Love is not compatible || Con...

MysticAllen द्वारा

518K 18.8K 15.9K

Y/N was born in a world without androids. When she was ten, Chloe, the first android was created. Is this why... अधिक

*Chapter 1*
*Chapter 2*
*Chapter 3*
*Chapter 5*
*Chapter 6*
*Chapter 7*
*Chapter 8*
*Chapter 9*
*Chapter 10*
*Chapter 11*
*Chapter 12*
*Chapter 13*
*Chapter 14*
*Chapter 15*
Not an update but a thank you
#1: Sleep like the humans do
#2: I love you, not him
#3 Happy birthday Connor!
#4 You need to stop that

*Chapter 4*

29K 1.1K 1.1K
MysticAllen द्वारा

First published: June 17th 2018
Last edited: 1st March 2022

Words: 1786

Once again Y/N found herself sitting in the back seat of the car. She was looking out the window. It was still raining. She had to remind herself to be happy that it wasn't snowing. Detroit in the snow was too cold. Even some androids can't handle the cold. It had been known for some of them to freeze on the spot. 

The AX400 they were investigating had been spotted robbing a shop and now they were interviewing any possible buildings and shops in the area. A local bus employee mentioned he had been an android and a child seeking shelter the night before. The motel near the robbed store seemed like a logical place to start. 

"No androids allowed," Connor said out loud reading the sign plastered on the door in large letters.
"I'm sure they will let you in if you are with us," Y/N said in reassurance. They stepped into the main lobby area where a very bored man was working at the desk. He looked at Connor with a dirty look before both Y/N and Hank brought their badges out.

"Lieutenant Anderson, Officer Y/L/N," Hank introduced, "Detroit police. We're looking for a female android, robbed a store down the road last night, you see anything?" The man scoffed.
"An android? I don't take androids here." Once again he looked at Connor with disgust. Connor raised his palm and showed the picture of the AX400. The man looked angry. "I knew there was something weird about her! She came in last night, she was dressed... normal you know. There was no way to tell."
"Could she still be here?" Y/N asked.
"Should be. Hasn't returned the key. Room 28."

They left the main lobby area and walked outside back into the rain. Hank called for more officers to cordon off the area and investigate. If she wasn't in her room she couldn't be far.
"Come on Connor," Y/N said walking towards the stairway that lead towards the rooms.
"Hold up. Where do you think you are going alone?" Hank said jogging up to them.
"I'm not alone? Connor is with me?"
"Hell no. Connor. You go wait in the car. That's an order." Hank barked. 

"Lieutenant. It would be better for the investigation if I accompany the two of you. Deviants are one of my specialties." Connor argued for his case to stay.
"You and your deviants," Hanks grumbled. "Fine. Come with us. But stay behind us. We don't know if it's dangerous or not."
"Hanks warming up to you." Y/N said loudly to Connor just to tease Hank.
"No what I mean is, we have guns and he doesn't." 

They both drew their guns and slowly approached room 28. Hank placed a finger to his lips telling the other two to be quiet. He slowly opened the door and walked inside gun pointed ready to defend himself if necessary. Y/N did the same. Connor just walked in. The place was empty and the back window was open. They had escaped. Y/N was partially happy they had escaped. Ever since she had heard the story of that man who killed children with rainwater she was creeped out whenever she saw a motel... it didn't help that it was raining. Hank was furious.

They were in the car again. Connor was confused. They had no lead and this was not the way back to the station.
"Lieutenant, where are we going?" Hank was silent. Y/N looked down at her wrist.
"The same place he goes every day at 3 pm." Before Connor could ask what that was they pulled up and Hank got out. They then saw a car almost hit into the side of him.
"That man." Y/N chuckled.
"I feel like the lieutenant doesn't like me," Connor said out loud.
"He doesn't like anyone to be honest," Y/N said absentmindedly. 
"He likes you."
"Everyone likes me." She said with fake confidence. She truly believed no one liked her. But from what Connor had seen many people at the station liked and respected her. He even felt...

Software instability.

"What can I do to make it right with him?" Connor asked wanting to make it right.
"Well, you were doing well at the station making small talk. That was until you mentioned the game... ask him questions. He seemed to like answering them. He doesn't talk much to people but I think it's because they haven't bothered to get to know him." Connor nodded at the advice and the two got out of the car and crossed the road. 

Pedro was talking to Hank telling him about some amazing high stake bet he should place. Same old Pedro. Once a week he came here at the same time as Hank so they could gamble. Y/N ducked down and under the food trucks flap in an attempt to stay dry.
"Hey Y/N. How about you? You in?" Pedro asked.
"Pedro, you ask me every week and every week what do I say?"
"No. But you can't stop me from trying." He laughed and jogged on both feet.
"Oh, I think I could." She joked. Pedro shrugged his shoulders and walked off with Hank's money. 

