" and with that I went into the bathroom to change. Jennique came in and did my makeup and hair: polyvore.com/wtf_mustaches_unforgettable_memories/set?id=510...

Thanks!" I hugged Jennique.

"Welcome!" We went over to Stepboys rehearsal room.

"Um a little to much mustaches?" I asked curious.

"NOPE! That's not even a lot!"

 I rolled my eyes. I saw Marina and Marcus talking. I rolled my eyes. I sighed.

"I'm still sleepy." I yawned and leaned my head onto Baileys shoulder.

"Lazyass." I heard Josh mumble. I hit his arm. "OW! WTF?!"

"I heard you."

"Oooh." RNG and Elektrolytes left to practice but I stayed with Stepboys. I laid on the floor with my legs up against the wall. Very awkward position by it was comfy xD

I was on YouTube watching eGO's video -> 

I love eGO ^.^ I started to laugh my ass off at the part where he spills the corona for his homies xD lol. He had a lot of homies;D nah he just didn't like the taste xD I looked up to see the guys looking at me. I took out my ear buds. 

"Can I help you?" I said with a smile.

"Why are you laughing? You sound like a crazy person." Josh said. I fake gasped.

"I'm watching a funny video." I pouted and continued to watch the video. Aw it finished ;(

I went on Pandora and just listened to music. Skyscraper by Demi Lovato came on. I love this song. I started to hum it but then I started to sing. I forgot the guys were there. The song finished. There was a long pause.

I didn't hear anything so I looked around and saw RNG, Elektrolytes, Mos Wanted and Stepboys in the room. Well of course Stepboys. But why the other crews? Jennique and Bailey came running over to me.

"DAMN GIRL! YOU CAN DANCE AND SING! What else can you do?" Jennique said.

"Ok I knew you could sing but not like that." Bailey said while smiling. I hid my face behind my hands./span>

"you guys heard me?" I asked in a whisper.

"Yeah. Stepboys called us saying we needed to hear something." Jennique answered. I looked up and playfully glared at Josh.

"Hey now. No glaring at me. You should be thanking me. Your so amazing! So I hear you can dance. Mind showing us?" Josh said with a smirk.

"I really don't wanna get up. Joey took a video of me dancing without asking. He could show you." Josh looked at Joey and he took out a camera and handed it to him.

I looked at Bailey and started to make faces. He just laughed and made faces back. I was then tackled by someone. I turned to see Josh.

"DOG PILE!" Greg shouted and jumped on Josh. Then the rest of Stepboys jumped on. Then Bailey and Jennique jumped on. I could barely breath.

"HARD TO BREATH!" I shouted. I tried to push them off but it was hard. Then slowly, one by one, they got off. As soon as they did I took a deep breath.

"You guys are FAT!" I mocked.

"Girl please. I gotts a six pack!" Josh shouted.

"OF ROLLS!" I shouted back.

"I am appalled!" he fake hurt.

"Love you!" I hugged him.

"LOVE YOU TOO!" he hugged back.

I turned towards the other crews and they were just smiling at me.

"Jus?" I asked in confusion.

"Your so weird." Ian said.

"Oh and your not? With your weird dance move from the other

morning?" I asked smirking.

"Hey. Don't hate 'cause you can't do it." he started to do it again. I rolled my eyes.

"Why would I wanna dance like a weirdo?" he lightly pushed me.

"Come on. Why WOULDN'T you wanna dance like a sexy weirdo like me?" he winked. I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Sure. Sexy weirdo. Pssh." I looked down at my phone to see 5 new messages.

Valeria texted me 3 times. Then Carlos texted me 2 times. Carlos was Michaels cousin.

Valeria- hey chikis.


-GURL ANSWER!!!!!!!!

I texted back -sorry I didn't respond mi amor :c

I looked at the messages Carlos sent me.

Carlos- wazzup gurl?

-I see how it is. You don't wanna text this sexy beast ;D

I smiled and responded -oh yeah. Cuz your sexy? Nah nah. My pinkie is more sexy than u C;

I looked to see only Stepboys in the room. They continued to practice. I just continued to text Valeria and Carlos. Carlos was telling me how on Friday they blazed it. Wait... O.o Friday was 420. Nice. Wait they always blaze it    -___- nothing new there.

