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By TheGameIsOn97

29.7K 813 782

SEQUEL TO "DYING EMBERS" ~~~ Life returns... Life prevails... Everything has changed. And in the mysterious w... More

โญ๏ธTHE STARS OF TIMEโญ๏ธ
โค๏ธ SUMMARY โค๏ธ
Deep Breath โ€• II
Deep Breath โ€• III
Deep Breath โ€• IV
Deep Breath โ€• V (Final)
The Promised Land
๐Ÿงก CAST ๐Ÿงก
Evaldi Has Risen
Into the Dalek โ€• I
Into the Dalek โ€• II
Into the Dalek โ€• III
Into the Dalek โ€• IV (Final)
๐Ÿ˜ฎ OMG! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
A Hangover & Coffee, a Fireside Chat & Tea
Robot of Sherwood โ€• I
Robot of Sherwood โ€• II
Robot of Sherwood โ€• III
Robot of Sherwood โ€• IV (Final)
A Father's Concern
Listen โ€• I
Listen โ€• II
Listen โ€• III
Listen โ€• IV (Final)

Deep Breath โ€• I

2K 48 39
By TheGameIsOn97

HELLO!!! 😁

I'd forgotten how much I loved this episode, and how funny it was until I wrote it. 😂 Capaldi's official debut as the Doctor was actually a pretty amazing episode.

Guest stars, anyone?










The Impossibles and the Twins of Time are at Vastra and Jenny's, and the Couple of Time have gone off on their own (scary, right?).

How do you think Clara and Lucas fare in dealing with the regenerations of the Doctor and Lexi? Do they fare well? Not well? A bit of both? We shall see. . .

I very eagerly present to you. . . "Deep Breath"! 🦕

Enjoy! 😘

I would really appreciate it if you'd please leave comments. They are what keep me motivated to write more! <3


You must stop worrying about them, girl. By now, they've almost certainly had their throats cut by the violent poor. ❞

– Strax

━━ { ⋆。˚ 🌟 ˚。⋆ } ━━

London, England


"It's simply misunderstandable to me!" The Doctor ranted as he paced the length of a spare bedroom in Vastra and Jenny's house. Vastra watched in amusement as Sky and Jupiter worked on getting Lexi under the covers, both of them occasionally looking over at their father in concern. However, their concern was split somewhere else as well. Like it was said, they were working on getting their unconscious mother settled in the bed. The Doctor's first order of business when he had woken up had been to get Lexi somewhere safe. She still hadn't woken up yet, which had made her husband a bit concerned. However, it was her first time going through something like this. It could take a bit longer for her. Anyway, now that they were safely in a spare bedroom, the Doctor was now going off on Vastra. "I don't know what it is. Who invented this room?"

He opened the door to the hall, nearly making Clara, Lucas, Jenny and Marguerite fall in.

"Doctor, please, you have to calm down." Clara urged.

"It doesn't make sense!" The Doctor insisted. "Look, it's only got a bed in it. Why is there only a bed in it?"

"Because it's a bedroom. It's for sleeping in."

"Okay, what do you do when you're awake?"

"You leave the room." Jenny sighed.

The Doctor snorted. "So you've got a whole room for not being awake in. But what's the point? You're just missing the room. And don't look in that mirror, it's absolutely furious."

"I think that's just you, Dad." Jupiter snickered, standing up straight from brushing a piece of Lexi's hair off her forehead, said woman snuggling deeper under the covers as she continued to sleep.

The Doctor frowned, but Clara just looked like she was about ready to snap. "Doctor, please. You have to lie down. You keep passing out."

"Well, of course I keep passing out!" The Doctor rolled his eyes. "There's all these beds. Why do you keep talking like that? What's gone wrong with your accent?"

"Nothing's wrong with her accent." Jenny frowned.

"You sound the same." The Doctor pointed at her. "You all sound all... English! Now you've all developed a fault!"

"Dad," Sky sighed, completely ignoring the fact that his own father just apparently forgot he had Scottish accent. The Doctor turned to look at his son. "there's something I need your help with."

"Finally, someone who can talk properly." The Doctor sighed in relief.

"I don't usually ask for help, but I've actually been having trouble sleeping." Sky tilted his head slightly as he carefully sat down on the edge of the bed, patting the spot next to him. "Would you mind helping me with the use of a psychic link?"

"If it's for you, of course." The Doctor nodded, sitting down next to Sky before reaching to touch his temples. Sky was a Time Lord. He'd be able to handle something such as a psychic link with the Doctor. And if Sky was having trouble with something, such as falling asleep, the Doctor of course would help him. Just like he'd help Jupiter or Lexi. "Just one th-"

The moment the Doctor's fingers made contact, his eyes rolled up into his head and he fell back onto the bed, sound asleep.