Connor stepped forward and joined them out of the rain. Hank groaned.
"What is your problem? Don't you ever do as your told? Look, you don't have to follow me around like a poodle. I already have one." He gestured to Y/N who playfully glared.
"I'm sorry for my behavior back at the police station. I didn't mean to be unpleasant."
"Oh wow. Y/N did you hear that? They make brown-nosed programs!" He was highly amused by this. 

Gary handed Hank his burger.
"Can I get you anything Y/N?"
"No thank you, Gary. I'm good." Hank walked over to a nearby table that had an umbrella for shelter from the rain.
"Don't leave that thing here!" Gary complained pointing to Connor with his food prongs.
"Not likely. The thing follows me around everywhere." and if on queue Connor joined Hank. 

At the table, Connor leaned in and almost whispered.
"This Pedro. He was proposing illegal gambling." He said it in a way that he was shocked that this would occur.
"No?" Y/N said overdramatically with her hand over her mouth. Hank snorted.
"Am I right?" Connor asked now unsure that Y/N said no.
"Yeah," Hank answered.

"And you made a bet?" Connor was stunned by this behavior. It was bad for anyone to break the law. Especially a member of the law.
"Yeah." Hank nodded and took a bite out of his burger as if it was nothing. Connor looked so confused and amazed at the same time. Y/N studied his face. For someone with no emotions, his face betrayed him. Connor changed the conversation. It was like he had learned all he could from that conversation and wanted a new topic with new information.

"Your meal contains 1.4 times the recommended daily intake of calories and twice the cholesterol. You shouldn't eat that. Y/N was right to reject buying one for herself." Hank shrugged.
"Everyone has to die of something." Connor looked at Y/N and he thought of the conversation they had in the car. Questions.

"Is there anything you would like to know about me?" Connor asked.
"Hell no!" Hank quickly responded. "Well... uh... why did they make you look goofy and give you that weird voice?"
"Cyberlife androids are made to work harmoniously with humans. Both my voice and my appearance were specifically designed to facilitate my integration."
"Well... they fucked up," Hank admitted.

"The evidence behind the rise in Y/N's heart rate and the blood rising to the surface of her cheeks would disagree with your statement." Y/N's mouth opened like a fish.
"Is he allowed to do that?" Y/N asked Hank. She was shocked. She looked back at Connor who winked at her. "Oh my God. I hate you both. I wish I had never met either of you!" She turned away from the two men and hid her face. She couldn't believe this was happening. Both Hank and Connor laughed.

Software instability

"So," Hank said moving the conversation on. "Have you dealt with deviants before?"
"A few months back. A deviant was threatening to jump from a building with a little girl." Y/N turned back around.
"She must have been so scared." She said sympathizing. 
"I managed to save her," Connor added, Y/N let out a sigh of relief.

"So you've done all your homework, right? Know all there is to know about us." Hank gestured with his hands to let Connor tell them what he knew. 
"I know you, Hank, graduated top of your class. You made a name for yourself in several cases and became the youngest lieutenant in Detroit. I also know you have received several disciplinary warnings in recent years and you spend a lot of time in bars. Y/N was sent to live in a communal home at the age of 15. You were determined to become an officer so joined the academy as soon as you could. You have no listed family in your records. You were the first partner the lieutenant had in years and nobody knows why." 

Hank and Y/N shared a look before Hank asked, 
"So, what're your conclusions?"
"I think working with officers with personal issues is an added challenge. But adapting to human unpredictability is one of my features." And he winked again.
"Okay, who taught him how to wink?" Y/N asked.
"I just got a report of a suspected deviant. It's a few blocks away. We should have a look. I'll let you finish your meal. I'll be in the car if you need me." Once he was gone it gave Hank and Y/N time to talk to each other.

"What do you think of him then?" Hank asked. "And spare me the high school bull shit."
"I think he's going to be helpful in these cases. Who knows more about androids than an android. What do you think of him?"
"I'm not sure." He admitted.
"Come on Hank. I see you are starting to warm up to him. Don't lie to me."
"But he follows me around and never does as he's told."
"Remind you of anyone?" She smiled. 
"You were different. You had a past. You had a story to tell. He's... he has no story."
"He told you about the deviant and the girl he saved a few months ago. That was a story" Hank sighed and threw his trash in the bin almost missing.
"Come on. We need to go to this Crime scene. I think if androids could cry. Connor would at the fact we aren't there yet."       

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