During their break my brother texted me. He told me tomorrow he was taking me to Diana's casa!:D that means ima see Miranda for the first time!!! Jus!

The guys finished and I was tired. Even though I didn't do anything.

"Joshy. Carry me." I said sleepily. He just smiled and picked me up Bridal style. I wrapped my hands around his neck and snuggled closed to his chest. It wasn't the same when Marcus was carrying me :C

I heard some awes from the guys. I shook my head and felt Josh chuckle. I was drifting off to sleep when I heard Bailey call me. I turned to see him smiling.

"Jus love?" I whispered.

"I got monsters." he smiled evilly and took some monsters out from his backpack. I swear we're always drinking monsters xD

"I thought your mom said you guys couldn't have anymore monsters?" Josh asked.

"  yeah... But what she doesn't know, won't hurt her." Bailey handed me a monster and I chugged it. Bailey had just finished his. Bailey rode with us and he gave a monster to all of Stepboys. By the time we got to the hotel, we were beyond hyper.

We were running around the pool hollering random stuff. All of Stepboys jumped into the pool with their clothes on. No way in hell was I getting the water. Bailey and me continued to run around the hotel. We finally got tired and went to my room and crashed on the floor.

I woke up to my phone ringing. I got up and noticed Damon was calling.

"Hello?" I said in a tired voice.

"Oh good. I woke you up! GET READY! I'll be over in 30 minutes! Wear some comfortable shoes." I nodded then I realized he couldn't see me.

"Okay." he hung up. Bailey was still crashed on the floor. Time to wake up sleeping Bailey. I poked his side.

"BAILEY! GET UP!" I shouted in his hear. He bolted up. Well that was easier than I thought

"What time is it?" He asked.

"Um I'm not sure." I looked at my phone. "10!" He bolted up.

"I was supposed to be at ABDC school an hour ago!"

"I don't think the girls would of waited for you. I think Damon would give you a ride when he gets here."

"Which is when?"

"in 30 minutes." He nodded.

"Ima go change." he left to his room.

I got dressed in this:


Not to long after that Bailey came back wearing some sweats with a RNG shirt and a RNG hat. I took his hat and ran out. I got to the elevator but Bailey grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder. It sucks being short -___- We got in the elevator and went to the lobby. Surprisingly Damon was waiting for the elevator. I was still over Bailey's shoulder.

"DAMON!" I shouted. He just shook his head.

"Hey Damon." Bailey and him did a weird handshake.

"Um excuse me? Could you please put me down?" I asked. Bailey put me down.

"Thank you." I hugged Damon. "Could we give Bailey a lift to the studio? He overslept."

"Yeah." we headed out and got in his car. We dropped Bailey off.

"Ok. So we are going to walk to Diana's house. There is no parking where she lives so usually I leave my car at my place. Its not far from where she lives. Like a 15 minute walk. Exactly why I told you to wear comfortable shoes." he looked at my sandals. "Are those good for walking?" I shrugged. We got to his place and started to walk to Diana's. It was fun xD I made Damon carry me 'cause I'm lazy xD We got to her place. Before we could knock the door swung open. Revealing Drew. He smiled at Damon but gave me a confused look.

"This your girlfriend Damon?" Drew smirked.

"That would be gross. This is Ivory, my sister. Remember her?" My sister got married when I was 11 so I guess I changed a little.

"Oh. Wow. You look different." he let us in. "Um I was just leaving for work. Diana is in the kitchen." then he left.

We crept into the kitchen and saw Diana feeding Miranda. SHE WAS SO ADORABLE!

"DIANA!" I shouted. She jumped a little then looked at me. She had this huge smile on her face. I gave her a hug and we started to talk. Damon had to leave 'cause he had college.

At around noon her phone went off. She went into another room. I was holding Miranda. I LOVE HER ALREADY! And she loved me to ^_^ Diana came back looking at me and smiled.

"Ivory, my babysitter just cancelled on me. Would you mind looking after Miranda while I'm at work?"