Sky smirked. "Mummy's last self did teach me a few useful things."

"Clever, brother mine." Jupiter grinned, helping Sky tuck the Doctor in right next to Lexi. "Our dear father just doesn't always know when to quit, does he?"

"Never." Sky chuckled. "But you know, that's not really surprising."

"Oh, Marguerite, there is something I needed to ask you." Jupiter said in remembrance, turning towards the human-genie, holding up her parents wedding rings. "D'you mind working your magic and making these fit them again? I don't even think either of them realized they fell off."

"No at all." Marguerite smiled, Jupiter placing the rings in the palm of her hand as Lucas and Clara walked past them and over to the bed where the sleeping Couple of Time laid. "I'll get to work."

"So what now?" Lucas asked, gazing down at Lexi's sleeping face as Marguerite exited the room.

"They both need rest." Sky answered, glancing out the window and into the night, seeing the dinosaur off in the distance.

"But what do we do now?" Clara asked, kneeling beside the Doctor's side of the bed. "How do we fix them?"

Jupiter raised an eyebrow, Sky looking away from the window at Clara's words. "Fix them?"

"How do we change them back?"

Jupiter pressed her lips into a thin line before looking to Vastra. "Madame Vastra, would you mind if my brother and I use your conservatory?"

"Of course not." Vastra shook her head. "Jenny and I will go and have tea prepared for you."

"Thank you." Jupiter smiled at her before looking to Clara and Lucas again as Vastra and Jenny exited the room. "You two, out. We'll be there in a minute."

"I haven't even said anything." Lucas defended himself.

"We know you didn't. But Clara did." Sky responded, stepping up next to Jupiter. "And you know, you definitely are thinking something. And we'd like to know what. So please, go and wait for us."

"Do as we're told, yeah yeah. Fine." Lucas rolled his eyes, before nodding at Clara. "Come on, Clara. Let's give the time twins some privacy."

"Yeah, whatever." Clara sighed, just brushing past Lucas before exiting the room.

Lucas just sighed, giving Sky and Jupiter an apologetic look before he went and followed after Clara.

Jupiter then turned to her brother once they were alone. "What are we going to do, Sky? What are we supposed to tell them?"

"We'll see what they have to say first." He responded, casting one more glance at his asleep parents before he and Jupiter made their way out of the room. "Maybe then we can get them to understand what's actually happened a bit better."


"Alright." Jupiter sighed, she and Sky sitting down in a couple of chairs across from Clara and Lucas in Vastra's conservatory. "One at a time. Clara, you first."

Clara inhaled deeply before just letting it all out. "How do we fix them?" She blurted out. "How do we get the Glorious to be her fun loving, sassy red-headed self again? How do we get the Doctor to be young like before? How did the Glorious get to be blonde and English, and shrink half a foot? Where did the Doctor get his face? Why's it got lines on it? It's brand new. How can his hair be all grey? He only just got it! It's like they're not here anymore! And I get why you and Sky understand better, they're your parents. But the Doctor doesn't look like he's renewed himself! And yes, the Glorious still looks young, but she's not who we know! They're just... they're just not the same."

"Are you done?" Sky raised a slightly amused eyebrow, watching as Clara caught her breath.

Clara blinked, opening her mouth to say something else when she realized that... she didn't actually have anything left to say at all. "Yes."

"Okay, then." Sky nodded before looking to Lucas. "Anything you'd like to say?"

Lucas sighed, taking a sip of his tea before placing it aside. "It's just..." He tilted his head slightly, trying to pick out the right words, wringing his hands together as he sat forward in his seat. "It's like... I knew that it could happen, but... actually seeing it happen... it's hard to process."

"Alright, we can work with that." Jupiter nodded, setting her own teacup aside before looking straight at Clara and Lucas. "Sky and I understand why you're feeling this way. We get why you don't fully understand it all. Hell, we're trying to process it ourselves. True, our Dad looked younger. He looked quite a bit younger. Key word: looked. But he's lived for centuries and centuries. Yes, it surprised us some to see him change into this, but that doesn't mean we love him any less. It's still him."

"And our Mum, yes she still looks young." Sky continued. "However, we do have to remember that she is now over nine hundred years old. Of course she no longer looks like the mother we've always known, but it's still her."

"The point is, they could change into anything." Jupiter told them. "Our father has had many faces. His first incarnation was the oldest of them all until the War Doctor. And this is only our mother's second face. She's never gone through this before now. Basically, regeneration is a lottery. Just like you've heard before."

"No matter what they look like, they're still Mum and Dad to us." Sky said, leaning forward in his seat. "Just like they should still be the Glorious and the Doctor to you."