"SURE!" I smiled at Miranda.

"I already had her bag packed for her other babysitter. She had a pool at her house so I packed her little swimsuit. So if you want, you could take her for a swim. There are extra clothes, diapers, everything you need for a night. I'll drop you off at your hotel." Diana got Miranda and we went to her car. She put her in a baby car seat. She drove us back to the hotel after I directed her where it was at. When we got to the hotel and Diana helped me get her stuff out. She left me her stroller. "I won't be able to pick her up until tomorrow afternoon. Drew is taking me out for our anniversary and I have a doctors appointment in the morning. Are you sure you can handle it?"

"OF COURSE!" With that, she got in her car and drove off. We went up to my room and just chilled. Miranda and me watched some cartoons. I think I'ma take her to meet the crews! ^_^ I put her in the stroller and headed out. I didn't text the guys so it's a surprise!

It wasn't a long walk. We finally got there to see all the crews in the big rehearsal room eating. They were laughing and joking around. Jerel saw me and ran over to me.

"IS THAT A BABY?!" He asked.

"YUP! Shes my niece, Miranda." Miranda looked up at Jerel with curious eyes.

"She is like sooooo adorable!" he said in a baby voice and started to play with her. "Can I hold her?"

"yeah." he got her out of her stroller and we walked over to Stepboys, who were with Elektrolytes.

"A BABY!" Josh yelled. Which made Miranda start to cry. Jerel started to rock her, and calm her down. I smiled at them. I took a quick pic with my phone.

"Whos is she?" Greg asked confused.

"This is my baby niece, Miranda." I said while smiling. All of them crowded around her and started to play with her. Marcus just stared at me. Miranda started to yawn. "Aw someone sleepy." she started to whimper. I took out a bottle. "Do you wanna feed her or should I?" I asked Nico. He was currently holding her.

"I can do it." He grabbed the bottle and fed her. They all went back to their own rehearsal room. I had to go to Elektrolytes room. Nico was still feeding Miranda.

"Nico, you should practice. I'll feed Miranda." he slowly handed me Miranda. She was close to falling asleep. I sat on a chair and watched her slowly fall asleep. I smiled her at. I can't wait to have kids of my own. I felt someone staring at me. I looked up to see Marcus smiling at me. I smiled back.

After a few hours of watching them practice, Miranda woke up. She was crawling all over the place. It was really cute because the guys were on a break and she was playing with Nico's hat. She has gotten close to him over these few hours. She started to put his hat in her mouth.

"Miranda, no. Not in your mouth." Nico playfully said.

"AW! NICO! You'll make an awesome daddy one day!" that made Nico blush.

"You really think so?" He asked.

"Yeah! If I didn't know y'all, I would think you were her dad." after that we went back to the hotel.

"We should go to the pool." Nico suggested.

"I won't be getting in." just then a stench hit me. I smiled down at a giggling Miranda. "Ewwies. Did someone make poopie?" I kissed her cheek. I took her to my room and changed her diaper. I then changed her into this.

I put on some shorts and a tank top. I grabbed her bag and headed to the lobby. When I got out of the room, I saw Elektrolytes waiting for the elevator. Miranda started to clap like crazy when she saw Nico. He turned around and smiled. Miranda started to reach towards him.

"She likes you better than me." I pouted. I handed Miranda over to Nico. Just then the elevator doors opened.

"It's 'cause I'm amazing."

"Sure." I rolled my eyes. "George. You should give me a piggy back ride." I raised my arms.

"Ok." I got on his back.

"why are you so fat?"

"WHY ARE PEOPLE ALWAYS CALLING ME FAT?!" I shrieked in his ear.

"OW!" he yelled and almost dropped me.

"Sowwy." we got off the elevator and headed to the pool. The guys jumped into the deep end. Except Nico. He was in the 4ft side with Miranda. I just sat on the edge watching them.

Miranda was having a good time with Nico. Josh, Greg, and Jerel joined them. I'm so bord. Bleh. Not to long after that, we headed back to our rooms and fell asleep. But Miranda didn't go to sleep until like 4am

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