"We're not trying to say how you should feel." Jupiter interjected. "We're just hoping to get you to see a way of looking at all of this so it won't be as difficult to come to terms with."

"'Cause like it or not, this is what it is." Sky added. "I mean, one day Jupe and I are going to change. We don't know when or who we'll change into, but it's going happen at some point."

Jupiter tilted her head as she looked at the two friends. "How would you feel if me and Sky had changed?"

"I don't... I don't know." Lucas finally got out.

"Exactly. Because you can't." Sky pointed out. "No one can ever truly tell how they'll feel until they actually experience it."

"But even then, it doesn't matter." Jupiter shook her head. "True, the Doctor and the Glorious look different. Our father and mother look different. Their personalities will most certainly have changed a bit as well. But the memories, their memories, still remain. They are there... And isn't that what really matters in the end?"


Having somehow managed to move closer to her husband in her sleep, Lexi laid with her head on his chest, soft snores escaping through her slightly parted lips.

The Doctor then sniffed twice before bolting upright, causing Lexi to fall face-first into his pillow. However, she did not wake and just made a noise of discontent before rolling over on her side away from the Doctor.

The Doctor glanced over and down at her, smiling slightly before he was kicked and accidentally pushed out of the bed, making a thud on the floor as Lexi snuggled deeper under the covers.

"Are you going to be a bed hogger now?" The Doctor muttered, rubbing his arm where he had landed on it before getting to his feet, pausing when he heard the dinosaur roar again. He went to the door and opened it, then paused. "Door. Boring. Not me." He said quickly, then shut the door again before going to the window and opening it. He grinned. "Me!"


"I'm sorry." Clara said. "It's just a lot to take in. And -"

"Look, we get it." Sky cut her off. "I mean, we can't completely know since we haven't changed ourselves." He said, gesturing at himself and Jupiter. "But we understand it enough to realize that there's no changing what happened. We make peace with what we now have, and we care for them as much as possible so they don't feel like they're being abandoned."

"Who said anything about abandoning them?" Lucas asked in surprise.

Jupiter gave him an incredulous look. "Well, you and Clara aren't really giving much indication that you're... oh, I don't know... wanting to help them?"

Lucas raised his eyebrows. "Oh, really?"


Lexi stirred, making a noise and sniffling before her eyes shot open and she sat straight up. She instinctively looked to her side to see the Doctor's side of the bed empty. Concerned, she quickly flung the covers off of herself and got out of bed, pausing when she saw herself in the full length mirror. She tilted her head slightly, putting a hand to the side of her face as she gazed into her two different colored eyes. Her one blue eye, cold as ice. And her one green eye, as brilliant as an emerald like her husband's last self had.

"Am I shorter?" She muttered suddenly, lightly bouncing on the balls of her feet, making the D&G necklace she still wore around her neck jingle slightly. "Who shrinks half a foot?" She asked herself, pausing when she heard the dinosaur roar. She quickly rushed over to the window, just then noticing that it was open. "Oh, that's so him." She grinned before rushing for the bedroom door, snatching a dressing gown off a chair as she passed it.


The Doctor, dressed only in his full-length nightshirt, made his way across the rooftops as he worked his way towards the river.

"Oi!" He called to the dinosaur. "Oi! Oi, you dinosaur! Oi! Sorry, sorry, it's all my fault. My time machine got stuck in your throat. It happens. I brought you along by accident. That's mostly how I meet girls, but don't worry, I promise my wife and I will get you home. You know, once she's woken up. I swear. Whatever it takes, I will keep you safe. You will be at home again." He paused when the dinosaur suddenly burst into flames, said dinosaur roaring one last time before she collapsed. "Stop that!" His eyes widened. "Who's doing that? No, don't do that!"


The time twins and the Impossibles all shot out of their chairs, having heard the sound of the dinosaur.

"That was the dinosaur!" Clara spun around.

"Where did that come from?" Lucas asked in concern just as a certain someone rushed into the room.

"The river." Lexi said before spinning around and running back out of the room. "Vastra!" She shouted as everyone ran after her. "We need a carriage, now!"


The Doctor leapt down from the roof into a nearby tree, wincing when the branch broke under him, causing him to fall through the branches of the tree until he hit the lowest one, his legs helping him hang upside down. "Ow." His eyes brightened a bit when a horse-drawn cab came into view. "Halt!" He ordered, causing the horse to stop. "Sorry, I'm going to have to relieve you of your pet."

"You're what?" The cabbie blinked.

"Shut up, I was talking to the horse."

The Doctor then flipped and dropped from the branch onto the back of the horse. He then used his sonic to sever the reins. "What are you doing?" The cabbie stared at him.

"Forwards!" The Doctor ordered, the horse then galloping off.

And only a few moments later, Strax came by, driving Vastra's carriage, carrying Vastra, Jenny, Lexi, the time twins and the Impossibles past as well while a distinct glowing purple mist flowed through the air, indicating that Marguerite was following them, too.

"Out of the way, human scum!" Strax growled. "Hiyah! Jurassic Emergency! Yah!"


"Left!" The Doctor ordered the horse, then shook his head. "No, no. Right, right, right, right! Sorry, it's my new hands, I can't tell them apart."


"What do you think's happened?" Jenny asked while the seven of them were in the carriage as it raced through the streets.

"I don't know, but I fear devilment." Vastra answered as the glowing purple mist of Marguerite raced past her carriage window.

"Should we not have told the Doctor?" Clara asked.

Lexi just smirked. "Do we not know the Doctor at all?"

Lucas closed his eyes. "He climbed out the window, didn't he?"

Lexi just laughed.


"Watch it on the corners." The Doctor warned the horse. "It's a bit slippery up here."


"Strax!" Vastra shouted out the door. "Come on, Strax!"

With her head stuck out the window, Jupiter grinned as she saw a wave of the glowing purple mist of Marguerite hit the back of the horse, sending it off faster. "That's better!"


The Doctor quickly arrived on the closest bridge crossing the Thames where the dinosaur was killed.

"Sorry, sorry. I'm sorry, sorry, sorry." The Doctor whispered as he dismounted the horse and leapt onto the railing overlooking the still-burning remains.

He then heard a carriage stop behind him before feeling a hand take his a few moments later.

"Doctor." Lexi whispered.

"She was scared." The Doctor shook his head as Lexi climbed up to stand on the railing with him, the dressing gown she was wearing blowing in the night breeze as everyone else climbed out of the carriage, Marguerite manifesting again into her human-looking form. "She was scared and alone. I brought her here, and look what they did."

"This wasn't your fault." Lexi tried to tell him, gripping onto his hand tighter.

"Who or what could have done this thing?" Vastra asked, looking over the side of the bridge and down at the burning dinosaur.

"No." The Doctor shook his head.

"I'm sorry?"

"No, that is not the question. That is not where we start."

"The question is how." Strax said. "The flesh itself has been combusted."

"No, no, shut up." The Doctor shook his head. "What do you all have for brains, pudding? Look at you. Why can't I meet a decent species?" He looked down at Lexi. "Planet of the pudding brains."

"Ahem." Sky cleared his throat as Clara walked up next to him. "I think you might want to rephrase that, Dad."

Lexi raised an eyebrow as she looked up at her husband. "Are you calling the woman you fell in love with a pudding brain?"

The Doctor paused. "Maybe I should've thought that out more... Some of them are better than others, I will admit."

"I should hope so." Lucas mumbled as Jupiter stepped up next to him, not taking her eyes off her parents.

"Doctor, we know you're upset, but you need to calm down and talk to us." Clara told him. "What is the question?"

"A dinosaur is burning in the heart of London." The Doctor observed. "Nothing left but smoke and flame. The question is, have there been any similar murders?"

Vastra's eyes widened. "Yes! Yes, by the Goddess, there have!"

"Look at them all, gawking." The Doctor gestured around. "Question two: If all the pudding brains are gawking... then what is he?"

Everyone turned to see where the Doctor was pointing, all of then seeing one man walking away calmly.

Marguerite tilted her head as she watched the man. "He seems remarkably calm about the whole spectacle happening in front of him."

"Do you think that's whoever -" Jupiter began.

Lexi sighed when she felt the Doctor let go of her hand before jumping. She pinched the bridge of her nose a moment later when she heard a splash down below. "Again... That's so him."

"What's he doing?" Clara rushed to look over. "He'll drown!"

"I very much doubt it." Vastra said as a matter-of-fact.

"An innocent creature has been murdered." Lexi stated as she hopped down from the railing of the bridge. "The Doctor has never exactly taken kindly to something like that. And we shouldn't either." She said as she went and mounted the horse the Doctor had arrived on. "I shall see you all later. You know what to do!" She smiled, patting the side of the horse. "Ta-ta!"

"Where is she going?" Lucas asked, wide eyed as he watched Lexi gallop off on the horse.

Vastra smirked. "The Doctor and the Glorious are always concerned for each other. If either one of them goes off somewhere during a situation such as this one, the other won't be far behind."

"So even though they're both not really stable at the moment," Clara began, trying to make sense of things. "they'll still try and help each other?"

"They're the Couple of Time." Sky nodded. "It's what they do."

━━ { ⋆。˚ 🌟 ˚。⋆ } ━━

Please leave your wonderful comments below and don't forget to vote! <3

– Maddy Xx

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